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    1. #1
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      Aug 2012

      being held hostage, life being threatened, hiding in a bathroom cabinet terrifed for my life.

      So last night, I had a dream. I have nightmares frequently due to trauma from my past. I know my subconcious has been screaming at me, but i want to know what others think of this dream. Ive done some research and I have my own opinion of what this dream was telling me.

      I dreamt that myself and a group of people my age, were kidnapped by a larger group of armed people and taken to an abandoned hotel out in the desert. We were advised that should any one of us try to escape we would be killed on the spot no questions asked. We all knew they meant business. They were militia style kidnappers, and they were heavily armed. The entire facility was under surveillance.

      Myself and one other person who i cannot identify, but who i know from real life, decided we wanted to escape badly enough to brave the consequences, so we snuck out of the allocated location where the hostages were being kept. We slipped out in the night but were only able to relocate ourselves to another room on the premises.

      We snuck first to the kitchen to get some food for our trek, then we went back to our "secret" room in the hotel where we hoped they did not know we were hiding. We planned to escape during the night. We saw a new military style truck filled with new kidnappers who were there to secure the hostages and ensure no one escaped. We knew our chances of escaping were bleak.

      During that day we watched through the window to see what we could of our outside surroundings, but were very limited in what we could observe, and we were both shaking with fear, knowing we had little chance to survive.

      That night, shortly before we facilitated our escape, the door to our secret room began to rattle as our kidnappers realized we were no longer with the other hostages, and were searching from room to room. We had not made a peep all day, and we were fairly certain that no one knew that we had stolen supplies from the kitchen otherwise they would have come looking for us far sooner. I ran into the bathroom with the lights off, and hid under the sink, somewhere behind some boards, i was certain they would not easily find me but was terrified like a little child in the dark. I could hear my friend being shot and heard screaming and shouting about where I was before they shot him.

      I felt completely hopeless, and knew I had no control, and that my only hope was to go it alone in my escape. I eventually slipped out the bathroom after they left, and found my friend dead and bleeding on the bed. I sobbed, and then escaped out the window running like mad into the desert. I didn't know if anyone saw me but I didn't care. I found another abandoned building which was three stories tall. I climbed to the top of the roof, and hid on the very tippy top of a pillar which I clung to like a kitten in a tree. I was stuck just like a cat in a tree unable to move from my position without inevitably falling to my death. I woke up terrified.

    2. #2
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      Aug 2012
      wow not a single response.....and yet the forum is sending "we miss you" emails....right......

      I thought this dream was pretty fucked up and was really looking forward to ANY feedback but clearly no one cared to take two seconds to respond, out of the two hundred or so who read it. RICH!

    3. #3
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      No one probably feels qualified to respond to it. Sounds like a pretty crazy nightmare. I don't ever have nightmares so it seems pretty crazy to me.

      I think that the best way to not have nightmares is to not be stressed out or worried. I have troubles at work, kid on the way, barely any money in the bank, but I don't ever worry. One of the reasons is because I am a christian, but not all Christians feel the same no worry no stress as me.
      Don't think about things that you cannot change in your life. You are only in control of your actions.

      I am not very big into dream interpretation, so I cannot give you anything but how not to have nightmares. I am sorry about this and hope you do not have similar dreams.

    4. #4
      The i's are invisible. Achievements:
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      DI is where interesting dreams go to die.

      Also, how are you getting "we miss you" emails after only 4 months?

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