I am not a dream expert, Infact im struggling to be 100% in control of my lucid dreams, I normally can only control myself, Not others, Not the environment.

By using this new method, I'm starting to gain more control, I came up with this idea on my own, That doesnt mean i was the first to think of it though.

I call it, Pre-Sleep REM.

The idea is that, When your about to go to sleep, Instead of "Letting your mind wander/Drift off", Imagine yourself in an area you want to be, While your awake.
Now, With your eyes shut, Use your eyes to control where you go, And where you look.

For example, What i use is this:

Imagine im ontop of a building in a city, Now, I look around every direction (Using my eyes to control my Dreamself) .. Choose a direction, And run!And jump! and run and jump! Try to sync your real eyes, With your dream eyes.

Used to, I could only control my movement in Lucid dreams, After doing this technique for about a week, Im able to control "What i do"(to a certian extent) in a NON-Lucid dream.

I hope this helps someone! It helped me