• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #51
      Join Date
      Aug 2006
      Tucson Arizona, And boy is it HOT!


      I once read a forum where there was a big debate wether or not one should write down the perverted or sexual related dreams or not. What I got from it was that we all dream. We all have "those" dreams once in a while too. I shouldn't be ashamed if I have them. Well, this isn't really perverted, just kind of sex related. I thought to myself wether or not I should write, but the real question was wether or not I wanted to forget it. I said no! XP. So here it is.

      I was at an arcade, and there was some fighting game. It kind of looked like Virtual Fighter. I've never been to good at them, so I don't know why I started to play. The first thing I remember was going up to the machine, and using the wrong set of buttons. I was pushing them, but nothing was happening. I finally moved over, and started fighting. I was pretty good.

      As with every "game dream", I got absorbed into it, and was actually there, now fighting what appeared to be four fighters. I had defeated two, and I was struggling to defeat the third. We were pretty matched. After a while, I remember someone yelling "Tie, Tie!" I guess the game was over. In this game, we fought with virtual bodies that covered our real ones. I turned off mine, and walked over to my opponent. She turned off hers, and she was HOT! She was 5'4'', blond hair, innocent looking. She had on a white tank top, and small, tight pink shorts. She didn't look skanky, but very simple. She was absolutely stunning!

      I guess she wanted to talk with the guy she tied with. She and I laid down together, and she started talking about the match. I, with no prior warning, started rubbing her pussy area through her shorts. I just started rubbing all over. The first thing she did, as expected, was look at me with confusement, and ask what the heck I was doing. She didn't seem upset, just surprised. She looked so cute with that worried expression on her face. It really turned me on. With a simple answer, I said I wanted to rub her. She considered it a bit, kind of wondering if she should let me continue, the she smiled and let me go in. God, she was so frekin cute! Her voice was almost angelic, and she was perfect in every way. I was in heaven. I wanted to do one last thing before I left. I raised my hand several inches off her shorts, and I felt the "heat" from her area. I only put this down because actually felt a "heated" sensation on my hand. I was very realistic. To say the least, this was a very pleasant dream. Hehehe.

      If readers were expecting more, sorry, but, "that's all she wrote!" I'm not hiding any details. That was the whole dream. It was good, and I was in a VERY good mood when I woke up, if ya know what I mean

      ( As a side note, I think the "Tie, tie!" remark came from a game I played with some friends recently. It was a game called Sumo Tag, and we were to get from one side, to the other, and my partner would do anything in his power to stop me. My partner was STRONG. So was I. We were equaled. He had me pinned, and I couldn’t go anywhere. But he also couldn't pull me back. Tried as we did, for five minutes, we stayed where we were, struggling as HARD as we could. When they saw we weren't getting anywhere, they called it a tie. With all the excitement, they had to yell it several times in order to get it though. I think this is where it came from.)

      Alright, now for some other business. As I mentioned earlier, I've been having problems with my alarm waking me up. I just made a very odd discovery. Two actually. First, I just couldn't figure out how I could sleep though the loud music , and not wake up. So I set a recorder next to my bed to tape all that was happening throughout the night. It was sound sensitive, so it would start recording when a loud enough sound was made. Mainly, I wanted to know if the dang thing was going off. I woke up the next morning, and I had slept the whole night. I never heard my alarm go off. But just to make sure, I checked my recorder. I was shocked by what I heard. I had gotten up to turn off the music when it went off. I had absolutely no recollection of getting up, or even hearing the music. I know your memory is wiped clean of dreams, but is it possible that it will wipe away those awaking memories to. Evidently so. This really surprised me. I wonder how long I've been doing this?

      For my second discovery, I switched the CD with an even louder one, and turned up the volume. As I "half" expected, it woke me up at the right time. I thought I had turned it off, but I guess I hit the snooze button. I fell back to sleep, and it went off some minutes later. It was the same music, at the same volume, and I ended up sleeping through 10 minutes of the CD. Now I would get how the first few seconds of the CD might not have gone through, because of just hearing it, but 5 tracks? 10 minutes of loud music? In the end, it was my little sister coming in and yelling at me to turn off the music that woke me up. I guess it is possible to sleep though it.

      I am having a very hard time doing FILDs now. Either I don't remember getting up, or I sleep though the alarm. Now I can't set the alarm too loud, as it will jar me awake, and I won't be in the right mood for FILDing. I really hate saying this, but I don't think FILDing will work for me. The alarm thing just won't work. No matter how hard I try, I always skrew up. Somehow, I was able to do a FILD, and successfully get lucid, but I never been able to get there again. In fact, getting up for the FILD in the right fashion has been nearly impossible recently. The longer I try, the farther away I seem to be from obtaining a successful FILD. Maybe a new technique is what I need. I don't know. I hate admitting it, as it gave me my first LD, but the FILD technique is just not working. I'll ask my adopter for advice. Anyone out there reading this, if you have any tips too, please make them, thanks. And thanks for you patience with this long entry. I wasn't planing on writing so much. C-ya
      Last edited by chzplz; 08-13-2007 at 02:57 PM.

    2. #52
      Join Date
      Aug 2006
      Tucson Arizona, And boy is it HOT!


      I'm going to try a new technique tonight. FILDs just weren't working at all. My adopter suggested that I use a lucid CD as the CD that wakes me up. If it doesn't wake me up, then good! It may make it into my dream though. If it does, then that might give me a LD. I sure hope so. If it wakes me up, then I'll turn it off, and do a FILD. It's kind of a win-win situation. The only problem I see is that it won't make it into my dream. It may take several attempts, but it should works! Here's hopin' !
      C-ya in the morning! ^_^

    3. #53
      Join Date
      Aug 2006
      Tucson Arizona, And boy is it HOT!


      ARHG! I had written this whole thing down earlier, but never posted it. I had left the written entry on the computer while I left for school. I came back, and the Internet was shut down. That sucks. I didn't post it because it was about three in the morning, and it was poorly written. I was hoping when I came back, I could continue where I left off. I hope I’ll remember everything I wrote down. Well, here it is.

      To start off, my plan was listen to a lucid CD and FILD, like my adopter suggested I do. But before I went to bed, I stumbled across a forum called “reverse blinking”. I was very interested, and gave the whole thing a read over. It sounded like it would really work. I was to go to bed and try it as soon as I hit the sack. I got to bed and began the technique, but there was this really loud coyote barking near our house. It sounded like it was dying. It was horrible. Every three or four seconds, it would give a high-pitched howl, and yelps. Our cooler is broken, so I had to keep my window open. It was really bad. I thought I could wait it out, but it never stopped. So I set my alarm clock to wake me up two hours later. To no surprise, I never woke up. But it did give me the chance to have this really neat, and somewhat odd dream. Here’s how it went:

      I was driving out to get something for my dad. It was nighttime, and there were clouds out. I don’t remember getting the items, but I got them, and I started driving back. Then I got hungry, and wanted something to eat. I stopped off at a gas station store, and went inside. When I got there, I realized that I only had about a buck fifty. It was a little depressing. I was hoping I could get something big. I walked up to the cashier. He seemed nice, so I started up a conversation. I don’t remember what we were talking about, but it was about then when the inside store turned into an outside one. Then I noticed that there was a storm coming up. I saw a lightning bolt strike the ground close by. Not but a few seconds later, I say a huge green glow immerse the sky around where the bolt hit. I knew what it was, and was excited that I saw it again. I had hopped the cashier had seen it. I don’t know if he did. Just then, another bolt struck. Closer this time. I saw the glow again, but this time, I saw bolts of electricity from the ground too. I became nervous. I wasn’t sure how close it was. Just after that, another bolt struck. Closer than all the other ones. This time, there were huge bolts of electricity flailing around everywhere. It was still a good fifty or so feet away, but it was defiantly scary looking. I didn’t want to be near this if it got any closer.

      By this point, the cashier had already left in fear. Then I saw that mass of electricity hit a pine tree. It caught on fire. I began to run, and I remember the thing falling down near me. I was freaking out! I needed to get out of there. I ran into a nearby bathroom, and into one of the stalls. I then thought of the reverse blinking technique. (This is when things started getting weird.) I thought if I could go to sleep, I’d be better. I’d be safe. So, as I was sitting, I closed my eyes, and started the technique. After like three blinks, I began to feel incredibly tired. I remember when opening up my eyes, that I only saw darkness, or little light filtering in. Like in a dark room. I also couldn’t open my eyes all the way. As if they were too tired. Then, I got this extremely weird feeling across my body. Like a wave of excitement, mixed with light headiness, dizziness, mixed with a hard to explain tingly sensation. It was so weird. It swept across my whole body. I really don’t know how to explain this. I’m now wondering if my brain freaked out while I was trying to put myself in a dream while in a dream. Can it be done?

      Well, the feeling passed, and I opened my eyes. A dream scene switch kind of occurred. I was no longer in the bathroom, and wasn’t thinking about trying to escape. I was at school now, and my friends were talking about how they liked that electrical storm. One of my friends, Chealsy, talked about how she later met up with the cashier later. That’s the last thing I remember before waking up.

      After going downstairs right after waking up at 3 in the morning, I began to type it out. Then I went back to bed to try the reverse blinking for real. I didn’t have much success. Though I don’t think I tried long enough. I think I gave up too early because nothing was happening. I’ll try again tonight.

      Boy, what a weird dream. I’ll ask my adopter if he knows what that word feeling was. That’s all I have to say, so c-ya! ^_^

    4. #54
      Join Date
      Aug 2006
      Tucson Arizona, And boy is it HOT!

      Thumbs down

      Thanks to my first LD that I had, I'm stopping LD-ing forever. There is no way I'm continuing this after what I felt and saw. This'll probably be my last post here, unless someone can tell me otherwise. This is what happened.

      I went to sleep, and it wasn't much longer from that, and I really don't know how I realized it, but I knew that I was dreaming. It was a great feeling, as I was in a place, not just closing my eyes like my last LD. I was so happy. I wanted to be with someone, so thought really hard of a friend of mine, and when I turned around, he was there. Boy was I excited. Before I even had the chance of talking to him, my body had an incredible wave rush over it. There's no way to explain it. Like my body felt completely unreal. I went up to my friend and tried to tell him what was wrong, but then I lot my connection with my body. I was there, but I couldn't really control it. I remember stumbling around, the sounds and sights meshing together as one. I was starting to freak out. I reached out to my friend trying to call to him, but my body was it's own thing. I remember falling down, and things spinning in my view. Then it hit me again that this is only a dream. I tried to reconnect my self, but I couldn't. I really became scared. I thought I would be trapped in this state forever. Just as that thought entered my mind, something terrifying happened. It hit me that I would be stuck. I had done it. I had dreamed that I would be stuck, and it happened.

      The spinning sped up, the sounds died, and all I heard was silence. I spoke in my head something, and heard it loud and clear. Then those last two words, whatever they were, repeated them selves, uncontrollably getting faster and faster, until they were nothing more than a horrific sound, spinning in all directions in my head. And ever time those words repeated, the spinning image repeated. It was like a bad DVD that was stuck in a second of play, and continually repeats that one second over and over again. But this was going faster, continually faster.

      The repeating spinning image began to mesh in color, until there was nothing but a white nothingness before me. The sound still was there, and the feeling of repeating was there. I couldn't move. I couldn't act on my own. I was terrified. By this time, the sense of movement faded. The sense of existent faded. I didn't exist anywhere. I was dead. I still heard that horrific sound, flying in circles around my head.

      Now I had control of my thoughts. Not completely though. I was there, and I thought to my self, now I've don it. Everything is gone. I can't bring myself back. I'll be forever non-existent. No body, no sense of anything. When that thought truly sunk in, that's when I really started panicking. I tried flailing my arms, but I didn't have any. I had nothing. I WAS nothing. It was as of my thoughts only existed. Nothing else was attached.

      I remember feeling alone, scared, destined to be in this white void of nothingness for all eternity. I cried. For what seemed to be hours, I let out all maner of emotions, for that was all I could do. No matter how hard I tried, nothing existed outside my thoughts. I cried for hours and hours. All the while, that sound in my head, almost like it was reminding me that I had done this to myself, never leaving me. It was my last connection to the real world. It's hard to explain, but that sound was angry, hurting me because I trapped myself here. I was angry too. I wanted to kill myself. But there was nothing to kill.

      I then let my thoughts go. There's no real way to explain what happened when I did that. I can't say that I just wondered around for what seemed days, because I had no sense of a body, no movement. I can't say I just existed, because I didn't. I was just there. Nothing but the white nothingness, and that god-awful sound. I felt myself go into a deep state of depression. I wanted to be back.

      Then, and thank God I did, I had a thought come into my, 'whatever you call it". If I had audible thoughts, then I might have an imagination. I thought if that was true, I might imagine a new world for me to live in. I thought I could give it a try, as I had eternity to work this out. First I concentrated on movement. Somehow, and don't ask me how, I gained a sense of real movement. Oh God, what a relief that was! I had pulled of an amazing change that I didn't think was possible. I remember my head moving back and forth. Little by little. I had no body, yet I had a sense of existing again. I felt so happy. Then, I stared working on image. I thought as hard as I could, and slowly but surly, pictures began flashing in rhythm of the sound. Slowly the sound decreased in speed, and conciseness began to form around me. I felt my body again.

      My only thoughts were, I did it. I had made up an entire world for me to live in. I had done it. I can now live again. When I finally pulled everything back together, a wave of exhaustion hit me, and I slumped over, and fell asleep. I then woke up.

      I remember waking up uncontrollably twitching. My arms were flailing, my head rolling all over in all directions. Slowly I came to. I sat in my lit room, and took me bout twenty minutes to completely comprehend that what happened was a dream. My existence was real, not my imagination. I did like 10 RC, tests and anything else to make sure it was real. When I finally got up, I was shaking. I told myself that I never would LD again. If I ever become conscious in a dream again, I'd do EVERYTHING in my power to wake myself up. I NEVER EVER want to experience that again. I felt levels of fear that I've never experienced. Levels of sadness, anger, depression and loneliness. It was all I could do in those seemingly real days being stuck there. I could only let out emotions. And I did! They were stronger, more real, more powerful than I had ever felt in my life. I cried real tears, as my face and eyes were wet when I woke up.

      Just a reminder, I felt like I spent at least ten days in that void. Time passed just like it would. It was horrible.

      If anybody knows what this was, please, tell me. I want to make sure I don't accidentally come across this gain. How do I stop it if I fall in that void again? Thank you for reading this.
      Last edited by chzplz; 08-13-2007 at 02:58 PM.

    5. #55
      Join Date
      Aug 2006
      Tucson Arizona, And boy is it HOT!


      Wow! What a long break!!! Not that I said I was going to have one. School has been backing up, and I've been sleeping less and less because of it. I get an average of 4-5 hour of sleep for the past 3 weeks now. Life taking its toll on me, and I need it to slow down. But I can't have everything I want, right? Thanksgiving break is coming up soon, and I'll definitely be catching up on a lot of lost Z's. In that time, I will start recording my dreams again. I have been having a lot of dreams lately, but I haven't been recording them in a while because of lack of time. It's a real let down when I stop recording my dreams. I just don't feel right not doing it. Well, due to this break, I'll start recording, and resume my techniques on LD. I've come up with a couple that might be very helpful, and sure to work. I would copy down the dreams I remember from the past "whatever", but that wouldn't feel right. They're too choppy and not as vivid as they were when I had them. I'm going to start again Wednesday, the first day of Thanksgiving vacation.
      C-ya later! ^_^

    6. #56
      Join Date
      Aug 2006
      Tucson Arizona, And boy is it HOT!


      Me: BOO!
      Journal: AH! What the... someone's here? who's that?
      Me: Me! Hehe, it's been some time, eh?
      Journal: DUH!

      Wow, it's been a very long time since I've been here. I'm back, and hopefully here to stay.
      I'm trying something that I hope will really work. it's going to be great I hope. There's a song that has a guy talking the whole time. First, he get's you completely relaxing with soothing images, relaxing each part of your body, bringing attention to it. I haven't used the track in sleep, so I haven't heard the whole thing. I only listened to the first part, and a small portion of the end. It's 28 minutes long. Well, from what I can tel, he starts giving you images to work on, and little by little, he starts forming a dream. The trick is, you're supposed to be asleep during the dream narration, so, when he get's to a specific point, you'll be dreaming, and he'll remind you to check your reality. I haven't listened through it all the way, trying not give away too much away to myself. Then I have another song which plays a woman's voice constantly reminding me that I'm in a dream, and to check my reality. Here's the plan. I go to sleep early, and wake up a couple hours earlier than usual. I then turn on the cd with the man's voice. With me being very tired to begin with, I assume I'll go to sleep quite quickly, and with listening I'll get good results, but to add a backup plan, I'll have another alarm to go off exactly when the CD stops,automacly playing the dream narration with a repeating reminder to check my reality. It really sounds like this'll work. The combination sounds almost foolproof. But, well, we'll see. Here's hoping!

    7. #57
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      Tucson Arizona, And boy is it HOT!


      I Back! For how long, who knows? But I'm here. Man, this site looks a little different from the last time I left it. Oh well. I come back hopping to finish what I started. I also hope to start remembering my dreams again. I know my last message looks kinda familiar, and I left again. I want to stay this time. I'm getting help. I want to have someone here with me. I've asked for the help of spiritofthewolf. I hope I get a response. I don't want to be alone in this. I really want to start, and I need the inspiration of someone else to get this rolling. I shall return soon with dreams, I hope.

    8. #58
      Member GypsyRat's Avatar
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      Capital of ...
      Quote Originally Posted by chzplz View Post
      I Back! For how long, who knows? But I'm here. Man, this site looks a little different from the last time I left it. Oh well. I come back hopping to finish what I started. I also hope to start remembering my dreams again. I know my last message looks kinda familiar, and I left again. I want to stay this time. I'm getting help. I want to have someone here with me. I've asked for the help of spiritofthewolf. I hope I get a response. I don't want to be alone in this. I really want to start, and I need the inspiration of someone else to get this rolling. I shall return soon with dreams, I hope.[/b]
      its kinda funny. I came back today.
      LDs: approx. 51
      Why sleep when you can dream?

    9. #59
      Join Date
      Aug 2006
      Tucson Arizona, And boy is it HOT!

      Unhappy Nightmare

      I know I keep on coming and going. But this entry is because of a nightmare. A horrid nightmare which got me thinking. I don't know where I was, or what I was doing, but it was very dark. Something startled me awake, and I sat up real fast. Well, that night, I was listening to my headphones, and they were still on me. In my dark room, I felt the cord wrap around me, and I panicked. I REALLY panicked. I started screaming, flailing my arms wildly. I thought something was on me, and it scared the living hell out of me! Getting it off me, I heard my dad's pounding feet as he rushed to my room. The first thing I said to him was to turn on the lights. I was trembling. When I saw what was around me, I was sad. My headphones were torn completely, and the wires were ripped completely apart. In fact, I think I was shocked, because my hand felt tingly.
      I was scared. A true fear. It's weird how a dream can push you to the limits of your emotions. I don't think I've ever felt so much fear in my life. My heart was pounding, I was shaking profusely, and I screamed at the top of my lungs. Feelings like that don't come in real life unless you're faced with life or death situations, and even then, I don't know if it's quite as traumatic. There was such an incredible fear flowing inside of me. Why does the mind go to such efforts to bring dreams into reality?Even to the point of utter terror? It doesn't seem like a natural thing. I don't know. All I know is that I was scared for my life, a feeling I wish I NEVER have to feel in real life... That was just too much...

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