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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. Giant Dominos pizza store dream!

      by , 11-05-2012 at 11:15 AM
      Dreamt I was working at Dominos pizza (which I used to) except it was a huge mall like equivalent with separate stores for different things on the menu.
      I was on my lunch break trying to find somewhere but I got lost and couldn't remember where in the mall it was so I was racing against time to find it before my lunch break ended.
      I ended up leaving the store and scrambling around outside to get back before the end of lunch break, I seem to remember feeling like I was running but my legs were really heavy. At one point I was trying to run up a grass hill but was struggling and grabbing bits of grass so I wouldn't slip until I realised there were some wooden rungs nailed into the ground to help my grip.
      I remember being back in the store with some co-workers, we'd sneaked off to steal some food from any left overs. I saw giant bacon burgers and pizza crusts and we were eating our fill when a manager came along and nearly caught us but we made it look like we were just preparing the food for customers!
      The dream seemed to change after that and I was in a room with some people learning how to assemble the parts together for an Xbox 360. I also remember we seemed to be inventing something else important..The rest of the dream is very hazy and fragmented I can't fully recall or explain some of the details.
    2. Slightly erotic sneaky trespassing dream!

      by , 11-01-2012 at 10:31 PM
      Bit of a late entry this but can still remember some of my dream from last night. It was like I was in a university dorm and I'd sneaked into someone's room while they weren't there. I think I was with someone and we were nervous the person would return but while they were gone we stole some weed & hash laying around. It was like a stealth mission and we had to get out before they returned.
      I can't remember much else except that we got out with the weed & hash without getting caught then suddenly I was with a girl who I think had seen us coming out of this guy's room and we started making love with her on top, then I woke up!

      Updated 11-07-2012 at 02:41 PM by 58791 (To give a title appropriate to the dream.)

      memorable , dream fragment , non-lucid
    3. Dream about niece starting smoking & confrontation with hockey players!

      by , 10-28-2012 at 08:38 AM
      I didn't have an entry yesterday as I genuinely didn't feel like I'd dreamt the night before and when I got up I just got on with things straight away even though I didn't feel great as had a head cold.
      My dream last night included smoking (something I've recently given up, about 3 weeks ago). I was sat in the living room watching telly with my parents & eldest niece. My niece had started smoking for some reason and wanted to go outside for a fag my step-dad told me to join her (not to smoke just to accompany her outside).
      When we got outside we climbed the wall between the patio and garden and were looking over it at some guys having some sort of hockey game in the street (I used to play hockey when I was young and have also recently been invited to an ice hockey game). My niece was smoking in the dream and I remember feeling the urge to smoke too and maybe taking a drag on what she was smoking.
      I remember a confrontation with the hockey players because they'd hit their puck into the garden and I think I told them to stop playing in the street and find somewhere else to have their game. I got surrounded by these guys, none of which I recognised, some had facial piercings and I remember one having really prominent features in a comical way like a huge long square chin! In fact all of them had exaggerated facial features like characters from the old British television satire 'Spitting Image'. Anyway the guys started moving on after our confrontation but for some reason I was walking along with them and talking to one of them about how I might be going to watch this ice hockey match soon.
      Suddenly I woke to the smell of left over Chinese food & and succumbed to an overwhelming urge to eat some of it and attempt to fill out this dream journal!

      Updated 11-07-2012 at 02:44 PM by 58791 (To give a title appropriate to the dream.)

      non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    4. Sniper at war with concealed pen gun dream followed by confrontation with family then erotic orgy D:

      by , 10-26-2012 at 07:34 AM
      Several dreams again, starting with me being in some sort of army regiment armed only with these pen like guns which took ages to load but were accurate & effective from long range. We were behind some kind of fence like the barb wire from the trenches in world war 1. The enemy was advancing on our position and we had to load, assemble and be ready to fire these strange pen guns before they got to the wire & over ran us. It was too late and they got to the wire & some got through so had to kill them by hand. Managed to finish loading the guns though and kill some with them. The dream then changed to me advancing on the enemy alone. I was crawling on my belly through what would have been no man's land and I hid under a chair on it's side where I could see an enemy in a building ahead so I prepared my pen gun and shot him dead like I was a sniper.
      The dream then changed to a situation involving members of my family, I was furious at my Mother and eldest sister for getting drunk while my sister was in the process of trying to divorce her alcoholic husband & care for the children (a situation pretty close to the truth). Details were hazy about this part of the dream so I've just outlined the general theme. I remember my brother in law being in the dream also but not much else, he is currently well out side our families grace in reality.
      The dream changed again to me being in some kind of orgy with some old university friends! I was making love to exotic Burkha wearing Muslim girls & remember saying to two of my old university friends about this. Coincidently one of the university friends is a Muslim. And we also did used to chase girls together in reality while we lived in the same student area. Again this part of the dream is hazy. I'm going to try and sleep some more and see if I dream again.

      Updated 11-07-2012 at 02:46 PM by 58791 (To give a title appropriate to the dream.)

      non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    5. Childhood home, money, medication, old acquaintances & nightclub battles!

      by , 10-25-2012 at 08:15 AM
      My recall isn't as strong as previous days today, either my recall or my motivation to recall. Had another fragmented dream, quite vivid again. It's hard to remember what order things happened in but I'll try, there were lots of changes were the dream leaped from one setting to another with different events.
      At one point I was in the old house I was brought up in (when my parents were still together many years ago), my Dad was there also. I was on the settee where I usually sat and for some reason I had two kinds of money on me and it had all become mixed up and had fallen down the side of the couch. I also had some medication I had to take in the dream.
      I frequently dream about the old house I grew up in as a child, it's one of my 'dream signs' you could say. As for the two types of money, I've had an idea that it could be my brains way of saying I've got my benefits (or welfare for Americans) type of money I claim because I am signed off from work by my doctor at present & then money I earn through selling things occasionally. The medicine is easy as I have been on various antibiotics for months now.
      The dreams changes to another setting now where I am with someone from my past, I think we were at some kind of outdoor party or festival but down at the B.M.X track, also somewhere I used to play as a child. We walked away together from the main site of the festival/party and were catching up but I was trying to get the truth out of him about why he'd broke up with his ex' as I'd heard some rumours. This is partially true to life as I knew the guys ex' and her sisters and they'd told me why they'd separated, also I nearly got with his ex' a couple of years back! This part of the dream concluded with us walking somewhere else where there was like an entrance to a tunnel through a hill with an Indian looking man guarding it and we were going to say something to him because he was being inappropriate towards a Dwarf girl who was going into the tunnel. I think this part is definitely connected to me having watched 'Game Of Thrones' before going to sleep!
      After this the final part of the dream involved me being at a nightclub in some kind of dance off/emcee battle with a Northern crew. I remember there being people battling/freestyling around me, rhyming over dub-step and there were dance offs. I was taking part in both to some extent. Things got heated and I was discussing with the club owner and bouncers about my skinhead days and returning to them when I got into an altercation with one of the Northern crew. I did some kind of dance/martial art move on him where I got him to the ground and slid quite a few feet with him off the dance-floor to under a table and I wanted him to see that I could have broken his neck against the table leg if I'd not shown restraint & actually wanted to kill him.

      The final part of the dream was probably down to me being at the nightclub last weekend and nearly fighting someone I suspected of stealing my phone last year. The music would have hailed back to a time when I was involved in that culture (I still am in a limited capacity). And again I'm sure watching 'Game Of Thrones' before bed influenced this dream because of the whole Northern/southern thing going on.

      Updated 11-07-2012 at 02:50 PM by 58791 (To give a title appropriate to the dream.)

      non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
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