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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. After a lot of stress and a long pause.

      by , 07-04-2011 at 02:06 PM
      Been a long time since I attempted to write down and recall my dreams now. I've been stressed and busy with lots of things that I've finally sorted out. Most of them, anyway. And with the issues out of the way, I decided to start trying to build up dream recall again. So, without further adeau:

      Tonight I dreamed a few fragments, and a long dream. The fragment is just me walking through a guitar store, except all the guitars had broken strings and they weren't tuned properly. I think there was also another dream fragment of me being a part of some kind of capture-the-area game, where you and your team had to take over areas by pushing a button in the middle of them.

      The long dream was very different. I remember meeting a girl somewhere and falling in love with her. We wandered around a lot and talked, although I don't remember about what. I was at her place a few times, and she was at mine. At some point, I remember getting a ride home by her and her parents, and as I was getting out of the car and saying thanks to them and telling the girl I'd see her later, she gave me a smile and got out of the car with me. The girl was definitly a student of sorts, and so was I. I remember us studying together.

      Later on in my dream, she disappeared to the future mysteriously, and I tried to figure out how and why. Eventually I somehow got a hold of a phone that could call the future, which I used to talk to her. I remember talking to her inside of a broken down, moldy old office building. She told me over the phone that she wanted me to get her a cup of coffee, so I went to the coffee machine that was in a nearby room. Everything around me was wet, there was furniture and broken down old desks. The coffee machine was operational though, but it was out of coffee so all I got was hot water. I didn't put the cup into the machine fast enough though (actually I'm not sure if I ever intended to) so the hot water went down into a sink of sorts that didn't drain. So I scoped up some water out of that instead. I told her that there was no coffee, and she asked me if it had tea instead. I told her that this wasn't the time for tea, to which she responded that there was never a wrong time for tea (kudos to her for that). I then told her that I meant that there was no tea. Then the dream fast-forwards to me talking to an old friend of mine, who seemed to be hiding something. I knew he had been at the place where the girl disappeared at, because I had found his backpack there. Supposedly, he had hidden a clue somewhere, but he wouldn't tell me why. I kept pressuring him, and eventually he told me that he had hidden something in a nearby building, about 9 kilometers away. I think it was kilometers anyway, i remember the number 9 very vividly. I went to the place, and I THINK I found a time machine there, but it wasn't working.

      That's about all I remember at the moment.

      Updated 07-04-2011 at 04:56 PM by 44998

      non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    2. Bacon sauce? BESTCON SAUCE.

      by , 04-24-2011 at 10:54 PM
      Last night I remember 2 separate dreams, and one that is more of a fragment.

      I dreamed that I was with two friends, one of which I could identify as my friend, Fredrik, and one DC without a name. I dreamed that we were playing some kind of game where we had to sit in a sofa sort of thing that was attached to a metal contruction. At the push of a button, the sofa quickly started traveling along the tracks of this construction, sort of like a rollercoaster. At first, it went quickly down to a dip that by the normal laws of physics would've caused the sofa to get completly stuck, but instead it seemed to just jolt past this gap. I do remember however that going past this part of the ride made a really harsh bump that I really disliked. Then it travelled a bit upwards, then down again then really quickly ascended a slight hill. At the end of this we were ejected out of the sofa and had to attempt to shoot ourselves into holes in a wall. Kinda like how you throw balls into holes at a faire, except we were the balls. The area around us was really dark, as if we were in a damp cave.

      The next dream was with a group of people whom I could mostly not identify. I do know that one of them was an old teacher of mine (that I really liked). They were sitting and watching something, and me and another dream character were cooking some sort of food. At some point, whoever I was cooking with got hurt by something, and went to sit down. At this point, my teacher and one other person decided that it was important to keep people distracted from something, so they (with very serious demeanor) started entertaining the group through various means.
      They started singing a song about daring to take chances to be with the one you love, and as they were singing, various pairs of toys I had as a child started appearing in the food. They searched for the other one of the same kind, and when they found their match, they got out of the pot and disappeared. I can really vividly see a pair of toy soldiers floating around in a pot of bacon sauce, and as soon as they touched eachother they just climbed out of the pot and disappeared. This went on until the dream ended.

      I also have this fragment of a dream where a friend of mine, Adina, whom has recently lost her shades, decided to buy a new pair. And I disliked it. A lot.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    3. Alcohol = bad for dreaming.

      by , 04-21-2011 at 11:49 AM
      Tonight I went to bed after drinking a bit again, and surprise! I only remember one dream. Beginning to see a pattern here.

      I dreamed that I was part of a defence team on a spaceship which consisted of what I think was about 15 members, both male and female. I think they all were people I knew, but I'm not able to pick any individuals out. The spaceship came under attack at some point from a force about equal in size to my team, and some kind of battle broke out. After a while, the attacking force backed out, shouting something about the monster. My team later on went exploring through some new areas of the ship that explosions from the battle opened up. What we found was some sort of monster, and we made the decision to fight this monster to try to kill it. The areas around us were some sort of mix between metal and forest. A very lush, green area. As we went exploring this, we encountered some sort of green goo that was apparently dangerous. I don't remember anything else about this, other than that it kept appearing around us. After a while, I apparently decided I had to shower due to being sweaty. So me and some of the other guys showered, while we forced the rest of the team to go to another room. I don't recall much else about this dream.

      I also woke up at around 6am this night, after about 5 hours of sleep and decided I'd try to WILD, so I got up and drank a lot of water, stretched a bit, opened a window to cool down my room and then went back to bed. However, as I currently have a really, really painful ulcer in my mouth, I couldn't quite focus on the process of entering the WILD due to it hurting too much. As soon as it heals, I'm going to attempt WILDing a bit more consistantly.
    4. Zombehz!

      by , 04-19-2011 at 11:16 AM
      Went to bed at a reasonably normal time tonight, and wanted to attempt WILDing tonight, so I set my clock to go off after 6½ hours of sleep. Turns out that was a very bad idea, as it made me wake up at 3am, 4am, 5.30am (turned off the alarm here, couldnt be fucked anymore) and then 10am. Also have a rahrt large scar on my tongue that is making it really hard to relax. I do remember one dream though.

      I was in some kind of ruined city, and there were zombies and zombified animals everywhere. But for some reason being bitten by them did not cause the infection or whatever to spread. I was also with someone, but I can't quite recall who it was. I THINK it was my mother, but I'm really not sure. We were running around in this post-apocalyptic city anyway, and I recall watching the city from some kind of tall tower. I watched as zombies as a group caught up to a group of normal people, and I saw a few zombie animals darting past street corners here and there. I don't recall meeting any actual zombiepeople though, only zombieanimals. At some point, we apparently managed to get to some sort of safe haven, and my mom wanted me to take the car to drive somewhere and buy something. I had enough presence of mind to realize that I couldn't drive, and told her so, but apparently I had to practise. That's all I remember from it.
      Tags: bad sleep
    5. Improvement?

      by , 04-18-2011 at 10:23 AM
      I think I vaguely recalled two dreams tonight. I'm fully aware that I dreamed 3-4 dreams in total tonight, but I only recall one vividly, and one extremely vaguely. Worth to note that I was slightly drunk when I went to bed, and I was really tired as it was quite late. I also began practicing awareness training during the day.

      All I remember of the first dream is that I was making some kind of potato dish with slices of apple in it. That's literally all I remember.

      The second dream is a lot more vivid. I dreamed about my stepdad and my step-granddad.

      Kjell (step-granddad) was apparently entering some kind of competition, and needed to borrow my calculator and my glasses. He was extremely nervous, and wasn't really acting like he usually does. I recall standing in a hallway and looking at him and knowing that he was nervous. My stepdad was there aswell, and was driving with him to this event. Shortly after they left though, they came back. The event had apparently been cancelled, and kjell seemed extremely relieved about it. When they came he acted just like he normally does again. I noticed that they were back because I heard something by my balcony door (I'm in my own apartment now, suddenly), and I look out to see my stepdad drawing something on it from the outside. I looked at it, but it appeared to be just scribbles to me. He was drawing with a lead pencil. After he had finished drawing that, he started drawing something on my clothing, but quickly realized it didn't work too well and stopped.

      Then he asked if he could borrow my hammer, which I let him have. He apparently needed it to build something with an unidentified dream character. I sat there and talked to them for a while and watched them as they were building the device while playing around with the hammer when they weren't using it. Apparently the head of the hammer was twistable, and it was very rusty.

      That's all I remember. I'm aware that I had more dreams tonight, but I can't recall anything about them.
    6. First Journal

      by , 04-17-2011 at 09:46 AM
      As far as I remember, I dreamed that me, my dad and his girlfriend were fighting or running away from a witch of sorts. The witch had a ring that we needed for reasons I don't quite remember. I recall myself walking along a street had houses that seemed quite medival on both sides of me. It felt like the city was modelled after the way they looked 300-400 years ago. At some point, I encountered the witch and failed to steal the ring from her and, which forced me to run away.

      Then I ended up at my dads house, where I apparently had to get changed for some reason. He wanted me to put on a blazer and a button-up, so I did. I had to go fetch the blazer from somewhere, and when I found it, the arms were folded up and it was slightly creasy. After I had put the blazer on, I was going to change my pants and put on a pair of red chinos that were nearby. But when I was about half-done with putting them on, they changed colour to white (at this point, I think I was close to achieving lucidity). When I was fully done with putting them on, they had changed to jeans. I remember thinking this was extremely wierd. Then I realized the pants were a bit too long, so I folded them up a little. The house I was in was a model of my dads place but with more defined contrasts between the old parts and the parts that he had renovated. Once I had gotten dressed, I was told we were going out biking.

      Next thing I know I'm biking up a mountainside with my dad, Jennifer (the girlfriend) and a relative of my dads. My bike was dragging something behind it up the mountain, but I don't recall what it was. I distinctly remember it being red though. I was biking a bit ahead of everyone else, and was told to slow down in order for them to catch up. A short while after that we had to get off our bikes in order to walk up a hill. There were several houses dotted out around us. Then we walked past what I can only describe as a fusion between a small house and a car. It had the bottom-side of a car and instead of seats and whatever there was a small house. It was rather big. I recall it very vividly. I can still see the shape of it inside my head, and twist it around and look inside it. It seemed like the inside of it was slightly larger than the actual car, though. We were apparently on our way to a house at the top of the mountain to have a chat with the owners. I distincly recall not really needing to be there, so I started looking around for alternative things to do. I remember myself looking at some kind of map in order to see what existed. The map had names, but I can't quite remember them at the moment.

      Then I suddenly find myself walking alone through a forest. I come upon a lake of sorts, in which I see a boat with a person behind it. Then the boat starts speeding forward and I realize that the person is on waterskis. I distinctly recall wanting to try it really badly, but before anything else could happen I woke up.