I want to help. I notice that there are 7 question marks in your workbook thread, but that they are all from me. Based on post #5, I will assume that you still want to put some time into this. Try this for more awareness (wear a rubber band around your wrist or write the letter L on your palm and every time you notice it do these steps) :
1. really stop everything when you think to do your RC's
2. imagine all of the fun things you would do if this were actually a dream while looking around.
3. while you are looking around tap or rub your nose to solidify the point that you are there in this moment, experiencing this (it puts part of you in view as you look around - try it right now as you are reading this)
4. Now do your two RC's, consider adding a third or mix it up periodically.
Then try those WBTB's while on summer break or weekends. That will activate your mind a little and allow you to put your awareness training into action with that next dream and become lucid!