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    Became Lucid, Couldn't Remember ToTM

    by , 09-09-2013 at 01:28 PM (568 Views)
    I was surprised because last night I had a pretty long dream that I somewhat remembered, despite going to bed at 10:30. Bad idea considering I had to wake up at 6 for...school . I don't remember a lot of the dream now, but I remember the part where I became lucid pretty well.

    I think I was with my school golf team, and we were going to practice somewhere. We did a lot of walking around and talking with people and random stuff. Then, I was in a big grassy area in the center of the large building my golf team and I were walking around in. I suddenly became aware, and did the nose RC, and it was positive. I decided to immediately go for ToTM. I started walking, but I couldn't remember anything. At that moment, I remembered that I had to sing my ABCs. I yelled them out really loud, and then afterwards did another RC to make sure I was actually dreaming xD. Then, I tried to remember the other basic ToTM, but I couldn't, so I thought I'd go for advanced ToTM.

    I went into this locker room type area, and there were other people with broomsticks and the Quidditch stuff already, however, I didn't have a broomstick. I told myself that when I reached back there would be a broomstick, but I reached my hand back over my shoulder, and nothing was there. After failing that a couple times, I just told myself that when I turned around, there would be a broomstick on the ground, and sure enough, there was. I picked it up and went over to the other players. The "officials" went over the rules, and at that point we all could start, but no one could fly. I tried jumping, but I just fell back down. At that point, I lost lucidity and either my alarm woke me up, or the dream scene shifted.

    First ToTM task completed ever . Now, I just have to do the other 3, and attempt the advanced one again!

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