Two days ago I had a bad dream and I can't get it out of my mind. Every time I let my dogs out to use the bathroom I keep seeing it.

I dreamed I let my dogs out in the back yard like I always do. 2 of my 3 dogs were after something. Then the something appeared and it was a wolf type animal and it started attacking my dog. I yelled for my family to help me get the dogs back. I saw my son (15) and my boyfriend (I did not see my daughter (11) ) but it was like they didn't even hear me. When my dog came back he was hurt had tares but was going to be ok. Then a deer appears and it is torn open looking at me for help, but I felt helpless. Then my dream shifted and a large brown eagle was in front of me flapping it's huge wings taking off but was going kinda slow. It had a monkey and the monkey looked at me to help but I knew I couldn't help it. Then it turned into a little boy that the eagle had and they monkey was on the little boy. For a minute I almost didn't try to save him, but I did and I grabbing him around his ankles and pulled him free from the eagle. I picked him up and put his legs and arms around me like a koala bear and we walked off. I didn't know who's little boy this was. Then I woke up.

I dream about animals trying to attach my family and I often however this was just weird.