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    1. And back we go

      by , 08-18-2011 at 12:22 PM
      Again, I've been too stressed to dream for quite some time. School and other things have occupied my mind, but a lot of it is gone now, so I'm going to start rebuilding the recall.

      I'm aware of two dreams tonight, but I only remember one.

      I dreamed I was back in England, and I had decided to go to my old girlfriends house. I went there, and snuck in. I started looking around, and saw my girlfriend walk past a doorway up ahead. I immediately ran out of the house just in time. She didn't see me. I then started walking around in the town, and found a moped that was seemingly thrown away. I picked it up, and guided it back to Staceys house (apparently, we had met now and were on speaking terms) to show her. It was black, and looked like something taken out of a one of those motorcycle shows where a guy jumps over 30 trucks. I left the bike outside the house and went in to talk to her. We went back out, and found someone pushing the bike away. We stopped her, and she told us it actually belonged to some guy named Alexander, and that he was on his way here to pick the bike up. Stacey quickly hid the bike inside the house, and went back out just in time for Alexander to arrive. She then lied to him about having the bike. After this, I woke up.
      Tags: 1 dream
    2. Powerssss!

      by , 07-21-2011 at 01:21 PM
      I dreamed three dreams tonight, two of which I remember.

      The first started with me and a friend on a bus. Infront of us was a glass window though, and on the other side were seats angled towards us. There were two girls sitting there. As I was talking with my friend, they started sexually taunting and teasing us. After a while, one of the girls got off the bus and another took her place. She had jet black hair and black colour all over her face. My friend said he knew her. Jessica was her name, I believe. They kept taunting and teasing for a while, and then I was transported a bit further in time with another friend, when we saw what I think was her dead body. I don't relaly remember, but I know that we encountered her again, and he said that he knew her aswell, that he used to eat dinner at her place sometimes, but never really liked her that much. The dream ends after that.

      The next dream I find myself walking on the road to a house I used to live in 5 or 6 years ago. To my left were a bunch of houses, but in the field to my right was a bunch of circus people practising their performance. I kept walking by and looking at them, when I siddenly starter percieving them as a threat. I walked home, and met up with some friends. We had apparently decided that it was time we gained some powers, and there were runes that you could somehow inscribe onto your hands or head that gave these powers. I remember wanting the air rune, but someone else had already taken it, so I asked if the holy or darkness runes were taken. Turns out they were free, so I chose the darkness rune. I then decided to use it, even though my friends told me not to. When I used it, a black guitar appeared in my hand. I somehow knew this was a weapon, and as I swung it, a pair of black cylinders folded themselves out from the top of the guitar. After this, the dream ended.

      I know there was a third dream, but I don't recall it at the moment.
    3. Few days of drinking, poor recall.

      by , 07-14-2011 at 03:33 PM
      Last few days I've had a beer or two before bed, so my recall has been poor and as such I've held off on writing journals. But I figured I'd write down the dreams I remember anyway.

      I remember one per night, but I'm aware of 2-3 per night.

      First is a dream I had where I was hanging out with a friend from old times. We were walking through a forest and talking. It was winter outside. We came upon a machine of sorts, commented on it, and then kept walking. We came upon an old-styled house. A farm of sorts with large fields around it. I remember being about to walk to it, but then I suddenly started flying. I remember it very vividly, the whole feel of it. I see the forest from up above, and the sensation of flying was great. I remember I justified being able to fly due to holding two wings of sorts, one in each hand. It was thanks to these that I was able to fly at all. I then flew over to a more urban area, where I met up with a lot of people from my early years of grade school. People I've not thought about for years and years. It was pretty interesting, they all greeted me as old friends. I spent some time with them, then decided to fly away again to pick some berries of sorts, but changed my mind midway and flew over to some large apartment buildings. After this, I woke up.

      Next night I vaguely remember dreaming that I was a guest at some dudes house. I mildly accociated his appearnce with Doctor Stetman from Starcraft 2. I asked him if he had played duke nukem forever yet, and we talked a bit about that for a while. Then I remember the dream transitioning into me being Duke Nukem and shooting at stuff with various weapons and jumping off high buildings without getting hurt.

      Tonight I dreamed about coming to a dark hotel with a friend. I remember that we came there for a purpose, but that we had to wait. I figured that while I was waiting, I may aswell earn some money, so I went upstairs to see if there was anyone needing any help. I stumbled upon a guy needing help cashing in debt, so I helped him smash down a door. Once inside, I gathered something up while the dude kept the resident busy. Once done, I was given a 10000 dollar monopoly bill. I went back downstairs and handed it to the bartender, telling him that an old man with a strange velvet hat had given this to me, and told me to talk to him. The bartender got an understanding look on his face and mentioned that the old man was part of some high-society family. He mentioned the name of the family aswell, but I don't remember it. He then gave me 1400 crowns, which had me a bit puzzled. I had figured that 10000 in the old mans currency would've been worth more. I didn't think much more of it at the time, and ordered a drink. The bartender then told me that they were about to host a huge party, and that I should stick around. Everything around me was dimly lit, and there were a lot of tables around. Suddenly, the party started and the place flooded with people. I remember seeing a lot of people from school, and they all urged me to tag along with them. I politely declined, and walked up a few flights of stairs to find a friend of mine. He was sitting with some other people playing some strange game involving pokémon cards. I sat and watched them for a while, but the game itself never made any sense to me. One of the cards was a Charizard. The area around them was concrete grey, and they were sitting on the floor. There were 4 of them, but only 2 i recognized. The whole dream had a bit of an intregue feel to it, as if I was waiting for something specific to happen. After this I woke up.

      While waking up in my bed trying to keep the memories of my dream in my head, I dreamed something else, but I never managed to commit the images to my memory and forgot all about it.
    4. Late journal

      by , 07-09-2011 at 06:14 PM
      Had a dream that I was taking a bus somewhere, and I had some friends taking another bus just infront of me. Then the bus I was on slid off the road and onto a nearby field. It didn't roll or anything, it just slid off. I remember feeling paniced at the time, but it wore off when I realize we were alright. After we arrived at the station and reunited, we went to a library. There we found a piano, and my friend turned out to be a really good piano player (something he's not in real life). We looked through some books, and we discovered they also had games you could lend. I found a stash of old nintendo 64 games, and found an expansion to a zelda game that I had never played. I remember the cover was blue, and that it specifically was an expansion, not a stand alone game. Next thing I remember is being inside the game. There were some puzzles I had to solve, and there was a lot of water. I also met a girl there that I hung out with. I don't know who she was. Most of the women in my dreams tend to be non-specific. Then all of a sudden I wasn't in the game anymore, and I was apparently at this girls house. I remember being outside it first, watching something, but then going inside. She had to go somewhere for a while, and I spent some time with her younger sister. I think we... either looked at different colours on the wall, or painted colours on a wall while waiting for her to come back. That part was really weird. The whole scene upon remembering it feels like it had meaning to it. I don't know why. I don't really remember anything else from that dream anymore. I remembered a lot more details earlier today, but I ended up writing the journal really late, so I forgot most of it. I know I also dreamed something else before that, but I've forgotten it by now.
    5. Not all that unexpected.

      by , 07-08-2011 at 02:36 PM
      Tonight I had two long dreams. I woke up after the first one, wrote down some key words to make sure I remember it, and went back to sleep. It's been crazy hot lately, with temperatures in my apartment going up to 27-28 in the evenings, so I'm sleeping without covers on nowdays. It's just too hot.

      Anyway, the first dream was essentially my brain creating a new episode of Dr House. I was taken to a prison where I was set to step in for a drug abusing ego-centric doctor who was currently in rehab. I remember making snide remarks about this to someone, but there wasn't anyone there whom I recognize. I don't even remember seeing any faces, just that there were actually people there. Apparently, I was to take care of two patients whom had been making the life of the previous doctor a living hell. I decided to give them some of their own medicine and put my desk outside of their cells and started making constant, annoying noises in order to frustrate them. Eventually we ended up in a shouting match, which I seem to recall winning. Either that, or someone walked in and told us to stop. Not sure of which. I woke up after that.

      The second dream started with me arriving somewhere with a bag of alcohol. There was a bottle of bacardi in there, 4 of my favourite ciders and I think there was something to mix the bacardi with aswell, but I'm not sure of that. I'm certain about the ciders and the bacardi, though. Then the dream suddenly transitioned into me being a lion. I don't remember much after that, but I remember that something happened, and that I had to go back somewhere, and passed by the bag of alcohol from before that I had apparently dropped.

      Weird, I've been dreaming a lot of dreams lately where I am different things. This is probably the first similarity I've noticed between dreams. Interesting!
    6. Odd, game-styled dream.

      by , 07-07-2011 at 07:13 PM
      Dreamed the kind of dream where you feel like you are watching a movie. The dream was about a girl, an assassin. The enviroment was futuristic, and she had (among other things) a lightsaber of sorts as a weapon. While on a mission, she was hit by something which supposedly ripped away a piece of her soul. The dream then continued to describe her escape from the complex where she was attacked, and how she kept trying to figure out how to "heal" herself. Supposedly, there was someone or something that could help her in a nearby forest, and she went there (apparently now with friends). Along the way she stopped by some kind of shop, but I don't remember what was inside it. I think I woke up after this. Obviously, there were a lot more details along the way. I remember seeing a girl sneak into a room, and I remember spying on some kind of medical examining area. Other than that, it's pretty bland. What I mainly remember from the dream is the intense feeling of desperation, which by itself is rather interesting.

      Gonna go to bed early tonight, get a real nights sleep for a change.
    7. Insectssssssssss.

      by , 07-05-2011 at 01:14 PM
      I had three dreams tonight. The first one I was with my dad, and he was attempting to heat up something that was outside our house by frying eggs. Don't ask me how it makes sense. I remember wondering what the hell he was doing, but then hearing some new music I've never heard before (my brain identified it as Daft Punk, but it wasn't), and I went on some kind of trip trying to figure out what it was.

      I was then suddenly inside a gameworld, with graphics styled like unreal 1. There was some kind of asian girl there, and it was a mountain-type area. I remember there being fireballs of some sort, and a stone that we kicked around. There was also a cave in the mountain, which I walked into. Inside it was a bunch of creatures, I think my head told me they were ants, but they quite obviously weren't as they seemed intelligent. I then got out of the cave and found myself in room with a bed and insect-proof windows (the kind with a net behind them that you can open). I went to look out the window because there was something outside I really wanted to see, but there was a wasp on the inside, so I backed off. Then a friend of mine came and we talked a little, and then we went back to the window because we thought the wasp was gone. It then came back, and my friend backed off. I stayed there, and suddenly a kitten appeared between the window and the insect net. After a little while, we got it out of there and it turns out to be my friends kitten. I went back to the window once again, and there was now a huge spider there. Easily the size of my hand. It had an orange patter on it, and was quite bright in general. I told my friend about it, and then looked back only to find yet another huge spider. This one was brown and hairy.

      That's about all I remember. I woke up shortly after that.
    8. Definite improvement!

      by , 04-20-2011 at 07:13 AM
      Slept rather well tonight. Got just under 7 hours of sleep in total, but I'm aware of about 5 dreams in total, 2 of which I remember vividly and one I remember vaguely.

      First dream was me in some kind of housecar vehicle thing with two of my friends. We were having fun and joking around while studying, I believe. There may have been more people around there aswell. Actually, there was more people for sure. It was dark outside, and the place was quite crammed. There was a microwave with the brand Nintendo on it, which I found to be quite incredible in the dream. I definitly microwaved something, but I'm not sure what it was exactly. While I was microwaving it, I commented to the people around me how funny it was that the microwave had the brand nintendo on it. I also remember it looking a lot like my own microwave. After I was done microwaving...whatever it was, I went to the back of the housecar and sat down by a table with two of my friends. At some point during the dream, someone brought out a bottle of alcohol and started passing it around. This apparently was illegal, and whoever was driving instantly stopped as soon as he realized and turned on the lamps in the cieling and walked back to us to look for it. When he couldn't find it anywhere and nobody said anything, he warned us not to do it again and then went back to driving. The dream ended after this.

      Second dream I remember was sitting in a bus with an old internet friend of mine. He was talking to some girl whom when I observed closely had some kind of tag on her that said "[email protected]" where the x's represents letters I don't remember. So I went back to the two of them and sat down and started talking to the girl aswell. I remember her face incredibly well. She was pretty standard white, with a little bit of a puffy face. Her skin was really clear, almost reflective, and her hair was blonde. She was slightly shorter than me. I was drinking one of my favourite ciders while talking to them, and it was night outside the bus. There wasn't a lot of people on the bus, and the three of us just sat there and casually chatted. I remember bringing up Scott Pilgrim with this girl as a conversation, and even calling her fake-asian. And she understood what I was referencing to, aswell. Surprisingly. I don't recall much more of this dream.

      I also dreamed about my ex-girlfriend. We were in some kind of cabin thing, in a room with one other person. We were classifying different sexual acts into levels and determining standard responses on what to do depending on how the act was "recieved". Before we got too into it though, she got up to turn off the lights that were outside the room, but none of the switches worked, so she walked around completly naked outside the room for a while before giving up. I believe some of my relatives were in this dream aswell, but I don't remember that part very well.

      I must say, the awareness training it really helping. I've gone from BARELY remembering one dream per night to 3 in just 2 days. I'm quite simply astounded by how quickly it's taking effect.