Welcome to MILD/DILD class, covlad96!
Yeah, sometimes it's hard to stay focused and motivated, when life happens. I love this site, because so many good opportunities to stay motivated by reading other's posts.
MILD is indeed a powerful technique. But as you say, it's even better if you add elements of DILD to it.
I really believe, that excitment and emotions play an important role in getting us lucid. Please check out the awarness paragraph in this article http://www.dreamviews.com/dild/13212...ods-dilds.html
The point of believing that you are in a dream when you ask yourself the awareness question is that this belief will start to happen in your regular dreams. And also when someone does reality checks, he has to believe, that they will work, because he is in a dream at that moment.
So take a look and post your questions, or keep me posted of your progress. Happy dreams