Okay, here it goes. I'm going to state everything I know about dream control in hopes of solving a lot of questions and/or problems.
I'm 19. I've been dreaming ever since I were born. At the age of about eleven years old I began having reoccuring dreams. I told my parents and they took me to a psychiatrist. They told me to keep a dream book. I kept one for three years until I no longer needed one since I were able to revisit the same dream night after night.
This may sound farfetched, but this is what I know. First, I'll answer a few questions.
1.) What do I do to begin controlling my dreams?
This is where a lot of people have trouble. My solution is this: You MUST not become so tired that you basically pass out. Instead, pick a specific time to go to bed and lie down at that time and right before you feel yourself falling asleep concentrate on one thing that you wish to dream about. This will give you a greater chance of dreaming about what you want.
2.) I find it hard to control my physical actions in my dreams.
I still sometimes have this problem and I go through an exercise in order to gain movement. Think of doing something impossible (i.e licking your elbow, swallowing yourself, etc.) and try to do it. Most likely you will be unsuccessful, but at least you will realize that you have some control over yourself. People may think that movement in dreams is just like in real life and I'm here to tell you that IT IS NOT!!! Movement in dreams is based upon two things:
-The level of awareness that you have in your dreams
-The idea behind your movement. Movement is based primary on the idea that you are in fact already moving by yourself.
3.) Who are these people in my dreams?
I try to avoid dreams with family members, friends, or generally anyone I know in real life. Why, you ask? Seeing someone you know in your dreams can be taken as always being a bad sign. When you see someone you know, your dreams become more of a flashback since your brain registers a memory to that specific person! Here's an example:
I have a friend named Nate. Him and I love to skateboard. So therefore, when I see him the first thing I think about is skating. Once I think about skating, Dream Nate ask me if I want to skate. I have no control since the answer will be inevitably yes. The dream changes. I go skateboarding with Nate. I wake up a short time later. Bad.
On the other hand, EVERYONE (believe it or not) you dream about you have seen in some way shape or fashion. Even if you have taken a split-second glance at a complete stranger on the street your brain will retain every detail of that person.
"Allow me to explain how the brain works (I'm no brain scientist, but). The brain retains every single peice of data that goes into it. You NEVER FORGET ANYTHING. People may say they forgot but the information will always be there. The only thing stopping you is the ability to RECALL the information. Back to the topic..."
'Random' people (and when I say random I mean people that aren't readily identifiable) will appear in your dreams. If you can, always listen to what they have to say. There is always a task you have to complete in a dream. When you listen to people one of two things can happen:
-they will either produce a memory similar to a dejavu type of thing, OR
-they will tell you about another person which will lead to you meeting this person sooner or later in your dreams.
4.) What other information have you collected?
Well... I've noticed quite a few things. The time of day in your dreams is directed connected to your mood before you go to sleep. Here's what I've noted down:
Happiness (accomplished something in real life): Morning- Day; Sunny; Bright, vibrant colors.
Anger (mad at spouse, something bad happened at work): Noon- everything begins to darken, not a lot of people around
Depression (break-ups, lost of something valuable): Night- dark, gloomy, experience fear and danger
5.) What else you know?
I've also noticed how your surroundings in real life affect your dream world. If you sleep near a window, the light from the window will wake you. Certain sounds like birds, cars, neighbors, dog barking, can wake you also.
Time is meaningless in dreams. There is such things as dream-time and real-time. Sorry, I can't give you a real comparison, but let's say you go to sleep at 10:00pm... You will most likely reach the climax of your dream at around 3:00am to 5:00am real-time. Your dream-time would make that feel as only 5-15 minutes.
I've also found a nifty way of waking yourself. I used to always jerk myself awake, but found that to be unsettling once you awake so I've developed a technique called the 'Freddy Krueger' technique (I know... I suck at names.)
Here how it works: (Very simple)
In a lot of Nightmare on Elm Street films you would see people awaken from horrid nightmares by closing their eyes as soon as Freddy were going to stab them and/or decapitate them and throw them into a feiry inferno (not specifically in that order). So, I've tried it and found that it really works. With your eyes closed in your dreams, your brain cannot process images into your head therefore it loses track of what's supposed to be going on thus leading to you wakening.
Well, that's all the time I have here. I think I'm going to go get some sleep now and maybe I'll see you in my dreams to answer your questions.