Dream #1: Decorating a Cake
, 04-22-2014 at 01:26 PM (439 Views)
I woke up this morning around 6, not recalling any dreams from last night. I decided to try the WILD technique for the first time, but I failed haha.
I don't quite remember where the dream started, but I know I was at my grandma's house... except it didn't look like her house at all. It was in the city and had two stories (in actuality it's only a one story in the middle of the country). She announced to me that the cake was done, and it was time for us to decorate it.
I asked, "Who is the cake for?" Since I didn't recall it to be anyone's birthday that was ultra important.
"Chris," she replied.
I gave her a strange look, but she gave me an excuse like it was my grandpa's brother's son's son, and in the dream it made sense to me, so I went along with it, but told her I didn't know how to decorate a guy's cake. She looked sad at that, so I changed my mind and helped her, saying that she'd have to do most of it.
So the scene changes, and we're at Chris's school which was my old elementary (at least in the dream, it didn't look the same save a few teachers). He's a kid about 6 or 7 years old. Tonight they're coincidentally having an assembly on his birthday, so we're going to celebrate his birthday there. We go inside the school, and it fades to black.
Things that stand out:
- Grandma's house wasn't the same
- I didn't know a Chris that's a kid
- My elementary school wasn't the same
*Kind of mad at myself with this one. There were three things that could've made me realize I was in a dream, but I failed!