Well I came across this website that claims to have, "Binaural beats [that] affect our brainwaves directly and can alter moods, behavior, even consciousness."

As you can see, there's a whole list of different tracks that induce different moods into the listener. I've actually tried some of them, and they really do work! The 6th track on the page is titled "Lucid dreams." In the comment section some people claimed to fall asleep while listening to it and went into a LD. If that doesn't work, then it's at least supposed intensify your dreams. I haven't tried it myself yet, but this site is legit and the few tracks I have tried worked.

Keep in mind, you need to be in a dark room, put headphones on, and relax without any distraction for them to work. Post your results if you want to try it out. I'll try it tonight and post my results too.