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    Semi-Lucid Non-Lucid

    I stopped posting my DJ's for various reasons, one of them being the amount of work required. I do believe the time you spend posting your DJ online helps keep your mind on dreams and reinforces your dream recall, both of which definitely help with lucid dreaming in my experience. If you want to view my dj without the Photobucket stamp on all the pictures, you may want to pull it up on archive.org where you can view past versions of webpages. Easy link: https://web.archive.org/web/20171208055654/https://www.dreamviews.com/blogs/fogelbise/ and at the bottom of each page you can choose page 2, 3 etc.

    1. Personal Notes

      by , 02-07-2018 at 01:33 AM
      ~~!!falling asleep too fast!! Arm up - NEW: release (centers me) and set intention(s) ; I value my dreams and have vivid amazing dreams; dance-keep it going@any fade!! Incubate romance@GA with GF!! FLOW-er; release+little; MILD where? aha dream location!! Face2face, REM simul w/eyes, release:clear view ; +meditate!! ; focus space=beach+senses; (Beach+senses of beach scene I guess? Focus space: is that when focus on breathing becomes the focus on the space in front of me like space between me and wall and then redirecting to Beach kind of like that idea of taking the release technique and adding one or two exciting elements or minor joys to that clear view which feels joyous much like the feeling of realizing you're lucid in a dream.)

      ~~!! HSOP head, wait4tension+release+sink, awareness-out, pass into dream 1.Before bed mild that I notice dream fade/pre-DEILD focus+dance/; diff from poss waking to closed eyelids: glottal then eye clench; RRCIS; 2.wbtb + MILD and/or SSILD and RRCIS;

      From older 6/4/2017 dj:
      review/practice based on notes from grassy sea period=self awareness C RRC, add balance with environment awareness, open beta (didn't use tonight (old 6/4/17 notes) but it's offshoot- boldness MILD, weirdness induction used (+ mild and ssild in bed)

      ~~!!WBTB exercises: How is your awareness flowing from one point to the next? How often throughout the day are you aware of your awareness as well as your position in your surroundings? Centering!

      ssild my normal then keep up loosely til sleep; ASMR, boldness/take control, other open beta??-childlike fascination, recognize dream scenarios, weirdness induction, self awareness crrcis , spinning. * Found nice awareness by going straight to: I am he who is aware of the awareness WITH awareness power rods coming down into my head. It's a WTF feeling! (Realize it is almost same feeling after release technique)

      After a game, a common way that I break through post game fog is boldness!

      Updated 02-22-2018 at 10:05 PM by 61674 (add last sentence)

    2. TOTY Success - Saucer

      by , 06-27-2017 at 05:18 PM
      This is a DEILD where the dream forms outdoors with not much around. I think about the alien task of the year. I confidently know the flying saucer is up ahead. I see it by a rock formation. The ship is somewhat oval shaped with rigid panels. I enter and sit and there are lighted controls above me that I press to get the ship moving. I explain to my copilot who is already inside what I'll say when we get to the planet as my way of reminding myself the points of the task. It is not long before we arrive. We stop and I get out of the ship. This alien planet is not very interesting. Its dark, I'm on ridge at a ranch-like setting with less around, overlooking a bland desert city somewhat lit up in the distance, below and well out from the ridge. The aliens are seemingly formless. I'm making out only a watery shimmer in the space I assume they occupy. I hold up peace fingers and say my line "I come in peace and I want to learn your ways" and then I ask them to teach me something…I am led to a small garden, up ahead near some possible living structure, growing something like vegetables and they telepathically tell me "food and family (are what it's all about)." I think more about their appearance as the scene fades and I get an image of a black draped and black crepe-faced or masked figure. The craft was quite cool but the planet was not very exciting. I should have let my mind run wild with all of the exciting possibilities for where I would land, which might have produced something more spectacular.
    3. TOTY Success - Sled Task Completed and Repeated

      by , 06-27-2017 at 12:00 AM
      I go back to sleep fairly quickly so once again I have an NLD before brief wakefulness and then DEILD entry with eye clench (to confirm strength of vibrations) then visualization to try to influence scene. Seems NREM visuals...an extended period of flying through odd visions mostly like space-scapes, not that different from those on Twin Peaks The Return episode 8 which was mostly trippy visions. There were voices; I couldn't make out what they were saying. Towards end my mind recalled some of the creepiness of Twin Peaks from last night and the little bit of schema poisoning teased and then dumped in a DV thread recently (I just remembered, among the last ethereal scenes included panther eyes in the dark, after seeing a cheetah on TV IWL) but I handled it well with a sense of my own power much like facing creepy spaces IWL. Weird scenes blur out, as part of my subconscious solution I'm guessing. Then exploring some darkish rooms and halls with DC's.

      I want to do another TOTY so I spin while imagining a snow covered mountain for the sled task.
      I find myself in the snow at the top of a mountain with snow blowing and not giving me much to look at. I form my sled with my hands motioning the outline of a small one man sled. I get on and I go down at a medium speed. As I approach the bottom I imagine the earth opening up and I go down further which leads to calm endless ocean that I float above for a bit.

      I want to do this again and see if I can make it more interesting by going down faster and I'll make it notably cold while I'm at it. I spin again and imagine being back at the top and feeling the cold and it works again. I notice the cold air and this time I just assume the sled is already in my hands and I hop on it in mid-air while aiming down hill. T
      his time it feels fast, out of control and much more thrilling. I still didn't try to influence what I got at the bottom but after having the ground at the bottom open up it leads me to something different this time. It leads to shallow stream with lots of pebbles visible through the clear water that I float just above following the stream. Water both times interestingly, though vastly different bodies of water.

      After flying a bit I find myself indoors. I explore.
      Spoiler for sexual content:
      I wake after a good amount of fun.
    4. TOTY Success - Rampage on an Elephant, Very Beautiful View

      by , 06-23-2017 at 10:38 PM
      I finally got back to the TOTY tasks (in the BOLD section)...

      11pm+ up 1148pm to bathroom 12am-btb 550am something based on recent thoughts and events. *605 btb perfect again! The earliest dream I recall at the moment is at <snip for privacy>. Next memory is riding on the hood of a truck on the side of the hood with one girl and the other more in the middle of the hood close to the windshield maybe CM and her sister C at this point (transitions to little Ms CM and my younger brother in law). It feels a little precarious sitting on the hood as we make some turns but the driver is driving slow so we don't fall off easily it seems. At some point we get off and I see yellow shoes on the street and as we drove a little further I wondered if it was her shoes that fell off and I wanted to make sure she wasn't going to try to go get them in traffic. We start walking wherever we're going and I see this vending company dropping off this taffy candy like thing, a refill of the machine I think and it looks like we're outside of a school. It looks like we're going in to the school probably a high school and I think how I thought last night that I didn't fix my hair when running an errand and I say to one of them that I wasn't planning on going anywhere so I didn't fix my hair or wear anything nice. Oh before that when we're walking I was saying you know your brother C (I'm confused, he's my younger brother in law) is real nice, it's nice to have a brother like that, but she's walking next to me instead of him and she's smiling. I asked "I wonder what you would call me?" and she just smiles. I was thinking something like Uncle or Brother and it looks like she was thinking boyfriend. Anyway we go into the school and it transitions to looking more like a hospital and more than a few horror scenes with injuries etc but I don't seem to be bothered by it. I'm mainly concerned with where she went and I ask one of the people we're with and they said that they think she walked down that way, so I walked down the hall with all of these open bays with patients in them and I must have realized how crazy this was or my lucidity just came to me and I realize that none of this matters, I am dreaming, and I just start dancing there in the hospital to the song of the summer "standing in the bright lights" whatever the name of the song is. At some point it transitions to a classic rock song from maybe the 70s. One of those pop rock songs. After a bit of dancing I think about the task of the year and try the same thing I tried before and this time it works! I basically say "that sounds like an elephant" and sure enough I start hearing the sound of an elephant, it's bugle cry and stampeding feet and it hasn't fully materialized last yet but I can hear it more and more and the hospital scene around me has turned gray and I see a flash of gray and I jump up floating up in the air and land on what I take to be the elephant until it materializes and I go riding off in what now is an open plains area and I say there is the jungle up ahead and shortly after I'm stampeding through a jungle on the back of this elephant. I remember how the task mentioned what sounded like a bit of a violent romp through the jungle and I didn't think that would be my kind of thing but it was quite a bit of fun especially knowing that none of this is real, no one's really being hurt. I now intentionally seek to trample villagers and small huts on my path through the jungle and I succeed in doing so but the joy was really in just the brisk gallop through the jungle. I get to this ridgeline and I'm looking down over this beautiful valley where the jungle starts to clear and I am taken by how clear and vivid and beautiful all of this is, much like I was taken by the extreme vividness of what I took to be HHs when I was first going back to sleep after short wbtb. In hindsight I think I was already dreaming at that "HH" point, probably NREM and then nothing before the REM started. By the beginning of REM my awareness wasn't there but it came back to me towards the end maybe 5 minutes before waking. Anyway back to the Jungle scene: I'm almost in tears at the beauty and completeness of the scene below me and I consider making myself wake up to recall everything fully. I don't remember making the decision to wake up but I wake up shortly after, whatever the reason. The strong set of grassy sea practices during wake back to bed, even if wake back to bed is short like in this case, seems to be a very effective for producing strong lucidity.
    5. TOTY Success - Driving a Car With No Engine or Tires, 1st March 2017

      by , 03-01-2017 at 07:35 PM

      This would not normally meet the threshold of being an interesting or very memorable LD to put in my DJ online, but doing it since it is for the TOTY. The night I previously did this task (my previous DJ entry here) but didn't read the instructions closely enough was more interesting. I used to list every LD but I think I stopped that somewhere in the 300's…too lazy to double check.

      Wed, 01 Mar 2017

      MILD then SSILD falling asleep during my version of the combined cycles (very common now - to doze off during).

      I'm trying to remember what I was doing when I realized I was dreaming . It seemed like a typical SSILD realization making me wonder if it involved a false awakening. I'm thinking back looking for the moment of realization and my initial thought which is still the strongest is that it had something to do with a dreamy transition which I was talking about earlier today. A transition from one scene to another or from one person to another that didn't make sense without the context of being in a dream.

      What I do remember is realizing that I'm dreaming and I float up flying around a little bit thinking about looking for some of those girls that must have been part of the previous scene but then thinking how I wanted to get back to the car task of the year. I land and visuals have faded but I imagine and take the actions of opening a car door sitting down and turning the key and I'm apparently in a muscle car from the sound of the engine and I thought it would be fun to drive it around a little bit before doing the task. It obviously has a lot of power jolting around the dreamscape.

      Anyway I pull over and consider taking the engine and tires off of this car but I decided to go to a neighboring car that looks like an 80's model 4 door Toyota sedan. I reach down ripping each tire off as the car sits on the ground as planned. I then open up the hood ripping out the engine and then ripping out a few miscellaneous parts around the edges. I get in the car and turn the ignition "knowing" the key is already there and get a smaller engine sound (did not summon an engine), nothing like the muscle car before. I drive around a little bit on a dark windy path. The whole dreamscape is dark with shadowy figures as I drive with light shining dimly like headlights on a dark road but it looked a little different than typical headlights.
      I believe I lose lucidity in a false awakening.
    6. OMG, WTF Nice Long Series of Mostly Lucid Dreaming in Brief, TOTY Success? - Car Without Engine

      by , 02-14-2017 at 02:30 AM
      These are some rough notes I threw together. I may try to clean it up later and add some pictures.

      Finish 30 minute WBTB and BTB around 430am *Several times I think I woke but didn't look at phone/time in order to give me best chance to keep going back in. Finally do look at phone at 637am and am dumbfounded at amount of lucidity and scenes and time lucid! Some waning of lucidity but often quickly recovered and seems like at least 90% of the time and experiences that I remember were lucid.

      Letter tags: HMS HM_? House mall stars hands 2nd m? 6th letter tag? May be one of the scenes below.

      Seems not more than 10 minutes of SSILD and I start with, what I told myself during one of the FA's, must have been an NREM lucid. It was short maybe 1 minute and very basic mostly dark but interacting with a woman. It leads to multiple FA's each one different. Several were in a busy house with lots of kids and a few adults. Hands clasp from IWL in bed become hands in bind by girl trying to free my hands. House party like. Outdoor patio girl, wife voice, both can have me! Later indoor house gathering (one of several house scenes) with an older lady still beautiful and I tell her I'll make her young again and morph massage her face and it works in the end with odd results along the way. When I finish I see a female, her niece it seems, with her back to us. She has long curly black hair and I gently take her and lead them both to a bedroom. Mall ladies sex and after a while of that I say I need to do the TOTY, car one sounds good. I try to form a car inside the mall main way but it never becomes solid enough so I look toward an exit and see a whole street of cars parked parallel, not the typical big parking lot you'd see outside of a surburban mall. I see a maybe late 80's Honda that has seen better days but it was the first car I really focused on. I open hood just from front of car but do reach my finger in for the typical final release lever under hood and open hood, it stays open and I reach in and grab the whole engine block and all and rip it out easily like picking up an empty cardboard box. I think about breaking the window with my elbow but I am able to just open the door. I decide keys will be under the visor and yes one key on small key chain tab. I stick the key into the on position and start driving like a maniac. Very quickly transitions from asphalt to dirt trail on a hillside area that brings back memories of bmx trails. I get to a top look out point and see 8-10 guys in bathing trunks just below me maybe 20 feet. Maybe they're heading to a hidden beach below. At first I guess a couple of them near the back of group look gay but as they gather it doesn't seem like anything sexual, just a bunch of guys who may even want a lone guy to beat up on. No worries though, this is my dream. I call down to them to look up at me and shoot off into the sky quickly. It becomes night and I float in the sky and marvelling at the stars. They look fairly normal but a beautiful experience none the less. Visuals fade after a minute or so and I spin in the air, still a black void, so spin few more and a FA. / some busy outdoor area at night sexual with several girls. Also at Mall and at house scenes. Unbelievable! I just keep going from scene fade to scene fade after early part where it was from FA to FA. Also Vegas casino hotel with wife she found which hotel, nice but great deal, lucidity fading, maybe gone for this final scene before waking. I am forgetting so many details. I was setting reminders in the new scenes and I have whispy memories of what those reminders were but still trying to grab them fully - I'm sure I haven't caught them all. Lots of solid, vivid dreamlets including snow falling on a couple in dark brown or black winter long coats.
    7. TOTY Success - Forming a Plane and Flying it Into a Time Breach - 5th Feb 2017

      by , 02-06-2017 at 12:12 AM
      Sun, 05 Feb 2017:

      I think I came into this scene with some awareness from a WILD style entry perhaps from DEILD but I don't exactly remember. I am in this rocky canyon area and feel boldness to fly and start to fly fully realizing I am dreaming. I then remember the plane TOTY I tried last night with some challenges. I land and start rubbing my hands together and saying how I will have a nice long lucid dream. There is no great spot to take off from traditionally with good size rocks everywhere on the reddish brown dirt but this is a dream anyway and it's a better spot than the empty sky off of the building I was hoping to materialize an airplane from the night before.

      So I imagine I am climbing a small ladder up making the movements and I get into what is a vaguely forming cockpit. I imagine the key is in front of me and go to turn it with my right hand and the cockpit is looking good now with some controls and instruments that look like they belong in a plane. The engine sputters and is very rough sounding and I say okay that vague shape there on my right is one of the wings and I see them form like a small Cessna plane in off white color. The nose then forms with the blurred image of a quickly spinning single propeller on it and I have blue horizontal stripes on the nose and feel the rest of the plane behind me.

      I take off using a gas pedal on my right foot to accelerate the engine and propeller, moving forward now and then pulling on the two-handed rectangular control (yoke?).

      I fly up over the rocky area and off of a cliff with no issues. I fly around the canyon area a bit and remember that I need to open up a time breach before getting to my destination so I decide that what looks like the end of the canyon area is my destination and I mentally will a time breach to open and it looks like a big light-blue tunnel. As I go through, the visuals fade but not to black, more of a blur of shapes. I continue to hold my hands on where the controls were and fly forward willing myself to slow down but keep going forward.

      Having exited the time breach perhaps, I eventually a small European village looking place forms with 2 story stone buildings and narrow cobblestoned streets forms.

      I fly around the corner of one of the buildings having gone from a sitting position to a standing flying position. I see what looks like an attractively shaped girl with long black hair in a red dress from behind and I float up a little, like like I am exiting the no longer there cockpit.

      I land behind her and tap her on her shoulder. She turns around and is indeed attractive and we start kissing passionately. I take her hand and we walk around another corner that becomes a room. She wants to
      Spoiler for Sexual Content:
      in front of her girlfriends, at least 5 of them and there's one guy as well.

      Sounds good to me as I
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      in this dream, because it feels so real. Instead, I start
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      and losing sensation
      I start to wake, smiling ear to ear! My WBTB hour didn't seem right for choline or galantamine but I did take 5-htp before bed for the REM rebound effect, which may or may not have helped.

      Updated 02-06-2017 at 06:48 AM by 61674 (Add pictures)

      memorable , side notes , lucid , task of the year
    8. January 17th 2017 Awesomely Sexual LD - Felt Like 15 Minutes

      by , 01-18-2017 at 12:40 AM
      Awesomely fun lucid dream. Felt like about 15 minutes long, no supplements. There would be so many sexual content spoilers so I will just leave the pictures here for now for my own quick reference and if anyone wants all of the sordid details, you can PM me.

      Outdoor 2 level shopping scene but way busier:

      This is apparently a thing in Southern California. I have seen a picture like this before but have never been to one and in the dream the place was a lot like I imagine they would be (meme not by me)… :
    9. January 15th 2017: 2 TOTMs Completed, Alien Craft, Canyons, Sense of Adventure,WILD Style Transition

      by , 01-15-2017 at 11:45 PM
      I haven't put any focus on WILDs in quite some time but was motivated to mix attempts back in the last 2 nights, but only after doing my MILD to increase chances of my fairly trusty DILDs if the WILD fails. At BTB I do location-aha-MILD first, followed by face to face, clear view release and some REM eye movement simulation (4 eye sweeps behind closed eyelids). The face to face and REM simulation are found to be the most efficient method of losing the feel of my waking body. I get a good number of color and pattern HH's, followed by some that resemble objects and people, followed by dreamlets. At those first two stages I was able to use a technique of "reaching" for additional senses related to the items more than just the visual: primarily tactile and temperature, but sometimes sounds and smells that match with the visual. I didn't remember to try taste. For the third stage where I was getting dreamlets I found that I had to become more passive it seemed because I was finding my senses return to my waking body or perhaps within an FA. I didn't test it, assuming FA's and decided I did need to be more passive during these dreamlets, perhaps wrongly. I know passive is generally recommended but since I have a fair bit of experience with WILDs I feel more inclined toward the active side of the scale. Anyway, I end up in an FA and then an actual waking or FA where I go for a WILD.

      I am naked in bed with my wife and for some reason my mother in law is there and I seem to be semi-lucid at this stage but as more people arrive I seem to drop below semi-lucid and get caught up in the dream. I see this commercial anti-bacterial spray I have looked for in the past and ask the guy where he got it without a good answer. I either wake or have another FA in my normal bed/scenario and go for a DEILD but feels more like a WILD with HH's and back to reaching for additional senses tied to the HH visuals. After some fading in and out of HHs I get a more steady one that looks most like a cave opening at first and imagine some cooler air emanating from it. It develops into a a vague looking canyon and then to a canyon formation like you might see in Arches National Park with a double arch entrance to a canyon opening where both "arches" were relatively flat on their top sides but the bottom "arch" had an arch shape to it whereas the top "arch" was also relatively flat across the bottom as well. This was all in a brightly lit daylight scene once the arches formed. This morphed from more of a natural formation to something purposely built like you might see in a sci-fi set on a canyon-like planet. I want to go there but it seems my dream body is still forming so I use intent with my eyes to start moving in that direction and I reach for the sensation of the wind on my face and body and it feels like a slightly cool breeze and I am now flying in my dream body. As I get to the canyon "entrance" I land due to the low clearance and find my self alternating between walking and crawling in a very cool scene that seems a lot like a dry cave but tons of light coming in on the far side that I want to get to and also light coming from the side I came in on. It was a very cool place to explore, but I love caves and canyons. It also reminded me of some of my favorite lucid dreams like the wall and childhood "treasures" found on the beach of the grassy sea (posted in my DJ on DV somewhere a good ways back). As I get to the end of the low clearance I fly up and out to the next bend in the canyon and think of one of the TOTM's and decide that an alien spaceship will be the right around the bend but nothing is there. I then decide it will be at the top of this canyon wall to my left and I fly up to the top of it and there it is a huge mega spaceship with an outer shell that is made up of many circular metal panels with lattice work in between, perhaps 100 circular panels on the side of the ship that I can see. I fly into the lattice work and I feel myself being pulled further into the craft with a fade to darkness at first but soon after a bright long and fairly wide hall appears that looks like a mall with humans walking around and a food place to my right. Perhaps the scenario is that the dream aliens created an environment where I would feel comfortable but I proceeded to treat it just like any dream scene. I tried to slow down one lady passing by, but she seemed in a hurry and I look ahead down the hallway/walkway of the "mall" and see a tall beautiful lady that looks slightly not of this world with her unusually big and stunningly attractive eyes.
      (eyes were wider and bigger but this is close)
      After the experience with the previous lady I made sure I would be able to stop her in her tracks by creating the back story of: "Finally we are reunited! It has been so long!" grasping both of her hands face to face and giving her a big wet kiss. I feel myself getting rather excited but I remember to calm down. I think of another TOTM, the pencil one and tell her I have something to show her and reach in my back pocket but coming up empty handed. I then ask her if she has a pencil and she pulls one out of her purse and I try to float it in the air in front of me and it disappears. I then walk over to the food place and ask the guy behind the counter for a pencil and he gives me one. I see an order stub on the counter and float the pencil with the tip touching the paper and tell it to draw something and it starts doodling. It looks like nothing more than a toddler's drawing but as I look closer, it looks like it morphs into words on the order stub.
      I wake and quickly use the bathroom in order to get back to dreaming, this time RCing to make sure I'm actually awake. I jot down a few keywords from the dream and a few quick drawings of the canyon arches and the alien craft lattice work and go back to bed, forgetting to write down the words that I remembered.

      After playing with HH's for a while and deciding to doze off, I get a dream where the wife asks me where one of the bills is and if it has been paid. I said that I think I filed it already but I can check on the computer if I paid it. At the computer, the keyboard is missing and I ask my wife if she's seen it but then I find the keyboard unplugged and sitting on top of the computer desktop tower. I feel someone tugging on me in darkness and I realize I must have fallen asleep, maybe in front of the computer. Either way I treat the tugging as HHs not waking life and a scene forms where I am at an office elevator and a woman is asking me for directions. Already aware that I am dreaming I decide to see where the elevator takes me just like in last night's lucid, with a little excited anticipation. I don't remember anything but going up in the elevator before waking up needing to pee again and I decide to get up for the day.
    10. 5th January 2017 Long Vivid Dream Turns Into a Memorable Lucid (with pics)

      by , 01-06-2017 at 04:13 AM

      I woke very exhilarated from this dream and had motivation to do an online DJ entry with pictures once again.

      Thu, 05 Jan 2017:

      Start in packed restaurant or similar, commotion outside, peek out blinds, 2 cars stopped yelling at each other, one with several Latinos and one several African Americans. They speed off down the street dangerously.

      I pull out my phone and have the description of one car: a turquoise Subaru hatch/wagon. Friend tells me I should text the info to (telephone #) instead of 911. I start to punch in the telephone number but then I realize I may be forgetting part of the description for the vehicles. Seems to be a campus security text #. Makes sense since 911 will be not go to local police directly. Shortly after we walk to a campus eating place with windows and all eating outside, safe? One of the guys says it is safe and that he actually works here sometimes , a campus job I guess. Girl Friday arrives.

      Transition to us walking in a dream neighborhood that definitely feels familiar from dreams, with neighbor house to the right. Also becomes (Current neighborhood)-like then dorm-like. Inside big house at some point.

      Girl Friday flirting, sweet, takes me in another room to show me some lime green clothing-something. She removes her outer shirt, should I turn around. I feel a little boldness to keep looking on and do so. Did she want to show me those socks that seem to be lime green? "A" arrives and shows me his T-shirt with a print on it and I notice my
      Spoiler for sexual content:
      Mr CL comes in and seems to greet us with a hug as we're in kind of a lounging position perhaps in bed or on a couch. Up and moving around the house, I can see clearly through neighbor's windows, a sexy neighbor lady. Maybe I can see something sexy as I see her across the way, walking around several different times during the dream, through their windows. We also have many windows looking out.

      3 neighbor ladies wearing outfits that are a cross between lingerie and maid costumes.

      I have an FA: I think to myself, I'll go back to sleep and be bold and lucid. Yep! Several different Asian college couples are having sex in different rooms. I warn my son who is walking in the direction of the couples having sex and say something like "they're doing what I guess you college kids do" and he laughed it off and keeps walking. Those 3 ladies from earlier are having some kind of sexy costume time interacting in flirty poses. I see a door between the two houses and
      I feel strong boldness and realize I'm dreaming and go through the door and when I get to the room the three ladies are lounging in bed, two of them sitting up near the front of the bed

      and before I go any further I do look at my hand for a little bit to make sure I am actually dreaming and not breaking into my neighbor's house. My hand looks normal at first so I look again and sure enough 6 fingers. I have the first lady on the left
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      (schema edit; nice mental control achieved) and then
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      Part way through I realize her
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      after considering just magically swiping them away and then continue
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      transitioned to this rectangular device. Many people and family are around and I think that this is a good chance to show how lucid I am but then I have second thoughts and want to be sure and do my hand RC again before doing anything cray in front of everyone. I don't recall much more after the RC before waking.
    11. TOTM Early Success & Failure for January Tasks - Morning of 31st December 2016

      by , 01-01-2017 at 12:58 AM

      715am wake from first LD; 925am wake from 2nd for late morning LD. I recalled that heavy visualizations were important for late morning LDs and it worked.

      * I am on a road driving and people are changing lanes strategically to get around people turning left and to keep moving somewhere in a hurry and at some point I am riding a bike instead and I realize I'm dreaming and I start to fly from the bike but then I noticed the dream visuals lessening a bit so I decided to land. I remember the 3 task of the month goals I had planned on doing first but this didn't seem like the right time to try the alien spaceship one. Even before bed while awake and doing some brief planning I somehow forgot about the translucent forest of Pandora, even though that sounds terrific if somewhat difficult. Anyway, I think of the pencil talk and I reach into my front right pocket with my left hand and my back right pocket with my right hand and they are big and loose and empty and I notice the visuals starting to fade again. I look down to the ground and I say but I think I see a forgotten Christmas present and it forms on the ground in front of my feet. It is wrapped in a wrapping paper more like cellophane and it's a blue color between blue and turquoise on the lighter end of the color scale. I start to open it where the paper comes together and I see that there is another layer underneath and I remove that also to see another layer. I start to realize this could continue forever and I confidently summon a pair of scissors in my hand instantly and surprisingly easily and I start to cut through the wrapping material to reveal a nice hard covered sturdy cardboard box with a lid. When I open the lid the first thing on top or a couple of gel inserts clear and the size of the heel of your foot maybe a bit smaller. Under that is a receipt and I'm thinking during the dream that it would be interesting to report to everyone on DV what the receipt said so I looked at it closely but all I recall is that the price was 89 dollars and with tax it was 95 something. Under some packaging paper in the box eventually uncovering the rest of the item which is a very fancy pair of leather slippers perhaps house slippers. They are a shiny brown leather in a thick leather that reminds me of thick rubber and squishy and they have clean stylish black soles. They seem like a very nice pair of slippers even though slippers are not something I would typically look forward to opening for a Christmas present. I wake and try to DEILD. I get only dreamlets, aware I'm dreaming but not full dreams and they kept dissipating so not counting a 2nd LD here, included: picking up string of lit Christmas lights, chips on big plastic storage container lid eating them, me with a santa bag carrying it, big goblet full of perfectly frozen ice cream sharing with nephew, sled and sled tracks in the snow, thick green shiny and partially translucent rectangular plate. Again each of the above dissipating before the next dreamlet appears.

      *Over two hours later I have my second full LD. My earliest recall from this dream was a feeling of boldness to take off flying, realizing I'm dreaming! I am in a beautiful mountainous landscape not very different from where I was IWL this very day before going to bed. It was some of the most fun flying in a long time staying low to the ground flying over green grass and hills and punching the air in Superman flying posture to speed up. After a while, I approach two gigantic trees probably Oak trees or at least shaped like huge majestic Oak trees and the branches and foliage are so thick that it seems to be blocking my path to the mountains I saw on the other side and was heading to before getting caught up trying to get around these tree branches. Perhaps I should have spent some time under the trees, perhaps something to learn, as I do love trees. Instead I turn around and fly behind me planning on looping around but I am now in a neighborhood block scene, still a nice sunny day. I see a woman sitting in a car as I pass the end of the block and when I swing back around the car is gone so I start looking into windows of some 2 story houses and I'm not seeing much so I decide to land and go inside one of the houses which is actually a single-story house. I find the door unlocked and I open the door and peek in. It looks like an old person's house with an old couch multi-colored but mostly tan woven fabric where the colors are woven tightly together and blend in, until you look up close. It is along the wall on the far side of the living room and I see a bed physical through a bedroom door and a recliner chair to my left. This reminds me of my Grandmother's home. There's that distinct smell I've smelled somewhere before that reminds me of old peoples houses, but not my Grandmother's. I decide to go elsewhere and look back as I leave and I seem to see a big colorful face through the curtains, perhaps inspired by the mardi gras figure in the movie "Self/less" seen the day before. I wonder if someone might indeed be home and sure enough an older lady somewhat stocky and shorter comes to the front and I say I'm sorry I came in your home, but this is just a dream. She seems like she wants to talk and this reminds me I have some things I wanted to ask in a dream. I ask her about f she knows how to have very long lucid dreams. In a very thick Eastern European accent she says "you have to remember that in about 4 hours you will be ready to go back to sleep again and when you feel that sadness coming on..." The visuals and her voice starts to fade. Sadness? Seems like a gibberish answer. Also, I won't be ready to sleep again in 4 hours.
    12. TOTM entry morning of 12/24/2016

      by , 12-26-2016 at 07:54 AM
      24th December 2016


      quick recap:

      I see a taller blonde lady and I feel boldness and realize I'm dreaming.
      Spoiler for sexual content:
      I then think of my goals and remember the room 100 year bonus task. I see a door and open it and as I step in and close the door there is not much space but no matter. I say time stands still for me while time advances 100 years outside of this room. When I open the door = windy dusty barren land with "bones" of an old structure are all that remains. The bones come together in a wigwam shape.
      I wake. I tried not to expect anything but a few times when thinking about the task I imagined seeing a technologically futuristic scene but I got a dystopian wasteland instead.
    13. TOTM Spinning Task 15th December 2016

      by , 12-16-2016 at 01:39 AM
      I am walking along a path on a sunny day and I am engulfed by the beauty of the setting and how the light is hitting some flowers and miscellaneous landscaping. I am thinking this is a beautiful waking life side effect of my new practice. I say to myself if this were a dream I would fly over all of this and I lift myself up on my toes like I do IWL and I begin to float. I gave myself a mild-mannered "how about that...I'm actually dreaming this" with a short chuckle...a more calm knowing than the aha realizations. I play around with my flying staying no more than 50 feet or so high and swooping down in some aerial acrobatics which feel quite realistic and fun though maybe not the strong stomach effect, a bit muted. I think of the spinning TOTM which was a dream activity I wanted to revisit and play with and I spin while seemingly still floating many feet off the ground and the spin feels very realistic and I seem to close my eyes a few times like a kid often does while spinning but it could have also been the effect of the spin on my vision, I don't remember consciously choosing to close my eyes. I think of wanting to arrive at a beach but then I remember that it's supposed to be a surprise where I arrive. I hear upbeat music while spinning and I stop a few rotations after hearing the music to go the opposite direction to try to rewind back to that "location" but the music is gone so I start spinning again and decided that should be good enough and stop and I see a big dark room and a open doorway I pass through. On the other side is like this large holographic display maybe equivalent to a 100" screen TV but transparent with a clear outline and it is displaying an older style computer animation of a girl walking around in a simple maybe only three color animation. As I watch it the animation looks more refined. I move on and see the back view of a thin female (assuming) of unknown age wearing skinny jeans or tight pants, tan in color, and she has brown hair down to about her shoulder blades and a light colored top. I called out for her to come back but she was already ducking into another hall ahead and to my left. I decide to stay where I am at and shortly after a group of ladies to my right come strolling into this large room which is still dark (though the details have been clear since the big holographic screen animation, though never as vibrant as the scene with the sunlight on the flowers). I think the ladies were residue from the Incorporated TV show. They were wearing skimpy evening wear, mostly little black dresses but also a red dress or two. Dream fades to me in bed.
    14. Special Lucid Dream :)

      by , 11-21-2016 at 11:07 PM
      20th November 2016

      Just a quick entry…

      (private part of lucid)

      I walk up to a DC that I take to be my wife as a toddler!

      I go to pick her up and she becomes an infant that I hold in my left arm and call my son over.

      My son is now an infant laying on a surface and I cusp his cheeks in my hands and I am amazed at how real he feels and it feels like I am experiencing him as a infant once again! Very special experience!
    15. Felt Like 1 Hour LD Epic, Breathtaking Scenes, Supplements Experiment Inspired by Gab

      by , 11-07-2016 at 11:09 PM
      Sun, 06 Nov 2016:

      1040pm-210am(like 3:10am) [email protected] with time change!!

      225am 2x alpha gpc (600mg) after first recording dreams from 1st part of night.

      (Stay up 55 minutes more and then take…)

      320am 8mg galantamine + 500mg choline

      Wake ~630am finish writing quick notes 7am

      (2 previous attempts had gpc 1.5 hours before the g+c=terrific results also; and 1 hour before=quite good result. So anywhere from 55 minutes to 90 minutes between the gpc and the g+c is producing nice results)

      Only posting the occasional LD here on DV, too time consuming.

      Phone screen app tease, doesn't finish loading, aha phone not working right, must be a dream, vibrate float around vaulted ceiling for a good while. This was DILD in first REM segment after WBTB.

      *Epic LD!! (2nd REM segment after waking from first, WILD style entry with vibrations)

      flying while singing-2songs with the background music-mostly the classic fly like an eagle - The Steve Miller Band, switch=i want to get away-I want to fly away-Lenny Kravitz, switch-back to classic song when Kravitz song doesn't have the same exhilarating effect. Flying, singing and enjoying the music for a good while.

      ocean view!!! amazing view down a good size drop off, sunny day, people in the water and on the beach so colorful I was almost in tears at the beautiful, consistent, lasting scene my dreaming mind was providing to the point that I got concerned about dream stability due to the strong emotions. I calmed myself and then started to edge my way down to that beach but visual issues so I flew back up to the busy market scene I started from.

      Cousin M and another cousin. I enjoy seeing them. It feels as heartwarming as if we were actually together and not many many miles apart.

      I meet a beautiful young lady maybe only 19 or 20. We are attracted to each other but I am not as sexually charged as other times. She tells me she is a virgin. I asked her if she wanted me to show her the ropes. So cute-she said not yet-I say okay-Let's meet BackHereInDreamlandEveryYear around the Summer until you are ready.

      I meet another mate and she is game to have sex but says that her boyfriend is controlling and won't like it so I will have to take care of him first. I say show me where he is. She takes me a short distance to the covered but open structure where it is a little dark inside and her boyfriend is there with a guy and they seem to be having sex. There is also another set of 2 guys seemingly having sex also. The boyfriend sees me with her and he comes out wanting to fight and I smash his head with one powerful clap, more like a cartoon smash with no gruesome effects. The other 3 guys come out to challenge me and I do the same exact thing to each of them, dispatching with them quickly so I can get back to sex with my new "girlfriend."

      Handsome face slap. I see a DC guy with a strikingly handsome face and I give him a friendly light slap on his handsome mug. I say I am not into you but damn you are a handsome looking guy.

      I see a mirror and take a look. The visuals of me in the mirror are distorted. I think of goal/peg#4 show me the best way to have more lucid dreams-I see a version of me graying and wearing glasses…hmm…are they reading glasses maybe suggesting to read more? (now I think it could represent time, I can have more LD's by simply putting in more time, with the passing of time). I tell one of the DC's: next time tell me this is dream and for me to look at my hands. I repeat this 4-5 times and practice looking at my hands in the dream where it may be better reinforced I am thinking.

      I see another mirror on the left side of the room and interested to see what I get and this time I am a blondish graying woman in a old fashioned dress that looks like it might be a traditional dress from Europe, maybe Holland but it is not very decorative or fancy. I open up my dress just to see what's underneath but get interrupted. A lady much like the one in the mirror is telling me where she is from and what her name is. I think I could look this up later. I summon a pen and paper and start writing the details. I tell her I can't bring this paper back to the waking world but I can memorize it better once I write it down and I can show you my written understanding of what you said. Her first name I had to rewrite a few times but in the end it was "Pots." I thought during the dream how that is "stop" spelled backwards but ignored that and kept trying to make progress, hoping to get something I can look up when I wake. There was her last name given too but it has slipped from my recall. At first she seemed to indicate she was from the early 1900's (before 1910, seems it was 1908 or 1906) but later she was giving me details that were tied to some time in the 1730's (thinking 1733 or 1737). I wasn't sure what I was missing between the two sets of vastly different time periods there but perhaps it's just the way numbers and words can change in dreams, but at least it wasn't gibberish.

      I wake feeling like I had an hour of lucid dreaming but there are memory gaps in the above.

      Updated 11-07-2016 at 11:26 PM by 61674 (add the blue text, signifies lucid)

      lucid , memorable
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