Hi my name is Cassandra, I'm 22 years old. This is my first time posting & I will post a mini description of the people in my dream, including myself, at the end.
From what I remember, the dream starts off with my boyfriend Joe, our friend Donald & myself at the beach of some resort. We decided to race, when I looked back I couldn't see them. I laid down on the beach by some women I didn't know. I had my phone & WiiU game pad with me. I was looking around & the landscape was strange. The sky was black & not like night time black, it was void of all color. It seemed like nothing else existed except the resort/beach. The water was dark as well, it was blackish blue. I looked down at my gamepad& looked up again, there was a big wave coming. I was the only one hit by the wave, the people around me were fine. My grandmother, Mimi, came walking up & made sure I'm OK then told me to let the game pad dry out. I started walking back & found my boyfriend Joe, our friend Donald & his sister Catherine at a tiki bar. I sat down a bit annoyed & asked where they had went.
The dream changed at this point before I got an answer. I was sitting at a park reading a book, I don't know what it was but I was enjoying it. I started walking home, still reading the book. I looked up & the sky was blood red, with a slight lighter red in the shapes of flames & the clouds were an eerie gray color. The street was empty & I saw a black figure further down the road. I was very scared & looked at my house & then my grandmothers house, my yiayia. No one was home at mine, so I ran to go into her house. I heard a growl coming from where I saw the figure & became even more scared. I went into her room & she was sitting on her bed. It wasn't her now, it was her from when I was a child. I asked her if she saw the sky & she nodded. I then asked her what she thinks it means. She said "the lord is angry with man, with murder, sin", she then laid down in her bed & asked me to watch her & lay with her. I told her if I lay down that I will fall asleep & started walking down the hall. I found my mom, she looked scared & hugged me.
The dream changed again, it seemed to be that night. It had that same blackness as the beginning of the dream & it was very windy. I was still scared from what had happened earlier. My boyfriend was in a truck, in the driver's seat, there was another truck with a bunch of people in it. I don't remember who though. They were all leaving to go somewhere, I was talking to someone in the other truck. My boyfriend left without me, I remember feeling hurt & started crying. A couple minutes later he came back & I got in the truck with him & we drove off. That's when I woke up.
Back story, my boyfriend will be 29 in a couple weeks & we've been together for almost 4 years, we've also been living together for 2 years. Our friend Donald is 31 & has had a lot of issues & is in the process of putting his life back together. My grandmother Mimi is 64 I think & has alwaysbeen the one looking over me, she sort of raised me. Donald's sister Catherine is 21 & is kind of a new face around us. My yiayia (Greek grandmother) is 56 & had her issues when I was a kid & always looked tired & sickly. She became a born again Christian when I was 10. My mom is 40 & is having issues with her love life, but she's usually happy but drinks excessively sometimes.
I hope it's descriptive enough, I woke up very confused. Thank you!