Ok well I've never tried interpreting my dreams before but i guess i would be intrested if someone could reply on a few of the things i've bein regularly seeing in my dreams or my "dream signs" to tell me what i should interpret them as.

I won't take the interpretation to heart as i don't interpret anything in my dreams i just....dream i guess but i like to broaden my knowledge on certain things and this is one of them.

Ok now these are my main dream signs or regular dream sequences that occur some recent some a little older.

Fighting - I regularly have dreams of me fighting sometimes with swords and random object i find on the ground that appear like weapons and sometimes first fighting.

parties - I dream a lot that i'm at a party.

Controlling my "chi" - Odd as i am not a religeous person or spiritual but in my dreams recently i have been dreaming that i have been able to control a sort of power, like energy and when i use it to shoot energy beams or in one dream sort of implode i can feel it from an emotion in my chest and stomach and i can control it to make it run through my arms into my palms and then i can shoot it. Hard to explain but would be cool to understand what it is.

Protecting DC's - I protect a lot of my dream characters, some are friends and relatives others i have never met in my life but in my dream its as if ive known them my whole life and they are close to me, as if im protecting some part of me, in some cases i protect animals and i have an affinity for animals so protecting them in my dreams i guess is likely.

Some nice interpretations of these would be pretty cool.
