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    Thread: Covlad96's DILD Workbook

    1. #1
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      Covlad96's DILD Workbook

      Hello, my names Ryan and I'm 16 from England. I started lucid dreaming about this time two years ago. I woke up one morning and thought, 'Wouldn't it be cool if you could control your dreams while you are in them?' and I ended up here. So yeah I've probably had about 15 - 20 LDs. My motivation comes and goes, I had a break about April time to now because of exams and I got lazy. My recall is fairly good and always has been even when I have breaks. I recorded 4 dreams last night for example.

      I really like the MILD method, for me its the easiest and most effective method. So this seems like the perfect place to work on my MILDs. Obviously MILDs and DILDs compliment each other well, so it would be nice to get up to scratch on DILDs also and awareness. I've never had a WILD but I really want to experience one, so when my skills improve I may practice WILDs in my WBTBs.

      Once I begin to get my lucids back, I would like to focus on dream control. I've never really tried dream control much I always think 'I'm in a lucid, quick enjoy myself!' But if I work on that I can enjoy my lucids even more
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    2. #2
      USA gab is offline
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      Welcome to MILD/DILD class, covlad96!

      Yeah, sometimes it's hard to stay focused and motivated, when life happens. I love this site, because so many good opportunities to stay motivated by reading other's posts.

      MILD is indeed a powerful technique. But as you say, it's even better if you add elements of DILD to it.

      I really believe, that excitment and emotions play an important role in getting us lucid. Please check out the awarness paragraph in this article http://www.dreamviews.com/dild/13212...ods-dilds.html

      The point of believing that you are in a dream when you ask yourself the awareness question is that this belief will start to happen in your regular dreams. And also when someone does reality checks, he has to believe, that they will work, because he is in a dream at that moment.

      So take a look and post your questions, or keep me posted of your progress. Happy dreams

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      I really believe, that excitement and emotions play an important role in getting us lucid. Please check out the awarness paragraph in this article Collection of Techniques and Methods for DILDs
      I had a read through this and its a very nice simple tutorial and helps alot. So yeah over the past week when I picked it up again I've been doing the daytime awareness, RC's and like you said actually believing that the RC's will fail and also fully believing I'm going in a dream while I'm doing the awareness. And last night I got that lucid dreammmmmm It felt like it lasted about 5 mins. It was one of them lower level awareness lucid's but nevertheless it was still a lucid dream. The awareness started to pick up at the end I was having clearer thoughts etc. I might post the dream in my DJ later so if you wish to look at it you can. In the dream I tried to summon a car and this led to a FA of me telling my brother I had a LD, then I really woke and up and told him I had an LD. He also had an LD that night as well.

      From here I will basically try to improve my awareness in my dreams, my dream control etc
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    4. #4
      USA gab is offline
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      Wow, that's awesome, congreats! And to your brother as well!

      Yes, incresing your self-awareness/awareness is the way to go. Self-awareness http://www.dreamviews.com/wild/13181...prep-part.html

      Good luck

    5. #5
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      Yes, incresing your self-awareness/awareness is the way to go. Self-awareness WILD Session One: Mental Prep Part A
      Hey since you posted this I've been working on it over the last few days and I think last night finally payed off. I had a lucid dream where I was much more aware than usual, I actually stabilized my dream and I think I may have met my dream guide. Thank you! Here is the dream if you wish to read it

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      I read your dream, very awesome! Congrats

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