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    sparkley guy dream journal

    Walmart to Safeway parking lot

    by , 01-16-2016 at 06:47 PM (242 Views)
    So me and my sister were by Walmart and for some reason I guess the parking lot was a big farm and behind it was s big field. Anyways I said to my sister "look at all those zombies" (we were looking in the field) and they were running and then they were actually sheep and somehow jumped from building to building and a few sheep fell down and died. Suddenly we were in the Safeway parking lot by the fence and we had the same guns from the last dream and we were shooting zombies or sheep, and we were at the end of the parking lot and that's where the fence is, and we were about to walk past the Safeway parking lot into Safeway and then we see across the river and there was big explosions, there was like 4 big explosions and it was by our mill and we live right by America right? So my sister said that that was America getting blown up so we ran into Safeway and my dad was there and my little sister, and there was like a conductor/switch thing for electricity and my sister started playing with it and my dad said be careful because if you use metal you could get zapped and it ended
    -same time as my last dream, it was all cloudy and the sun was setting.
    -there's a trail at Walmart parking lot that for some reason was for some reason in the Safeway parking lot.

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