This is a long thread that doesn't really get to it's point until the end, but I promise if you read all the way through, you will not be disappointed!
I was thinking about teleporting the other day (as I often do) when I was walking through the mall. I was thinking about how I chopped it up and put it into different sections in the past and then I had an epiphany! There are only 2 ways to teleport! I started thinking about this and how fascinating it is to me and I remembered something that I used to say “Teleporting is the foundation to accomplishing every goal.”
Need a persistent realm? Teleport!
Need to meet Einstein? Teleport!
Need to bake with Snoop Dog? Teleport!
So then while I was getting ready to make this very okay thread that would probably be passed by the wayside, I realized that the 2 types of teleporting are actually just the two types of dream control!
Ok, so if you look at my thread:
You will see that there really is no rhythm or rhyme or reason to the teleporting, grab item, use item, just do it, close your eyes, etc. I was taught by a DC a while ago that “If you feel yourself teleporting, you can direct where you are going to go.” and while this may not be true for everyone and everything, it made me realize that sometimes I leave where I am at when I am teleporting, and sometimes I don’t. To put it more simply:
Sometimes I move
Sometimes the world changes
Take, for instance, the “closed eye teleport”. Close your eyes, open them again, and BAM! You are somewhere else, if you were holding something or in a room or something, some things may be the same and you are in the same position. You didn’t move, the world around you changed.
Now, lets use something extremely similar, the “lay down and go to sleep teleport.” Usually, when I do this, I am not just closing my eyes and opening them again, in fact, I lay down, close my eyes and keep them closed. I then either let it take me to a random dream scene or imagine one around me, but 99% of the time, it takes me to a place where I am standing up. I moved.
This may not seem like a big deal to you, but let me explain how this changes my idea on dream control. There are some things that are you, and there are some things that are not you.
I can get bigger, smaller, change shapes, create fire (from my hand or from my body), and I can change the ages of DC by touching them (getting closer to them). These all fall under the category of my body and things that I can extend my energy onto. ME.
I can make things appear, I can set an entire field on fire or an entire horizon by just looking at it. I can TK, I can create barriers, I can make DCs do what I want. These fall under the categories of changing things that my body doesn’t need to touch, I can just change things that aren’t me.
You may be thinking something along the lines of “But what about blah blah blah” right now, and I beg you to just follow me on this trek and we will get to something that makes solid sense.
You might have seen a different link by just reading this. Like my overwhelming ability to control fire. But seriously, this is a big point, don’t miss it. When I first started LDing, I had power over fire because I had done it through incubating dreams in the past, so fire moving of any kind made perfect sense because I had done it. I realized instantly that making something from afar light on fire was a lot different than lighting something close. I was confused that it was hard for me since “I am good with fire” so I tried it a couple times and found quick solutions.
So, I used the idea that I had done it in the past (with just creating fire from my hands) mean that I should be amazing at this. So I changed my perspective, instead of just shooting fire out or expecting fire, I put my hand in front of my eyes and put what I wanted on fire right where my hand usually would catch on fire. I then set the fire, and instead of setting my hand on fire, I set something really far off on fire. I then used this past idea that “I have done this before” make it easier the second time, by putting my hand out and whooshing it across an entire field. I then took the hand away a different time and just remembered the feeling when something far away set on fire and I set everything that I could see 180 degrees on fire, pretty sure I was eating Taco Bell too.
So this disproved my theory of things connected to me and things not connected to me, right? Wrong, why aren’t you paying attention? This isn’t really about things connected to me, teleporting, or fire. It is about perspective.
1) the art of representing three-dimensional objects on a two-dimensional surface so as to give the right impression of their height, width, depth, and position in relation to each other.
"the theory and practice of perspective"
2) A particular attitude towards or way of regarding something; a point of view.
So, first thing you can see here is that I changed my perspective and instead of giving the right impressions of their height, width, depth, and position in relation to each other, I gave them whatever relation I wanted to fulfil my purpose, and thus created a relationship between two things that didn’t actually connect anywhere except in my mind. OF COURSE THIS WORKED! LDing is in your mind. I talked recently about perspective with someone else, about how it can be bent and changed to your will in dreaming. I can look up at the ceiling and set my foot down. Perspective changed. I didn’t need to change gravity or anything, I just changed the way I viewed up and down.
Now, I also had the perspective that I was good at moving fire because I had been in the past and that all fire based attacks should be linked. This isn’t necessarily true, but my mind had connected things. If two things are connected in the mind, it doesn’t matter if they are connected anywhere else while LDing. It usually has to make some “logical sense” but we are talking about pyrokinesis here, so not a whole lot of sense.
I looked through all of my control threads and ideas. Holy Crap, I saw it through all of them. Different ideas linked that made things easier or harder in the past because of the connection. I shall post some of them here.
Universe Control
Going to a certain universe (or person, place, or thing) in order to accomplish a task. In order to use fire, I am going to say I want to go to Aang (from Avatar the Last Airbender). The reason that he is a good one is that he has 5 different powers (fire, air, water, earth, and spirit), so it would be a good idea to continue visiting him for different elements or a good meditation session.
The idea for this is just to remember a time that you used fire. It is one of the most common uses of control, though few realize that they are doing it. They do it the same way that they did last time. If they did it with a flame thrower, they go for flame thrower, if they did walk control, they do walk control. If they learned it from Aang, then they remember his teachings and continue. It is usually quite easy to do things that you have done in the past since you remember doing it!
So you discovered a new type of power. Maybe you learned to throw fireballs. Maybe you got this awesome killer gaze. (I'm just saying.)
You wouldn't want to start at level 1 again, now would you? So when you acquire a new ability, you have to make it permanent. It's sort of like a scar, once you get it, you learn to live with it. When you learn a new ability, you have to consider it as 'permanent', like something likely to stay on you forever. Get used to having it all the time, and you will have it in each of the following dreams. Max シ
If you are in a place that you find control hard to do, pick something, anything, and say “This stupid lamp is stopping me from controlling my dreams!” and break that lamp, now tada! You can use your control again!
Do you see the connection here? Connections!!! A connection to a universe, a connection to a memory, a connection to a thing, a connection to the dream, a connection to a certain type of dream.
This is extremely important, so I hope you get this point. This is schema.
In psychology and cognitive science, a schema (plural schemata or schemas) describes a pattern of thought or behavior that organizes categories of information and the relationships among them.
Many have, in the past, said to focus on the core of a schema to get it working. However, I think that if you are not able to do something, focusing on it can make the matter even worse. Fire is an easy example of this, but let’s go to teleporting again.
So I originally did anything that I could to teleport. All the time teleporting, I learned countless ways to do it too, but because they were all under the schema “teleport” I just kept getting better and better. So instead of connecting it with me moving or me not moving, it was connected to the thing that was easiest for me to do it under. So instead of just pulling out random schema, pick a schema that you are good at and connect the new ability to that. Let’s say that you can use fire, but water has always been difficult. If you are just moving fire willy nilly, then connect fire and water under the idea “element” and think that they are the same. If you are moving fire like a firebender would, then maybe it would be best for you to control water like a water bender. These connections can be made and severed instantly! After this, you can just “remember that one time that I moved water” and do it that way. This is also a huge schema for me! The “memory of dream control schema” Even if it is a dream control that I have never done before I can create a fake memory of it happening and now I have a “fake” connection to connect them to!
There are a million aspects to this, but let me know what you think. It is basically keeping an ever fluid idea of how dream control works and just switching over and over to different things depending on the situation.
I also still highly believe in active or passive as big schema to connect to and fun ways for dream control. Let me know what you think!
I recently had a DC tell me that I needed to name my abilities, because this will make them easier and more powerful. I immediately thought “Okay DC version of my wife that was raised by Japanese people” and then I thought “This might be a really good way to ‘save’ a dream control.” I also realized that Zödra is all really connected to that one schema “Zödra” and since every time I go to sleep I go to Zödra, it was actually becoming closer and closer to synonymous with “dream” and it has seemed to help immensely with becoming lucid. I had created a schema and switched it over. Because of things like this “fire, elements, tk, teleport” and many other words that we use to describe dream aspects are things that can help you to utilize dream control. There is a lot of power in a name! Find out your dream name and use this as a catalyst for LDing and control!