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    sparkley guy dream journal

    Getting chased and new mcdonalds

    by , 01-23-2016 at 05:48 PM (232 Views)
    ME and my friends and this one chick were hanging out and we decided to walk back from school and we got to this back alley and then ended up on some building, but it wasn't high up and I said "let's get down" so we climbed a black ladder down and I look on the roof and it said "like gills page on Facebook!" And I assumed it was some kind of radio channel place and my friend said woah we might me on cameras so then me and Darius and my cousin ran and my other friend and the chick stayed behind because there was a guy that comes walking out of his home because I think we were being loud, and he was holding a dog also by the leash, so we go running and then his dog is by us and I say "go home get out of here" so then we start walking down a back alley again and end up by my old school and behind it is a new McDonald's and I said "woah when did they build this" they didn't answer me but this guy named Brandon was randomly there and he says "it opens up at 7" and he pointed to a sign that showed the opening time and I said "oh" and plus he showed us this big carpet that was right outside of McDonald's for some reason and I said to my friends "aw we're gonna have to walk this far now for lunch?" And for some reason, the original mcds was in plain sight behind the "new" mcds and also for some reason again, was that our school was merged with the old mcds and it wouldn't even be a further walk because it would just be the exact length, anyways that's it and the end is kind of confusing.

    -the sun was setting and it was cloudy and the sky looked dark blue by the time my dream ended
    -it was cloudy and light out when my dream started
    -the dog was an orange and white chihuahua
    -the "new" mcds was in fact the old designed mcds that was previously here

    I also just remember telling them "tell me if this flag smells like chloroform" and no one smelled except this chick that in reality we never hangout with and she sniffed me wickedly. I also remember some brief moments talking about the chloroform and how she actually smelled me and it was funny.

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