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    1. #51
      Member suorkaterina's Avatar
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      Charmed and Gay

      Stress clouds m recall still but...

      I was protecting Piper from Carmed. Aparently she was running for something(like govenor?) and didn't want people to know she was gay. Something about the top of Mount Battie.

      I also had a dream the other night that Angelina Jolie came to the Inn and was really mad that I had sold her room to someone else. She was a right biatch=P

      DS: Celebreties=) Although this might not work as a dream sign as I had two at the Inn this morning=)

      Dats it! I think I might take a nap though so I hope those dreams are better.
      Adopted by Meda Vishni 1/16/06

    2. #52
      Member suorkaterina's Avatar
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      Girl Fight

      I dreamt I was at this place, like a school outside. SOmething about finding a wedding dress. But the dress I picked was frumpy. There were other girls making fun of me. Then I was being chased around I think, with a big kitchen knife. SOmethig about a big ship up in the sky. It looked like a futuristic flying schooner without sails. Then I went to visit my aunt and she had a dog. I had to dry my clothes in this dryer but one hand towel got left out and I couldn;t figure out what to do with it. Something about my Grandmother being alive and having a diferent name. Then I was talking to Leah. I was serving her water and put too much ice in it and she called me a bitch. I said call m a bitch one more time and I'm going to punch you in the face. So she did and I did. People were all mad at me, but she asked for it! It's like they were disapointed. Then I was actually getting married. I was waiting on the side as my bridesmais went down the aisle and I kept trying to go but a new person kept coming in front of me. My dress was awful, it was just a casual red dress with some print on it. There was a girl there that was mad I didn't make her a bridesmaid.

      Dream Sign: There was something about school and dorm living. Wedding again with clothing issues. I think the violence is becoming a dream sign too. Also, Leah, an old friend.
      Adopted by Meda Vishni 1/16/06

    3. #53
      Member suorkaterina's Avatar
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      Back from the Dead

      Well I don;t think the sleeping pills help at all. I thought maybe, but now I'm not so sure.

      The night before last: I dreamt I was bycycleing thourough some residential area. I couldn't get out though. It was sort of like red-neckville. We had all gone to a wedding I think. I kept going down these streets and dogs were blocking my way. I'll do the full version of this later, I wrote it down but don't remember it.

      Last night all I remember is I was working at The Country Inn again. Something about the gym membership price. Then Scott called me to yell at me about Zora(my cocker that's been dead for a few months) being on steroids and how she shouldn't be allowed to work or something. That's it. Pittiful recall, no LD and not what I wanted to dream about at all.
      Adopted by Meda Vishni 1/16/06

    4. #54
      Member suorkaterina's Avatar
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      Romeo and Beatrice

      I dreamt I was with a group of people. We were wondering the streets of NYC I think. We passed a bar called the Crucible and I told the person I was walking with that it was the bar that mat damon and tom cruise went into in some movie. Our group consisted of an older man a few women and men. I was talking to the older man about how our group reminded me of the group pf friends in the movie Beatrice. We said something about mixing Shakespere and tht wold be our story, Romeo and Beatrice. He said that I was the inelligent friend and I said I was the plain looking girl, to which he disagreed. Then there was something abou this party at a house. It was back in time. I was there as girl but I was really an old lady reliving the past. A dance competittion? Then I was outside and we were by some cars and there were planes and gun fire in the air and we had to duck by the cars. A man put his hand on my sholder and I was automatically atracte to him although I couldn't see who he was. I later followed him to this store and the other workers in the store were treating me like a little girl with a crush. Then I was riding this horse. I rode it all over and on concrete which was bad for the horse. THen I rode it in some gravel parking lot. Just round and round, it was comforting.

      Dream sign: Character/Ego Setting/Place
      Adopted by Meda Vishni 1/16/06

    5. #55
      Member suorkaterina's Avatar
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      Diamondless Ring

      Last night I dreamt I was in this waiting area, like a airport terminal. Kelly and her family were there with the baby. I ignored her at first and then I thought better of it and went to say hello. She wasn't very friendly. Then some people were talking to Chris and he was telling them he had a ring without diamonds in it so he couldn't ask me to marry him untill he got all the diamonds for it.

      That's it. I dreamt chris was drunk the night before, I don't remember much.

      DS: Setting & Characters(I havn't seen Kelly in years)
      Adopted by Meda Vishni 1/16/06

    6. #56
      Member suorkaterina's Avatar
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      Fairy Girl

      This was a strange one for me. I dreamt I was a fairy. I really wanted to be like everyone else but I was a fairy and couldn't change. I don't remember much else.
      Adopted by Meda Vishni 1/16/06

    7. #57
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      Alaska Bound

      I was driving to Alaska. I didn't want to go to Alaska. Then I was at someones house we were visiting and I was eating fish. I vividly remember picking out the little bones. Then I went to the dock at the house. The water was warm. I put my hand in to call the Dolphins and they came up to me and let me pet them. I was teaching a young girl to do it.

      Dream Sign: Alaska? Eating meat.
      Adopted by Meda Vishni 1/16/06

    8. #58
      Member suorkaterina's Avatar
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      Been offline

      I've been off line for a while but I'm back. I won't attempt to catch up all my dreams. I did write them down but I don't feel like writng them in here too, 'cause I'm lazy=)

      Well tonight I dreamt I was checking people into this hotel bu it was a hospital. I think all the people had cancer. I got a little lost showing people their rooms.

      something about a wrist brace for bowling, finding three in my bag.

      I also wrote a couple others down but my pen was out of ink and nothing showed up.

      On a side note, I've lost my Dreaming Dad. I miss you=( Please come back! I hope you are okay.
      Adopted by Meda Vishni 1/16/06

    9. #59
      Member suorkaterina's Avatar
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      I'm a monster

      I dreamt that this man was telling a story to my little sister Lily. He was talking about this person who went throgh this transformation and became a hairy monster and how she was cured. But it turnedout I wasn't sured and I was running aorund in the field right next to them. They were going to use my wild hair as a garnsh for dinner. I could hear all that they were saying.

      There was something about being at this party and there were a group of women who got up and said hey had an announcement that they all were pregnant. They werea bit sad about it and I was glad that I had waited to have kids.
      Adopted by Meda Vishni 1/16/06

    10. #60
      Member suorkaterina's Avatar
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      I'm with the band

      I dreamt I was in this competition for bands and I was the bassist. We won and were wandering around the grounds and people were treating us like celebrities.

      Something about Kim from college. We were down on te ground in front of this house and he told me to go up to the tower or something. There was this little spot with a gate around it and I went up there. There were people everywhere. Something about a bunch of people being changed into something. Ron was changed into a sligtly different person. He was weraring a weird scarf. I was shopping and looking at clothing and someone was talking about buying your kids clothing and how you should buy them stuff that was non conformist ad I was thinking that it would just make them upset because all kids want to conform when they are young.

      People sitting in this field by a tree doing differnet things. One guy was talking about moneyand had fake quarters. He was talking to some woman about her royalty I thnk. In the background Dumbledor was fishing I think and someone else was talking about a crime scene that was taking place near by.

      Dream signs: Old friends, strange setting, fictional characters.

      I wonder what JKR would say if she knew her characters infect my dreams.
      Adopted by Meda Vishni 1/16/06

    11. #61
      Member suorkaterina's Avatar
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      The changing seasons

      I dreamt I was making this picture book og the changing seasons. Ever month would have a picture of this little girl. On we shot a photo of her in a fall scene with leaves around. She was six or so year old with blonde curly hair. While we were shooting the fall scne some retarded guy came through on a tractor or something and messed uo the shot, but I got creative and got an even better one. Then we were doing a shot in winter. We had built up ice blocks to make a srta iglooo. The girl wasn't in it this time.

      The drea before was about searching the shore for something. Heather was there and her mom I think. We were looking for ingeredients to some potion. I had a couple of them and when i mixed them together in this vial they turned into this green foam. We were combing the shore and it was sorta dangerous as it was sloped. Something about being inside too. It was a house/dorm I guess. People milling about.
      Adopted by Meda Vishni 1/16/06

    12. #62
      Member suorkaterina's Avatar
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      Sworn Enemy

      Two men fal in love and have an affair. One doesn't tell the other his first name. He is wpndering around with friends and finds out that the guys first name is the name of his sworn enemy. He finds him at a long desk with other students and knocks over books and papers as he yells at him and calls him by his first name. The other guy at fisrt doesn;t get that his lover has figured out who he is. They come to a hallway and he pulls out a knife. They struggle and the knife end up stabbing an innocent bystander in the forehead. A teacher runs to call for help at a payphone. The hall looks very much like Hogwarts hall surrounding the center fountain. So they are all standing there and someone asks who's knife it is and the sworn enemy points to his lover who is still steaming at this point but they con't do anything now but wait. The girl looks okay except for a small incision in her forhead.
      Adopted by Meda Vishni 1/16/06

    13. #63
      Member suorkaterina's Avatar
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      Pretty scattered dreams last night. Something about Thanksgiving. Liveing in the back rooms of some place. Someone telling me that when they lived there they used itas storage. Then we were watching a movie but t turned out it was videos of me in operas. my acting was really bad. Something about how buying a carriage was way ceaper than buying a house?

      Pathetic recall. No lucidity. I'm beginning to think that maybe I'm just really ad at this.
      Adopted by Meda Vishni 1/16/06

    14. #64
      Member suorkaterina's Avatar
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      Dreamt I was in this movie and it was directed by Corey Feldman. It was an 80's movie. I was really upset cause I was on this college campus and they put me in this group of weirdos for orientation. Then there was this girl who was folowing this other girl. She was big and had curly red hair. SHe seemed to be like her slave. She was in this other orientation group. Then she looked at this guy who was just as big as her and seemed to be longing for her. "Don't you pine for me, no." Which I thought was indredibly cute and overly dramatic and I said so and they just looked at me funny.
      Adopted by Meda Vishni 1/16/06

    15. #65
      Member suorkaterina's Avatar
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      Not Disney

      I dreamt that I was at a place sorta like Disney but cheaper. I was in this souveneer shop and bought a pen that was way too expensive and bought two ornaments for chris and his parent, I also ate half of one. Then we went to a pirate ride which had a big waterfall in the beginning. Aparently a group of us were going to buy the ride and the restaurant that was part of it so we were checking it out. But it was broken down and someone had to speak over the loud speaker to tell us what was happening and sing the song to us. I got out and ran to a furhter back seat to talk with someone. Then someone was telling me to go to the bathroom or something in this tiny closet. I tried but it was way to small. Outside there was something abot setting fire to the castle instead of fireworks.

      Dream Sign: Setting. Bathroom
      Adopted by Meda Vishni 1/16/06

    16. #66
      Member suorkaterina's Avatar
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      I was in this rollerskating feild hockly like team. Then it was kinda like air hockey and we were waitng for the puck to come out. That's it.
      Adopted by Meda Vishni 1/16/06

    17. #67
      Member suorkaterina's Avatar
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      Dreamt i wasgoing through this school area. Then I was at this house and this professor was tryng to teach me how t be invisable. And this person was showing us by walking ou one oor and walking into another and the first time he was invisable. Then I tried it but I couldn;t do it and he said it was because I was too focused on where I was going. Then he told us to go up o the Penthouse and look at the view but before we went he ave me a christmas record. Somehow when we got up there we were outside. Then we were following this swamp/river area and it was supposedly the long island sound. Then we were on this big boat and the swap got too thick so we had to turn back but we couldn't so we were walking and then this carriage was there that we could hold onto and it would pull us. I kept missing the handle but finlly I got hold of it. The driver of the carriage was wearing a long vevet victorian looking cloak which I really liked.

      Something about playing on a basketbal team and I was really bad and they were going to trade me for another player, which I was fine with.

      Dream Sign: School
      Adopted by Meda Vishni 1/16/06

    18. #68
      Member suorkaterina's Avatar
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      A wraped fork I was trying to give to someone. It was supposed to make him greive about someone who died. But we were traveling through time and he had no tme to unwrap the fork. Something about a school for super gifted kids. I kept seeng these little girls doing complicated ballet moves. I was in some study room. I was a guy. There was a girl with me and we were talking about the pictures we had taken to get into the school. I said I had seen hers and we were going to take the disk with all the pictures on it and take it to a computer to look at them.
      Adopted by Meda Vishni 1/16/06

    19. #69
      Member suorkaterina's Avatar
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      I dreamt I was in the show charmed. In this particular episode I turned out to be the one who saved the day. I was a little weird about being on camera but my acting was good and very natural aparently. Don't remember much else...
      Adopted by Meda Vishni 1/16/06

    20. #70
      Member suorkaterina's Avatar
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      Post Alarm Dream

      I dreamt I was at a store that was owned by my aunt. Chris and I were wondering around and he was going to buy me an engagement ring but all the rings were gaudy, cubic zerconia etc. And none of them were emerald cut.
      Adopted by Meda Vishni 1/16/06

    21. #71
      Member suorkaterina's Avatar
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      I dreamt I was on a tropical island with a group of people. We were living in dorms. I went outside and went swimmng in the ocean. It was really pretty. I think I kept forgetting my key card. It was actually a hotel and me and my roomate didn't get along. Something about wathing star trek. We werethere to be in an opera. Me and another girl had supposrting roles. But we were confused about when the opera started and we missed it. I kept changing my dress. It was victorian. I was really upset about missing the opera and the director was really pissed. I was crying. So I ran off. I ended up in this dorm area and I went into the bathroom where i knew there was a little closet that hadan escape route. But I saw Rosemary in one of the other dorm rooms. She asked me if I was sick like she was. And then she invited me and my girlfirend, who was apparently the other girl with the supporting opera role, to go swimming. Then she wrote a message to me about, did I mind if we all "got together" durring the swim and did I mind if she and her sister "got together" too. Which I was discusted about. Then In the bathroom I was making chilli in the toilet for our get together later. Then Rosemary's sister came in and tasted it and was yelling at me because I hd ruined the broth. And I yelled back that she hadn't given me the recipe so how was I supposed to know that. There was also something about me having really long hair extentions that were someone elses.

      Then I was going to this fish hatchery. I was trying to park but I was having a real tough time. So I got out and was walking towards it and saw and old guy friend and he asked if I was no longer a veg and I said no I was just there for a friend. Then as we were going in I was holding hands with this guy. And we saw my last boyfirend and I asked if he had told my last boyfirend, who was aparently his best friend that we were together now. He said no, but he knows now. And he took my hand and kissed it while the other guy was watching. Then we went inside and were shown all the lobsters and shrimp and all the workers were on break and were all eating seafood. I was afraid of ever having to work there.

      Then I was holding Winter I think or some friends baby. I was holding her real tight and rocking her back and forth,but she was older now, like 6 and I was telling her that at my house I could keep her warm. At her house they had less heat or something. I was spoiling her and she slept at my house sometimes.
      Adopted by Meda Vishni 1/16/06

    22. #72
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      I'm back! I lost my internet for a bit But now I'm back. I tried to keep track of my dreams without this site, but I suck at it. I am much better at keeping track on line.

      Last night I dreamt I was working at Walmart as a cashier. Blech. That's all I remember.

      More next time. I promise.
      Adopted by Meda Vishni 1/16/06

    23. #73
      Member suorkaterina's Avatar
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      What was your name?

      I dreamt I had a horse but I forgot his name. I was going to rename him. I was riding him but he spooked and I fell off. I followed him as he ran away and I found him in the barn laying on a big table under a blancket. There were a group of men trying to hold a meeting. I cleared away some f the tack and we sat around a table in the barn. I was sitting n a swivel chair that was so upright it was pushing me forward and I was very uncomfortable. They were discussing something really important about the state of the world.

      DS: Setting. Nothing else though.
      Adopted by Meda Vishni 1/16/06

    24. #74
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      I dreamt we moved into a new house. Chris picked it out witout my input. It was huge. Like a castle but more victorian. But it was the same rent as what we have now. So we get there and the cat gets out and starts chacing after another cat. I say maybe he should be an outdoor cat now since we live in the country. But I can still here cars as if we are right on the main road. Inside we go into the kitchen. For some reason my legs aren't working. I keep having trouble standing. I feel as though I worked out too much and my legs are like jelly. Then it's not me it's someone else and she is explaining that she has been walking too much. So in the kitchen I'm all excited about this freezer thing. The kitchen is small but has tons of gadgets. But the weird part it the plce is packed with stuff. fridges full of food, weird food. One fridge is full of strange colored bottles. One has liquior in it. But it's night and I'm tired. For some reason I'm sharing a bed with somegirl instead of chris. I say that it's incredible that there is only one bedroon in this huge house. Well we try to go to sleep but I am really anxious and want to see the rest of the house. So I get up and Chris and I exploe the house. We get down to the basement where there are bunnies everywhere. I'm all excited cause I've always wanted a bunny. But then it gets out of hand. There are tiny bunnies all over. Some trapped in pen caps. SOmehow my mother is there and I'm telling her this isn't they way I wanted it and I'm thinking of ways to get rid of the bunnies. Then we go up the stairs and there is is this young black kid who says, "That's hot" as I walk by. I assume it's because I'm wearing a robe and it is partially open. But later Chris tells me that the kid is a dentist and when I smiled at him my jaw cracked and the kid thought that was hot. So we go upstairs and I'm exploring till I get back to the kitchen which is connected to a dining room area. I'm exploring what is in all the fridges. One had lad bugs living it it. One has stacks of bloody meet. Then I notice there is stuff all over the place. Socks on the floor, etc. I say we have to clean all this up so we can live here and Chris says. "Why". I say I don't want to mix out stuff up with theirs but Chris doesn't seem to think this is a problem.

      In the beginning of this there was something about a wooly sheep lying on the floor and I was petting him. He was really sweet.

      Vivid dream, and long!

      Dream Sign: Setting. Changing Characters.
      Adopted by Meda Vishni 1/16/06

    25. #75
      Member suorkaterina's Avatar
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      I was telling Chris about the white chocolate m&m's. Leah was there. We were talking about Christmas ornaments. I was saying that the kids would have to make ornalments for the tree. Spelling there names out with yarn. Then I said that little Christopher should only put "chris" on his. Then Chris looked at me funny. The kids disapeared and I remembered that I have no kids. And then it was just Hamish, the cat.

      Then back to Leah being there, at some group thing. She was mad that I didn;t say hi to her. Something about the woman from Dances with Wolves being in a nother movie with wolves in it. W were at a bar and this out of town guy was trying some soup and the locals tricked him somehow and were making fun of this. Then Chris chanlleneged him to a drink off. I left and was outside. Somehow I had no shoes on and I was heading for my car. Then I got in a car with Leah and she took me to some other building. Then I told her my car was back at the bar. But then I was outside and a group of us were runing from this bad guy who waslooking for some computer chip that I had. So we were running and then we found a whole box of the chips which had drugs in them. But we figured out there was a bomb and we had to hide. I hid underneath a car b ut the bad guy went under with me. Finally we hid outside of a big mac truck. Then the bomb went off and everyting was okay. Something about some guy trying to ask some girl out while the cops were milling about. Something about getting fingerprints from the latex gloves I was wearing. I turned them inside out andgave them in as evidence.

      Then I went to some spa or something and was swimming and people were there spreading rumours about me accepting condoms from some "dealer". But in front of all the rumour people I refused the condoms. Apparently I was a lot younger. Then I started doing laps with this other girl tt apparently I was fighting with. And then some guy started doing laps and the pool was really crowded.

      Whew. Long one.

      DS: Seting I guess. No repeat themes at all lately.
      Adopted by Meda Vishni 1/16/06

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