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    Lucid Dream 52

    by , 03-26-2013 at 07:53 PM (925 Views)
    Date: March 26, 2013 ||| Time Block: 2:00 AM to 10:30 AM ||| Length: 1 minute. ||| Lucidity: level 2/1. ||| Entry Type: DILD ||| Major Methods: BAT

    Methods: went to bed while focusing on trying to 'see' out of my closed right eye.

    I plug my nose. "I can still breath through it. Oh man, my reality check failed—cause I'm still dreaming." A look back in front of me and the person is smiling, almost laughing at me, about something.

    I wake up later and realize I had totally, completely been tricked.

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    1. melanieb's Avatar
      Interesting method. Do your dreams become have extended details to them?
    2. Venryx's Avatar
      Not so far, although I've only tried it twice now.