Hello new fella here, cool site btw

I will try to make it very short
So me and this girl have had few weird encounters, we are about the same age (19), we go to different college, every time I see her there is tension in the air, we can feel it nothing really big but too many big coincidences with her IMO. I dream about her once in a while (I read also about telepathy and I feel very faimiliar with it for some reason, like I can send her messages) . In one of my dream I heard her voice, it was a very unique voice that probably does not match her face, sort of raspy voice, deep. I heard her speak in real life for the first time yesterday it was EXACTLY The same O.o

And I feel like I already know its very weird, is it like we will end up together or something? My friends are freaking out lol.

Thanks for reading