First off, I have some background information that might possibly be related. I have taken up drawing since the start of 2014, and recently I've been reading/following a book with exercises in it that is related to drawing. One exercise was to visualise your nerves from your right hempishere (right side of the brain, related to dreaming more than the left side as well) to go to the left side of your body everywhere, I imagined that these nerves are green.

Right, so my dream starts... first off there's some non relevant stuff going on and I suddenly find myself in my own room. I start drawing what first seems to be a network of blood veins (in green color) and I slowly expand it into a more detailed network of vessels and even in different tints, everything comes closer together and when I am done I zoom out and suddenly noticed that I have drawn the globe (all in green shades). That moment felt so intense and I felt really complete and satisfied.

What might this mean?