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    Thread: KingYoshi's Dream journal......

    1. #26
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      March 10, 2009
      Normal Dream 38: Ultra Pong

      Category - Sports

      I was in a very crowded 1950's cafe. There were tables and a bar in the front room where I was located. The juke box was playing Mr. Sandman and I ordered a coke in a glass bottle. I walked to the backroom which was an arcade area. It was extremely crowded and had many putting machines. The putting machines were exactly like skee ball, but you putted a golf ball up the ramp instead.

      I was waiting in line to play and I saw many people grabbing the golf balls with their hands and tossing them into the circles. One of the golf balls rolled back to me and I launched it over people's heads and it landed right in the dead center ring. The cafe employee (who was the actor Mike McShane) said he saw me throw the ball and I had to leave. I got pissed and said "Everyone is throwing them look!" He said, "Well I didn't see everyone else I saw you!" I got mad and threw some chairs and knocked a few decorations off the walls.

      The employee grabbed me around the neck and started choking me. I told him, "If you don't let me go, I'm going to get his ass fired!" He let me go and said, "You couldn't even beat me at Ultra Pong!" I take his challenge and we go in and get a table set up. My friends Keith, Weiz, and Chris, come in to watch the showdown. We lay a wager of $100 a game and we are about to begin when I suddenly awoke.

      March 11, 2009
      Normal Dream 39: Sea Strangers

      Category - Action

      Me, Cliff, Zebbie, Mike, Diddy, and JT all co-owned a huge party/house boat. We asked a group of hot females to go out on the boat with us. We were partying and messing around with the girls whenever we heard a loud crash come from the back of the boat. I walked back and noticed the hull door was unlatched and I opened it up. There were wet footprints leading toward it. We ordered the girls to go to the living room (front of the boat and lock the door). We were looking around for the intruders and we would hear knocking from different places. I told everyone to go investigate the knocking and I lagged behind.

      One of the masked intruders was walking slowly from a bedroom watching the others from behind. He didn't see me. I snuck up behind him and took away his knife and then stabbed him multiple times before tying him up. I then joined the others and showed them the fat intruder. I told them they were trying to terrorize us like the movie "The Strangers." We decided we would turn it around on them and terrorize them. We went looking for the other intruders and we found doors taped closed and a message written in blood on the wall. It said, "Death Awaits". We dragged the fat guy under this message, took his blood and wrote "The Rest of You" under their message. We then killed the fat guy and taped him against the wall under it.

      We all split up in two groups and searched the other rooms. I hid in a closet myself and waited. After a few moments a masked women climbed out of the gun cabinet in the same room I was hiding. I eased out of the closet and grabbed her from behind. I held her and choked her saying, "You came after the wrong people motha(beep)!" I tied her up and left her alive. Me and Mike went looking for the last one as my other friends dragged the women out to the deck.

      We found the last guy, who was muslim, hiding under a bed. We dragged him out and tied him up as well. We took the dead guy and the other two out on the deck. We all took turns and beat them slowly until they were brain dead and then tied anchors to their feet and tossed them overboard. I awoke shortly after and thought about how disturbing this dream was.

      March 12, 2009
      Normal Dream 40: Pain & Suffering

      Category - ???

      This dream played out like a movie. Unfortunately I can't remember all the details. I was working in a recovery hospital. I was new on the job and I was in charge of helping two elderly woman recover from cancer. I cared for them for a while, but then I discovered (can't remember how) that they were special subjects. Their body accepted this new cancer treatment. The treatment kept them alive, but it caused them to become clinically depressed and live in physical pain.

      I went and told on of my co-workers the secret and she told me she had a dream the night before that one of the old woman had committed suicide. I felt a weird sensation throughout my body once she told me this. I took off sprinting down the hallway. I could see my patient climbing the steps to the roof in my mind. I tried to hurry and catch her. I ran up the steps and out onto the roof. She was standing at the edge. She turned her head toward me and said, "You can't help me. No one can." She then spread her arms and fell backwards off the roof. She landed in the rehabilitation pool below, but it is only three and one half feet deep. She was pronounced dead. I awoke shortly after.

    2. #27
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      March 13, 2009
      Normal Dream 41: Web Works

      Category - WTF

      I was in the basement of my house whenever I noticed a glistening spider web in the corner. It was a brilliant crystal color and reflected light in a rainbow of colors. I turned around and now the entire ceiling was covered in this thick crystal web. I walked upstairs and the web was covering all the walls and floor. The walkways now looked like circular tunnels. I looked down one of the tunnels and saw the spider whom was responsible. It was see through like crystal, but it had a bright emerald green circle on its back. It glistening just like it's web. I turned around and walked the opposite way where the web hadn't spread. I was in my kitchen and the web had now disappeared completely from the house. I walked into the laundry room and then I heard voices coming from the living room. There were two teenagers and their dad in my living room talking to my dad. One of the teenagers had curly blond hair and kept talking about how amazing and awesome the "Jonas Brothers 3D Concert Experience" was. His dad chimed in and said, "Son that was a horrible movie." The other kid said he just saw Watchmen and I asked him if he liked it just before I woke up.

      March 14, 2009
      Dream Fragment

      All I remember is me and a bunch of my guy friends were parying with our female friends. I remember one of the girls saying they only paid $100 a month rent and they had an in-ground jacuzzi. I kept trying to get my friend Zach to cannon ball into it. Unfortunately that is all I remember.

    3. #28
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      March 15, 2009
      Lucid Dream 15: The Return of Kate

      Category - Random

      The first thing I remember is, I was in some kind of large conference room. There were a bunch of old people people there and all of them had NCAA bracket sheets. My dad was also there and one of the men stood up and said, "Creighton should be in!" Then everyone started talking at the same time. A guy at the front of the room with a mallet silenced the noise and said, "Creighton does not get in!" Everyone in the room suddenly began writing on their sheets. I guessed this was the NCAA Selection Committee.

      I then heard "One Winged Angel" playing quietly behind me. One Winged Angel is Sephiroth's theme song. Sephiroth is a villain from the video game Final Fantasy 7. I turned around and saw a very attractive female pull out her cell phone and silence it. I thought, "A hot girl who likes Final Fantasy? Thats rare, I better talk to her." So, I walk up to her, not sure what to say, and say, "Hey, you seem a little out of place in here with all these old people." She said her grandpa was on the selection committee. I told her my dad was too and we talked for a while. Can't remember what we talked about. Next thing I remember is she did some really weird head twitch. I stared at her for a minute, but she acted like nothing happened. She then told me she thinks shes into me. I told her I would give her a ride home and we could talk about it. She was very hot, but the head twitch freaked me out.

      We walked outside and she slowly began walking in an off direction and said, "I just spent an amazing day with Eli Manning. He taught me how to grip the ball, catch, and even throw a fade route!" I just stared at her as she walked and got into a random persons car. I said, under my breath, "What a crazy bitch." The car she got into drove passed me and she was smiling and waved at me. Completely confused about what was going on, I forced an awkward smile and raised my hand. I turned to walk away thinking how weird that was and I became Lucid.

      I was trying to think of what to do when I put my hand in my pocket and pulled out a pair of scissors. I walked up to two guys who were walking down the sidewalk and I threw the scissors at one of em's neck. I threw the scissors, but instead of intending them to harm I just let the scissors do whatever they wanted. Kind of like I wanted to see what they would do on their own. Maybe they would stab him and maybe not. Sounds weird, but I suggest trying it. It is kind of like testing your sub-conscious. I was Lucid, but I wasn't consciously controlling them. Anyway, instead of the scissors stabbing the guy they flipped, opened, and began given the guy a beard trim. The second guy looked scared as the scissors whizzed around each of their heads giving them a hair and beard trim.

      I then decided I would find Kate Beckinsale. Hadn't seen her in a while. I walked around the building looking for her. I was calling out, "Kate" as I walked. A huge crowd of people were walking toward me. I kept looking and some of the people in the crowd were progressively looking more and more like Kate Beckinsale the further I walked. Finally, I found her and immediately kissed her. Me and her were about to ride on a magic carpet like in Aladdin, but I woke up. The "magic" carpet we were about to ride was my UVA rug, lol.

      March 16, 2009
      Dream Fragment

      I woke up in the middle of the night, was very tired and didn't feel like turning the light on, so I wrote down my dream in the dark. The next morning I looked at my notebook and this is all I could make out, "Game locked up.....summon....forever.....pain....different adventure stuff......Emerald Weapon." All the words in between those were the worst chicken scratch I have ever saw, lol. I couldn't remember any of it either.

      March 17, 2009
      Lucid Dream Fragment

      All I can remember is being Lucid and showing people how I could change the wind direction. I also started and stopped rainfall.

      March 20, 2009
      Lucid Dream 16: A Whole New World

      Category - Romance/Musical

      I got drunk the past couple nights and I guess it repressed my REM sleep. Anyway, I woke up in the middle of the night expecting a big REM rebound, but it hadn't come. Yet. Disappointed, I laid back down and with great excitement I began slipping into a WILD.

      My hypnagogic imagery was like wind blowing and kicking up snow, that formed into cloud-like shapes. Kind of hard to explain, lol. I immediately tried looking for Kate Beckinsale. I called out her name. Like the last time I ran into several other people who progressively looked more and more like Kate. Finally, I found her and we kissed. I then led her around the corner of my house. Around the corner the magic carpet from Aladdin was waiting on us. I helped her up onto the carpet and I sat behind her. We took off into the sky. The music from "A Whole New World" (the Aladdin song) began playing in the background. I sang Aladdin's parts and Kate sang Jasmine's. Once the song ended (I don't think we sang the whole song, just the first verse) she turned around and kissed me. I then removed her clothes and bent her over. We then had sex while flying around on the carpet.
      Last edited by KingYoshi; 04-20-2009 at 10:15 PM.
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    4. #29
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      March 22, 2009
      Lucid Dream 17: Reunited

      Category - Tragedy

      I was at my old house that I grew up in. My family was there and we were all having dinner. It could've been Thanksgiving. My grandmother that has already passed away was there with us. I became Lucid. I immediately went up and hugged my grandma. I told her I loved her. My eyes teared up and I became fairly emotional. The dream started to fade, so I took some deep breathes and the dream cleared back up. She then said, "Don't cry, I can fix that shoulder." She then got a surgical knife and felt my shoulder with her hand. She told me the problem wasn't even in my shoulder. She said it was on my spine. I was still Lucid, but I played along so I could spend some time with my Grandma. She took the knife and cut a spot on the back of my neck. She then used the knife to cut out a cyst that was attached to the top of my spine. She then sewed it up and she told me my shoulder shouldn't hurt anymore. The dream faded and I woke up

      PS: In real life she was a surgical nurse.

      March 23, 2009
      Lucid Dream 18: John Tucker's Twin?

      Category - Romance

      I was in my old High School whenever I became Lucid. I was like John Tucker from the movie "John Tucker Must Die". Everyone was coming up to me and girls were checking me out as I walked down the halls. I decided I would have some fun with this, so I started doing sexual things all over the school. I would mess around with one girl and then walk until I found another hot girl. I would just walk up to them and go at it. I got a foot job in the office, had a threesome in a full auditorium, and did many other sexual acts in class and in the hallways and no one seemed to care. I never did anything for too long, so I wouldn't wake up from excitement/arousal.

      At one point I walked into the auditorium and sang, "I have a structured settlement, but I need cash now!" Then everyone around me joined in, "Call J.G. Wentworth 877-CASH-NOW!" I suppose the J.G. Wentworth commercial had came on in real life while I was sleeping , LoL. I then started going around getting people to sing the J.G. Wentworth commercial with me.

      Oh, and at a few random points throughout the dream I ran into a group of fat chicks who had signs with my face and a cancel/no symbol over it. They would yell at me and call me a cheater until I could get away from them, lol.

      March 24, 2009
      Normal Dream 42: Another Party

      Category - Party

      Well, in this dream I decided to throw a party. Imagine that, lol. I was at my old house and people just started showing up without me even telling them to. One of my friends called me and asked what I was getting into. I told him to come up and party with us and he said he might. About 15 seconds later he showed up, lol. We decided to play beer pong but as I was setting the cups up the table kept shrinking on me. It finally shrunk down to where it was only wide enough for a single cup. To make it harder I decided to use glasses instead of plastic cups and the glass was filled with liquor not beer. My friend JT was standing beside me when he asked, "Are you going to drink?" I told him, "Even if I win, I'm drinking my glass anyway!" I was about to shoot when I woke up.

    5. #30
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      March 25, 2009
      Normal Dream 43: Stealth Parking
      around 3:00am

      Category - WTF

      Me and my friend Cliff were riding up to my house in his truck. I was driving through people's yards and I drove over top of someone's house (causing zero damage to it). Cliff asked, "Why are you driving over someone's house?" I said, "No one lives here." I then drove through the next house's yard and Cliff said, "Someone lives here!" I then told him that the truck was invisible and the only way someone would see us is if they were watching the driveway. We were passing a blunt as we drove.

      Once we got into my driveway the truck became visible again. I got out of the truck and there was a football helmet laying in my yard. I then clicked and dragged the helmet (I'm guessing I did it with my mind) the helmet was flipping and spinning through the air. I dropped it and walked to my front door. Cliff was with me, but he was invisible to me for some reason.

      I opened the door and Seth was there. He asked what we were doing and I told him me and Cliff were going to smoke all day. About that time Seth's mom pulled up and waited for them in the driveway. My brother, Drew, was inside the house getting ready to leave. My mom said, "Hey Zack, wake up!" as I walked by her room. I said, "What?" She then repeated herself and I woke up.

    6. #31
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      March 25, 2009
      Normal Dream 44: Dinner Date
      around 5:20am

      Category - Romance

      I was at a large two level department store where my friend worked. My friend was Jennifer Aniston. I walked into her section on the second floor where she was hanging clothes. I walked up to her and said, "Hey!" She then asked me what I thought about a pink shirt she held up. I said, "Anything looks good one you, why?" She then told me her asshole boyfriend wanted her to come to a dinner party and he laughed when she showed him the pink shirt and told her to wear something nice. I then looked into her eyes and told her, "Why don't you buy the pink shirt, blow off your boyfriend, and have dinner with me." She paused and seemed a little shocked that I had asked her this. She was about to talk whenever I cut-in to give her an easy way out, if needed. I interrupted, "Or, just give me a call after your dinner party and you can vent your frustrations." She then smiled and hugged me and I said, "Ok, I'll be waiting on that call." She looked deep in thought as she smiled and waived.

      I walked downstairs and toward the back of the store where I ran into an old friend of mine. He was walking with my ex-girlfriend and he saw me and beckoned me over. I walked over and his whole family had walked over as well. I said hello to all of them and then we all began to sing, Wyclef's "Gone Till November" in sync. After we stopped singing and cheering my ex-girlfriend asked me to dinner. I told her, yes (because I had just kind of gotten shot done earlier). I'm walking with them when Jennifer walks up to me wearing the pink shirt.

      She seemed real nervous and said, "I did it." I said, "Did what?"
      She then told me she called her boyfriend and told him she wasn't coming and they got into an argument and she just broke up with him. I said, "Oh, are you okay?" She told me she realized whenever I asked her out that she really wanted to go out with me and she didn't love her boyfriend anymore. My ex then jumps in and says, "Well we can all four go together." My friend said, "Yeah that'll be fun." I then turned and looked at Jennifer and told them, "No, me and Jenn are going together, just the two of us." She smilied and we walked out of the store.

      We go into a steak house and talk about each other for a while can't remember exactly, but it was like I had fell in love over dinner. I woke up sometime during the dinner.

      March 25, 2009
      Normal Dream 45: Smack That Muslim!
      around 7:00am

      Category - Boss Battle/Action

      Me and Dad had just got home from apparently picking up some breadsticks to eat. We brought them in and my brother was there and some Muslim guy who was apparently living with us. We all grabbed some breadsticks and I look over and the Muslim guy begins piling them on. After he grabs about 12 or 13 breadsticks he says in a lazy middle eastern accent, "No more U.S. of A." My dad sees his plate and starts smiling and with a sarcastic laugh and says, "Hey I've got to save some for my wife when she gets home. Why don't you put some of those back." The muslim guy then said, "There is plenty left. I don't see the problem." My dad then says,"Look if you don't put some back my son will make you put some back."

      The muslim guy let out an angered "Fine!" Then he took a bite out of four of them and then put them back. I immediately grabbed him and put him in a choke hold. I said, "I bet you (beep)ing put them back now!" I let go of him and said, "Truce" He set his plate down and then took off at me. I turned my back to him and threw a backward elbow directly into his rib and then turn with a Haymaker and laid him flat. I stood over top of him shouting profanities and told him to get the (beep) out of my house. I picked him up and launched him headfirst down the front door steps. I awoke while I was still talking trash to him as hey tried to stand up.

      PS: I have nothing against the Muslim religion. If he was a blonde haired and blue eyed american, I would beat his *** and tossed him down the steps as well.

      March 25, 2009
      Normal Dream 46: Desert Glory
      around 8:15am

      Category - Random/Action

      I was playing in a life like version of the Socom map, "Desert Glory". It had alot of major differences though and for some reason no one had guns. We were just running around and acting like we were shooting and battling each other. The Jailhouse had a huge waterslide running from the top of it. I climbed up there and jumped off of the top of the jailhouse and landed in a pool that was under the deck. I landed in the pool by jumping through the space between the corner of the deck and the jailhouse/climbing ledge.

      There were alot of asians playing the game with me and two hot asian girls wanted to jump off the top too. I showed them where to land, but there was a table floating in the water. I then climbed down and was walking around to move the table first whenever the girl performed a front flip and landed inside the pool completely dodging the table. I walked back to the bus because the field trip was over. Lol, turned out to be a field trip.

      I had a bottle that I had apparently pissed in on the way to Desert Glory. I launched it out the window and said, "GRENADA!!!" A geeky asian who hadn't even got off the bus since we got there said, "Why you do that? We get in trouble." Everyone of the other asians spoke fine English. This is the only one who used the cliche asian grammar, lol. I told him that they will never know it was me. He then said, "Some those guys we beat might tell on us. Actually, I tell on you." I reluctantly got up and walked off the bus calling the guy a homo as I did. I picked up the bottle and disposed of it in the trash properly. I awoke as I boarded the bus once again.

    7. #32
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      March 25, 2009
      Lucid Dream 19: Looking For The Crossroads
      around 9:00am

      Category - Adventure

      My body began slipping into a WILD. A loud buzzing followed by my body sliding around the floor. I began spinning in circles as I slid around the room. Finally, I stopped spinning and stood up. The dream seemed a bit fuzzy, so I rubbed my hands together and said "stabilize." The dream was now fairly clear.

      I was in a dark room with 2 doors. One door was red and had a bright light coming through the cracks. The other door was a dull gray and had no light coming from it. I immediately thought of the "Lucid Crossroads" (had just visited the lucid crossroads site the day before) and opened the door. To my disappointment I was just in some guys junky, cluttered basement. I stepped forward and noticed two people at a workbench in the basement. The guy looked at me and said, "Crazy game wasn't it?" I thought what the hell, so I replied, "What was the score?" He said, "It was between Hawaii and USC." Not wanting to waste my time asking the question again I turned and dove head first out of the window.

      I then bent my knees and then sprang into the cool night air. The backdoor then opened and the guy walked out and yelled "Your a comet?" I ignored him and tried to fly until I saw a desert. Still trying to reach the crossroads, lol. I flew a little too high and the clouds blocked my view. I then swooped below them and to my surprise below me was nothing, but a giant map. I landed on Africa.

      I looked around and the water was actual water and the land below me was desert (the Sahara) ,but I couldn't figure out how to get into the desert. I was standing on a giant football field sized world map. I jumped into and landed hard trying to fall into the map, but all that happened was the land floating there (Africa) dipped under water for a moment and then bobbed back in place. I closed my eyes in an attempt to teleport, but I strained too much and woke myself up accidentally.

      March 26, 2009
      Normal Dream 47: Tripping
      around 4:20am

      Category - WTF

      Yea, so I wake up at exactly 4:20 after this crazy dream. Well, I thought it was a cool coincidence anyway. I was inside of a dressing room about to go on stage for something. It could have been an award, performance, speech, I can't remember. I am wearing blood red chuck taylors, a polkadot tie, a headband, and my hair is spiked in a crazy half mohawk way. I have my right leg propped up on the sink and I am grinning like a opossum. I pull out a long scroll of paper and hold it parallel to my face. The scroll reads one word per line. The first 20 or so lines say "Harder." The bottom 20 or so lines say "Smarter." I look into the mirror and in a Jim Carrey-esque crazy way I slowly tilt my head toward the bottom of the scroll while saying, "smarter, smarter, smarter, smarter, smarter." I then give a weird, crazy Jim Carrey head shake and tilt my head up slowly as I say, "harder, harder, harder, harder, harder." I then start freaking out saying, "smarter, smarter, smarter, harder, harder, smarter, harder!" And jerking my head in the direction of each word.I wake up after this thinking WTF!

      March 26, 2009
      Nightmare 3: Twister Fest '09
      around 6:30am

      Category - Action

      Me and my mom were outside of my old house. The weather was starting to get bad and my mom noticed a shadow that looked like a funnel cloud. I turned around and saw the cloud twisting in the air. It broke up before touching down and did nothing. I noticed another much larger funnel cloud forming and me and mom ran into the house. I told my whole family to get into the basement as fast as possible. I ran down about 6 flights of stairs and finally made it to the basement. I could still see out of a window though, lol.

      I saw a massive twister just barely miss the house and I layed down and had my feet and arms ready to try and stop any debris from landing on me and crushing me. Only my mom had made it down to basement so far whenever a giant twister passed right over the house and caused the entire house to spin. Glass jars, broomsticks and other random items crashed into the walls around me. After the house stopped spinning I stood up unharmed. Dad, my sister, my brother, and my grandma finally made it to the basement. Drew (my brother) had injured his leg during the house spinning. I looked out the window and saw a enormouse funnel cloud heading directly toward our house. I got everyone to run to the car and then I jumped in and we took off down the street. I looked back and our house was ripped to shreds.

      We arrived downtown and parked, then ran into a "tornado shelter." It was a huge steel canapoy that was open, but designed to "break up" a twister's wind. There were scattered families standing under the shelter, but there were even more people outside running around and screaming like rabid animals. My cousin Ian was under the shelter and he joined our group. I had to shout orders telling my group which direction to dodge, because the way the shelter was set up whenever a huge tornado hit the shelter it broke into a few small twisters that passed underneath. They would sometimes shift directions, so it was difficult. There had been about 50 tornadoes already and I thought they would never stop. I tried to toss my socks into one of the small ones that passed by and my grandma said, "Don't toss your socks in there, I get plenty of pussy as it is. I don't need more hitting me in the face." I laughed in my dream at this ludacris statement. I awoke shortly after.

    8. #33
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      March 26, 2009
      Lucid Dream 20: To The Lucid Crossroads
      around 10:30am

      Category - Adventure

      Was in a gym class at my old Elementary School and had this new bungie device that allowed people to jump at great heights without normal bungie resistence. I got to go first and demonstrate how to use it. I was flipping in the air and dunking basketballs while everyone cheered. I took off my bungie harness and a very tall, athletic looking black kid and a short, squatty, butterball, white kid were next in line. I then walked to my seat and was showing a bruise on my leg from the bungie and she bent down and kissed it. I then woke up in my room.

      I looked around for a minute and something just didn't seem right. I pinched my nose and to my surprise I could still breathe. I walked through the next door and was back in the gymnasium. I started flying around the gym and swooping just above people's heads causing them to duck and dive out of the way. The bell rang and the scene suddenly changed to Wal-Mart.

      All the older people in my gym class were now workers at Wal-Mart. I started talking to the same girl that kissed my leg earlier and I told her we were dreaming right now. I told her to do a nose check, but she kept doing it wrong. I then tried to show her the finger through the palm, but I couldn't even get it to work. Finally, I told her to look at small text and then look away and when you look back it'll be completely different. She was amazed and I kept showing her it a few times over and over. I then began flying through Wal-Mart. I flew to one of the walls and I saw a red door.

      I landed and tried hard to imagine the Lucid Crossroads as I opened the door. I was inside the Dojo. I was excited, but I stayed in a walk to try and remain calm. I walked up the stairs and out of the Dojo. The warm air hit my face and the sun shown down. It felt like a vacation on the beach. I looked out and saw the marble circular floor with 10 doors surrounding it, but to my surprise I looked to my right and saw athe "Lucid Theme Park." That is what it was called. I walked through the theme park and there was a tall dinosaur ride and a merry-go-round powered by donkeys. There was also a black couple walking their pet oxen, lol. I walked through the theme park and onto the normal Lucid Crossroads.

      I picked up a brochure that was laying on the front desk and flipped through it. It was talking about a "Lucid Zoo." I then looked for the blue people, but all I saw was two blue rabbits hopping around. I turned around and saw the big tree and some kids throwing a football out in the sand. I thought about joining them ,but decided not too. I walked up to the doors and looked through each of them and was about to pick the door that showed "The Pyramid at Giza" through it but I awoke.

      Successful Reality Check: Held Nose RC
      False Awakening Conquered

      March 27, 2009
      Normal Dream 48: Totaled!

      Category - ???

      This dream lasted a while, but I can't remember too much. I was in one of my friends vehicles and we were driving home from class to my house. We arrived at my house and pulled into the driveway. I noticed my car wasn't in the driveway where I left it. I walked inside the house and mom and dad were there. I asked them where my car was and they both hesitated and looked uneasy. I immediately became pissed. "Where the hell is my mustang?" They then took me outside and pointed. I followed their fingers and saw my car crashed into a tree in the yard. I started freaking out. They told me my brother accidentally crashed it into a tree. I said, "WTF was he in the yard for!" They said the driveway was icy and he slid into the tree. I then said, "WTF was he doing in MY car!" I just was freaking out. Drew was apparently at his friends house and I told my parents to keep him away from me or I'll beat him until hes brain dead (I of course would not, but I was super pissed). I don't remember much after that.

    9. #34
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      March 28, 2009
      Normal Dream 49: March Madness
      around 7:30am

      Category - Sports

      I was in Narrows driving around and talking on my cell phone. The East region of the Sweet 16 was being played at Giles High School this coming up weekend. Davidson had made it through and were going to be playing against another team I forgot. There were parties everywhere celebrating the upcoming game. Everyone in town was wearing Davidson apparel. There were Davidson players playing pick-up games at the park as we drove by. Me and whoever was with me (can't remember) were driving to a huge party where Stephen Curry was. I don't remember much else.

      March 28, 2009
      Normal Dream 50: Swimming, Basketball, & Robots
      around 11:30am

      Category - Sports

      At the start of the dream I was playing basketball at the Annex with a bunch of people. It was halftime of the game and everyone was taking a rest. The mens bathroom had a sign on it that said, "condemned." I walked to the womens bathroom which now had a piece of notebook paper taped under the word women's that said "and Men." I walked into the bathroom and into a stall prepared to take a leak. A smoking hot female who had long dark hair and tanned skin was peering over the top of the stall as I walked in. I said "Hey ___." (can't remember what her name was now) She said, "Hey" in an almost intentional sexy voice. I asked her what she was doing, and she said she was, "Playing a little offense." I then said, "Oh, so you are playing offense trying to watch me piss and I'm on defense trying to keep you from watching me?" She smiled and simply said, "No." I said, "Well, I'm pissing anyway." She replied, "Then, I'm watching anyway." I began to piss as she leaned over and stared at my "package." Once I was done she jokingly and playfully said, "It wasn't worth it." She then smiled and raised her eyebrows in a seductive manner. I stood up and said, "Well, I can fix that. Come over hear." She then came over into my stall and I began kissing her chest. I then bent her over the closed toilet seat. She screamed so loud that the entire scene changed in mid thrust.

      I was in the basement of my old house. I had completely forgotten about what I was just doing. I walked around and found a large water heater sized robot. I then began controlling it with my mind. I was extremely close to being Lucid here. I may even have been for a few moments, but not long enough to count. I then found a small cloth belt with a heavy metal square on one end. I then crontrolled this belt with my mind. Technically I could call myself lucid, but if I was 100% Lucid I probably wouldn't be playing with belts, lol. The belt moved around the concrete basement floor like a snake. I was controlling it and slamming it into jars and things and having about as much fun as you could have with a belt, lol. After a little while of this the scene changed to an olympic sized swimming pool.

      Jessica, my friend Cliff's fiance, was about to swim the final heat of a world swimming competition. She had apparently won last year, but the favorite was a guy from Greece named Conkay (con-kay, lol). The gun fired and they swam a few lengths and was on the last stretch. Jess had the lead, but Conkay stretched at the end and beat her by a fingernail. The competition was somewhere in Europe. We were trying to find the intercontinental highway (road that connected Europe and North America, lol. Imagine that drive!) , but we got lost. I got out and asked a police officer, who was Indian (from India). He said we needed to go back to the shipyard and take British Highway for 20 miles. As I walked back to the car I woke up.

    10. #35
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      March 28, 2009
      Lucid Dream 21: "Wild" Night Out
      around 8:00pm

      Category - Exploration

      So, I was reading Jeff777's thread about "tricking your body into thinking it's asleep", thread and I figured I would give it another try. I had tried twice before, but both times I wasn't very tired and it seemed to take too long. I laid still for like an hour and my body had become numb, but nothing more. Frustrated I rolled over on my side. After laying there for no more than two minutes my body started going numb again. I figured what the hell I'll give it another shot. A few minutes later I began slipping into a WILD. The loud buzzing came over me and I began slowly spinning. My "body" then sat up on its own. I knew I was asleep.

      I get up and do a nose pinch reality check to confirm my suspicions. I stand up and notice I have no bottoms on. I thought it was weird, but it was a dream so I did give a (beep). I walked outside and felt a cool breeze on "myself". I was slightly aroused, but shook it off. (I didn't want to waste a WILD on sex) I went ahead and imagined a pair of shorts on myself. I looked over and my Dad and my friend Ryano's Dad, were working on a grill. I said, "What are ya'll doing." My dad replied, "I'm fixing the humbafooshawah (or something similar)." I snickered at this remark, but didn't press the matter. I decided to fly downtown and try to imagine a zombie apocalypse.

      As I flew over some powerlines I remembered reading someone's dream on here about how they had trouble avoiding powerlines. As soon as I thought about this I looked up and crashed into a powerline, lol. Funny how things like that happen all the time in dreams. I knew if I tried to fly again I would just keep crashing into powerlines, so I took off running. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a light crash to the ground on the horizon. Suddenly a giant fiery mushroom cloud filled the the horizon. It was absolutley the coolest thing I have seen in a dream to date. I decided to change the color of it with my mind. I closed my dream eyes and imagined it being lime green. I opened them and it was now black and white. I closed them again and opened to see a giant lime green mushroom cloud. The cloud then morphed into a figure and began moving around. It turned into a giant yellow duck monster (only way to describe it, lol). I then tried to see if I could turn it into a dragon and fight it. I closed my eyes and it turned into a weird 3 headed panda. I closed my eyes again and it turned into a three headed dragon. I ran up to it to fight it when I suddenly realized it was now just an image on a big T.V. screen.

      By this time I had forgot about powerlines and the zombie apocalypse for that matter, so I flew downtown and enterd a mini mall. I decided I would look for Jennifer Aniston. I saw alot of people who looked similar, but couldn't find her. I gave up and decided to walk outside. I walked past a smoothy stand and saw an old lady walking toward me from it.

      I said, "What are you thinking?" She looked at me and said, "You've been my only girlfriend for a long time four years ago." I cracked up at this strange answer. I asked her something else and got another crazy response, but unfortunately I can't remember it. I then saw two more elderly DC women and walked over toward them. One of them immediately started saying crazy comments that didn't make any sense. She was talking about theatre, but thats all I got from her. As I walked away she told me she finally found the "Coppoka Theatre" and pointed at a nearby building. The sign in front of the building said, "Lucid Theatre of WILDe" (not sure what the "e" was for).

      I was about to enter when I thought about the task of the month. I asked a girl nearby if she could tell me where I could find a rainbow. The girl pointed the direction. I was about to take off whenever one of the old women walked down to me and handed me an almost finished cigarette. She said, "You can give it back to me som etime down the road." I took a puff, tossed it aside, and then unfortunately woke up.

      Successful Reality Check: Held Nose RC

      March 29, 2009
      Normal Dream 51: Coach Hackman
      around 6:00am

      Category - Gaming

      I was in the owner's box of a large football stadium. I got a call from my agent and he said, "I have an opponent for your champion." I said, "Bring him in." I then walked down to the field and called my brother on my cell phone. I said, "There is a man here to challenge you." My brother arrived shortly and soon after my agent walked in with Gene Hackman. I looked at Drew and said, "Be careful with this guy. I saw him make the playoffs with replacement players. LoL. I then pressed the power button on a remote control that I carried in my pocket. The stands suddenly were filled with virtual fans (like very good PS3 graphics). A virtual team select screen was hanging in mid air. My brother chose the Giants and Hackman chose "The Replacements Team." Each player wore a headset and held a wireless controller. It was awesome, like a life sized version of madden. Each player (Hackman and my brother) were in floating podiums so they could fly around the field and play from any angle.

      Hackman had the ball first and I heard him speak into his headset, "Wing T, Double X, Wide Shallow Cross!" I thought, "Oh shit, Drew won't be expecting it this early!" The first play Hackman scored a 73 yard touchdown. The dream then skipped ahead. Drew was winning 9-7 and Hackman had 4th and inches with less than 2 minutes left in the game. Hackman was on his own 40 yard line. He turned to me and showed me what he was running. He ran it again, Wing T Double X Wide Shallow Cross. Drew wasn't expecting anything, but a QB sneak and a timeout. Hackman scored a 60 yard touchdown. Drew tried to pitch the ball around on the Kick Return (like an idiot,lol) , but he ended up fumbling and falling on it in his own endzone for a safety. Hackman tacked on a field goal and won the game 19-9. He was acting very smug, so I challenged him to take me on. He said, "So the undefeated retired champion dares to take on my Replacements?" I said, "Yes, in fact I'll play with the Detroit Lions!" I returned the opening Kickoff with a gorgeous lateral at mid-field. I then recovered an onside kick and threw a bomb to Calvin Johnson for 60+ yards. As I was laughing at Hackman (who was sweating bullets), I awoke from the dream.

      March 29, 2009
      Normal Dream 52: Men's League
      around 8:00am

      Category - Sports

      I was on a Men's League basketball team with some of my friends (Cliff, JT, can't remember who else). My brother was on a team with Cliff's "dream" cousins, Eagle and Joe Johnson. Joe Johnson was there star player. We were both undefeated and about to meet in the championship. There was a big party the night before. Both teams were there and we were playing beer pong. Me and Cliff were playing Eagle and Joe. Each side had some smoking hot girls with them who were flashing, stripping, kissing, and feeling each other up to distract the other team. It worked fairly well, but we ended up winning. I can't remember much else about the party except that Eagle would appear out of nowhere and unintentionally scare the shit out of me. Me and Cliff were talking about how Eagle keeps sneaking up on everyone. The next thing I remember is us celebrating our victory. We held Joe Johnson to his lowest scoring total of the entire season. The last thing I remember was talking shit to my brother, lol.

    11. #36
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      March 29, 2009
      Normal Dream 53: Mario Bros - Expert Edition
      around 10:00am

      Category - Gaming

      Me, Cliff, and my brother were playing a Mario game called, "Mario Bros: Expert Edition". It was awesome. We had it on Multiplayer and how it started was the 3 of us played a mini game. The screen was split in three vertical sections. We raced to reach the top of this vertically laid out level. If you died it transported you to the bottom and you started over. I was the first to the top and won the mini-game. I then had to spin a giant roulette wheel that had all mario levels (from: SMB, SMB2(Japan), SMB2, SMB3, SMW, SMW2, and some new never before seen levels on it. I spun and the first level I got was a level from SMW. I then had to spin a second wheel that had four sections on it: Speed Run (had more difficult time limit), Normal Level (unchanged), Advanced Level (increased difficulty), and Extreme Level (very hard, lol). I landed on Advanced first.

      I can only remember bits and pieces of the levels. I beat the first level, and then went on to win 2 straight mini-games and beat the next two levels which were Speed Run, and Extreme. On the extreme level I was small through the entire level and barely avoided death numerous times. Cliff and Drew kept making joke comments like, "We'll never get to play with the Mario God here." I awoke after beating the third level because I got pumped up after barely finishing without dying.

    12. #37
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      March 30, 2009
      Normal Dream 54: Sports Venture
      around 7:00am

      Category - Sports

      I was on a football team coached by Urban Meyer (I don't think it was Florida though). I was in a dorm room with a bunch of my teammates and we were picking on our tailback who had snuck out to play in an intramural basketball game and hurt his ankle. Intramural sports were banned by our team policy. Our tailback said, "I may have gotten hurt, but coach doesn't know it was playing basketball. Technically, I got away with it." I said (sarcastically), "Your right, who cares if you miss the first half of the season, as long as you got away with it." We all laughed a bit at him again and he said, "Well if you guys think you could have done better why don't all you enter as a team." I said, "Intramural basketball is already over." The tailback replied, "What? You guys afraid of something a little different? Don't have enough skill for other sports?"

      Me and the guys then walked down to the Intramural sign-up board. All that was available was Soccer and Hockey. We took a vote and it was split down the middle. We decided to enter both tournaments. It was apparently the off-season for football, but our football club-team was having a game. The stadium for the club-team was pretty nice. It was a large bowl style stadium dug down into the ground.

      We were at the top practicing soccer on the surrounding grass while watching the game. We noticed that most of the fans on the opposite side from us were watching us instead of the club team. They began cheering for us whenever we would score a goal or perform a nasty dribble move. The scene then changed to us on ice. We were in the championship game of intramural hockey. We were winning 2-1 and it was the third period. I woke up before the game ended.

      March 30, 2009
      Dream Fragment

      I was in the kitchen and my parents were arguing. My mom had hidden a bunch of food for some reason and Dad asked her if she was going to leave. She told him she didn't want to. He then said, "We might need to take some time apart. It will be good for us. I will help you find a place and give you some money." She said, "It might be good, but I don't want to leave. I think I need to stay." I don't remember much after that.

      March 30, 2009
      Lucid Dream 22: The Task Hunt
      around 1:00pm

      Category - Adventure

      I decided to try Jeff777's technique again. I was very tired and had already slept about 5 broken up hours. I laid still for 30 minutes and had no success. Like last time, I gave up and rolled over on my side. I then began slipping into my WILD. I immediately heard footsteps running around me. I ignored them and remained calm. I then heard a woman screaming in the background. To prevent myself from waking up in fear I said out loud, "You can't scare me. Your not real." I then remained calm as the screaming got louder. I felt my body began to spin and then it stopped. I sat up and opened my eyes.

      I was in a dark, gloomy, ransacked sanctuary. I rubbed my hands together to clear up my vision a bit. I noticed there was a demon running around the church. It seemed to be oblivious to my presence. I ignored it and walked to the front of the sanctuary. I saw a dead woman laying on the alter with her stomach, blood, and guts lying in the floor below her. I thought, "Well, thats why she was screaming." I walked outside and like usual it was night time, but not very dark. I took off into flight and flew across the church yard. I had the feeling of being followed, so I touched down and then immediately lept backwards into a tree. The demon from the church ran under me and in the direction I had been flying. I dropped out of the tree and performed a super human sprint and grabbed the demon by the neck. It then turned into a frog and slipped out of my hands. It hopped away into a bush. I left it alone and took flight again.

      I landed in a field that was full of electric fences set up in a grid-like formation. I began jumping in and out of the fences doing backflips and various tricks. I then remembered the task of the month. I turned to look for a rainbow and saw one not too far away. I took a couple monsterous leaps and arrived at the base of the rainbow. It suddenly lit up like neon lights. I hopped up on top of the rainbow, walked to the top of the arch and then took a seat (the rainbow bent slightly as I walked toward the top, but seemed overall pretty stable). I looked closely at the rainbow. It was ridged and looked like the sole of rubber-soled sneaker. Whenever I felt it however, it was kindo of squishy, like gel insoles. I then looked out into the horizon and took in the cool night air. After a while just chill'n on the rainbow, I stood up and got some momentum in order to slide down the rainbow on my butt. Afterwards I thought, "How am I going to find green eggs and ham?" An old mini van suddenly pulled up on the street beside me.

      I hopped the tall fence and asked the lady in the van if she had any green eggs and ham. She nodded yes and then handed me two eggs out of the glove box. They were hard boiled, but still had the shell on them. They only green spotted, so I looked away, thought of the color green, and then looked back and they were solid green. I took a bite, shell and all, and it tasted like how old easter eggs smell. I then asked the lady if she had any ham. She then said, "No, you'll have to go to the diner for that." I awoke shortly after this.

      Marh 30, 2009
      Dream Fragment
      around 9:30pm

      All I can remember is playing a video game and I found a hidden area. I remember picking up a green 1-Up mushroom, so maybe I was playing a Mario game.

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      March 31, 2009
      Normal Dream 55: Stick Games

      Category - Sports

      I was playing a game that was sort of like capture the flag. There were three teams against each other and the objective was to go grab these different sized sticks and either return them to your base or defeat the other team in a fencing style battle. Once an entire team was either defeated or all had scored the round ends. We played race to ten points. The three teams were U.S.A., Great Britain, and French. I was on the U.S. with my friend JT and some random guy. My friend P was on the Great Britain team along with another girl and guy. The French team only had two players, they were both guys I didn't recognize.

      GB scored 3 points in each of the first two rounds. We scored 0 and the french grabbed a single point in each round. I looked at JT before the next round and told him, "We gotta step it up! We are getting crushed." When the round started we sprinted right at the GB team. The French always hid and played very conservative. I took off after one of the GB players, suddenly I noticed a stick flying toward me out of the corner of my eye. I ducked and it nailed the guy I was going after. GB had accidentally eliminated one of their own. That took a point away from them. I then looked over and saw a GB player slam his stick into the side of JT's head which scored them a point and knocked JT out of the round. I took off after the remaining two GB players, but I couldn't catch them and they crossed their base line for 2 more points. The French also scored 1 during all of this. Now the score was GB-8, F-3, US-0.

      Before the next round I decide to try and rush all three of us at the GB players and hopefully the French wouldn't notice until it was too late and they wouldn't have time to score. As the round started all three of our players picked out a GB player and bum rushed them. JT dove and smacked a GB player, I dueled one for a while and eliminated him. Our third player threw his stick at the final GB player and nailed him. The French managed to get one guy across during this. The score was now GB-8, F-4, US-3. I told my team "Good shit! Lets keep it up!" This time I tell JT to rush with me and tell the other guy to hang back and try to pick off one of the French players. The round starts and me and JT go down and grab a stick. We hesitate for a minute to pick up some throwing sticks. Whenever we turn to run at the GB team, we see P doing a hard core rush. We launch our throwing sticks at him, but he slides past his base line for a point. We then go after the other two GB players. We get the other two players out to end the round. During this time the French had eliminated our other player and pushed one man across the baseline. The score was now GB-9, F-6, US-5.

      I tell JT to hang back and try to pick off a French and me and the other guy rushed. P tried to rush again, but I was ready for him. Me and P had a quick sword fight before I caught him in the neck and eliminated him. The next two players started running at me. I had a long fighting stick and a throwing stick in one hand. I ran at one of them and quickly launched the throwing stick with a '"no look" strike eliminated one of them as I lept into air, deflected a thrown stick with my stick, and then slammed it down on top of the last GB players head ending the round. During this JT had picked off one of the French as well. After single handedly eliminating three players I was pumped up. We were all cheering because we had come back and tied it up. We had scored 4 points that round and the score was now, GB-9, US-9, F-6. We were getting ready for what was most likely the final round whenever I woke up

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      April 1, 2009
      Normal Dream 56: Ghost Driving
      around 10:00am

      Category - WTF

      I was in the back of my car and I was really tired. I laid down and just let my car drive itself (I have actually done this in multiple dreams in the past). I woke up hungry and noticed my car was pulling into a diner. I got out and walked inside.

      My friend Jon was there with a bald female. I walked up to them and said, "Whats going on, man!" He said, "Nothing just chill'n and smoke'n." He then passed me a blunt and I took a hit and passed it back. He asked what I had been doing and I replied, "Not a whole lot." We talked for a minute and the bald girl sitting with him kept making rude comments like, "So when are you going to f***ing leave?" or "You're getting on my nerves a**hole." I finally said, "What is your problem." She said, "I don't f***ing like you!" I said, "OK, well I think I'm about to head out anyway. See ya Jon." He told me to give him a call sometime as I left.

      I walked back out to my car and went to sleep again. I woke up and my friend Chris R was driving. We pulled into a driveway and he got out and got into his car and told me to give him a call later. I then went back to sleep as my car drove down the road. I awoke shortly after.

      April 1, 2009
      Normal Dream 57: Gang Captive
      around 1:00pm

      Category - Action

      I was a captive being held in the backseat of a car. A gang member was driving me to their "hideout" where they were going to interrogate me. The gang member was bald and looked like he was in a biker gang, or maybe some sort of white supremacist gang. He had a mini computer built into the console of the car.

      I leaned up and used his computer. The guy got pissed and said, "Did you just call the f***ing cops." He pulled out his gun placed it too my temple and said, "I swear to god I'll f***ing blast you right now." I lazily swatted the gun away from my face and said, "Relax, I'm just downloading a movie to watch, on the way." He said, "What f***ing movie!" I replied, "Vanilla Sky." He then said, "Oh, I really like that movie." He then started rambling on about the movie and not paying attention to the road. The car was swerving back and forth. Eventually the one-way conversation somehow got to his girlfriend and hes started crying. I told him, "Man just say, 'F*** your boss!!' and go visit your girl today."

      He then drove to her house and once he went inside I got out of the car. I was going to run away, but I decided not too just yet. I was started to plan my escape whenever I woke up.

      April 1, 2009
      Lucid Dream 23: Malls, Twisters, and Outer Space
      around 4:00pm

      Category - Exploration/Random

      This was a very vivd and probably the longest Lucid Dream I have ever had.
      I was at the mall with my cousin Megan and her friend Brittany. We were walking in the mall whenever I told them, "Watch this!" I jumped into the air and hovered for a moment, then leaned forward a flew in a large circle back to them and landed. The both said, "How did you do that?" I told them, "It is easy. We are dreaming right now!" I became lucid as the words rolled out of my mouth. I didn't even bother with an RC. I told them to look at their hands and they would see how weird, misshapen, and deformed they look. They looked down in amazement.

      We walked around the mall and I was spearing/tackling every DC who we walked passed. I speared old folks, women, men, kids, anyone who walked close to us. I felt like Ray Lewis, lol. After a while, Megan told me to tackle the biggest guy I could find. We walked around and found a 6'5" body builder. He walked up to Megan and tried to hit on her. She looked over and said, "See if you can spear this one." I then dove and speared him down a flight of stairs. I got up and laughed, "That was easier than the toddler I tackled a few minutes ago. For the record, no one got hurt. They all just kind of looked stunned as to how crazy I was, lol. I told the guy to stay away from my cousin. I told Megan he was a douche anyway. Megan said, "We'll race you to the check-out counter." I took off flying and her and Brittany were running/sliding toward the counter. I flipped in the air and landed on the counter at the same time they slid into it.

      The counter was a kiosk in the middle of the mall. The lady at the counter was handing someone back their change whenever I took it out of her hand and she said, "Dammit Zack, that is the third time you took change today." I then gave the change back and the customer was JT. Diddy and Cliff were with him as well. Me, Brandon (Diddy), Cliff, and JT walked outside of the mall and sat down at a table. It was night time outside, but like usual, not very dark. The mall had now completely disappeared.

      There were many campfires in the background and many dark silhouettes standing around the campfires. I told the guys that we were dreaming. They didn't believe me, so I told them all to do the nose plug RC. They all said it wasn't working. I then grabbed a book that was laying on the table and told Cliff to read a line. He then looked away and read the same line that was now completely different. He said, "Yep, we are dreaming. Its crazy how text does this in dreams. Brandon said, "Oh my god! Look at my hands." His fingers were crazy crooked and I looked down at mine and a few of my fingers were tiny and short. Cliffy then said, "Holy f***! Look at my fingers!" Sure enough Cliffs fingers were the craziest of all. He had fingers growing out of the ends of his fingers. It was almost like he had hands on the tips of his fingers. After laughing and all looking at Cliff's hands we decided to go flying.

      We took off running when I heard someone call out to me. I turned around and saw the 6'5" douche from earlier chasing after me with anger in his expression. I took flight and flew down river. It became daylight and a river had appeared whenever I took flight. I landed and turned around only to find the guy inches away from me. He dove to spear me, but I jumped and flipped around his head like Rey Mysterio and then I got him in a head lock and smashed his head against the ground, British Bulldog style.

      After laughing at the DC i turned and saw Cliff and Brandon leap into the air revolving around each other extemely fast, forming a tornado that tore down the river. It was a magnificent site. The water parted as the tornado traveled down river and then either side of the part crashed together once the funnel cloud passed. The water swirled under the tornado and slung water in a circular manner. I then leapt high into the sky. I rose up above the clouds and then fell back to the ground.

      I then took an enormous leap and imagined myself propelling higher and higher and sure enough I kept climbing. I exited Earth's atmosphere and found myself in space. The stars littered the sky and were extremely thick and clustered in certain areas (galaxies I suppose). I got a mild sense of fear. I suppose it was a fear of the unknown as I looked out through space. It was like an endless black abyss. I started to fall back toward the Earth. I attempted to land on the moon, but I missed and kept falling. It felt like I was falling forever and I still couldn't see the Earth. I became scared (for some reason) and woke myself up. I couldn't believe I woke myself up. I was pretty pissed. This had been one of the longest and most vivd lucids I have ever had.

    15. #40
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      April 2, 2009
      Normal Dream 58: The Seven Entities of Death
      around 10:30am

      Category - Action

      So I had this dream I was creating a manga. As I was drawing the first page, part of me "fell into the pages." I remember living out my manga, but also illustrating and writing it at the same time. Kind of like I was in two places at once. It was a more "dark" themed manga and contained, what I called, "The Seven Entities of Death." They represented War, Hate, Evil, Corruption, Possession, Torture, and Death itself. The concept was that each of the 7 were enemies of each other, mankind, and themselves. They were skeletal creatures and each one had a unique style and look to them. I was the main character, a warlord, caught in the middle of a war between the 7. The planet was now, more or less, a wasteland and was slowly dying. I was trying to save the planet and the human race from extinction. One of them ("Death") wore a hooded cloak similar to the grim reaper another had a ragged clothe (I think it was "War") around his head similar to a turban. "Death", had just been killed by another (I think it was "War") whenever my phone rang and woke me up. Unfortunately, I answered it and completely forgot the details of my dream. All I could remember was the concept This dream could have been awesome. Damn the telephone!

      April 2, 2009
      Normal Dream 59: The Murderous Plot
      around 1:00pm

      Category - Action

      The dream started at downtown festival. I walked into a diner where saw my friend P. He had a fauxhawk and was hanging with some gay looking guys. Then saw I Jake , JT, and Shawn, so I sat down with them at thier table. Was talking about different things that I can’t remember and decided to go have a party at JT and Jake’s apartment the following week. The dream skipped ahead. I got there and overheard Jake telling JT to “wait until I tell you to push it.” Jt was on a ladder supposedly cleaning out the gutter. He was using a wrench to clear out leaves. Jake told me to go on inside. I opened the door stepped in and then stepped back outside acting like I had went in. I peeked back around the corner and saw Jake signaling to JT to push the button. The apartment (which wasn’t theirs by the way) exploded. I now knew they had tried to kill me, but I acted ignorant to the situation. We then all walked inside their actual apartment and I was extra suspicious of everything that was going on.

      We didn’t have a party it was just me, JT, Shawn, Jake, some cop, Zach R, Mikey, JW and some chick I didn’t know. Me and Shawn headed out first and they told me to come back tomorrow night for a big party. I road back to Shawn’s house where my car was. I told him “Man I heard some crazy shit ” Then he said, “You’ll see some crazy shit if you come out to the party tomorrow night. They get wild ” He then kept talking about how awesome the party was going to be. He kept asking me over and over if I was coming even though I said yes everytime he asked. I sensed it. He was trying hardcore to convince me to come, so I concluded he was in on it too. This was crazy who could I trust. I came back the next night because I had to get them all arrested or this wouldn’t stop.

      When I got there the aprtment was occupied by the same people as the previous night, except JW. I sat down beside of them, they were all drinking and playing video games. Shawn started talking about how he had to get up in the morning for work, but he was gonna get silly anyway. He then asked me to plug up the alarm clock he then handed me. I walked over and was just about to plug it in whenever it hit me. This was it, this was my death. I stopped and thought ok I can’t plug it in or I’ll die. I started looking for why it would kill me whenever I saw a shiny coating of something on the metal prongs. I told them I wasn’t going to plug it in because I thought there was water damage to the outlet. They got frustrated and Jake said, dude I use that outlet all the time its fine. I then noticed JT shift uncomfortably. I grabbed a gun I had brought and drew it out while I called the cops. Jake immediately grabbed a gun and shot at me but missed they all then took off running. The cops came talked to me and started writing warrants for the arrests. They had caught Mikey who denied it and I sort of believed him. JT was in complete silence. I said “JT buddy, I’m too smart for that. You needed a more complex plan in order to kill me.” His eyes started watering and he said “Man, That was a good plan” as he pointed at the outlet. Apparently the substance on the prongs was a form of liquid nitrogen that would explode when it makes contact with an electrical current.

      A heard of people ready to party arrives on the scene and cops and people are everywhere. Only a few of them seem interested and ask questions. Many people look like they are surprised to still see me alive. JW had just walked inside and up to me and said, “Damn that was lucky wasn’t it?” I said, “ What was? He replied, “It was lucky you didn’t plug in the alarm clock. Who wouldn’t just plug it in. You got lucky.” I said, “J you were a part of it weren’t you.” He tried to run, but he was arrested as well. I then proceeded to party with the other people who had arrived. I awoke during beer pong.

    16. #41
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      April 3, 2009
      Lucid Dream 24: Vehicular Manslaughter
      around 10:00am

      Category - WTF

      I got pretty drunk last night and passed out at about 1:30am. I woke up about 6:30 still a little drunk and had not dreamed (no surprise there). I then stayed awake until around 10:00am. I laid down and began slipping into a WILD almost immediately.

      I sat up and got out of my bed. I rubbed my hands together, smelled & tasted the air, and fell my bedside table in order to stabilize and increase clarity. It worked amazingly well. This LD was second only to my next LD in vividness and clarity. I walked outside and JT was waiting by my car. We jumped in the car and to my surprise the backseat was occupied by about 10 bottles of Burnette's Flavored Vodka. We both grabbed a bottle and began chugging. I grabbed the strawberry (my favorite) and I can't remember what flavor JT was drinking. After chugging two half-gallons of Vodka, I felt completely wasted drunk. My vision was sloshed and blurred like I had glasses on in the rain, lol. I drove in the median and hit a stop sign, a large ladder, and a cow. Why those things were in the median I'll never know. I then saw blue lights turn on behind me. I thought, "This will be interesting."

      I pulled over and got out of the car. There were four cops in one car and one of them was my friend Weiz. One of them was a solid mass of muscle. He began yelling at us like a drill sargent (by the way my vision was back to normal once the I pulled over). He pulled out his handcuffs, and I then manipulated his thoughts. I moved my hand across the cops vision and said in a hypnotic tone, "You don't want to arrest me." The cop then said to the other cops, "We don't want to arrest them." I said, "We aren't who your looking for." The cop then told his colleagues, "They aren't who we are looking for." We then drove off and I had a false awakening.

      I sat up in my bed and didn't do an RC. I laid my head back against my pillow. I blinked and I was suddenly on a large military ship. I thought for a moment how lucky I was that I missed that false awakening, but still stayed in the dream. I immediately rubbed my hands together and focused on my surroundings in order to stabilize. My dream became crystal clear. I noticed my faint reflection in a window, I turned and read text on a poster that was on a wall about 20 feet away (can't remember what it said now, but it was crystal clear), I saw the fibers and texture in the carpet below my feet, and noticed perfectly placed shadows. It was truly amazing clarity. I noticed it was dark outside and I wanted to make it daylight. I focused on the horizon and slowly, but surely, the sun began to rise. I walked through a door nearby and the scene changed.

      I was in a house that I didn't recognize. I was talking to a girl that I used to date in elementary school. I told her she looked as hot as I used to think she looked back in 7th grade (Lol, if you can't follow that I understand). I leaned in and kissed her when I suddenly had another false awakening.

      This one was easy though because I woke up in a vehicle that was being driven by my friend Cliff. I did a nose check RC to confirm my suspicions. We were on the road that led to my friend Diddy's house. Cliff looked at me and said, "Did you do your reality check yet?" I told him I had and he turned and did his crazy laugh and floored the gas pedal. There was a jogger up ahead and Cliff shouted, "10 Points!" then he swerved and plowed the guy. I said, "Holy s***, you just nailed that guy!" He did his crazy laugh again and floored the gas once more. There were tons of people walking on the side of the road as we drove further down the road. Cliff pegged a Louisville football player, a clown, the South Carolina Gamecock mascot, some bikers, and alot of chefs and waiters. We soon arrived at a large, white, concrete structured building.

      I got out of the vehicle and walked inside. *upcoming sexual content warning* . There was a very hot spanish girl sitting in a and chair crying. I told her I was sorry and she stopped crying and said, "I'm not mad anymore." She put her hands on my crotch and began rubbing through my jeans. I unzipped my pants and she began performing oral. I turned my head and saw two hot black girls in the room as well. I beckoned them toward me and all three of them began performing oral on me. I awoke from the excitement.

      I decided to take the risk of losing my WILD and attempt a DEILD. I figured I would remember the WILD because of how vivid and clear it was. Fortunately I was right and I succeeded in my DEILD.

      April 3, 2009
      Lucid Dream 25: Crazy with a Side of Lucid Task

      Category - Random/WTF

      I stabilized the dream and saw I was in a large lobby with marble floors. There were couches and a fine persian rug. I could have been a nice hotel lobby. The actor, Josh Mostel (principal Anderson from "Billy Madison") was wearing a suit and standing in the middle of the lobby. I think he was a bellboy.

      My brother was also there and he took of sprinting through the lobby. Mostel yelled, "No running!" and began chasing after him in a hilarious waddle. I then lept into the air and flew toward the nearby hallway. Mostel shouted, "No flying in the lobby!" I then decided to have some fun with him. I started sweeping with a broom and Mostel yelled, "Hey, no sweeping the floor!" I then grabbed a teapot that was sitting on the coffee table. Mostel shouted, "No tea allowed!" He was pretty close to catching me now, so I launched a bookshelf at him with my mind and got him stuck between shelves. I then flew down the hallway. I saw my brother laying on his back in the hallway and he said, "Watch this!" He then sunk and passed his body through the ground tile and disappeared. He then reappeared and told me he hid inside the floor. I layed down and attempted this myself. My body began tingling and I passed through the floor. The floor above me was transparent and I saw Mostel walk over top of me. I then jumped up out of the floor and Mostel turned toward me and said, "No jumping out of the floor!" I leaned my back against the nearest wall and succeeded in my attempt to pass through the wall.

      It worked! The room was like a small living room. I heard Mostel shout from the other room, "No becoming invisible in the lobby!" I then attempted to pass through the opposite wall of whence I came. It worked again and I now entered a backwards slide from the seated position. I slid backward through room after room after room. Each room became more and more trippy. I never spent more than about 5 seconds per room and each one was brightly colored. It was like an acid trip. One room had bright green ganja as the carpet, another was like a meadow with vultures eating a lion, another had a single rabbit and as I passed it was struck by lightning and turned into dust, another was underwater (which reminded me of the task of the month). I then slid out of the building and onto a beach. I stopped sliding as I approached the water.

      I stood up and looked around for some diving gear, so I could get the full experience. All I could find though was a pink mask/snorkle set. I put it on and dove into the water. The ocean floor was about 15 feet down. The ocean floor was littered with baseball sized, round, smooth, multi-colored stones (colored like fish tank pebbles). There were also a few hollow logs on the sea floor. Unfortunately, I looked out toward the deep ocean and saw the dark silhouette of something very large. I freaked out and swam back to the surface. I exploded out of the water and back on the beach.

      I saw a flock of seagulls pass overhead and i decided to fly with them. I took flight and joined their formation. I flew with them out over the sea and curiosity got the best of me, so I grabbed one of the seagulls out of the air. It pecked and struggled hard to get away as I just watched it in amazement. I let it go and hovered above the ocean for a while. Not sure if my dive would count, I turned and looked for a plane, so I could go sky diving instead. I saw a plane in the distance, but as I flew toward it, it transformed into a jet ski. The colors were the exact same (white with a red stripe), but it had changed form.

      I flew above the guy riding on it and jolted into a super human burst of speed and grabbed the guy and tossed him out into the ocean. I then took another super human burst and landed on the jet ski. A controller suddenly appeared in my hand. It had only a few buttons. One of the buttons said, "Change Form." I changed it a few times until I found a helicopter. I pushed the button and the jet ski turned into a remote control toy helicopter.

      I grabbed the belt that was hanging down from it and flew over the sand. I began to ascend. The belt I was hanging onto was apparently retractable. The belt kept pulling further and further out as the helicopter gained altitude. Essentially, I was staying in the same spot as the copter climbe. It kept running into trouble though. Powerlines and ceiling kept appearing out of nowhere and hindered its progress. I finally gave up with this and the scene changed.

      I was in a barn and I decided I would just fly high into the sky and dive. I took a leap and tried to bust through the ceiling. I hit the ceiling and crashed into the attic, but fell back to the ground. I jumped many more times and all I managed to do was put alot of holes in the barn ceiling. Frustrated I accidentally woke myself up.

      April 3, 2009
      Normal Dream 60: Smoke Break
      around 1:00pm

      Category - Substance

      I was at a Walmart that my parents apparently owned. I was basically telling my mom how Walmart worked (used to work there a while back). I argued with her that anyone running a register had to have "numbers" that allowed them to log in to the register. I was supervising the front registers. I decided to go on break once I thought everything was running smoothly. I was walking toward the back of the store whenever I ran into a couple of friends, Zac and Shaun. They told me to follow them into the bathroom. We walked inside and they then pulled out a huge bag of weed. I pulled out some "super papers" I had (these rolling papers were huge). I then rolled four giant two foot long joints. A guy named Jacob was now with us. We began smoking these massive things. The entire bathroom was filled with a thick fog of ganj smoke. Zac then broke out an awesome smoking device. It looked like a waffle iron, but you put weed in it and there was a long tube coming out of the side. It sounded and felt like a bubbler whenever I smoked it.

      The bathroom door suddenly opened and we struggled to hide the joints. We were around the corner from the entrance to the bathroom. We all peaked our heads around the corner and saw a 50 year old women with two young girls (about 12 or 13). The woman ordered one of the girls to take her top off. The woman then placed her hands on the breast of the young girl. The woman then started saying things in a creepy child molester voice. She said, "Now you'll grow up and be strong. Don't ever do drugs like those losers over there." I told the guys to hide all the weed and smoking devices. I then walked around the corner and said, "You are sick lady. You are also going to jail." I walked outside and got two female employees to go call the police.

      I then walked back into the bathroom as my friends wheeled out a large trashcan that they had hidden the weed/devices in (it was an empty unused trashcan). I walked back inside and took the girls away from her and didn't allow her to leave the bathroom before the cops came. The woman said, "They like it you know. They want me to love them." I then said, "Even if that is so, it is only bacause you have warped their brain with the abuse." She said, "I love those girls." I then said, "I don't give a flying f*** lady. The fact of the matter is, your a** is going to jail." I awoke shortly after.

      April 3, 2009
      Normal Dream 61: Dangerous Travel
      around 3:00pm

      Category - WTF

      At the start of the dream I was hanging out with two super heroes, Rorschach and another guy called Knoblon. Knoblon was a guy in a blue and gold costume. His symbol contained a blue crane. We were playing billiards in the basement of my house. Shortly after they got a call and had to go out and fight crime. I walked upstairs and noticed that someone hag cut holes into all of the rugs. My cousins Megan and Ian were leaving my house and they told me how awesome the party was. I apparently had a massive party the night before. My mom asked me to ride down to the dance studio with here, so I could fix her computer. We road down the road on a metal stocking trolley. We were going like 50mph and the trolly slid sideways around curves. I was scared ouit of my mind. My mom said in frustration, "It usually goes faster than this. What it wrong?" I was thinking, "Dear god no!" I awoke shortly after.

    17. #42
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      April 4, 2009
      Normal Dream 62: Nice Ride!
      around 4:30am

      Category - WTF

      I was driving passed the tennis courts at my old high school around 3:00am and I noticed my friend Mike B was playing tennis by himself. The scene then changed and I was in downtown Narrows riding a Fisher Price Big Wheel. I turned down one of the streets and I saw my ex in an SUV with a guy I didn't recognize. They looked at me and began laughing. I pedalled by them and performed a "wave-to-finger" hand jesture and smiled. I drove up the road a bit and stopped at a restaurant.

      I walked inside and saw Deej, JT, Jess Mc, Mike B and Eric sitting at a table. I joined them and ordered garlic shrimp. There was a t.v. in the room and it was showing the Giles vs. Narrows high school football game. I noticed the Giles center was wearing red Chuck Taylor's that had thick metal peg on the bottom of each shoe. He also caught a 20-yard pass from the center position (which is illegal) and I was complaining about the refs lack of intelligence for not noticing he was the center. I awoke shortly after.

      April 4, 2009
      Normal Dream 63: Socom 2 Revisited
      around 6:00am

      Category - Gaming

      This dream was fairly long, but it involves alot of uneventful gameplay so I'm just going to sum it up. Me and my friend Mike B were talking about Socom to his cousins. We were saying how Socom 2 was the best online shooter ever made. We started talking about memories we had from Socom whenever we decided to pop the game in and play a little Socom 2. We were going to show his cousins how awesome we were, so we jumped into a game on the same side. We were terrorist and I decided to use a M82A1A (sniper rifle) and a 226 (pistol), Mike went with an STG77 (assault rifle). The map we were playing was Requiem which is a night time snow map. I decided to snipe the left side, but no one seemed to be rushing at us. I went out of my scope and looked to my right. There were two SEALs storming my position. I quickly pulled out my pistol and dropped one guy with a headshot. I then ran behind a nearby snow mound, reloaded, and popped back out and dropped the second guy. I could see a third SEAL in the background so I scoped in on him and was about to pull the trigger when I suddenly awoke.

    18. #43
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      April 4, 2009
      Lucid Dream 26: Field Trip Relations
      around 9:00am

      Category - Romance

      *sexual content warning*

      I was on a high school field trip and we were inside of some historic building. The teacher was talking about some boring incident that occured in this room. I turned to a girl beside me (whom I don't recognize in real life) and asked, "So, how bored are you right now." We then talked for a minute and I said, "Lets do something that'll actually make this fun." She asked me what I had in mind and I turned toward her and unbuttoned my jeans. She then dropped to her knees and began performing oral on me. The teacher was still walking around and talking, but I would rotate my body as she walked back and forth so she couldn't see what was going on (kept my back to her at all times). The people around me were saying, "You two are crazy." and "I wish that was me right now" They all seemed to enjoy watching us. I then realized how odd this situation was and I must be dreaming. I did a quick nose pinch RC to confirm my suspicions.

      My pleasure instantly intensified. The girl began bobbing pretty quickly and I "got off" three times in a row. After this the girl stood up and wiped her mouth, lol. I decided to play along with the field trip and figure out what was going on. The whole class then left the room and was getting back onto the bus. I couldn't think of anything elseto do, so I walked toward the bus. I saw the girl from the room get onto the bus and another guy behind me said, "Who is she?" I said, "I don't know, but she sure gives amazing head." I got onto the bus and I noticed four guys in the back all looking like they wanted to kill me. I thought this could be fun so I threw my arms in the air and said, "WTF are you looking at?" The guy stood up and said, "That was my girlfriend." I looked at her and said, "Does she know about that?" He got pissed and said he had four guys that would kick my a**. I told him I would kick all of their a**es at once. I walked back and hit the guy in the jaw and layed him flat. Two more guys jumped on me and I ended up flooring them as well. (I looked at the last guy who seemed scared out of his mind) Trying to scare him more I said, "You f*** with me, you die!" He then pissed himself. Eric was in the seat behind me and he said, "Damn Zack, you f***ed them up!" I was laughing as the first guy jumped on my back. I threw him over my shoulder and he slammed into the back emergency door and it flew open. The guy was hanging on to the bus by the bumper saying, "I'll get you for this!" I then picked up a couple glass bottles I found and smashed them over his hands and the bumper. He eventually fell off the bumper and into the road.

      The teacher then came back there yelling at me saying I had opened the door and threw him out. I told her he fell into the door and fell out on his own. I told her to go watch the surveillance camera and she did. She said, "Was the glass bottle necessary?" I said, "Oh yea!" The bus stopped and I got out. I noticed a girl I knew in the group of students. I walked up to her and the background and scene changed. We were now in a large hotel hallway. "Amy" was now just wearing a towel and she told me she had just gotten out of the shower. I said, "You know, you would look much better without the towel." She laughed playfully and called me crazy. I then leaned in and we began kissing. I picked her up and carried her into the nearby room. I sat in the chair and she climbed on top of me and took off the towel. Her body was absolutely perfect. She was leaned back half on the bed and half on the chair with me and I was performing oral on her whenever the door opened. JT walked in and said, "Hell Yeah!" "Amy" said between moans, "Get out of here JT." I then gave him a thumbs up and he left. We had sex and then walked outside. I was trying to think of what to do next when I suddenly awoke from the dream.

      April 4, 2009
      Lucid Dream 27: Part 2, Back into the Hotel

      Category - Romance

      I awoke from my last dream, kept my eyes closed and fell right into another LD. Me and "Amy" were outside of a snowy mountain side skii resort/hotel. We walked inside and I noticed it was the same hotel from the last dream. I walked into the lobby which had a mansion/cabin/art museum feel to it. I looked around and saw a large buffet table. I walked over and decided to taste some different foods. I grabbed cake and it tasted the same as real life. I then grabbed some orange slices and they tased exactly like watermelon. I laughed and was about to try something else whenever I noticed my fingers were crazy shaped. I turned and tried to show the DCs behind me that we were dreaming because our hands were deformed whenever "Amy" walked up to me and kissed me. She winked and I picked her up over my shoulder and said, "Round two!"

      I walked into the nearest door which turned out to be a large luxurious bathroom. The floor, walls, stalls and sink were made from black marble with some white fleck. There also was red velvet carpet layed out like a walking path. There was a security guard in there and he looked at me with a surprised look on his face. I told him, "I just have to help her, she is retarded." (lol, that was the first thing I could think of) He said, "I understand go ahead." We went into one of the stalls. There was no toilet, only a large leather chair and red velvet carpet on the floor. I sat her in the chair and she began giving me, crazy good head. I awoke from the excitement.

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      April 5, 2009
      Lucid Dream 28: Betrayel & The Walking Dead
      around 6:30am

      Category - Action

      I was sitting in the bed of the truck and my dad was driving. My mom was also in the truck. The roads were covered in black ice and it was sleeting. The truck started spinning and I tried to brace myself, but I got knocked into the air. I managed to grab the side of the truck and was barely hanging on. I wondered why dad was driving so bad, even if it was icy. The truck then straightened out and was headed toward the Hardees downtown. I saw my dad's reflection in the side mirror and he looked demented. He whipped the truck one more time and we spun right beside of Hardees. I was flung through the glass window of the Hardees building. Dad got out of the truck and came at me with a pitch fork, I was wondering what the hell was going on as I reached into my pocket and pulled out some small kitchen sheers. I barely was blocking and knocking away the pitch fork with my sheers. I got away from him and took off running.

      I got back to my house and asked my mom if what just happened was a dream. She told me it was real and that dad had went crazy and moved out. I looked around the house and I decided to do a nose plug RC. I could breathe! I ran outside and saw a seemingly endless corn field across the street. I decided not to deal with that so I flew up the street. I noticed I was in some sort british country. There were pubs and I figured I would check one out. I felt like I was being watched out in the street. I walked into the pub and noticed everyone in there was dead. I looked around and a girl came in from the back door.

      She was a zombie. I grabbed a pistol off of one of the dead bodies and began blasting. The dead bodies got up and I did some matrix moves and popped all the zombies until they wouldn't get up again. One grabbed me and I ripped its eyes out and then blasted it. I was making my way up the street popping zombies when I woke up.

      August 5, 2009
      Lucid Dream 29: Quest for Booty
      around 8:30am

      Category - WTF

      I completed another successful DEILD. I was in my house and was trying to think what to do first. I walked outside and flew around my house for a while thinking. I decided to fly to a girls house who lived fairly close to me. I walked in and saw her, but she was, for some reason, like 5 years younger. I was shocked by this and then I noticed she was getting younger and younger by the minute. Eventually she was like 10 years old and asked me to make a village out of play doh. I then had a false awakening. I woke back up in my house and immediately did a nose pinch RC and it worked. I decided to fly back to the girls house. She was her normal age and we began making out. She suddenly turned into a pyramid stack of vienna sausage cans. I thought WTF? I tried to make her reappear with my mind, but I had no success. I decided that going to look for her would bring easier success, so I took off. I turned a few corners, but nothing. I awoke shortly after.

      April 5, 2009
      Normal Dream 64: Equipment Pick-Up
      around 10:00am

      Category - Sports

      I was in a large gymnasium and the Varsity football team and the JV football team were there picking up equipment for the new season. The varsity went first and as a captain, I was in the first group to select equipment. I picked up a full cage revolution helmet and the rest of my equipment. I was walking back to the gym whenever I noticed I didn't have my helmet. I went looking for it and saw about 100 helmets just laying around in random spots. I began checking all of them, but couldn't find it. The JV was now getting their equipment and I asked if one of them picked up a helmet. Dan Taylor was there helping the JV and he said that none of the JV had revolutions. I turned around and Richard D came up to me and said that he had found a helmet and thought it was unclaimed. I said, "Well if it is mine, your going to have to find another one." We were walking back to find whenever I awoke.

      April 5, 2009
      Dream Fragment
      around 1:00pm

      My friend Shaun called me and was explaining something crazy that happened to him. I told him he was describing a WILD. That is all I remember.

    20. #45
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      April 6, 2009
      Dream Fragment

      I remember running through some kind of courtyard. There were tall hedges cut out like a maze and I was trying to get to the center for some reason. That is all I remember.

      April 7, 2009
      Normal Dream 65: Cover Story
      around 2:00am

      Category - Sports

      I was back in high school and our baseball team was ranked #1 nationally. ESPN had already covered many of our games and we had reached a level of national stardom. The bell rang and I walked into the hallway. Pictures of our team were hung along the walls and all the girls were saying, "Good Luck Zack!" to me as I walked down the hall. A couple chearleaders walked up to me and grabbed my junk and said, "We are going to party after you guys win aren't we?" I then said, "Oh absolutely!" I walked into the locker room and all the guys were there watching a flat screen t.v. that hung on the wall.

      I looked and saw ESPN talking about our upcoming game. The broadcaster then said, "Be sure to pick up this months Sports Illustrated for an exclusive interview with JW Lucas. He talks injuries, motivation, and why he can't wait to get into the pros." JW is a friend of mine and was also on the team. He was the 2nd pitcher in the rotation. We then sent the waterboy to go pick up a copy of Sports Illustrated, so we could all read it. A few minutes later we got the magazine and J's picture was on the cover. We opened it up and there was like a 5 page article.

      There were pictures of all of us team members throughout the article. One picture showed me touching home plate after a game winning HR. There were also pictures of J.W. posing before his exclusive interview which was the second part of the article. In the interview J.W. said he didn't have much motivation for going out there and playing anymore. He said he would go straight to the pros out of high school. He talked about being burnout on school work and he said he often skipped classes or ditched school all together. He then talked about a new transfer from Giles who's name was Jared. Jared had just transferred and was pitching in tonights game even though it was J.W.'s turn in the rotation. He said he didn't even care anymore and that he was the best pitcher on the team by far.

      He then talked about how tan people get all the glory and that he will always be an "under the radar" type player. He said the game is being taken over by the bigger more powerful players and he was going to rock the sports world whenever he became a pro, even though he was average size. He talked about me coming off injury and how they will most certainly run the table for the rest of the season. He said, "Zack is another one of those underrated players. He clearly possesses extraordinary ability, as do I, and we will be the stars of next years MLB rookie class." He also said, "I've just been playing for myself and I really could care less what happens to most of the other guys."

      I noticed I was pictured in the article like five times. Everyone knew JW was the prima donna of the team and no one was surprised by the article. We were about to get dressed for the game whenever I awoke.

      April 7, 2009
      Normal Dream 66: Galactic Horror
      around 4:30am

      Category - Horror/Gaming

      I was in a small rescue ship and we had a team of about five members. We had just found a space ship that we had lost contact with. We landed on it and went aboard to check for survivors. The interior of the ship was almost completely frozen over. Ice, frost, and snow lined the hallways and rooms.

      The power to the ship had apparently been off for sometime now. We found the control room and turned on the power to the ship. We were in a large central room that had ascending and descending staircases. A girl on the team named Kari had located distress signals throughout the ship. She also gave us a heatmap of movement and activity on the ship. Much of the activity was thought to be monsters/aliens that now inhabit the ship.

      I saved on a typewriter in the control room and then the team descended about four or five staircases. We were walking down the hallway, guns in hand, whenever I saw my friend Brandon open a door that had a high activity reading. Once opening he said, "Oh shit!" and tried to close it, but a long tongue wrapped around his neck. He was gagging and being pulled into the room. I pulled out my knife and sliced through the tongue after a few of swipes. I looked inside and there was a giant bird with green fur/feathers and an enormous single eye in the middle of its head. This thing was about 15 feet tall, completely round, and had a giant eye that took up half of its face. I also saw two or three rows of razor sharp teeth when it opened its mouth and let out a loud screech.

      It blasted through the door and I turned and hauled ass. I jumped off of the center platform which was connected to the hallway I had just ran out of by bridges. I was going to land on one of the central platforms on a lower level, but the massive creature caught me with its tongue and ate me. I then saw each of my teammates running and being killed off by the creature one by one.

      The scene went black and when it reappeared we were back in the hallway. I said, "This time Brandon don't open the door with a Hawpee in it!" He then told me that we would return later ,once we had leveled up, and bleed the Hawpee for some rare pick-ups and items.

      April 8, 2009
      Lucid Dream Fragment

      All I can remember is being lucid and not wanting to forget what I was dreaming about. Ironic, lol.

      April 9, 2009
      Dream Fragment

      I woke up in the middle of the night extremely tired. Somehow I forced myself to write something down. Here is what I have written in my notebook, "Driving my way to get something to make CD with. Make rare german import CDs." Can't remember a thing and have no idea what I was talking about, lol.

    21. #46
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      April 10, 2009
      Normal Dream 67: Party Smoke-out
      around 3:00am

      Category - Substance/Party

      I was at my house and there were like 100 people there for my birthday party. I was in the waiting room talking to Deej and Jon S. Cliff called Jon and told him to tell me they were throwing a “smoke out” for me at the restaurant. I said, “Hell Yeah ” My mom walked in and started fussing at Jon. She told him that if he was going to walk around the house he had to do it with his shoes on (Complete opposite of real life, lol). I walked outside and everyone was leaving.

      They all waved and told me good-bye. They were mostly people I didn’t recognize. I opened my car door and found it was full of presents. I shifted them to the back seat and me Deej hopped in. I noticed a woman in a red convertible pencil-shaped car that had only two wheels. She was pulling out and here front wheel and back wheel seemed to be able to turn a full 360 degrees. She struggled driving out of the parking lot, but finally made it. I pulled out, but a present was jammed under my break pedal and I couldn’t slow down. People dove out of the way as I exited the driveway in a wreckless fashion.

      I got to the restaurant where Cliff had thrown my “smoke out” party. I quickly stripped and changed clothes. A very attractive female saw me naked and walked toward me. She asked me to get naked again and I told her that she would have to strip first. She then proposed we take a picture together naked. I said, “Alright” and we started stripping. We took the pic and I then looked over at her and noticed she had a penis. I said, “Whoa, WTF!” She said, “Yeah, I’ve had it since I was born.” I then looked at my own penis and noticed it was pierced and the head was tye-dye colored. Some real hateful old man came from behind me and said, “It is the prophecy. I can’t believe it. You will lead the world into a new time with your tye-dyed cock!” He threw me a water bottle and told me to keep it cold. I put the frigid water bottle into my pants and walked upstairs. I walked into a large dining area and saw about 20 people at a large table who all smiled and cheered when I walked in.

      I noticed Nathan, Mike B, Deej, Cliff, Mike D, JT, Jon, my brother Drew, and the rest seemed unfamiliar. We rolled a gigantic blunt that was about four feet long. Mike D and Nathan told me they had been smoking all day long and that I have to light this beast because it was my B-Day. I began lighting whenever I saw a shooting star out of the window. I said, “I made a wish on that shooting star. I wished that we would all get high as a kite!"

      A restaurant worker then walked over and said, “I’m going to have to confiscate that blunt.” I said, “No way you are getting this.” Then three workers began chasing me as I smoked and sang Ludacris’ “Get Back”. I would say, “Get back motherf***a you don’t know me like that!” and then knock them backwards with a shoulder ram. The workers went and got a hot cattle prod and chased me for a while. They couldn't catch me, so they left and came back with shotguns and chased me. I began singing a Lil’ Wayne song, “Please don’t shoot me down, cuz I’m fly, and I’m high, so higher!” The workers gave up and disappeared.

      I walked back over to the table and one of the workers was eating some of my birthday munchies. I flipped his tray and told him, “Get the f*** out of here with that!” He said, “Oh I’m sorry man. I was just going to chill and smoke with you guys.” I then said, “Oh my bad man. Grab you some more food and have a seat.” The workers came back and one of them tried to ruin the blunt by pouring liquor on it, but he only got the tip of it wet. I said, “Thanks for the help man!” I then lit the blunt again on the wet end and it burned beautifully. The worker got pissed and disappeared back into the kitchen.

      I walked back to the table and finally passed the blunt. The workers came back and now had golf clubs and golf balls and began rocking drives at me. Fortunately, they were all bad and were hooking and slicing all their drives. I awoke shortly after.

      April 11, 2009
      Normal Dream 68: Exam Time
      around 2:30am

      Category - Normal

      I was back in high school and it was the day before an examine in an extremely tough science class. We had to partner up for some pre-exam work sheets. I was partners with t.v. personnel, Olivia Munn. We finished all of our work sheets in about half of the allotted time. Our teacher was amazed and bragged about us non-stop. I told the teacher it was because I can read really fast (which I can) and because I am an awesome test taker.

      The dream then skipped ahead to the next day. I was looking at my art folder before the exam. I saw drawings of Barry Sanders, Jerry Rice, and some other weird ones I can’t remember. We got the test and I skipped to the only part of it I knew. It was an “actual or factual” section. There was a statement and you had to determine whether it was actual or factual. I aced this part and my teacher took up the exams for a mid progress grade. I had a 90 so far and the teacher was amazed agian. He said, “That gives you a 86 for the semester.” This was apparently the hardest class in the entire school and this was the hardest exam. He said, “Keep it up and my exam record of an 88 will get broken.”

      A guy came into the room and began acting like a drill sargent. Me and him put on a quick skit from Sargent Bilko. cC guessed what it was and the class laughed at the end. cC and Cliff then bet me that they would beat me on the exam. I said, “You're on!” AJ was beside me and I helped her on some of her answers. Actor, Matthew Perry was on my right and me and him helped each other on some of the question. I then used educated guesses, elimination, and context clues for the rest of the questions.

      I ended up with a 94 and shattered the record. Amber Sp. got the worst grade in class and Olivia didn’t do well either. The teacher said, “To prove you didn’t cheat, go show me on the board what you learned this year and how you put it into play on your exam.” I was nervous as I walked toward the blackboard and was trying to think fast. I then awoke.

    22. #47
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      April 12, 2009
      Lucid Dream 30: On The Brink Of Adventure
      around 1:00am

      Category - Adventure/Exploration

      I used a WBTB and began to slip into my WILD. I usually feel my body moving around the room or feel my body sit up on its own, but this time it was different. I was laying in my bed and I did a nose pinch after some SP and I could breathe. The only problem was, I couldn't sit up. It felt like my body was still in SP, but I could only use my arm. I decided to close my eyes and lay still for a bit and it worked.

      I got up, opened the sliding glass door, and took off flying. I could see a full moon in the background, so I flew toward it. I tried to land on it, but I kept missing for some reason. Finally, I managed to land on it, but it was only the size of the beach ball. I wrapped my arms and legs around it and tried to pull it toward the ground. It resisted, but I eventually pulled it down and it bounced on the ground. I began dribbling the moon and I instantly thought of the Lil' Wayne song, "I Feel Like Dying" where it says, "I can play basketball with the moon, I got the whole world at my feet." I then looked around me and saw a basketball goal. I shot the moon into the basket and drained it! I turned and decided to rub my hands together and clear up my dreamscape.

      Out of the darkness a complex tunnel (with mine carts and tracks) began to form. Once it was crystal clear I took off toward the tunnels. I went through the many tunnels like it was a video game level. I would ride mine carts on certain areas and I battled some goblins that looked just like the ones from "The Legend of Zelda: Windwaker." They were even cell shaded. The mine tunnels slowly turned into a desert cavern.

      I picked up two P90's that were laying on the sand and took off through the cavern. At many points I would exit a cavern and walk a short distance through some sand and into another set of caverns. There were now terrorist enemies with AKs shooting at me. After blasting my way through them the scenery slowly changed to the interior of a volcano.

      There were lava streams and ponds complete with erratic blasts and flaming bob-omb enemies (bob-ombs are the bomb enemies from Mario games). When I shot the bob-ombs there was a short delay and then they exploded. The scene slowly turned into a beach with many rickety wooden docks. I saw a dark colored spot in the water and figured I would dive there.

      I dove and swam through an underwater tunnel that lead to a pool of water surrounded by cliffs. There was also a large rock protruding from the middle of the pool of water. I climbed up on the rock and looked around in the water and saw many large carp (type of fish). I climbed over the surrounding cliffs and leapt off the other side down to the previous beach scene. I landed in the ocean and I swam to the ocean floor. There was a mini-replica of the beach on the sandy bottom. I swam to the surface when I began to wake up. I kept my eyes closed and induced a DEILD.

      April 12, 2009
      Lucid Dream 31: You've Been Kicked in the Nuts!

      Category - Action/WTF

      I performed a DEILD and got up and walked outside. I was back in the exact same beach scene from the previous dream. I had to piss so I unbuttoned my pants and took a leak. I then began to fly and piss at the same time. There were many people running from my stream and some pulled out umbrellas. I landed and some guy walked up and punched me, but his punch was so slow and weak that it felt like a fly had landed on me.

      I looked out and saw some guy down by the ocean beckoning me to him. I walked up to him and was about to ask him who he was, when out of nowhere, a guy in a bright orange clown afro ran up to the guy and booted him in the groin. The guy was mad and chased after the afron guy, buy the afro guy pointed toward a nearby camera and said, "You've been kicked in the nuts!" The guy who got kicked began laughing and said, "You got me. Hi mom, I got kicked in the nuts! (as he waved at the camera)" I put on an orange wig also and began running around with the other guy kicking random people in the nuts. It was just like the real show, lol! Alot of fun. I awoke during my kicking session.

      April 12, 2009
      Normal Dream 69: Coach Interference
      around 4:00am

      Category - Sports

      I was in high school and cC was sitting on my lap. Gene Hackman, the school administrator, came over to me and told us to sit normal or we will be written up. I got up and walked down near our home bench. I was at a high school basketball game. Our team was winning but our coach was getting pissed. He would freak out whenever we turned the ball over and yell things like, "I am the only person in this gym who has ever achieved anything!", "You guys are worthless! I was 20x's the players you are when I was your age!" He got so mad he pulled out an ancient rule book and called a timeout. He showed the ref the rule and it said, "If the home team surrenders 50 points the coach is allowed to play as an additional player to the starting 5." We were already leading by 18 points when the coach went in. He was like 6'7" and he just stood down low and towered over everyone else. (small high school where a 6'3" basketball player is tall)

      We ended up winning like 160-110. The entire opposing crowd was extremely pissed and held up hate signs as they cursed and booed our coach off the court. I got the stands to start chanting, "Puss-y coach! Puss-y coach!" I went into the locker room and got everyone to flip the coach off and I sang, "Say F*** coach Lusk everybody....everybody...say f*** coach Lusk everybody....call him a pussy everybody!" There was a newspaper in the locker room and I picked it up and it had a section on coach Lusk. It showed and dated all instances of his dirty exploits over his coaching career, presented by the Anti-Lusk school group headed by Zack R (me). There were like 20 instances of cheating, exploits, and violations. A quote in the article by Lusk said, "The protests and ridicule by Zack and his croney backed nonsense is just in bad taste." I laughed as I read the article. I awoke shortly after.

      April 13, 2009
      Dream Fragment

      I was playing a crane machine and I won 3 prizes with a 1$ turn. Some guy came and gave me a key to the crane machine because he said I was a gifted crane machine user. The key opened up the crane machine and I arranged the stuffed animals so they would be easy to grab. I forgot to put the side back on the machine and I got caught and kicked out of the crane machine tent at the fair.

    23. #48
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      April 14, 2009
      Normal Dream 70: The Wrestler
      around 3:00am

      Category - Tragedy/Sports

      I was a professional wrestler about to perform on the "big stage." My dream had an unknown narrator described emotions and actions of my dream. We were playing in a four corners match (4 man free-for-all) and I had just been knocked flat onto the mat. One of the guys was suppose to flip off of the top rope and land on me and take me out of the match. The guy who was initially supposed to do it fell off the top rope (he actually broke his leg and was disqualified with a ring-out 10 count). I looked over at the guy next in line to perform the move (in case something happened) it was a japanese/american guy called "Susho Sumo." I gave him the go ahead signal and he leapt from the top rope.

      His foot was hung for a split second and it caused him to not get a full rotation on his flip. He landed flat on his back and broke it. The match was stopped and Susho's back, shoulder, ribs and wrist were all broken. He was rushed to the hospital along with the guy with a broken leg and the whole arena had a moment of silence to pray for their recovery. We found out that Susho died on the way to the hospital from his lungs filling with blood after fractured ribs punctured each one of them. We were all sad and I cried on my drive to meet up with JT. He had a bottle of Gold Slagger waiting and we both drank to Susho's memory and talked about memories with our lost friend. I awoke shortly after.

      April 14, 2009
      Lucid Dream 32: SAW VI
      around 4:30am

      Category - Horror/Action

      I was at my house watching Wacked Out Videos on G4. They showed a video of my friend JT's wreckless driving. His blue cougar was swerving all over the road and going like 60 MPH through downtown P'burg (where the speed limit is 25). I told Cliff who was beside me that I was in that car with him at that time and we were wasted drunk. At one point we road up on a sidewalk where a cop was hiding and he didn't even pull us over. Me and Cliff recorded the show and went to go get JT so he could watch it whenever we were car jacked, blind folded, knocked unconscious, and kidnapped.

      Whenever I came through I was in a large relatively empty room. Just one couch and an old rug. I looked over saw Cliff, JT, some other guy, and two girls I didn't recognize either. Suddenly a group of weird people came into the room and looked at all of us with sinister "I want to torture you" looks. The looked similar to the band slipknot. One of the female freaks began launching sharp needle like utensils at us. A few stuck in my leg and I ripped them out and threw them back at her. Another freak had a chain with glass shards stuck to the end of it, another one had a large gun that squirted a weak acid that burned tremedously on open wounds, but did little to regular skin. He just sat in the back and shot at the wounds the other freaks inflicted. Another one of the freaks had long razor claws similar to Freddy Krueger. There were a few more that I can't remember.

      We all made our way to the opposite end of the room and the two females and the other guy were already dead. We had also killed 4 of the 6(or 7) freaks were dead and I said we should stay and kill the rest of them off, but JT wanted to escape through the nearby elevator. We went ahead and took the elevator. The freaks began laughing and told us that it was a set-up and there were more of them waiting at the bottom floor. I got pissed at JT and told him, "I told you we had to kill them and not run from them." The elevator moved in weird directions and gave me the feeling it was on a roller coaster track. Once it stopped and open there were 6 or 7 more freaks waiting for us at the bottom.

      We were now in a department store and an 8' giant began chasing after me. I ran to the automotive section and got motor oil and began pouring it on the floor. The freak kept slipping and falling as he tried to chase me. I began having fun by pouring oil down the aisles and watching the freaks fall and break arms, legs, and one even died from breaking its neck. I suddenly realized this wasn't real and I became Lucid.

      I flew around the department store pouring oil around the remaining freaks and laughed as they struggled to follow my flight pattern. I grabbed many objects such as toasters, chairs, sheets, popsicles, and other random objects and threw them at the freaks to see their effects. After messing with the freaks a while I began to slowly wake up. I kept my eyes closed and entered a DEILD.

      April 14, 2009
      Lucid Dream 33: Floo Travel

      Category - Adventure/Exploration

      I entered my DEILD and was back in the same department store, but it was now freak free, lol. There were alot of mexican gang brothers walking around the mall and they were all telling me to "Live strong, live free!" I was shaking their hands and laughing at how weird my dreams are. I walked toward the front of the store and saw a very hot blond chick who was slightly taller than me. She smiled at me and I noticed she had braces, but she was still gorgeous so I whispered in here ear, "Don't I know you from somewhere, beautiful?" She smiled and said, "I hope so." I leaned in and began kissing her. I then took her hand and we walked outside. I was trying to find my car and have sex with her, but I realized I don't want to waste my lucid.

      I thought of something I have been wanting to do. I flew over to the nearest abandoned house and busted through the door. I looked around until I found the fireplace. I suddenly heard a creepy girls voice telling me to leave the house, but I ignored it and it soon stopped. I looked on the shelf beside the fireplace and found what I was looking for. Powder. Floo Powder. I tossed some into the fireplace and tried to imagine an emerald green flame. Nothing happened so I tossed some more into the fireplace. I looked away, imagined the green flames and looked back, but nothing happened. Suddenly three mexican gang brothers burst into the room. They told me, "They killed Chico!" I laughed and I suddenly saw a green light flickering on the opposite wall and felt warmth at my back. I turned and saw the emerald green flame in the fireplace. I dove into the flame, spun, and shouted "Diagon Alley!"

      I appeared at the end of Diagon Alley and up ahead I could see Ollivander's Wand Shop. I wanted to go in, but I decided to see all of Diagon Alley first. The street was fairly narrow and shops were aligned side-by-side all the way down the street. The bars were open and just off the street. A couple steps and you were at the counters. Across from Ollivanders was a shop called, "Bertie Botts' Beans and Ice-Creams" There were many ice-cream flavors that matched the jelly bean toppings. I saw lettuce ice-cream and many more that I can't remember now There was a bar called "Enchanted Spirits." It had many unique types of liquor with very cool bottles. One bottle had a active volcano erupting over and over on the label. It was cinnamon liquor, but the writing was in foreign language characters. Another bottle was the same style as grey goose (colored translucent images with transparent bottle), but it had different images of a fantasy scene. It was called "Kamchatka's Secret." I asked the bartender what type of liquor it was and he said, "It's the best Vodka on the market." I told him to pour me a shot. It tasted like cool fresh melted snow, lol. It was awesome.

      I walked down a bit more and there were some shops with caulderons in the window and broomsticks. I then saw a bunch of guys in UVA gear sitting at a bar. I asked them what this was and they said, "It is the sports bar." I said, "Is it only for UVA fans?" He said, "No, Virginia Tech and WVU fans come here too." I told them I was a UVA fan and they said there were alot of them here. Diagon Alley was absolutely amazing. The street was a bit crowded but no too bad. There were many people who looked normal and many others who were wearing robes and witch hats. I figured I would go pick up a wand from Ollivanders, but on my way back down the street I began to slip from the dream. I tried to hold on, but no luck.
      I awoke from the dream and immediately wrote as much as I could remember down.

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      April 14, 2009
      Normal Dream 71: The Epic Dream
      around 6:30am

      Category - Adventure

      The dream started with me as a young 8 year old boy. The entire dream was being narrated by myself. I was playing on the edge of the woods. A bright light appeared in the woods, so I went to check it out. It was a young girl about my age who looked like an angel. She took my hand and gave me a kiss. She smiled and told me to follow her. About that time I heard horses, and some men from the village road up to me and began firing arrows at the girl. She turned and flew off deep into the woods. One of the men was apparently my father and he said, "Stay away from these forests. Those elves are not like us! I don't want to catch you in here again." I just stared at where she had disappeared and hoped I would meet her again. The dream then skipped ahead.

      I was now a 20-30 year old male and I was foraging the same woods from my childhood. I had apparently went there everyday looking for the same girl. Suddenly I was approached by a walking tree. Somehow, I knew he was a traveling vendor and knew that traveling trees were always expensive. It talked very slowly like the ones in LOTR (Lord of the Rings). It told me it had fresh bear, wolf, and calacta (?) meat for half the price of anywhere else, plus he was throwing in a sacred item. I asked him what the catch was and he said, "The sacred item is very valuable and rare, but it draws in evil." It sounded like an adventure so I told him I would take the deal. I followed him through the woods and I purchased the meat and he gave me a bottle of a mysterious glowing red liquid. I was on my way back to the village when a tall wizard resembling Merlin approached me. He said, "You have something very valuable, yes. I think you should follow me." He told me he was going to lead me to the valley of the elves and they would inform me of what I needed to do next. He said I was the one from the prophecy.

      Next thing I remember, we were both riding through a dense swamp on top of these large reptilian creatures that resembled large turtles without shells. I told him I had never before left the shire (lol, I don't think I was a hobbit though). He was telling me all about the dangers of the real magical world. I can't remember everything he said, but he showed me many creatures. He showed me glass frogs, which were transparent frogs that glistened under the sun and were barely visible. He showed me these large brown lilly pad-like plants that sang like frogs whenever you touched them. He also showed me these red and white striped eel-like fish that had sharp poisonous barbs all over their bodies. He lured a small one from under the water and it leapt into the air and flared it's spines as it entered a violent twisting motion and drifted toward the wizard. He shot lightning out of his staff and disinigrated the creature. He said that it may not have looked fierce, but a full grown adult can be up to 7 feet long.

      We traveled farther through the swamp and came upon a deep pool in the swamp. We climbed up onto a rock and he showed me one of the sinister eels that was swimming in the pool. It was around 5 feet long. He warned that one barb from a fish this size could kill you in only 10 minutes. He told me that the y weren't the worse creature to be found in this swamp. He said a large aquatic dragon known as the "Aquias" lived here and there were many aggressive snakes called, "The Guardians of the Swamp" that grew to 30 feet in length. We climbed back on our turtle-like creatures, I was now a little freaked out, and the dream skipped ahead.

      We were apparently in the next town. We went through the town and met a woman who had now joined our party. She carried a camera with her and told us she was a photographer. She agreed to show us around town and lead us through the mountain pass if we let her journey with us. She went into a random building saying she was going to change her film and use the restroom, but I smelled something suspicious. I spyed on her and she was talking to a man in a hooded cloak. I couldn't see his face, but he told her to lead us into the mountain pass and into the Soul Caverns. He said he would pay her with eternal life whenever she completed her task. I waited until she came back outisde and I stabbed her with my sword, took the map she had and her camera. I explained to the wizard and he agreed she needed to die.

      It was just getting dark and there was a grand festival going on. There was a wooden roller coaster-like ride that skimmed the top of the beautiful lake that outlined the area. There were fire works and music playing in the background. We were camped out on top of the hill above all the dancing villagers who were celebrating the birth of a child. The wizard told me they were Toilyns. A race of human that only lived on this lake. They celebrated birth and death the same way. He informed me they could become dangerous once the clock struck midnight, that is why we were keeping our distance. Me and the wizard smoked out of a pipe which was filled with ganja and talked about the journey ahead.

      I took a nap and the next thing I remember was being woken up and the wizard said, "We must leave now." I got up and we picked up our bags and I looked down over the hill and saw a wild fire and much destruction. The villagers were now gray skinned and resembled a mix between a demon and a wolf. They had red eyes, long sharp claws, wolf head and a human body. I now knew what happened at mid-night. The demon-like humans had spotted our camp and were running after us. The wizrd said, "Quickly now! Lets go!" We ran for a short distance and mounted these ostrich-like birds that took off into the air. I looked back at the ground and saw the wolf demon people screaming in anger. I turned and felt my heart racing. I awoke shortly after.

      April 14, 2009
      Dream Fragment
      around 7:30am

      My brother had been gone for a few days because he was staying with his friend and he couldn't get a ride home. Drew has totaled two cars already and he doesn't have one now. My dad said he was sick od Drew not coming home, so he told me to give my car to Drew and I could get a new one. I was thinking about a new hummer the H3, but I wasn't sure. That is all I remember.

      April 14, 2009
      Lucid Dream 34: Royalty
      around 9:00am

      Category - Random

      I was on a school trip to some native american village (they all looked asian though). We all were seperated on canoes and rowed over to the village which was located on a large forest-filled island. Me and JT were in the same canoe and we were taking shots of Vodka on the way over. We rowed to the island and we all gathered inside a large roofless cabin. The whole class was gathered around this weird animal skin trampoline. I decided to jump on it a couple of times and one of the indian ladies started freaking out. I told her, "Don't worry your gods won't be pissed at you. I'm a bastard!" She laughed and lightened up a bit. I looked around and saw many totem poles and large masts that weren't carved into totem poles yet. Our teacher was Queen Latifah. There was a large staff suspended in mid-air above me and I grabbed hold of it. I noticed it had alot of resistance and I couldn't pull it toward me. I asked the teacher why this random suspended object had resistance when you pulled it. She tugged on it and said, "Wow, that is weird." She started looking around the room with a look of bewilderment on her face. It suddenly hit me. I said, "I know why it has resistance, we are dreaming! This is a dream!

      Now lucid, I looked at my friends and said, "Come on Deej, JT, P, we are dreaming lets get out of here! We took off through the cabin and I couldn't find a door so I said, "Watch this!" I busted through the wall with a shoulder ram. We just kept running and busting through wall after wall trying to get out of the cabin. Finally we busted through a wall and were now falling down a giant elevator shaft. There were many support beams stretching across below us and we were busting through them as we fell. We were in a fast free-fall for a long time. I looked at Deej and said, "Can you believe we are still falling?" He started cheering and held his hands up, "Whaahooo!!!" We finally crash landed on a muddy debris filled floor. I looked around and saw JT and P fall behind me with ragdoll-like physics. A bunch of orphan children covered in dirt, grime, and mud walked up and surrounded us. I said, "Gathered around, I'm going to change this place into magical place. With fresh grass, flowers, water, and berries." JT had the noise, "Uh-umm!" I said, "Oh and our very own brewery and field of ganj." I closed my dream eyes and attempted to spin and change the scenery. It didn't work the first time so I tried it again. I accidentally woke myself up. Or so I thought.

      I sat up in my bed and felt pretty strange. I did a quick nose plug reality check and I was still dreaming. I thought, "Try knock me out of my Lucid, false awakening. I think not!" I got up flew outside and saw my dog Dakota (who died in real life). I pet him real quick and flew into my house and walked up to the fireplace. I grabbed some floo powder out of a nearby candle (lol) and tossed it into the fire. It didn't work, so I tried it again. It turned green, but not quite solid green. I jumped in anyway and shouted, "Diagon Alley" I felt my body twist and turn and I opened my eyes and found my self back in my house except it wasn't my house. It was like 10x larger than normal and was layed out like a castle. There were candles for lighting, stone walls, and british flags hanging everywhere. I walked into the kitchen and poured me a pitcher of warm "Buttercream Ale", we had it on tap! I drank it and it was the most amazing beer I had ever tasted. I walked through a grand hallway and into an amazing dining room. The dining table was huge, about 50 feet long. There were multiple crystal chandeliers hanging from the ceiling and a brilliant red carpet that covered most of the stone floor. I walked across the dining room and into the kitchen which was a large grocery store.

      There were people shopping, but also signs that said, "All items are property of the royal family. Everything must be purchased at the counters. Thiefs shall be beheaded!" I thought, "This is crazy!" and I laughed to myself. Well, since all of this stuff was mine I might as well eat something. I decided to eat some glass, it was very crunchy and tasted like I had put gravel in my mouth. I then took a bite out of one of the wooden tables, it tasted like wood, lol. I then picked up some grapes and ate them stem and all. They were very sweet almost a candy sort of flavor to them. I grabbed a head of purple cabbage and bit into it without taking it out of the plastic bag. It tasted exactly like lettuce. Finally I grabbed amagazine and ate the entire thing. It tasted like notebook paper, but I finished it anyway. I looked around the store and noticed two hot asian female workers. I walked up and grabbed their hands and smiled. I then moved them over my crotch. They smiled and I took them into the back room and they began to strip. I performed oral on one as I fingered the other. I then bent one over and was pounding her as hard as I could when I suddenly woke up. I tried a nose check, but I wasn't dreaming

      False Awakening Conquered
      Successful Reality Check: Held Nose RC

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      i read it all, gave me 1 or 2 idea's

      good work.

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