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    LD numero dos!

    by , 10-05-2010 at 09:59 PM (443 Views)
    Huzzah! This puts me almost to my goal for this month! I even managed to do a successful stabilize and dream spin. (Though the stabilize didn't last long.)

    Anywho, this makes my first confirmed successful MILD. Like my first LD, I ended up doing 2 RCs. After my first RC, I stabilized my excitement by looking at my left hand with great interest for a bit, this cleared things up and kept me from waking up... However, I somehow got the idea that a plane was going to crash into the room.

    It did and everything froze and went dark, so I spun (Repeating 'You're dreaming' to not lose lucidity) and when I stopped there was an out of focus square white light. I wen towards it and it put me in a new dream. I RCed again and woke up.

    Huge success! Truncated heavily, but I'm still on a character limit.

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