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      Jesus of DV Achievements:
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      <span class='glow_0000FF'>Man of Shred</span>'s Avatar
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      Lethbridge, alberta
      DJ Entries

      12/10/2009 - Barfight and Policemen


      Bar fight and Policemen.

      I was in some bar down the street from my house fiddling with the jukebox. Either i'd put coin in the jukebox and it wouldn't show. Or the jukebox was playing a totally different song than I had selected.

      "Fack!" I said, giving up. I then spotted John sitting down at a round table nursing his usual coffee. I sat down beside him. "Any luck with the VLTs tonight? Still marking the same damn four squares at Keno?" I said. He looked down at the floor and shrugged. "you should really try ducks in a row. I at least win my meal money back 40% of the time."

      "HA!" John said and suddenly swung at me. The dream then Diverged *. I blocked his swing. he then grabbed my arm with both hands and I ducked and swirled out of his grip. He had murder in his eyes. and started walking towards me. I ran fast out of the place.

      I was thinking it wasn't like john to just swing at me like that. I then walked down the street and turned a corner. Some large building caught my eye and I walked towards it. I went through a gate and a long driveway with green grass on each side. I went in the building. I can't remember what happened in the building. but then i walked towards the entranceway.
      I saw a Police car pull up. A tall but built man got out in a police uniform.
      I was suddenly standing in the doorway of a barn and then back at the other building.

      The Policeman walked towards me. He looked normal and friendly, but he gave off a vibe that truly frightened me. It shook me to the core. I began feeling emotions tenfold. I started welling up in tears. I ran for the door and tried to run past him. He grabbed my arm and i yelled. "Stay the hell away from me man. I know what you're after and your not getting it. FUCK OFF JUST LEAVE ME ALONE"

      He said, "woah woah, calm down dude. I'm not after anything. I just want to know if you want to file a complaint against the Bar owner (see divergent dream) who attacked you." The dream then Diverged again *.

      His voice tone calmed me down. It seemed familiar, but his eyes were not very soothing. I then gave him a brief description of what happened. and he left. I don't remember him walking away, or his police car driving away. but instead i remember the dream becoming unstable. I was almost lucid. but a part of me knew what was happening. I knew The policeman didn't get what he was after and i calmed down. the scenery was falling apart. Again i wasn't lucid But i sensed enough to know that I should do nothing for a while to let the dream stabalise.

      It did, and I sauntered off back down the driveway. A tractor was going through the gate. I waited for it to go by before i continued.

      *Divergent dream 1

      While I was experiencing the John attack. I was also Standing at the main bar telling the bar owner to fuck off. He got offended that I said "fack" to the jukebox. So I told him if he wants a good jukebox to at least get one that works properly and to quit wasting my money. I then demanded a few loonies back that didn't get used up by the machine. The bar said no and shook his fist at me. Everyone was watching me like I was an asshole. I just left.

      *Divergent dream 2

      While I was giving the Police officer the description. It was suddenly night time outside the police station. The officer was gone and instead A black shadowy Woman was there. Her hands grabbed for my torso, but I blocked her move. Our hands then sped up really fast in a jacki chan like fist fight. She never landed a single blow. Our arms then intermingled and it reminded me of the scrap with John. I pulled back and Punch her stomach. She leaned forward and I pushed her away


      These are not 3 dreams. The divergent parts took place in the same dream where my attention divided into 2 different dreamscapes.

      Last edited by Man of Shred; 01-06-2010 at 07:32 PM.
      The Best of my dream journal
      MoSh: How about you stop trying to define everything, and just accept what you experience, and explore it.
      - From the DJ of Waking Nomad!
      Quote Originally Posted by The Cusp View Post
      I'm guessing those intergalactic storm cloud monster bugs come out of sacred energy vortex angel gate medicine wheels.


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