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    Snehk's Dreamlands


    by , 03-10-2016 at 04:23 PM (417 Views)
    First dream

    I was running around an enormous pine forest. I was wearing my forestry uniform, and there were lots of people in the forest too. There were forwarders loaded to the brim with huge pine logs. Our task was to take necessary measurements and count the timber volume. Most of groups finished rather quickly and only I had to count ever-growing piles of timber.

    Second dream

    I was a soldier, fighting on a battlefield. Three were grenades and rockets flying all round. I was trying to jump from a fence to a building site, but a grenade destroyed it and I had to find another way. I shot a few other soldiers and finally got closer to my destination, but I was shot. I lost my strengths and fallen on the ground.

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