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    Memorable Dreams

    1. May 31st Melatonin, B6, B12, and "Energy Vitamin" experiment + new migraine meds

      by , 05-31-2012 at 05:25 PM (Yellowbench's Dream Journal.)

      I was recently prescribed a new medicine "Topamax" (Topiramate) for my migraines. I have read several different things about this, and nothing real specific about dreams. I read some people saying it causes weird and vivid dreams, while others say it completely gets rid of your dream recall. One of the nearly universal side-effects are memory loss, and trouble recalling certain words. So it seems like it would make lucid dreaming harder if it hurts your memory... I start on the lowest dose 25mg, which causes the least side effects, so thats not so bad.

      I went to go pick up my prescription at the local pharmacy, and I decided to get some supplements while I was there. I picked up melatonin with B6 and B6 by itself. At home I have B12 and these daily vitamins with extra vitamins for energy. I think these are generic brand of "One-A-Day Energy" Anyways, they have the B vitamins, and some other stuff but also extended-release caffeine, which I think really helps with lucid dreaming. I also have vitamin B2 and Magnesium, but I take these daily anyways for my migraines. I decided to take all of these last night, not sure why, I guess I'm kind of scared of losing my recall, but I can't rely on supplements forever. Maybe I always wanted to try this, not sure.

      Anyways, I swallow
      9mg of melatonin
      100mg of B6
      100mcg of B12
      100mg of magnesium (unrelated?)
      100 mg of Riboflavin (B2)
      200 mg of caffeine (ER)
      +whatever else was in the vitamin

      Unfortunately I do not remember any of these dreams, and I did not record them, ha.. But I do Know I had dreams, vivid dreams too. I actually woke up several times throughout the night feeling really empathetic and warm. I kept waking up being extremely in awe of my dreams but going back to sleep to soon... :C I wonder if this could be because of too much melatonin? maybe I shouldn't have used the caffeine? I also woke up about every hour, and I had mini dreams throughout the entire night, even outside of REM sleep, these were more like daydreams and were observable outside of SP, Maybe I was just delusional, I definitely felt like my new medicine could be making me feel a little bit foggy as well. I'm going to repeat This next night to see if I can record this time. Is there anything I can do different?
      memorable , side notes
    2. Recorded (2?) years ago, favorite dream.

      by , 05-29-2012 at 03:30 PM (Yellowbench's Dream Journal.)

      So, I haven't had any recallable dreams for the past few days, this might be due to stress and being over-tired, and finals week... I don't want to stop recording dreams though, so I decided to record my favorite dream that was in one of my old hand-written dream journals. Also one of my first lucid segments. This is a short dream, but is the most vivid I remember.

      [Dream 1]
      I am in a hall, in a huge mansion-looking building. The halls look rich, and decorative but abandoned. I am with a tall african-american man and his son, I think these people are my friends, and I am walking down the halls with them. The son, is about 8 years old, and they are both dressed in rags and are very poor looking. We walk up to a large window with a balcony outside. There are seven full moons in the sky in the shape of an arch. We walk away and the man falls to the ground and starts having convulsions. His stomach is thrashing in and out. Me and the boy are stunned and the boy starts having the convulsions as well. They are both on the ground and I am standing above them.
      The feeling of relief you get when you realize your nightmare isn't reality swept over me. However the dream did not stop, and fell to the ground as well and started having the same spasms in my stomach. I wake up and I am sweating and my heart is racing. I am still a little delirious from the dream and I have to take a walk to wear it off. This dream was bizarre to me because the nightmare did not end, even when I realized it was a dream, and also the 7 moons still haunt me and I still wonder what they are symbols for. Joseph's dreams in the bible, the number 7 is repeated multiple times, and represents 7 years. Dreammoods.com says "A full moon signifies completion and wholeness, while a new moon symbolizes new beginnings." But this contradicts the general mood of my dream.
    3. May 2012, DRUGS, (reoccurring dreams from the past week)

      by , 05-28-2012 at 12:22 AM (Yellowbench's Dream Journal.)
      Well, I'm going to try to do these once a day, once per nap, idk. But I kind of want to put my favorite dreams from this month that are written down in my notebook here, not sure what compels me to do this, but w/e. A disadvantage of my journals are the fact that I cannot read my handwriting most of the time, it may also be easier to re-read my dreams in order here. I also do not remember the circumstances behind these dreams, I forget if I was trying to lucid dream, or if I attempted a WILD that morning, etc. The following are all none-lucid dreams btw. I also will not use names of my friends or family, instead I will use codes like "[Friend 1]" But "friend 1" might not be "friend 1" in separate dreams unless I say so.

      Dream 1.

      I am with [my GF] We were making out in her garage, but we had to move because people could see us through the window of the house through the window of the garage. We are leaving and [female friend 1] says something like "Oh My", I say hi, and she walks off. We head towards [GF]'s backyard and we see [Female friend 2], and she walks past us. [Female Friend 1] Sees her family near the bank in our town, she gets a ride with her family and leaves. We are back in [GF]'s backyard and we see a variety of mushrooms, they appear to be the psychoactive Liberty Caps, Morels, and False Morels. [GF]'s Friends are picking up the false morels put them into their mouths, I tell them they are poisonous and the other mushrooms were the real mushrooms. [Male Friend 1] Messaged me later that evening and asked me if I was doing drugs again, if those mushrooms I was looking at earlier were psychoactive or not.
      (Note: I used to study mushrooms, It's interesting to me that the Morel and False Morel were in my dream, the Morel is a very desirable mushroom that is often hunted and sold for quite a bit of money. The false morel is poisonous however, and can even cause death. I wonder what this is a symbol for.)

      Dream 2.

      I am with a few older women, none of which I know. Some of the mothers of these older women are also here. I tell them I want to try heroin. (Note: I don't) They look at each other for a few moments and then say to me, "Oh, you want to shoot?" They take me into this room, which resembles my aunt's bedroom, and eventually into her bathroom. They pull out this massive bong and tell me to take a hit of codeine. (Odd, codeine isn't smokeable, although opium is)

      [My sister] is remembering a party she had with a couple of her friends, there is a flashback and it shows her friends partying. I know her house has changed, because the flashback had different carpets. There is a hipster man with a beard sitting on the couch, with a bracelet on the floor near him. The bracelet looks likes its made from string from an old wool blanket and is yellow and red. [sister]'s female friends are over again and resemble those from earlier in the dream with the codeine. We are watching some movie. I feel like they are all contestants to be my date, and its really weird. I keep wanting them to do things with me, (Note:If you know what I mean ) But they don't seem interested in that. I am now in a bathroom, which feels like a private and a public bathroom combined, kind of like a dorm restroom. There is a woman showering in the stall next to me, and a man walks past my stall, and I think he can see me through the crack of the stall door.

      (Another odd dream, with a lot of symbols, it seems like. I don't know whats up with the opiates and single women, the dream seems to be about harmful self-indulgence, not sure. The dream has mostly females, and has multiple relatives houses in the different scenes)

      Dream 3

      I was trying to buy a pill from someone at my school. I talked to [Male Friend 1], but he said he didn't have anything. I talked to his twin brother, but he also did not have any drugs. I talked to [Friend 2] Who finally said he had something, I forget the name of the drug he said. He wanted 20$ for the single pill, I haggled and he sold it to me for 5$ instead. I felt bad because I was using my girlfriend's money for some reason. My dealer changed into a woman, and was someone I knew, not sure who though. She handed over the pill and was a capsule, orange and white. She said it was an Adderall. I immediately put the pill in my mouth and began to suck on it so it would kick in faster. The capsule burst and I tasted sugar. (First time I had ever tasted anything in my dreams) I started yelling at the girl and asked for my money back, because I knew she had replaced the contents with sugar. An older adult, a tall woman, (an authority figure) walked up to us and asked if everything was ok. I, for some reason, told her the truth and I was worried if I'd get in trouble. She resembled me therapist, although my therapist is a man, not a woman. She said everything was confidential and I would not be in trouble.

      Later in the dream I was complaining to my friends what had happened, when the girl who dealt to me over heard and looked at me, she was making faces at me like she was making fun of me. I made a face at her and she looked away.


      All of these dreams are within a week, and they all have a common theme, drugs. I have some experience with these drugs. I have taken shrooms once, and adderall once as well. I took the adderall a week ago actually. I never used codeine or heroin though, although I have used hydrocodone and oxycodone, with a prescription. I smoke weed somewhat often, to be honest, and I will try something new like a pill or something every 2 months or so. I wasn't feeling too guilty about the adderall last week, and its been years since I had done shrooms, and a while since I had done any opiates.
      Anyways, I found it odd that every drug was different and each represented the 3 large groups of drugs.

      Adderall-The Stimulant
      Heroin and Codeine-The Downers
      Shrooms-The Psychedelic

      Strange, right? I'm not sure if this represents something or not, or even if these dreams are part of a trilogy. There are also a lot of women in my dreams lately, including my girlfriend, which is normal. Anyways, I will link back to this Entry when other dreams follow the pattern.
      non-lucid , memorable