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    Snehk's Dreamlands

    Selling a car, sister gets back home

    by , 08-16-2015 at 08:52 AM (429 Views)
    I was driving a car to my garage. I was driving down the hill near a local day room. Suddenly something told me to stop on the road, but for some reason the handbrake wasn't working. I had to use it a few times until the car finally stopped moving downhill. I looked at another car that stopped in the middle of the road, and my previous teacher - a woman in early thirties went out of that car, and told me that my sister sold her that car. She gave me the money and took the car, and another driver took her previous car. I went home on foot, and saw that my older sister get back home from work abroad.

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    Tags: car, sister, teacher
    non-lucid , dream fragment
