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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. Dark lords of the cheese citadel, the yellow bird

      by , 01-09-2015 at 10:27 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      First dream

      I was unskilled, yet strong warrior. I worked as a freelancer mercenary in a small town. One day some knights appeared and told people that they need some help fighting dark lords. I joined them, and we started our journey. We were getting close, and when dark knight attacked my companions escaped frightened. I took a strategy, to run away, and try to strike. Suddenly mystical energies gave me power and I was using spells against the dread champion. We fought until the evening, with the gigantic citadel of molten cheese in the background.

      Second dream

      I recall only a fragment of this dream. I was walking down the road. It was cold, everything around was covered with snow. As I walked, I looked up and saw fat, yellow bird fying across the sky.
    2. Couldn't recall much

      by , 01-08-2015 at 10:02 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      I remember only brief moments of the dream. I was looking at a dwarf, who was standing in the fortress, near the wall where vampire was closed. He was wearing grey cloak, and he was shouting.
    3. After the great war, writing a story

      by , 01-07-2015 at 10:29 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      First dream

      With my friends we were in a post nuclear war city. We were going through some alleys, and we were ambushed by a large group of bandits. We have spread out, but most of them ran after me. I was fighting, and brought them to their knees with a few puches. Then, I ran through some abandoned flats, and met my friend in the power plant. We tried to turn the generators on, and we made it.

      Second dream

      I was writing a story about that first dream, and it had even good reviews, although some flaws were spotted.

      *Dreams about dreams...*
    4. Sick brother

      by , 01-06-2015 at 09:55 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      *Crappy sleep that night, I can't recall much.

      I was in my home. I was going through the corridor to my room. When I entered it, I saw my older brother. He was sick, and had red pustules all over his face.
    5. Jogging, festival and driving a truck

      by , 01-05-2015 at 10:46 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      *Again had troubles with sleeping, but I can recall some fragments.*

      First dream

      Sunny, warm afternoon. I was in the backyard of my home. Suddenly I started to run around my home without any general direction.

      Scond dream

      I was at a great festival in Montreal. People were celebrating, although I can't recall why. It was during cold, dark evening.

      Third dream

      I was a truck driver. While driving from my home, I took a woman as a passenger. She was young, slim brunette with a bit dark carnation. She was pregnant, and I had to take her to the hospital.
    6. Deathmatch, family meeting, sightseeing in Greece

      by , 01-04-2015 at 12:31 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      Deathmatch - revolutionary TV show

      Local television created a new show called Deathmatch. They picked up random people, used chemical substance turning human in a mindless killing machine, and dropped them in their arena. It was made as a farmland at the late evening. I was one of the picked up people. Everyone i saw was deformed, and looked like monster. I was fighting, killing everyone trying to stop me. When I was alone with a granny and her dog, the countdown timer started. I quickly ran to her, and killed her and her dog. Then the show was over. I was standing in the middle of arena, surrounded by piles of bodies and dancing a winner dance.

      Family meeting

      I was in my aunts home. We were sitting near the table and talking.

      A trip to the Greece - DILD

      With my siblings and friend we drove to Greece, to the family I was guest once in the past. We were sightseeing in the big city. The streets were crowded, but the was no gridlock on the road. We were crossing the streets in dangerous places, often jumping in front of cars, and sat on the bench. We then decided to go to the church, where famous greek singer performs. We entered the church. It was built in baroque style and rich in ornament. There was a coffin of a hero there. We sat on one of the benches. They were hanging on the chains, so you could swung on them. After a while, the singer appeared on the balcony, high, close to the roof. She was a beautiful, slim and tall woman. She was brunette, with full red lips. She was wearing a black evening gown. Her voice was as beautiful as her appearance. I couldn't control the bench, which swung like crazy. When the performance ended, we wanted to go to the shop, but we were attacked by zombies. I was trying to beat them with my fists, but they were too strong. Luckily someone helped us. We entered the shop and wanted to buy some snacks, but there was a zombie woman, who after time became more and more normal, tough aggression stayed. I was escaping from her, and thrown random objects at her. She was still chasing me. While running near the shelves with wine, I grabbed one bottle and thrown it at her. She catched it, and ran after me. I finally come closer to her, and told her that it's best to stop, chosen a snack and went to pay. The cashier told me that it cost 11 euros. I could buy that, but 11 euros for a stupid snack?! I went back to the shelves with snacks, and took another one. I payed 3 euros, and opened it. It was a pack of white chocolate balls, but inside there were miniature tennis balls.
      I became lucid, and told myself It's a dream, and I could've taken something better. I thought to myself that there was a wine stand nearby, ideal occasion for basic TOTM!
      Suddenly I heard alarm clock and immediately woke up.
    7. Battle in cloakroom

      by , 01-03-2015 at 11:04 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      I drove to school with my mother and older sister. Mother went to the parents meeting. Sister had really important exams, and I was waiting for them in the school cloakroom. Suddenly the tallest guy in my class appeared. We become aggressive towards ourselves, although he tried to calm me down. I shouted I'll bash your skull! Then sister and mother came, and tried to calm me down. I went outside, waiting for them, but after a while I went back there. My class ended school day, I greeted with one of them, as we drove there in the late afternoon. I avoided interacting with anyone else. I sat down, and waited.
    8. The murderous bug

      by , 01-02-2015 at 10:12 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      I was in my home. I had a tropical bug as a pet. The only problem was that it could kill a human with one bite. It had highly dangerous neurotoxin. It was kept in secure place, but somehow it escaped. With my younger sister we were trying to find it. It made lots of nests in my room, but most of them were empty. Finally, we have found him lying in my bed, under the pillow, waiting for me to fall asleep.
      Tags: bug, neurotoxin
    9. Possessed by unknown forces

      by , 01-01-2015 at 11:54 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      I was in school. The classroom was old. I was sitting in the front of classroom. We were talking about a boy who died on a heart attack here. There was a girl who can sense his presence in the classroom. I looked all over the classroom, searching for any abnormalities. I took my glasses off, and in the blur, I saw a transparent shape moving all around. When I went out of school, I met that girl and talked with her about that. We decided to find any clues about that boy. We found that he couldn't pass the exams a few times, and spent twenty years trying to finish them, and that he had a descendant. We decided to find this child. Once when walking through a park, we were possessed by unknown forces. I saw myself and the girl from the third person perspective. Yellow light emanated from our eyes. We were aggressive towards everyone in sight. When it was over, we have found out that the ghost cursed us, and we were in grudge with the lords of the underworld. Next we have found the ghost's descendant in the poorest section of town. The man must have died recently, since the child is only a few months old. Another day in school, we were possessed again. Everything went black. When my vision returned, I found myself lying on the ground in front of my house.
    10. Family Meeting, blood donating and hobbit

      by , 12-31-2014 at 10:44 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      Meeting with family

      I went out of my aunts home. I could easily spot each member of my family. They were talking and laughing. Younger members were playing volleyball. I tried to find a good spot, and I saw a bench. In some places it was hidden behind some pillars. I sat behind one of those pillars, and felt better. I heard my family talking about going to church somewhere in a city.

      *Mother told me that while I was sleeping, my aunt with her daughter drove to the hospital with a woman. Their car broke near my house, so father helped them repair the car. After repairing they were sitting in our kitchen, and talking about mass for my dead uncle. I must've heard them from my room, and it incubated the dream.*

      Donating my blood

      I was in my kitchen. There was a weird device for donating blood. You had to take needle and stab yourself in the tongue. Machine then would suck your blood from artery placed there. My mother told me to use it, and that it's for helping the hospital.

      The school play

      With my younger sister we were chosen to participate in a school play. It was recreation of story from Hobbit book. I went to the room where other actors were preparing. It was a room full of weapon replicas and training dummies. We had to train for the battle scenes. I was searching for a long sword, but couldn't find any.
    11. Chain of non-lucids and DILDs

      by , 12-30-2014 at 10:44 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      Crisis and sleeping in wardrobe

      I was in my home. It was during the great crisis. Government have sent a message to citizens, that there can be no more than three persons in home. My family told me to hide in the wardrobe, and they won't find me there. I tried to sleep, but I couldn't. My youngr sister came. She tried to hide with me, but I told her to get lost. She went to mother, and told her that I'm drunk and rude. Mother came to me. I told her that I'm not drunk. She told me that government overcame the crisis, and I can sleep in my bed again.

      DILD - the friendly wolf

      I was outside my home, tidying our barn. Then I saw a wolf. It was angry, and barked at me.
      I become lucid, and started whistling to the wolf. Then I told Why are you so aggresive? Confused wolf replied I am a wolf! What I'm supposed to do? I told Of course you are a wolf.... The wolf attacked me before I fully replied. Then I shouted You are a wolf, but kind and polite one! The wolf stopped barking, or trying to bite me. It replied Oh, I'm sorry about that, friend.
      I wanted to go somewhere with my new friend, but I lost my lucidity, and another non-lucid dream started.

      Detective haunted by nightmares

      It was in 1923. I was a private detective. I drove to the great metropoly by train. I went out of train. My client told me to search for some bodies in the sewers. I wanted to go to the city instead. I walked from the train station pavement to the cobbled road. Suddenly I heard moaning and screams. I went on, a little frightened by the voices. Then I heard a gravely voice telling me Go straight that way.. I have moved back, but I overcame fear and went on. I felt stron pain in my chest, and my body was more and more numb. Then, I have reached a chapel, and all the voices ended.

      DILD - being a security camera

      I was back in primary school. I made an RC and become lucid. I saw a security camera hanging from the ceiling. I went to it, jumped and hanged from it. I pushed myself into the camera, and become one with it. I sensed someone close. I turned right, and saw a confused man looking at me. While turning, I felt like my whole body was streched. I haven't seen any camera effects while being one, my vision was the same all the time. I tried to stop being a camera. At first I couldn't change back, but I focused and went out.
      I went straight the corridor, and lost lucidity. I woke up.
    12. Disco, zombie apocalypse

      by , 12-29-2014 at 02:53 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      At the disco

      I was at the disco with my pals. There was a disco ball, and rhythmical music. I somehow liked it, and started to dance.

      *I don't like discos and dancing, it was a good opportunity to DILD, but I missed it.*

      Zombie apocalypse

      *This dream is ridiculous, and full of wrong assumptions.

      I was in the ruins of gigantic metropoly. With a group of survivors, we were hiding in a self made shelter underground, near the surface level. It all started when nuclear weaponry was used during the cold war. Radiation caused weird mutation in people. Soldiers were killing everyone, zombies, and civilians to stop the plague from spreading. I was searching for resources, and I stumbled upon a squad of soldiers. They were wearing green suits, and trench coats. I escaped from their ferocious onslaught, right in the moment when they were attacked by zombies. I couldn't come back for weapons, as the area was contaminated. I returned to the shelter, only to find one priest inside. He told me that everyone escaped, and while trying they were eaten by zombies. I told him that we're low on food, and that soon we'll have to find some. We only had some bread, sausages, sweets and two oranges.
    13. DILD: The inner fears

      by , 12-28-2014 at 10:34 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      *Had some troubles with sleeping that night. Happens to me regularly, although it usually lasts for 10 - 40 minutes before I fall asleep, but sleepless nights like that happen. I have fallen asleep at about 6:30 o'clock. I recall two dreams. One was a nightmare.*

      First dream

      I was sitting with a girl I once was friends with, now were just passing acquaintances. We were seating near the table. I was sitting against the white, newly built wall. I think she looked a bit better in that dream. She had brown hair reaching her shoulders, and she was wearing glasses, and light-blue shirt. She had a bit pale carnation, as always. She looked happy, but I was suspicious, feeling that there is something wrong.

      Second dream - DILD

      I was back at primary school. My body was changed to how it was back then. We were playing a game with teachers. Some of students got the nails, and the rest had balloons. The goal was to keep the balloon as long as you can. I was holding the nail. I looked at the school entrance, and saw a suspicious looking boy, wearing a purple jacket and a black cap. I punctured one of the balloons and went upstairs. There was a teacher waiting near a class. Brunette, tall woman after her forties. I was going into the class, turned around and saw that boy again. I was frightened, and tried to run to the teacher, as she could help me.
      Suddenly I realise that it's just a dream. I forced myself to come closer to the boy, and face my fear. As I came closer, my body felt more numb. When I finally reached him, he made a wicked smile, and everything turned black.
      I woke up in my bed, shaking in fear. I couldn't overcome the fear, even if it had the most ridiculous form I've ever seen in a nightmare. I tried to DEILD, but I couldn't fall asleep until I stopped shaking.
    14. Lenghty non-lucid

      by , 12-27-2014 at 11:19 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      I was in school, sitting in classroom with my group. We were waiting for the teacher. He arrived after a while, bald, tall man with moustache, in his late twenties. He told us that we are going to work in a forest. He smiled viciously to me, and told me that I have the hardest work to do. He had good disposition towards me before, and now he betrays me. I went to the cloakroom, and changed my clothes to work uniform. There were three girls sitting on a bench with a sleeping dude. He was drunk, the wine was spoiled all over the floor. They were talking about various drinks. I had mixed felings towards them. We were in friednly terms before, and now I feel only reluctance. I went out of cloakroom, but couldn't find anyone, so I went to the bus stop. After a while the bus came, it was long, two storey with silver paint. I entered it, and sat on the left side. My older sister entered it too, and sat with me. I felt somehow safe, but I never needed her help. We drove to the city between my home and school. In the meantime, girls were doing photos with their phones. They were a bit blurred, but funny. On the photo there was a girl, she was looking like a monkey due to her face exprssion and blur. I went out in my home town, and got a message from friend, that we must met in the city I have passed. I entered another bus, it was old, and a bit dirty. I went out in the city, and received a message that he is in my home town now. I waited for another bus, and got to my home town. It was clody, dark evening. I got another message, he told that we'll meet another day. You can't count on anyone it seems. I went to my home. Mother told me to do something in the attic, and gave me box full of toys and other junk. I went up, and put it all to another box. I went down, and mother told me that we are driving to the city. I went out, entered the white car, and drove to the city.
      Tags: attic, bus, city, school, work
      non-lucid , memorable
    15. Ghost rider, arguing with family

      by , 12-26-2014 at 10:34 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)

      I recall being in school, sitting near a tabl.

      Ghost rider

      It started as an isometric rpg game. I was working in a shop. I was its owner, and then, I changed into ghost rider, pursuing criminals. It all was looking as 8-bit game.


      I was arguing with my family, about date of buying a machine. We then drove to city, to buy some fast food.

      Updated 12-27-2014 at 11:21 AM by 72243

      non-lucid , dream fragment
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