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    Sex monsters, Demons, Tentacles, space ships, balck holes, and a whole bunch of nonsense (oh and spiderman)

    final post on this website!

    by , 11-02-2012 at 02:43 PM (332 Views)
    iok for some reason I dont remember a lot of my dreams from last night. Maybe I went to sleep too late last night. What I do remember is from what feels like just recently before waking up. I'm with my supposed ex from high school. I say supposed cause I dont think it was only her, only as entitiy disguised as her to trick me into something else.Iveseen it before in other dreams. Fucking assholes. From talking to my ex in some weird meadow place, the scenery turns into this house with the family with that evil pfriend that threw me into that hole of confusion in it. It feels like the deil is talking to me through his parents trying to trick me into masturbating by tricking me while I am in a really tranced state. on the left side of my face ever since I did something really dumb to my body, I have had this weird bulge there. But last night before going to sleep I focused on it ( iusually refrain because it results in really weid nightmares or ejaculation to a demon being) but this time I felt I could handle looking at it. I just remember seeing something really gross with a whole bunch of eyes. From reading about my origins as a race of human with a whole bunch of dna from different star systems, I realized if I could find the orignins of that weird monster via the different races in my boddy, I could dismantle it. DOing that plus going to sleep really late probably equated to me not being and to remember a lot of m ydreams, I should be sure to do one or the other, if I do both I wont be able to remember much.

    Anyway so the medow place where im talking to my ex turns into that guys house and his parents are trying to seduce me (possesed in dream state) to ejaculate using clever hypnotic terms which are very personal to me. They were doing something like I could have something ( only made sense duing the dream and alluded to fragmented parts earier in th edream) only if I did what the cast memeberss from the office did and ejaculate for something. I made the realization right before I woke up how stupid it sounded and how dangerous that action would be and a now writing it down. I thought they were good people but fuck that. ugh why cant i just be left in peace!

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