• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    by , 07-21-2011 at 01:21 PM (595 Views)
    I dreamed three dreams tonight, two of which I remember.

    The first started with me and a friend on a bus. Infront of us was a glass window though, and on the other side were seats angled towards us. There were two girls sitting there. As I was talking with my friend, they started sexually taunting and teasing us. After a while, one of the girls got off the bus and another took her place. She had jet black hair and black colour all over her face. My friend said he knew her. Jessica was her name, I believe. They kept taunting and teasing for a while, and then I was transported a bit further in time with another friend, when we saw what I think was her dead body. I don't relaly remember, but I know that we encountered her again, and he said that he knew her aswell, that he used to eat dinner at her place sometimes, but never really liked her that much. The dream ends after that.

    The next dream I find myself walking on the road to a house I used to live in 5 or 6 years ago. To my left were a bunch of houses, but in the field to my right was a bunch of circus people practising their performance. I kept walking by and looking at them, when I siddenly starter percieving them as a threat. I walked home, and met up with some friends. We had apparently decided that it was time we gained some powers, and there were runes that you could somehow inscribe onto your hands or head that gave these powers. I remember wanting the air rune, but someone else had already taken it, so I asked if the holy or darkness runes were taken. Turns out they were free, so I chose the darkness rune. I then decided to use it, even though my friends told me not to. When I used it, a black guitar appeared in my hand. I somehow knew this was a weapon, and as I swung it, a pair of black cylinders folded themselves out from the top of the guitar. After this, the dream ended.

    I know there was a third dream, but I don't recall it at the moment.

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