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    1. Nov. 8: Well, this is plea-- AHHHH! FUCK!

      by , 11-08-2013 at 11:02 PM
      Hey, an entry that's in (relative) real-time!

      I dreamed I was in my childhood home in Canada, during one of the more pleasant times. I'm in our living room with the fuzzy carpet, and I think I'm shifting between current me and the child me that would be appropriate during that time, i.e. I'd be my full adult height, but there was a moment when I'm scaling the couch like it was the Wall of Ice like I was 9 again.

      I think either my mother or father was there, or some other parental figure that lent a sense of safety, though I never saw who it was. I just knew they were there. Either way, I suddenly am eating a plate of something sweet that I knew I really like, though the contents of it were not immediately made clear. As far as I could tell, they are solid, possibly some sort of baked bread treat? Doesn't matter, really, since I'm just happily enjoying the--

      Oh my God FUCK jumping spider.

      So, context: I'm usually cool with most creatures, but if a spider is in MY house, then they are the agents of Devil-Satan and pump not blood like you and me, but disease-filled goo that will permanently infect your home as a final act of fuck-you should you attempt to kill them. Again, no leap of logic here, but learning about spiders with R that same night probably caused them to haunt my dreams; but of all the much more pleasant things I could have dreamed about, my brain decided "No, it's gonna be spiders, because middle finger."

      ANYWAYS, the spider is about the size of my palm, and is slightly more slender than a wolf spider. This type of spider is also translucent white with hints of red in their core, and Dream Knowledge tells me that not only do they drink blood, they'll turn completely red from it. They actually remind me a little of the Wraith Spiders from the Neverwinter Nights game, and this particular one wants my goddamned food.

      I make a tactical retreat, but the spider follows me, and that parental figure is nowhere to be found. I go past the kitchen, into the formal dining room, get turned around, and head back to the living room again; another one of those Wraith Spiders is waiting for me. Fuck.

      The new spider leaps up towards my plate, and I instinctively use my right hand to slap it away. I could feel and hear the impact, and was a bit like slapping a plastic spider toy away. The spider goes flying, but I know that now, aside from my food, it also craves revenge. Luckily, this sequence ends before I get my comeuppance.

      Dream two was less spider-y, but much more vague and less memorable. As far as I can recall, I seem to be in an office setting, but I don't work at wherever this office is. Not sure why or what I'm doing there, but I woke up before I could do whatever it was I was going to do.

      Updated 11-09-2013 at 07:45 PM by 66359

    2. Nov. 4-6 Dream Journal: It's gonna get awkward around my friends now

      by , 11-04-2013 at 10:43 PM
      I was a character designer working in a room with a long table with other people involved in the process. We are pitching ideas, though at this point we don't have an idea what the project is. I start doodling on a sketch, and it was to be a generic male lead of an adventure story to start. That's when the producer(?) says something like "no no... we need to go back to classic Alan Grant."

      So now, my brain retcons things, and our project is designing Jurassic Park 4, and I'm supposed to decide the look Sam Neil's character is going to be. I free hand Alan Grant with a pen (Dream me is ridonkulously good at drawing, it looks like): He's flying side ways shooting a pair of pistols like he's in Hot Fuzz, and he's wearing his original outfit from the first Jurassic Park movie, only with bandoleers across his chest and holsters. His head is also over-sized, so it resembles one of those mall caricature kiosk drawings. The producer loves it (because he's a goddamned frat boy idiot, I guess). This dream fades.

      Dream two had me in a government/military/agency building as some sort of mid-ranked officer(?), and I am feeling detached/disillusioned (at the time of this dream, I felt really disillusioned about my job as well). I'm in a classroom, and there are some college age students/cadets in there just hanging out.

      My friend R, who is an actual teacher in Spain right now, comes in. He gives me a big bear hug (totally his M.O.) and kisses me on both cheeks, European style (this part I'm guessing he picked up from Spain). I ask him, "shouldn't you be in Spain?" and he says he's just visiting. I'm assuming this is my brain covering my tracks, and with more practice, I can pick up on these things more quickly. He sits in a desk near the corner of the room, on the opposite end of the wall sharing the door, and I sit next to him on the floor and lean against the wall.

      We chat a bit, and the instructor appears. The room is suddenly filled with students. My friend T's younger sister, G, appears, and gives me a report -- apparently, there is a situation with whatever group it is that I am working for. But she also just settles down with R and me (so much for the situation) while the instructor lectures the class.

      At one point, the instructor stops his lecture so he can call out Fat Neil (from Community). He seems agitated that Fat Neil is eating a tub of Tang! powder straight, and they have a brief exchange that's something like this:

      "Do you know what that stuff is?!"

      "Yes sir, it's just sugar and orange flavoring."

      "Right. And it's not good for you. There's no vitamins."

      At this point, the instructor confiscates the Tang! powder, and gives Fat Neil a tub of what I think it Protein Powder. Fat Neil resumes eating powder.

      Suddenly, I realize that the walls are filled with gadgets and blinking likes, kind of like a supercomputer from out of a 60's Bond movie. The the dream got fuzzy before it fades.

      (I really debated whether or not to record part three here; but it's so fucked up, I decided, eh, what the hell?)

      Dream three is weird. I'm in a room, and I'm sitting in a chair. Sitting in a similar chair with me is someone that resembles my friend J, but it feels like it's a clone of her. We are just hanging out like we usually do, when suddenly she reaches into her purse and pulls out a device. She goes "check this out!" and puts said device to use. We continue chatting like normal, as if nothing happened, before I woke up.

      For the people who are able to read between the lines, no, it was not one of those dreams; but I do find it uproariously funny because we have an ongoing "let's see who can gross out/make each other uncomfortable more" contest in real life, and a) this may be my trump card, and b) she has told me so many similar stories along those lines that after I woke up, my reaction was "Hmm. Yeah, that seems like something she'd do."

      Also, nothing recorded for Nov. 5, and for Nov. 6, I can only vaguely recall that I was in the city, and I really wanted to help or save someone.

      Updated 11-16-2013 at 11:29 PM by 66359

    3. Nov 1 Dream Journal: It's kinda like Reservoir Dogs, but not

      by , 11-01-2013 at 04:59 PM
      Heist dream! Only, my dream began after all the job is over, and we are in a van deciding how to split the money. There is also a device in the middle of the van that is stacking and pressing the money, and it is somehow very important that the money is in there. It looks like a glass tube with metal contraptions around it, and inside the tube is the money and a folded plastic hose thing that does the "pressing."

      Conflict arises when we realize that we are still short $10,000 of money for the device. I somehow get assigned to fix the situation, but as I tinker with this contraption, I find that we are actually down more than the $10,000 that we initially thought. I'm not sure how I fixed the situation, but eventually I somehow got the number back to being only down $10,000; and somehow, being back to square one appeased everybody.

      There is no proof of this anywhere in my dream, but there is this sense that this heist dream is related to my job (not being snarky).
    4. Oct 31 Dream Journal: You are lucky I'm not Jesus in real life.

      by , 10-31-2013 at 04:35 PM
      I dreamed I was Jesus.

      Or maybe a Jesus-ian figure, for legal purposes and what not. I'm giving the famous Sermon on the Mount. There is a giant crowd, and I'm preaching under a large tree on top of a hill. I'm trying to give an uplifting message, but I also know via Dream-o-knowledge that there are people out in the crowd who is purposely/accidentally going to fuck it up for everyone else. So I keep tailoring my speech so that it can't possibly be misconstrued, but my Dream Jesus powers of mind-reading tells me it's not working.

      I am tempted to smite them with God powers, but as I'm Jesus, I had to remain patient. This goes on for a bit before the dream fades.
    5. Oct 29 Dream Journal: G-g-g-g-ghost!

      by , 10-29-2013 at 10:40 PM
      Once again, I'm in a video game-esque world; or at least, the graphics in this world is good ol' early 90's DOS, 256-colors game. We (as in my party, who are comprised of 2D sprites -- looks like we are in an SRPG game) have just hit the Sad Ending, and the female protagonist is going to be lost to another dimension in an act of self sacrifice. Only, she suddenly realizes that she can totally get out of this predicament, and yep, we are suddenly in Good Ending, complete with a big boost in graphics as we hit an FMV sequence. I'm not sure how/why, but now we are flying around on a big airship (that acts as our party's camp, I assume) overlooking mountains and plains, and a pack of birds is celebrating with us. It would not feel out of place in a Final Fantasy FMV sequence. Then blurriness.

      Dream two has me acting as the older brother of two poor orphans who I named Kate and Sam. Kate is older (I want to say 8-9 years old), has perfect curls, and is dressed in a patched down jacket that reaches down to her knees. Sam is maybe 4 or 5, carries a teddy bear in one hand (while holding on to Kate with the other) while wearing a faded onesie. They look like pathetically cute ragamuffins.

      Oh, and apparently, I'm a ghost in this scenario, and only Kate and Sam can see me. So I go around watching over them as they struggle in the middle of winter in a grim-looking city. At one point, we are in a small market at the meat section, and an old man that resembles/played by Jonathan Banks tries to buy food -- a package of uncooked chicken drumsticks and chicken breasts -- for them, only I Ghost-slap the food out of his hands in anger. Apparently, Dream Knowledge fills me in that this old man is a detective, and I am agitated because I guess he wasn't able to prevent my death/overlooked my murder/I'm a dick.

      The dream switches to the outside of an alleyway, and I'm also able to communicate with the detective now. We seem to have put our differences aside, and he even has decided to take in Kate and Sam to watch over as his own. But before we can get to the Happy Ending, we have to take down a mobster nicknamed "Leek," like the vegetable. Apparently, he is the one who is responsible for my death. Sadly, the dream fades before I find out what happens.

      Oh no, wait, yes I do -- my subconscious ripped off the plot from The Crow, so I have a pretty good idea what happens.
    6. Oct 27, 28 Dream Journal: *Glove Slap* I challenge you to a duel!

      by , 10-27-2013 at 10:13 PM
      Well, I had a pretty elaborate dream.

      I dreamed I was in an ancient Chinese setting as a general again. I'm currently in the market place of a major city, and the view is isometric style like a DOS RPG game, and I'm going around point-and-click style, solving side quests; only in this case, each and every side quest is basically challenging some right bastard to a duel, in which my vision shifts to a combat screen (the view is still isometric, and the combat screen's background recycles the same "market" image). It reminds me a lot of Koei's Sangokushi V's duel screens, and I was able to check my combat rating via Dream Knowledge stat screen; I'm a 95 -- sweet! Also, I'm such a nerd.

      So ANYWAYS, Dream Knowledge tells me I'm already pretty immersed in side-questin', and the first combat that I "participated" in was against some thugs terrorizing the market place. I won pretty handily, and I also like the blue/red/white outfit I'm in. Also, in "world map" view, I walk around on foot, but the second I'm in combat, I'm riding around on a white horse. Also, combat is very pixelated. Again, such a nerd.

      My second side-quest duel has me fighting a rival general serving some other warlord. I open up the stat screen again and saw that his combat rating is about 73 (or something along those lines). So of course I kick his ass.

      My third side-quest has me fighting a scholarly-looking guy who challenged me. I pull up my handy Dream Knowledge Stat Screen, and his combat stat is 97. Dammit, it's a trap! Also, my health hasn't recovered fully from my previous two fights before. So I pause my fight against him, grind on random encounters (my dream is a fan of old-school JRPG's, apparently) until one of the rare-drops a special sword that boosts my combat rating, and THEN continue my fight against the scholar guy. But wait, I forgot to refill my HP! Fortunately, I catch a break when I get a lucky roll (also, my brain is a D&D nerd now) of the dice, except the dice are Dominoes tiles; I "roll" a six (the max value) and my opponent rolls a one. That allows me to perform some crazy super move to beat the guy, which allows me to level-up, refill my HP, AND improve my base combat rating to 97 (not including the bonus from my drop). Sweet!

      I fight the Boss Thug next, which isn't nearly as tough. His special thing is that he's running around with a pack of dogs and terrorizing the people in the market. In the fight, I just whistle really sharply, which scares away five of his dogs each time. Three rounds of whistling later, all his dogs are gone. He surrenders.

      My last side quest triggered when I noticed a new NPC hanging out near a stand. She's a lady wearing a widow's outfit, and when I talk to her, I get a single text bubble that explains she is forced to marry someone, and will I help her? Yes/No.

      I choose Yes, and suddenly, her fiancee appears. Turns out he's a court adviser and powerful sorcerer who, upon entering the combat screen, transforms into the form of a dragon made out of goddamned lava; the upper-half of his human form is visible in the dragon's aura, and is able to cast spells. Oh, poop.

      Luckily, this lava dragon sorcerer guy had one unfortunate fatal flaw: he has an overly elaborate attack animation, and I just "jab" at him so that I keep interrupting his attack while I chip his HP away. Yes, again, giant nerd. After winning, the sorcerer guy is temporarily stunned, and I escape with the lady on horseback to the country side. Apparently, the country of this world is made entirely of candy, and at one point in our flight from the city, we passed by Yoda's hut and the Witch's candy house from Hansel and Gretel. That was pretty sweet (heh heh).

      It's also at this time I had a costume change, and it's pretty cool according to my brain. It's a mixture of medieval Europe white/silver plate armor, but with early Chinese terracotta styling. It also features use of fur that matches the scheme, and some sort of cape/scarf. Sadly, when I tried to sketch it while I was awake, I realize that my dream keeps creating contradicting details (i.e. the shoulders would shift between having a fur trim to plate armor to robed covers).

      ANYWAYS, Dream Knowledge reveals that the lady was forced into a political marriage to form an alliance, and my meddling has already caused an uproar. The bright side is, the two nations ally anyways over their mutual desire to see me captured, so... glad to be of help? The wedding dowry was also apparently 40 tanks, and I'm suddenly in an infomercial-esque screen while the lady describes how powerful these modern tanks are. Because yes, I'm sure fucking tank shells are pretty handy against spearmen. I also know that Miracle Pans from Mr. Show are up next in the infomercial. Nicely done, subconscious!

      I somehow end up chasing after a tank on horseback, Indy in Last Crusade style. I leap on the tank and grab on like I'm climbing around in Shadows of the Colossus, complete with looking for a weak point to stab. But sadly, I wake up from this dream before I could find the glowing sigil.

      Oct 28
      Can't remember what happened in my dream, but whatever it was woke me up at 4:30
    7. Oct 26 Dream Journal: Birds see everything

      by , 10-27-2013 at 12:49 AM
      The dream starts with me as the student of an evil samurai -- Kibagami Genjuro, specifically, from the Samurai Shodown series. We are strolling along what I assume are the streets of Edo at night, and there's a light rain. To our left is the base of the castle/wall, and there is a river/moat(?) to the right. We walk under a willow and/or cherry blossom tree (my dream switches them up randomly for funsies) in a small garden patch with a stone lantern, and I recall climbing the tree while Genjuro drinks from a giant bottle of wine.

      As we are walking around being all samurai-y, we somehow get invited to a posh, contemporary house by an early 30's, he-likes-football-she-likes-Mimosas type couple. The house is a big, single-story house, and we are in a giant kitchen that has a view of the backyard through the sliding glass doors. We chit-chat a bit on the counters, and the husband takes Genjuro outside to look at his sweet grill.

      Dream Knowledge tells me the wife secretly flirts with everyone, and does it precisely because she knows her husband will get insanely jealous. And while her husband and Genjuro are outside, she begins flirting with me and Genjuro (who, by dream logic, is able to be in two places at once?). It's about this time her outfit changes into a set of pretty goddamn slutty workout clothes. I react exactly like Ferris' dad from Ferris Bueller's Day Off when Sloane flirts/messes with him in the cab. Meanwhile, the husband is right by the giant glass sliding door, and would have a clear view of everything if he's not so fixated with the grill.

      But then, he calls me to join him outside alone (Genjuro is no longer defying space-time and is now just inside the kitchen now), and there's a creepy vibe about him. I think he knows what's going on, and isn't too happy; but instead, he just talks to me about his grill. He then gives me a tour of his backyard, which is so big that there is are wooden walkways all about. At one end of the walkway, we see a couple of Blue Jays that the couple keeps as pets. He summons one of the birds to him, and for some reason, it's at this time I realize I have an owl friend (who just kinda exists briefly). As I marvel at the bird, the husband turns to me and says, "You know... birds see everything."

      I take that as a sign to leave. There are other guests all of a sudden, and they grow exponentially hostile from their sudden existence like dream extras in Inception.

      Things kind of escalate from here.

      The backyard grows larger, and I'm at the side of the fence. Directly in opposite of me in front of the glass doors is Scorpion from Mortal Kombat, and, yep, he shoots his spear thing at me. I all of a sudden have a katana in my hands, and charge at Scorpion. Suddenly, I'm fighting the entire cast of the evil characters from Mortal Kombat. Well, shit.

      I take to the upper terraces of the garden to get away, and suddenly I'm platforming along bamboo platforms supported hundreds of feet above ground, next to mountains that look like it comes out of a Chinese watercolor painting. I'm leaping and hopping hundreds of feet, and I distinctively remember going so fast that I'm very concerned about my landing.

      I wake up after a few bounds, confused as fuck what the hell my brain is doing.
    8. Oct 25 Dream Journal: Frog Jobs

      by , 10-26-2013 at 12:37 AM
      I dream that I'm an editor starting my first day of a new job/assignment. I stumble into an office, and before the door closes, I think the rest of the offices looks like it was from the set of Scrubs. This office is rectangular, and has a large desk facing away from a large window, so I sit down and start to write.

      In the middle of my work, a nurse brings another editor (who I also know is a new hire) into the room. I start to apologize for using this office, but the nurse cuts me off before I could begin, and I soon realize she thinks I'm a doctor and this is my actual office. Both the nurse and the other new editor subsequently become under my direct supervision. I'm not sure what happened, but this causes me to become the hospital's Chief of Staff somehow, and the nurse becomes my right-hand woman and the new editor becomes my executive assistant. Sweet.

      Somehow, a frog gets under my desk. It's situated in a way where when it jumps, it'll bang its head against the bottom ledge of the desk and rebound back to where it is, as if it has only one jump setting. It doesn't seem to be hurt (or understand what it happening), so it keeps jumping and banging into my desk. None of the other nurses who try to catch him are able to, so I finally get a blanket and put it in front of the frog so that it'll jump into it, and then I just wrap it up.

      My plan worked for a bit, but because of the blanket cutting it off, the frog instead jumps into my shins and begins attacking me with its teeth and claws; yes, apparently in this reality, frogs will fuck your shit up. Thankfully, the dream fades.

      I also vaguely remember I was a cop in another dream, but that's about it.
    9. Oct. 24 Dream Journal: When people stop being polite, and people start getting real!

      by , 10-24-2013 at 08:16 PM
      Dream one has me in a snowy town, possibly medieval Europe. I think it's the same town as the one from Disney's Beauty and the Beast, even though I've never seen the movie straight through, so I'm not even sure there was a snowy town in the movie. Anyways, it's night time, and there is an uneasy vibe going around. I'm sneaking from building to building, trying to avoid as much attention as possible, but every single building here has giant glass panes for a wall, and the interiors are well-lit by fireplaces. I only get as far as I could because no one bothered to tilt their heads and look outside. I can't say for certain, but I think the townspeople are afraid of me and would form a mob if they knew I'm back.

      I finally duck into a wooden building, the only one where there aren't any giant windows. It is apparently the home of two sisters; they are both redheads in their early 20's, and they are dressed like extras from Fable. Dream Knowledge tells me one is evil, and the other is good. Evil sister pushes good sister towards me in a "take her, not me!" manner. Luckily (for her and my conscience), the dream fades before I can do anything horrible.

      I'm next in a two-story house with eight or nine other housemates. Hijinks ensue in vignette format, but I can't tell/remember which order they go in for the most part. But the following happens:

      -I accidentally hit an old hippy lady wearing dreads with a basketball while she is eating. She is annoyed, but not mad.
      -One of my housemates is named Raj, and I work for him on his website downstairs in my office area. He is probably a dream version of my old boss.
      -We cook some sort of a spaghetti dinner at a really long table together. The dinnerware are really colorful.

      What I do know is that in the last vignette, I spar with Craig, who resembles a cross between Craig Robinson and the guy who plays Tyrese in The Walking Dead. Either way, Craig loves to watch 70's MMA on TV (yes, yes, my brain knows it doesn't exist back then. It just did that to troll the bros), and I'm the only one in the bunch that's willing to practice with him.

      Sparring with Craig causes my dream to shift into a Battle Royale setting, and I'm one of the poor fools trapped inside a Japanese high school. Only, this school is built like a tower on an island, and is tall enough to reach into the sky (hey, not the most efficient architecture, guy who designed this school). There are apparently 999 levels, and my goal is to reach the very top. Fortunately, my dream posits me near the very top, though the dream fades before I could do anything.

      Updated 11-14-2013 at 01:32 AM by 66359

    10. Oct 23 Dream Journal: In which rich people are weird and annoying

      by , 10-23-2013 at 08:11 PM
      I dream my life is a Diablo-esque world, complete with (though I don't see it) two giant orbs that represent my life and mana. Most of everything else in this world is normal, only it's not uncommon to find red and blue potions lying around. Apparently, I've been very diligent in finding special blue potions that raise my max MP, and I know I value those slightly more than special red potions that raise my max HP.

      I'm having a conversation with my sister and her wife, and we are just lounging around, Arabian-style, on pillows and cushions. I think I'm congratulating them on their marriage. Suddenly, a pile of treasure appears (MAN I love Diablo world!), and I excuse myself to go collect it. When I go collect it, my high school friend C appears and complains that he doesn't get enough action. For whatever reason, Dream Knowledge tells me that C is one of the best henchmen to have and develop statistically, so I keep him around in my party. He uses a bow and arrow, which I find kind of funny now that I think about it -- C is a big dude, he's a bit of an ass at times, and he breaks every archer stereotype you'd find. Also, we are all of a sudden in a dungeon now, and it's somehow C's fault, so Goddammit C! This dream fades before anything happens.

      In my next dream, I'm sitting at a table in a fancy restaurant for a dinner thing. I'm with (starting from my right) a beautiful woman who I'm related to somehow (Aunt? Friend? Cousin?); a rich, good-looking man who is our host and also trying to seduce the woman; our host's shallow sister, who doesn't really want to be there; the woman's husband, who kinda has a beaten-down-by-life vibe going for him; a space-filler guy who, I'll say it now, does nothing at all in the entire dream except probably be the host's friend?; and the host's father, who is exceedingly old and richer than astronauts. In this snobby restaurant, they charge us $3.50 to go visit the balcony that has a view. For our meal, our host got us each some sort of roasted bird, another roasted bird, and expensive red wine.

      During the dinner, the host gives the woman a red dress (possibly the same one from my Space Nazi dream?) as a present. The woman seems indifferent to it, and appears kind of melancholy at best; her husband doesn't even object to the host's blatant and obvious flirting.

      The old man suddenly needs to use the bathroom, and orders the woman to help him, which she reluctantly obliges. She returns shortly after, announces "he just needed to find the doors," at which the host takes everyone else to go help/watch his father pee/poo (don't ask). Only the woman and I remain seated at our table, where we just drank our wines in silence. Neither of us really wants to be here, and Dream Knowledge tells me that we are both really sympathetic to our respective situations.

      Updated 11-14-2013 at 01:34 AM by 66359

    11. Oct 21, 22 Dream Journal: So uncivilized!

      by , 10-22-2013 at 08:40 PM
      Oct 21:
      A combination of C and T are terrorizing everyone in high school by just seeing how much they can get away with -- not that far-fetched from real life. He/They are armed with a whipped cream/silly string shooter -- again, this is exactly the kind of shit they'd pull -- and randomly shoots at the other students walking by. When he targets me with the silly string, I stiff arm and deflect the cream-beam with a single outstretched hand, like Darth Vader blocking Han Solo's blaster shots, while trying to explain that he is acting like an idiot. I'm not sure how long this lasts, but it felt like a really long time. At one point, my old friend K tells me something along the lines of "it's no use talking to him" while I'm still blocking the stream (which has been continuous this entire time), but I was determined to resolve this like an adult.

      Dream two has me sleeping in my room at my house, and at a God-awful time, my mom begins running up and down the stairs that's right outside my door as a form of exercise. I voice my objections, but she just comes and sits on my bed and asks me if I know the old Chinese story of Hou Yi shooting down the suns. All I could think about was how she's getting sweat on my bed while I keep telling her that yes, I know, please let me go back to sleep.

      In a bit of an ironic twist, I wake up from that.

      Oct 22:
      I could barely remember any of my dreams. The furthest I got was about wanting to find something at work. Bleh.

      Updated 11-14-2013 at 01:34 AM by 66359

    12. Oct 20 Dream Journal: Take me home to where the grass is green...

      by , 10-20-2013 at 08:11 PM
      I dream of a really beautiful, tropical paradise, like the Hawaii scenery you'd see on postcards. The beach is perfect, and there is exotic fauna and grassy fields. Off in the distance I can see clear skies over sapphire-blue oceans. The ends of two islands frame the edge of my view, and they are equally lush and picturesque; but I know I'm on the "main" island where everyone wants to be. The colors in this world are way to crisp and vivid to possibly exist, like someone is drunk while playing with Photoshop.

      I turn around, and there is a cliff/overhang that has the sun peaking through the top. A stream and pool bubbles at the bottom, and there is a small waterfall. I had to wade through some relatively thick foliage to get through to the edge of the pool, which is an emerald green. A path has already been made in the foliage to reach it. The sunbeam perfectly illuminates a set of wooden stairs that's built into the cliff, and I notice that the moisture gives the rocky walls a nice little glisten.

      I walk up the stairs, and after reaching the top of the cliff, I am now on Woburn street, across the street from my friend P's house and next to the Haggen's grocery store. This is not at all an accurate map of my old home town. I turn around, and the cliff is gone, though I'm back on the same level as the grass area of the beach. It is now more of a park now, and I can see people playing. In the middle of the field is an asphalt basketball court, and my friend E is playing on it. I jog over to join him, but the dream fades before I could reach the court.

      Dream two got pretty fun! I'm in a post-apocalyptic wasteland, but the people have regrouped to a Victorian steampunk setting. It's a clear, sunny and beautiful day, because I'm zipping around in my own goddammned-right-it's-an airship! The airships in the world comes in all shapes and sizes, and seem to be relatively common. I also know being in the air is much more preferable than living in the surface, because the surface is a harsh world of destruction and mutant monsters.

      My gear seems to be inspired by WWI pilots. I know I have a scarf and goggles on, and I have what appears to be a bomber jacket. I also have two belts around my waist: one is around the belt loops of my pants, and carries some light gear, while another one hangs off it and holsters a Wild West-styled six-shooter, only I know it fires lasers in a shotgun-like spread that resemble golden needles despite me not once using it in my dream. I also have a large object strapped on my back with a handle, so I assume it's a thing I use to smash jerks who got into melee range; because that totally is common in aerial dogfights.

      ANYWAYS, the airship I pilot is unique in that I operate it like a motorcycle, and is custom made by -- oh yes -- Nikola Tesla (David Bowie version) himself. First, in this world, Tesla is also kind of my employer/dispatcher, and I receive jobs from him via a communicator like the one Mr. House uses in Fallout. Second, when I realize that Tesla designed my airship, the balloon part of my ship gets damaged; I'm not sure if it's a malfunction, or did someone shoot me, but either way, I say something lame to the effects of "time for plan B!" and transform my ship into an electric hovercraft like the ones used in The Matrix, complete with the electric coils. The ship is supported in the air by the electricity that ropes out, and my ship "swings" from these beams. I dive down towards the surface because NOW I'm sure I am being chased, but this sequence fades as I'm diving.

      In my heart of hearts, I like to think my dream self is being challenged by my Thomas Edison-supported rival in a race across the world, and the ensuing awesome can't be comprehended until I shed my physical form.

      Updated 11-14-2013 at 01:34 AM by 66359

    13. Oct. 19 Dream Journal: The Führer will not be pleased

      by , 10-19-2013 at 09:41 PM
      I dream of a sci-fi desert landscape, though the vibe of it has a grainy feel like I'm in the movie Dune. I'm in the role of a distant visitor, where I bring with me knowledge of a distant world to the kindly people of this planet which I'm calling Space Eden. They are dressed in robes, kind of like a futuristic-medieval society that, again, resembles Dune. I'm walking along their city, overseeing the defenses they are building. I am at a sloped pass, and two 20-feet tall Golems that move Claymation style guard the top of the pass on each side. They resemble muscular humanoids, except their feet are platform blocks starting at the ankle, so they are more defense towers than wandering sentries. I know I inspect more of their defenses, but I don't think I actually ever "view" it before the scene changes.

      I'm now hanging out with my friend J, who is moping around the couch while I play video games. At one point, I discover something in the game that piques his interest, like a new option or setting or something, but he loses focus because I'm playing a basketball game, a sport I think 95% of the population of planet Earth have no interest in. My other friend Girl-J, who is also Boy-J's ex, comes in, and we all hang out with some slight awkwardness. Then Boy-J suddenly announces he has to visit his mother... in-law! And we all laugh like this is a funny joke in a sitcom. Don't ask me why my sub-conscious thinks I'd laugh at this.

      The scene changes again, and I'm in a vibe that resembles The Great Escape, where it's sunny and hot and my vision again has the "grain" feel from movies in that era. I'm planning to enter a race as an opportunity to escape from... wait for it... Space Nazis.

      The race itself is, somehow, a Go-Kart race for children, and I blend in by racing in a Formula 1 race car. During the race, I jump over a train a la Fonzie jumping over sharks, and I guide my jump so that the car hits the plume of black smoke coming out of this old-timey steam-engine train that happens to pass by. By Dream Science logic, the velocity of which I hit the plume of smoke causes it to produce even more smoke, allowing me to hide from the Space Nazis. I get a brief view change of an American SWAT team sniper -- who looks like the sniper from The Negotiator who couldn't shoot Sammy J, complete with backwards cap and wispy mustache -- reporting that he lost me. I don't know why he is working for the Nazis, nor do I know how anyone was able to lose me in the black smoke because it was a sunny day, and where else could I have possibly been?!

      ANYWAYS, the Nazis also confirm I'm off their radar, and that inspires the child racers to run away. Their Go-Karts are now Hoverbikes, and they are also dressed in Star Wars outfits. They circle some Nazi officers like a biker gang on a little hill before taking off. The last child even does a wheelie, and he's dressed as Darth Vader, complete with a tiny, functional lightsaber that he waves around like he's on horseback. I think he will grow up to be a great leader of men.

      The scene cut backs to Space Eden! Of course Space Nazis have begun invading Space Eden, and I'm back at the ridge with the Golems where my dream started. It is a very grisly battle, and I'm with the Edeners (thank God my subconscious sided me against the Nazis!), grimly overseeing the defense. The Golems kick plenty of ass, stealing laser rifles from the Nazis hands and shooting down the invaders. But the carnage is simply too much: The Golems take too much damage, and the one on the right crumbles first. The Space-Edeners fight with cool-looking plasma swords, but every time they kill a Space Nazi, they get ambushed and stabbed through the chest from behind and die a horrific death. That scene plays over and over again. The defenses we set up do their job, but we eventually retreat to the Great Hall.

      The Great Hall resembles a very upscale restaurant in the modern age, kind of like the restaurant in The Six Sense. This part is where my brain really got deep with its story, filling out background details on the fly:

      There's a love triangle being resolved in the Great Hall battle, and it is between a high-ranking Nazi General; his beautiful but distant wife (who is dressed in a flowing red gown); and the young Nazi Officer that loves her, and is now fighting for the Edeners. The vibe is kind of like the love triangle in The Titanic. The General and the Officer duel (with rapiers), and the General is clearly the superior swordsman. He overpowers the Officer and trips him down while knocking his sword away. Holding the rapier to the Officer's throat, the General sneers and stands over his opponent, says something dark (though I don't know what, exactly) as he is about to deliver the finishing blow. But the wife overhears that, says something like "Thank you for reminding me of Maurice (which Dream Knowledge fills out the story of Maurice as the Wife's abusive first husband)." She then grabs the General, suplexes(!) the General into a nearby soup cart, and kills him by dunking his head into the boiling-lava-hot soup that melts his face, Raiders-style. I don't know why this restaurant is serving soup that fucking hot. I approach the Officer to help him up, and I quip some smart-ass line like "your girlfriend is going to kick your ass," though I don't remember the exact words.

      The death of the General turns the tides, and the Space Nazi President (yes, in this scenario, the Nazis have a Democratic society) surrenders. President Nazi is not, sadly, Robo-Hitler, and in fact resembles Mel Brooks as President Skroob. I will let the irony of Mel Brooks Nazi sink in. President Nazi begs for forgiveness, but the Elder of the Space Edeners say something like "your money can't buy back the lives you took today," and President Nazi is taken away by two, human-sized Golems.

      The dream fades, though I know there was going to be a celebration. Too bad, I wanted to be awarded a Space Eden medal alongside with Han Solo and Chewie.

      Updated 11-14-2013 at 01:35 AM by 66359

    14. Oct. 17 Dream Journal: Is there a red dot on my head?

      by , 10-17-2013 at 08:12 PM
      A giant, disembodied cat paw batted the side of my head while I'm sleeping, and I woke up from surprise. I could swear I saw myself getting hit, and felt the impact.

      I think giant disembodied cat knocked the rest of my dreams out of my memory.

      Updated 11-13-2013 at 05:56 AM by 66359

      Tags: cat, pain, paw
    15. Oct 17 Dream Journal: You shall not pass!

      by , 10-17-2013 at 07:06 PM
      I'm in a bombed-out bus that's been converted into a trolley that is currently being used as a taxi cab in what looks like 60's-era Vietnam in Full Metal Jacket. I'm having a lot of trouble communicating with the other passenger seated across from me that I don't understand Vietnamese. But I happen to speak Taiwanese, and by Dream Logic, I realize that the two languages are only two steps removed from each other, and are close enough that we are now able to have a conversation. This sequence fades before we can talk, though.

      Now I'm hanging around my actual house. I'm watching an NBA game while also playing a video game on my tablet. I focus on the TV, and I recognize LeBron James (Heat), Vince Carter (Raptors), Yao Ming (Rockets -- I'm not watching an All-Star game, and yes, the timing is off, for those who follow sports); and when an on-screen "who's on the court now" graphic flashes, one of the forwards is Bob Odenkirk from Mr. Show. Yes, Saul Goodman is somehow holding his own against a bunch of NBA superstars from the 2000's. I will pay money to watch this happen in real life.

      I focus on my tablet, and the game I'm playing is World of Warcraft-esque, but now that I focus on the game, I'm transported into the game as an actual character. I'm in a dungeon, a lot like DOS-era Prince of Persia with a lot of stairs winding up in right angles. There is a platform in the middle that holds the sacred... Block of Cheese. Um.

      ANYWAYS, a rival wizard is nearby, and I have to prevent him from getting to that cheese before me. But he is more powerful than I am, and in a bid to stall for time, I taunt him and engage him into a belching contest. Just for the record, I am not this crass in person. I briefly turn into Eric Cartman for this contest. I burp a poisonous green gas, while the other wizard burps fire. When our burps collide, it causes an explosion. We keep one-upping each other until finally, the wizard gets really frustrated (I think it's because he's had enough of such childish antics. I know I would've been). Instead of going after the cheese, he teleports next to me, fully intent on destroying me. It's at this time that I got a good look at him, and he resembles Tim the Enchanter from Monty Python. He has his arms raised to annihilate me.

      But ah ha! I'm not a wizard. I'm a goddamned Paladin, and as he realizes that he made a mistake of coming within melee range, I catch him in a sticky trap (mocking him in Cartman's voice again) and proceed to pummel him like a punching bag. At one point of my overly-violent behavior, I actually visualize me punching the punching bag in my gym, FPS style, and even pause so I can look at my movelist like I'm in Street Fighter. I wake up.

      I'm the worst Paladin ever.

      Updated 11-14-2013 at 01:35 AM by 66359

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