Getting Started
Firstly we’d like you to create a workbook…
Create a thread named… yourusername’s workbook.
Introduce yourself, we want to know everything about your experience with dreaming in as much detail as you want, the more we know about the way you dream the quicker we can find out what works for you.
And submit!
We would like you to write down your progress either daily (in small chunks) or weekly (in large ones), again, the more you write your progression the more we can help you progress.
In this workbook we will provide advice for you to progress, answer any questions that you have and set you targets to complete in the future. This way the response to you will be specific to you, which will help you progress like never before!
A brief Introduction to Dream Initiated Lucid Dreaming
The DILD techniques cover a large area of lucid dreaming and are very popular methods to becoming lucid. DILD is an acronym for Dream Induced Lucid Dream.
A DILD is where you realise you are dreaming, within a dream, there are various factors that can help you have a DILD and many of them have been written into guides.
Some major factors:
Recall – Actually being able to remember your dream, this can be improved by keeping a Dream Journal (writing down your dreams). It is strongly recommended that you can remember your dreams, it is extremely important that your recall is up to scratch!
Memory – Being able to remember that it is a dream.
Control – Stability and control over the dream once you have become lucid in order to remain in the dream.
There are various techniques which involve changing your lifestyle slightly so that you notice/question that you are dreaming, a few useful guides are listed here, but it’s recommended that you do some reading around to find a which techniques suit you.
Reality Checks
These are used to check wether you are in a dream, a good habit is to reality check in real life whenever something strange happens as this requires some thinking and therefore is more likely to be remembered in a dream.
Reality Check Tutorial
Being able to spot out what differs about the dream compared to real life is dependent on awareness, although we are not very aware in our dreams, the more aware you are in real life the more aware you are in the dream. Throughout the day monitoring the world around you, with a higher state of awareness. Try it now, consider your body as a massive sensor, feel all the stimuli, it can be quite distracting and overwhelming at first, but awareness is possibly the key to realising you are dreaming.
All Day Awareness, A DILD Tutorial by KingYoshi
Puffin's DILD Guide - Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views
WBTB is an acronym for 'wake back to bed'. This is where you set your alarm (or learn to naturally wake up after a dream) so that you wake up at the start of an REM period (this is the period in which you dream), this is usually 4.5 or 6 hours after you go to bed but there is probably abit of fine tuning to find what works exactly for you.
Awareness and reality checks in the day, combined with a WBTB MILD just before a dream can be a powerful combination - I explain it in the tutorial below.
How to have your first Lucid Dream, Dry Spell Breaker Guide
See you around!