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    Snehk's Dreamlands


    by , 04-26-2015 at 12:04 PM (510 Views)
    Bloodbath and alien hunting

    With two friends we took sawed-off shotguns, and wanted to make a small bloodbath. Everything looked like a DOS FPS game. We were chasing eachother in an old village. Running through old cathedral, empty streets and abandoned sections of the village.

    It was quiet. I knew that they have allied against me, and are preparing an ambush. I decided to enter sewers, go out of it in a nearest building, and take dark alleys. I wanted to make my own ambush at a crossroad, on top of one building.

    I got out of alley, and something jumped in front of me. It was xenomorph from Alien movie. I tried to shoot it down, but it resisted my shots. It grabbed me in its hands and eaten me. After a few seconds I respawned in a place far away from that crossroad.

    I heard screams. They must've met the alien. I waited, but they haven't respawned. Mad, I wanted to avenge my friends, and went on a rampage against the alien.

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