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    A poodle ate my baby

    by , 07-05-2012 at 03:13 PM (325 Views)
    This is one of the most horrific dreams I have ever had. It tormented me in a very strange way. Okay...
    The dreams starts off with me living in a house with my fiance who reminded me of a character I had seen once in a show. (He wasn't my actual fiance.) He was a very sweet guy and he was involved with the military and about to leave. In the dream, I was pregnant with his child. Shortly after he left I went into labor and called a midwife to come deliver it. She was a kindly Mexican woman and she had brought her poodle with her. We were getting all the preparations together to have it delivered and she went into the next room to get something but by the time she got back I had already given birth to the baby. It was a beautiful baby girl and I loved her instantly. I picked her up and wrapped her in a pink blanket and cuddled her for a minute. The midwife called me to come in the other room so I set the baby down on the sofa that was in the room. I put a pillow next to her so she wouldn't roll off. I noticed the poodle was sniffing her and being curious so I shewed it away. I went to see what the midwife wanted. I don't remember what it was but when I came back into the room I found only the head of the baby girl, dripping with blood on the sofa. Over in the corner of the room I saw the poodle tearing into the baby's flesh. When I saw this I fainted in my dream into a kind of half awake, half asleep state. When I got up, the reality of what had happened hit me and I began to weep. The midwife had cleaned up the mess and was trying to comfort me by saying that the dog was only acting on instinct because the child was covered in blood. I immediately called my fiance and some friends for moral support and they all cam rushing over. I took the dog and put it in a cage. It looked hideous. It was a white poodle, covered in blood. I started talking to it to obtain some kind of closure for the situation. I said, "you're not evil.. you're just an animal acting on instinct, right?" To my utter shock and bewilderment, the dog replied. It said, "Instinct? No... I enjoyed the helpless screams of your baby before I devoured it's flesh. You didn't even hear it." The dogs voice sounded like that of a five year old, little girl. It was horrifying. After the dog responded to me I wasted no time at all. I opened the cage and took it out by its neck. I grabbed the top of its head and started to twist very slowly until the creature was in agony. After that, I began to devour the dog, myself. I woke up from that horrific dream in cold sweats. I tried waking up my actual fiance next to me for comfort but he was completely exhausted and disinterested so I laid awake for the rest of the night, afraid to go back to sleep..

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