• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    Hybrid View

    1. #1
      DV's Vexiest Vex Kitten's Avatar
      Join Date
      Nov 2005
      ...new year, new dream journal.

      This year I intend:

      -to become more proficient at WILDing
      -to have better control and clarity in LDs
      -to have longer more meaningful LDs
      -to find my dream guide
      -to reality check regularly

      ((I'm sure there are others but for now that's all that comes to mind))

      In this journal:

      red = lucid dreams
      black = regular dreams
      blue = dream signs
      violet = verging lucidity


      2005/06 Journal Stats:

      Sunday Dec 31st 2006

      850 dreams were recorded

      Of that 850:

      53 were Lucid Dreams.
      25 LDs were DILDs.
      28 LDs were WILDs.

      Approximately 16% of my all my dreams were Lucid.

      Completed 6 Lucid Tasks:

      April 06 - Travel back in time
      June 06 - Catepillar to butterfly
      Aug 06 - Jump off cliff
      Oct 06 - Paint Dream Scene
      Nov 06 - Ask DC, "Am I Dreaming"
      Dec 06 - Read DC mind
      Last edited by Vex Kitten; 11-30-2007 at 07:26 AM.

    2. #2
      DV's Vexiest Vex Kitten's Avatar
      Join Date
      Nov 2005
      Monday Jan 1st

      1- New Year's Eve Mob

      At home contemplating where to go for New Year's Eve. Looked out the front door and saw that most of the houses in the neighborhood were having parties.
      A large group of people approached. They stopped on the front lawn of the house across the street. Most held huge signs that had HAPPY NEW YEAR or similar sentiments on them. I came back inside and got ready. Every little while I'd look outside to see the New Years Eve mob still waiting for midnight to come.
      Just before midnight I went outside to see what the mob was going to do at the crack of the new year. To my disappointment they'd moved to the house on the corner and were facing away from me. I looked up at the few stars that peeked out from between scattered clouds and waited for midnight to arrive. It never came.

      2- Prison Break

      Was in a prison. Think I was a guy. A group of us were herded off to court. We got there and were let loose to use the washroom. As we stood in line waiting for an available stall we chatted quietly amongst ourselves about escape.
      Give It Away by the Red Hot Chili Peppers came on over the court speakers and we all danced and sang. At this point I caught a glimpse of myself in a mirror. I was me, female, dressed all in black with sunglasses on. I wondered what the hell I was doing in the men's bathroom.
      Lost focus when the other inmates, still singing and dancing, eased out of the bathroom and made a break for it. They turned right and hauled ass from the courthouse.
      I waited for the song to be over then casually walked out of the bathroom and turned left. I strolled my way to freedom as the other inmates were rounded up and tossed in jail again.
      Came to a steep hill beside the road. I climbed it and atop the hill, nicely hidden by some thick flowering shrubs (lilacs I think), was a squat green brick house. I made my way to it, knowing that if I made it to that house I'd be free. Don't remember getting inside

      3- New Years Eve in the Bathroom/Hickory Faces

      Was New Years eve. Had no where special to go so I ran a hot bath. I soaked in it for a long time as I wondered where my life went. I nodded off a few times only to wake up with a jolt. The last time I fell asleep I woke up again underwater, only my nose was poking up out of it. Got out of the bath before I ended up drowning myself.
      As I dried off I looked at myself in the mirror. Laughed at how wild my hair was and then noticed how mishapen my teeth were. I had two huge buck-teeth and the teeth on either side of those were really small and wide, sort of reminded me of baby teeth. My bottom teeth were jagged and severely chipped. I'd never noticed how horrid my smile was before and I vowed to not smile again.
      A glimmer of orange outside the window caught my eye. The branch of the hickory nut tree just out back of my house was underlit by a warm orange color. It was then that I noticed that the branch had little faces all over it, or masks with swirling designs on them. I'd never noticed them before and reasoned that the orange glow was what brought them out.
      Put a towel around myself and was going to investigate the hickory faces but never got to because D was outside. He'd lit a fire under the hickory tree. He explained why he'd made the fire but I can't remember his reason now.

      4- The Dance & Blue Berries

      At a dance held in what I think was a museum. Lots of artifacts along the edges of the walls.
      A lot of people danced. I was hungry. Someone was passing out blueberry desert so I tried some of that. It tasted divine and I ate a lot of it.
      Suddenly someone on the dancefloor started throwing up. Their puke was black and chunky. At the sight of this my stomach growled angrily. I put my hand over my mouth and ran for the bathroom. I'd just got to a stall, opened it and I threw up on the floor just in front of the toilet. It was black and chunky too. I felt another wave of nausea grip me and I stepped closer to the toilet. I managed to throw up inside the bowl this time, but as I positioned myself closer to the toilet I slipped in my previous puke. I noticed then that it wasn't black after all but really dark blue and clotted with chunks of partially digested blueberries.
      A blond woman came in and we casually chatted about dancing as I tried to clean up the mess I made. We talked about how dancers at a certain school weren't taught to 'project' towards the crowd.

      5- Meat Shopping/Super Heros

      Me and my mother were at a meat shop. She ordered hamburger and then went back outside. I was left to pay for her order, which pissed me off. The guy at the counter messed up the cost of the meat. According to him it was going to cost me 1500 dollars to purchase the order. He apologised, opened the cash register to fix his mistakes.
      While he did this I fumbled with the Halls cough candies I had in my pocket. I decided to buy some more and put a new pack on the counter just as the guy fixed the total of the meat purchase. He saw the pack of Halls on the counter and a look of defeat came into his eyes. I realized he'd have to adjust the reciept again to add the Halls so I told him I'd pay for them seperately. Put a toonie up on the counter and told him to keep the change.
      Paid for the meat with my bank card and looked at the wall behind the cashier. There was a rough picture of Cyclops (xmen) painted there. To the left there was a huge mural of Wolverine, and to the right were Spiderman, Superman and other super heros plastered on the walls.
      Me and the cashier started chatting about the various super heros, which we liked and didn't like. When finally I was ready to leave I picked up my order, one box, and found it was too heavy to carry. I kept dropping it on the floor. I opened it to see what was inside and there was only a single thin layer of hamburger in the bottom of it. Couldn't figure out why it was so damned heavy. Looked outside and my mother was in her van impatiently waiting for me. I kept trying to carry the box out to the van but it felt as if I were carrying an armful of cinder blocks.

      6- Indian Play/Church/Bad Kids

      Was at the Woodland Cultural Center (north american native museum) to watch the play The Peacemaker. (acutally watched this irl a couple of days before xmas) The play progressed as normal in the Cultural Center.
      At some point the C.Center changed into a church. A bunch of us were packed into the pews. Two bratty girls were running and giggling through the church. I recognised them and rounded them up and made them sit at the end of the pew with me as I tried to watch the play. The one girl, S, kept standing up and talking loudly at important parts of the play. The other girl, K, tried to squirm off the seat every few seconds. I repeatedly whisper-yelled at S to sit her but down and shut up but she wouldn't. I grabbed hold of her eventually and sat her on my lap and told her to stay quiet. The woman ahead of us turned around and scolded S too then thanked me for calming her down.
      K, however, sneaked off. Me and S went outside to find her. IT was dark, K was on a lower branch of a tree that was illuminated by vehicle headlights. I snatched her down and we went back inside to watch the play but it was at intermission.
      I sat with both girls on my lap, holding them tightly as I listened to the intermission music. It was Unforgiven II by Metallica. I hummed along with it and suddenly frantically thought, "I think I slept in!"
      Woke up immediately after that to find that I did sleep in by an hour. Unforgiven II was playing on the radio.

      ~EDIT~ just jotting down a couple more dreams I remembered.

      7- Pet Blackwidow

      A boy of about 13 had a black widow in a jar showing it off in my house. Something happened and the jar ended up smashed on the floor. The black widow skittered across my dining room floor.
      I tried to get someone to round it up, didn't want a black widow hiding out in my house, but no one seemed to care that the spider was loose. It headed for the heating vent, I scrambled for a shoe and dashed back to the spider. Just before it made it to the vent I squashed it. It left a huge reddish black splatter on my floor.

      8- The Grey St Apt

      Looked for my sister MJ's new apt. When I finally found it we spent some time gabbing. Felt the urge to leave, didn't feel comfortable in her apt. I asked to use the phone to call a cab. MJ wouldn't let me. Told me to use a payphone down the street.
      Argued a bit and I ended up leaving. The area looked familiar but the street signs were messed up. The intersection was Grey and Dalhousie street... impossible. I knew those two streets couldn't intersect. Stared at the sign for a while as I tried to get my bearings to walk home.

    3. #3
      Member ezekiel7's Avatar
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      Dec 2005
      Oregon(best state ever)
      frickin Spiders!!! AHHH... Hmmm... My dream this morning i'll write here cause I don't remember too much

      It was something like my birthday. My brother and J(a friend) were there. We were going to go to a movie but decided we were going to go to a party first(the party had 2 girls that I like at it), so I was ready(and excited) to go. And then they decide we arn't going to go at all, so i'm pissed. Because of me being upset I threw a temper tantrum and my dad got upset at me. Later we went outside to get in a car, the car had my friends in it. So we we're getting in the car and I was little behind everyone and I was thinking... wait I can't go to a movie, I need to go back to my sisters! So then I woke up! (really weak I know..)

      *to the tune of Mickey Mouse Club*

      M-O-N-D-A-Y S-U-C-K-S!

    4. #4
      DV's Vexiest Vex Kitten's Avatar
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      Nov 2005
      Tuesday Jan 2nd

      Zeek, Hi. Weak? Never. All dreams are interesting in my opinion.
      Sibling dreams...I don't like dreaming of my sibs. I have 4 sisters and a brother who occasionally invade my dreams and ruin them. They also invade my real life and usually ruin that too.
      But anyway, nice to hear from ya and made me smile to see you were the first to respond in this new DJ. I needed a hit of adorable this morning.

      ***overslept by a couple of hours today. Have to work on getting my sleep routine back on track.

      1- Alien, Bounty hunter/ Attack

      Started out watching this dream. A young, dark haired woman fixed herself up in front of a mirror. Could hear her thoughts. She hated her eyes and switched them back to what they were supposed to look l ike. Close up of her eyes showed the pupil was shaped sort of like a keyhole.. and I could see into that blackness, there was a faint holographic type, big eyed, space alien head reflected within. It was only visible at certain angles.
      A knock came at the door. The house reminded me of the house I lived in in NF. The girl switched her eyes back to normal. She knew instantly that it was an alien bounty hunter. The hunter banged on the door, sounding uncertain he called in, "Anyone home, I have a delivery. It's Jim."
      The girl sneaked down into the basement and hid under a pair of furnaces, made herself invisible. At this point in the dream I became the girl and watched from under the furnaces as work booted feet walked around the basement.
      There suddenly was a woman's bare feet. She was made to lay on the floor. She was blond, very pretty and very naked. Two guys approached her, one very old and one younger, in his 30's. They tried to have sex with the girl but it hurt and she wriggled away. The younger guy called the other father as they moved in and forced themselves upon her.
      I crawled out from under the furnaces, approached the men, grabbed both by the collars of their shirts, lifted them from the floor and swung them around to slam them into the wall. Could hear some bones breaking as they hit. I did that a few more times till the guys were dead.
      Me and the blond girl stood over the crumpled bodies and tried to figure out what to do with them.

      2- Hawk & Wood Pecker

      Summer. The trees in my back yard were bare but all the other trees were green. Up in one of the trees I spotted a bird of prey. Think it was some sort of hawk. I took pictures of it as it swooped down toward the ground and back up into another tree. It kept doing this and I got some really great photos of the bird in flight and with it's wings spread wide out just before it touched down onto branches.
      I did so something and ended up scaring the bird away. But in the right corner of my yead I noticed a red headed wood pecker. The feathers on top of it's head rose up and splayed out like scarlet fountain. I tried to take phots of that bird but it was too quick to get a good focus on.

      3- Grams/TH/Fire

      At my grandmother's house, my cousin called and invited me out for ice cream. I hadn't heard from her for over a year and she calls out of the blue. I then remembered that the night before I'd dreamed TH had called me and invited me out for coffee. Also recalled another dream about my other cousin's ex gf. I hadn't seen her for years, dreamed of her out of the blue and that same night ran into her at a play. Started wondering if I was beginning to get precognative dreams.
      Readied for TH to pick me up. My other cousin LG was there and I knew she'd want to come. I didn't want her to though. She yaps too much.
      The kitchen stove (for some odd reason) was by the front door in the living room. I turned off the burners and continued getting ready. I noticed the smell of something burning. Went back into the living room and saw that I'd actually turned the burners on instead of shutting them off. I'd set fire to cardboard boxes. Pulled them from the oven and stomped them out. My day was ruined. I decided to stay home and clean up the mess I'd made.

      4- Flood & High House

      A flood came in. Me and others climbed up posts to a house that was perched atop of them. Up inside I felt uncomfortable. The house swayed in the growing winds. I climbed back down and decided to face the flood instead of sit like an idiot and wait for the house to topple from the stilts it was on.
      There was much more to this.. involved a magician and something to do with the water but I can't remember exactly what happened.


    5. #5
      Member Placebo's Avatar
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      May 2004
      Around the bend
      You know, you're so inspiring I'm going to try a polyphasic routine with a 3 hour core. Just so I can get back to some decent dreamin'.
      Here's to 2007 *clink*
      Tips For Newbies | What to do in an LD

      Unless otherwise stated, views expressed in this post are not necessarily representative of the official Dream Views stance. Hell, it's probably not even representative of me.

    6. #6
      DV's Vexiest Vex Kitten's Avatar
      Join Date
      Nov 2005
      Two Placebo sightings in one day. Can only mean luck.

      Good luck going polyphasic again. I'm still seriously considering giving that a try. I messed up my sleep schedule something awful over the past few weeks due to Christmas and illness. I woke up 3 hours late today. I've got to whip my ass back into shape too in regards to sleep. Hmm. Maybe I should try polyphasic sleep while I've got to adjust my shedule again?

      Thanks for visiting. You're always welcome here.
      Glad I could be an inspiration (if you were serious).
      To 2007 *clink*

      Wednesday Jan 3rd

      ***sick & couldn't drop off to sleep like usual, the result, slept in by about 3 hours.

      1- Joker New Year

      I can't remember what this dream was about. I recalled it during one of the many times I woke up last night, wrote down 'Joker New Year' in my bedside dream journal. Can't, for the life of me, recall the dream now. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/cry.gif)

      2- Baby Owl/Duck/Seal & Snow Cavern

      Walked past a house that had a huge hollowed tree behind it. There were two great horned owls and downy white owl chicks atop the roof of the house. They made odd chirping noises trying to lure the last chick out of the hole in the tree.
      I went around back of the house and was going to climb up and owlet-nap the baby bird but it leapt out of the tree and landed in the shallow water of a pond nearby.
      I waded after it as it flopped in the water. One of it's parents came and tried to rescue it. I stepped on the parent to prevent it from retrieving it's baby.
      Scooped up the chick and dashed off with it. When a good distance away from the owls I looked down at the baby bird. It had turned into an incredibly fluffy white duckling. I had the feeling it considered me it's parent now so I put in on the grass and walked. The duckling followed.
      Somewhere along the line the duckling turned into a tiny furry white baby seal. It was small enough to fit in the palm of my hand. We headed toward a hills of snow. I put the seal on the heaps of snow and it dug into it and scurried through tiny snow passages.
      A man with glasses and a woman were there suddenly. They were in the hills, inspecting caverns carved into the hardened snow and ice. Felt they were going to steal my seal so I walked back behind the hills and pushed forward on the snow. It shifted forward and avalanched down on the people. I came back around searched for my pet.

      2- Hill City & the Friendly Boy

      In a city that was built into the side of a very steep hill. I looked out at the ocean and felt incredibly at ease. Hundreds of others lined the beaches and even laid in the grass of the hill that lead up to the city. I looked for a place to lay down too but it was really crowded.
      A boy came along and together we went into the city. He was really friendly, even seemed familiar. The city was incredibly clean and quiet. The boy and I roamed the streets and allies looking for something to do. We didn't say much of anything to each other, simply delighted in each others company.
      At some point I confessed to the boy that I hated talking and carrying on conversations. When Im around others I feel obliged to speak to them because that's what's expected of me. The boy told me he knew the feeling and told me I didn't have to talk to him if I didn't want to, that he was happy just to have me to himself.
      We continued happily on without the burden of words on our backs. Eventually we came to a set of wooden stairs that lead down a hill. Half way down the steep hill trees nudged up against the railings. The leaves on these trees were brilliant red or orange and were gently drifting down onto the stairs from the branches. The lower stairs were carpeted in leaves. Me and the boy started down. Quarter of the way down I wanted to get my camera and take a pic of him standing down in the leaves while I stood at the top of the stairs and angled the camera down toward him. Couldn't find my camera.

      3- The Meeting Room/Graph PIcture

      Was in a huge room that sort of looked like a board room. It eventually changed and ended up looking like a shabby classroom that had long tables instead of desks.
      The only other person in the room with spiked hair and wearing glasses. Cant' remember if he said anything to me but I didn't want to talk to him so I moved to the table farthest from him. I grabbed one of the many news papers scattered about the tables and tried to read them. For the most part nothing interested me. I pulled out a section of the newspaper that was nothing but Christmas carols.
      Other people came into the room. They looked to be native... or maybe hispanic. Not sure. They were mostly females. They sat down and started reading the Christmas carols too. This bothered me, the fact that we HAD to read the carols because they were the only thing in the room to read.
      I flipped through my papers again and found a center fold graph. The results charted onto the graph formed a picture of something (can't remember what now) but it meant something important to me. Spent my time inspecting this odd graph.

      4- Brother Proposes

      At D's mother's with a bunch of others. They were eating what looked like happy meals. I didn't eat. I hate fast food and I have a special place in my heart set aside specifically for loathing McDonalds. I watched, disgusted as the others ravenously devoured their grease burgers.
      My brother eventually stood up and moved to his girlfriend. She'd only eaten a few fries. HE got down on one knee and gallantly offered her is hamburger. She took it, ripped the wrapper off and immediately took a huge bite.
      My brother grabbed her wrists and pulled on them to yank the burger out of her face. He then explained that he'd placed an engagement ring in the burger...
      His girlfriend ripped the burger open and looked. No ring. She'd eaten it. She and my brother went into the bathroom and we could hear him cheerleading as she tried to make herself throw the ring back up again.

      5- Spinning/Energy Surfing

      Can't remember how this one started out but me and some other girl were talking about dreaming. Some guy comes out of no where and explained to us how to go into a dream and make use of it's energy to empower ourselves.
      ME and the girl were suddenly in a dream together. We floated in a vast expanse of blackness. The guy explained that if we spun fast enough we could create worlds. The girl started spinning, so fast that she only became a blur. She created a tornado like force that stretched far down below her. At the end of the energy tornado the earth took shape. I tried the spinning but wasn't really into it so I quit.
      The guy then told us that jagged waves of energy continually undulate through all creation. The waves are invisible but can be sensed and eventually seen without actually seeing them. And greatest of all these waves can be ridden to undreamed of places.
      Energy wave riding interested me greatly. The man showed me how to sense the waves. I eventually could feel them lapping against and then through me. The man rose, spinning, into the air and came back down to land on one of the waves. Though I couldn't see the wave it looked as if he were surfing straight down a steep slope.
      I tried this too and couldn't get it right at first. When I did correctly connect with a wave I instantly slid downward. Only then could I 'see' the energy waves. They were nothing more than subtle shimmers in the blackness that jabbed sharply up and down into eternity. I rode up and down the waves, going faster with each surf downward. It was amazing, better than flying. Was tempted to see where the waves would take me but didn't want to leave the spinning girl behind.
      At some point me and the girl were wakened and standing in a fenced yard. The guy told us to practice what we learned and we'd only get better at it. He left.
      I suddenly became suspicious, wondered why he even bothered to share such information with us. The other girl didn't really care. She started spinning again in the grass. I moved to the fence and still feeling super charged with energy, I ran, jumped onto the fence and dashed horizontally over the chain links. I leapt off the fence and looked up at the thin cloud cover. I spun, slowly at first, as i watched the clouds. When nothing happened I spun faster. The clouds above me started swirling as if a tornado were forming right above me.
      At some point I realized that I wasn't spinning at all but that existence was spinning around me. I'd made the world spin backward! It was then that I began to suspect that I was dreaming but it never really clicked in. Oh, at some point in this dream I wondered if the guy had taught us how to harness the energy as a means of making us create even more potent energy for him to leech off of. The thought just popped into my head from out of nowhere.

      edit - spelling

    7. #7
      Member Placebo's Avatar
      Join Date
      May 2004
      Around the bend
      Of course I was serious... lol. You've had a longer 'season' of lucid dreams than I ever did. Most people have long cycles of 'dry seasons' etc, and I wasn't an exception.

      I suggest you keep on with the LDing, and leave the polyphasic sleep to people who don't dream such great dreams as you
      Tips For Newbies | What to do in an LD

      Unless otherwise stated, views expressed in this post are not necessarily representative of the official Dream Views stance. Hell, it's probably not even representative of me.

    8. #8
      Back by Unpopular Demand NeAvO's Avatar
      Join Date
      Jun 2006
      Hey Vex thought I'd come in and post in your new Dream Journal to wish you luck with those lucids for 2007
      NeAvO's Nightly Journeys
      Adopted: Hazel AngelGirl Shadowsand
      <img src=http://i157.photobucket.com/albums/t58/NeAvO_2007/neavowx4.png border=0 alt= />
      Courtesy of Goldney
      Quote Originally Posted by Vex Kitten
      You're just jealous that I'm more of a man than you could ever be, sweetie pie.
      Shoot for the moon, even if you miss it you will land among the stars.

    9. #9
      DV's Vexiest Vex Kitten's Avatar
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      Nov 2005
      Okay... I&#39;ll stay away from the polyphasic thing. I still think I&#39;m too lazy to actually pull off that sleep schedule anyway. My own sleep schedule is still messed up. Woke up 1 and 1/2 hours late today. Feel as if I&#39;m hung over.

      Thanks NeAvO.
      I&#39;ll take all the luck anyone will offer me in regards to LDs.
      Thanks for dropping by and best of luck to you too.

      Thursday Jan 4th

      1- Body Piercings

      Had, at some point, gotten 3 new body piercings. One was just above my lip. The other two were on my legs. One on each mid shin. These ones were huge hoops.
      As I tried to rotate the left shin piercing the ring connector snapped off and the hoop spread out. I ripped the room apart looking for the little ball that connected both ends together but couldn&#39;t find it.

      2- Raptors in School

      I was responsible for 4 kids, two were teenagers, two were slightly younger. We were touring a new school for them to attend. Everytime I passed by a door I locked it. If I saw an open window somewhere I shut it.
      We were in a classroom that had huge glass doors leading to the outside. I walked over and locked the glass doors despite the protests of the old lady who was teaching the class.
      I turned back to the kids i was watching just in time to see them slip out of the room. I chased them, somehow they all ended up in narrow clear tube full of water. They inched up to the top and to escape.
      Little raptor dinosaurs were everywhere. I watched one rip apart a teacher that looked like Brad Pitt. I managed to get the point across to the kids that they were in danger if they went up to the next level. They came back down the tube. I was high up a flagpole and trapped there by a few raptors who were pushing at the pole and jumping up trying to bite me.

      3- Stone Maze/Video Game

      Wandered through a dank maze. It&#39;s walls, floors and ceilings were made of thick rock, reminded me of old castle passage ways.
      Finally found a place that looked familiar. I was sure it was the start of the maze. I rounded the corner to see that, yes, it was the entrance but it was also filled with a bunch of military type guys with their weapons trained on me.
      I backed back around the corner. Don&#39;t know where I got a machine gun from, but I decided to make a charge for the entrance/exit. I ran out into the open shooting at anything that moved. Noticed a little icon up in the right of my vision. It was a gun and under it were numbers telling me how many rounds of ammo I had left. When I ran low on ammo I retreated and switched my weapon to a flame thrower. The little icon in the corner switched to a flame thrower too.
      Charged out and burned everything in my path. During my blind rampage I nearly slipped on a small metal ball about the size of an apple. I quickly picked it up. It absorbed into the palm of my hand and up in the other corner of my vision an invincibility bar appeared. Realizing I was unkillable I ran straight into the midst of the military guys and continuallly burned one after another. Their numbers seemed endless.

      4- Teaching Long Division

      Was sitting in a classroom that had couches and coffee tables instead of desks. A guy in his 20&#39;s kept complaining that he didn&#39;t know how to do long division. I went over, sat beside him and started explaining how to work his way through the questions. He had 50 questions to finish before he could leave the class.
      The guy turned into a 5 or 6 year old bald kid. He crawled up on the couch behind me and started pinching me as I tried to tutor him.
      I turned, grabbed his cheek in my fingers and pinched him, a good hard pinch with my nails. He nearly started crying. I told him that every time he pinched me I&#39;d pinch him back. He pinched me again so I pinched him back harder. He cried and told the teacher what I&#39;d done. He didn&#39;t say anything to either of us. We continued on, me trying to teach while this ingrateful little brat kept pinching me.

      5- Jogging/Alex Baldwin/Sher

      Jogged through a huge grassy field. Got to the edge of the property to see a path had been worn into it. I started jogging on the path instead of through the grass.
      A guy trotted up beside me. He reminded me of Alex Baldwin. He talked continually as we jogged. I didn&#39;t want to talk or even be near anyone. Just wanted to jog in peace and quiet.
      Alex eventually turned into a girl I used to go to school with named Sher. She grabbed hold of my arm an jerked me to a halt. Said she&#39;d lost her phone. We looked over towards the road and across it, on the corner near a park that looked like Chiefswood, were her bads and belongins. We dashed over and rummaged through her things looking for her cell phone.
      It began ringing. Sher reached behind her and out of her back pocket pulled the phone. I was going to bitch her out for interupting my jogging session but she started arguing with someone on the phone. It was a 12 year old boy that she had made a date with. He&#39;d managed to trick her into thinking he was older. I forgot about everything else and listened to this odd conversation.

      6- The Cleaning out Party

      Pulled into my grandmother&#39;s house. There were kids, cars and pets all over the lawn. I wondered what the hell was going on.
      Got out of the truck and went into the house. It was full of people rummaging through stuff. They were going through everything and throwing out the useless stuff. This bothered me a lot, how could they possibly know what was useless or not?
      Went into the kitchen and there was cake on the table. I scooped up and was going to eat some but I heard people in my room. I rushed over and saw my mother and someone else digging through my stuff and tossing it into a trash can. I turned away in disbelief. When I turned to the room again it had turned into a closet that was overflowing with papers, books and other assorted junk. I began digging through the stuff. MOst of it was mine, old sketches, poems and diaries I&#39;d made when I was a kid. I wanted to look through them all but instead I started packing them into a garbage bag. I was going to remove and hide all my stuff before anyone else started digging through it and throwing it out on me.

      7- Lost Baseball

      Watched a baseball game. It was really boring so I strolled around the general area looking for things to take photos of.
      Heard a massive crack echo through the air. Someone had knocked the ball out of the park. Everyone charged to find it. We spent quite a while looking for it. Seemed the thing had disappeared.
      A woman in a rickety little red car was trying to leave but her car wouldn&#39;t start. Someone popped the hood and checked out the situation under it. A few seconds later he pulled a baseball out of the innards of the car. Everyone cheered over the found baseball and went back to the game, leaving the woman still stranded in her car.

    10. #10
      "O" will suffice. Achievements:
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      Quote Originally Posted by Vex View Post
      3- Stone Maze/Video Game
      Charged out and burned everything in my path. During my blind rampage I nearly slipped on a small metal ball about the size of an apple. I quickly picked it up. It absorbed into the palm of my hand and up in the other corner of my vision an invincibility bar appeared. Realizing I was unkillable I ran straight into the midst of the military guys and continuallly burned one after another. Their numbers seemed endless.
      I don&#39;t know what would be better: God Mode in a lucid dream or God Mode in a non-lucid.
      Haha. Good shit, Vex.
      (Or see the very best of my journal entries @ dreamwalkerchronicles.blogspot)

    11. #11
      DV's Vexiest Vex Kitten's Avatar
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      Hey O&#33;.
      I&#39;ll take God Mode any way I can get it. I should create one of those silver balls in a LD to see what fun comes of that.

      Friday Jan 5th

      ***grrrr slept in again- still sick, must be my body recharging through sleep?

      1- Cliff Scaffolding

      Me and a bunch of contruction worker type guys were waaaay the hell up on flimsy wooden scaffolding on the steep side of a mountianous cliff. One guy leaned back against the railing and it snapped. Someone hadn&#39;t secured the boards properly. Everyone dashed to the one side of the platform and made it start swaying.
      I was nearly paralysed with fear. I knew the platform would fall apart if someone didn&#39;t do something. No one would. They all cowered on the one side, huddled together like a bunch of frightened children. Despite how terrified I was, I inched out to the edge of the platform and grabbed the end of it in my hand. For whatever reason that stabalized the platform and all someone needed to do was come up with me and nail the boards securely together. No one would move and I was left sprawled on the platform holding onto it&#39;s edge.. no one willing to help.

      2- Huge Hail

      Inside an unfamiliar house. Listened to the rain pelting the roof and windows. It gradually got louder and then suddenly we (can&#39;t remember who exactly &#39;we&#39; were) could hear what sounded like someone dropping rocks on the roof. Ran to the back window and watched as walnut sized hail fell from the sky.
      I whipped out my camera to take photos but I couldn&#39;t find the on button. As I searched for the elusive button the hail stones grew to the size of small bowling balls. They bammed down onto the roof. Just when we thought they were going to crush the house the storm stopped. The sun came out immediately.
      Finally got my camera turned on and ran outside. The sunlight glinted off the round and jagged bits of hail and they looked like giant diamonds sparkling.
      I rushed around the place taking photos of the rapidly melting hail. It literally deminished to nothing before my eyes.

      3- Comic Sketching

      Only recall sitting with an oversized, spiral bound sketchbook, quickly scribbling out rough shapes of human forms.

      4- Narrated Dream

      Cant remember if this is how the dream started but this is where I remember the dream starting from. I watched the scene as if I were watching an epic movie. A voice came, can&#39;t recall if it was male or female, but it announced that the following scene? was written by ... Me. The voice t hen continued on reading as if it were reading from a story.
      I was astounded by the beauty and smooth flow of the writing and remember thinking, &#39;There&#39;s no way I could have written that. It&#39;s just way too beautiful.&#39; But I listened and watched the scene unfold. It had something to do with a guy trying to force a girl to marry him. The entire scene was sepia toned but very vivid and lifelike. At unexpected times during the dream I&#39;d notice a female in a hat would appear. She clearly didn&#39;t belong in the scene. She held a huge book and flipped slowly through it&#39;s pages for a few seconds and then disappear again.

    12. #12
      Member odds's Avatar
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      Haha, the Native American Church played Unforgiven II.

      And I dub thee unforgiven... it&#39;s like they&#39;re telling you there&#39;s no way you can ever go to their heaven.

      Nice dreams.
      Dream Journal

      "Knock on the sky and listen to the sound."

      -Zen Proverb

    13. #13
      DV's Vexiest Vex Kitten's Avatar
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      Hi odds... I never considered that interpretation of the dream. Interesting.
      I don&#39;t want to go to their heaven. Sounds kind of dull if you ask me. I&#39;d much rather frolic about the happy hunting grounds for all eternity.

      Saturday Jan 6th

      > Couch at 3 am
      > Head east
      > Back

      1- Being Marilyn Manson

      Had a small meal in a restaraunt that charged an insane amt of money for their specials. I had to overdraft my acct to pay for the damned meal. Me and someone else left the place, pissed off. I mentioned something about how famous people get free meals when a business wants publicity. A lightbulb went off in my head.
      I, being dressed in black, whipped out my sunglasses, shoved my collar up, let my black hair fall down into my face and then slathered lipstick all over my lips. All that and my natural paleness made me look like Marilyn Manson. I think I was even taller.
      Anyway, of all the restaraunts we could have went to we ended up at a McDonald&#39;s. I strolled in acting like I was the center of the universe, my friend trailed me as if he were devotee. We got shown to a table and served whatever we wanted just so long as the establishment could get photos of us. Spent the rest of the dream being served upon by McEmployees as if I were a god.

      ***this dream is so stupid... haha

      2- ((can&#39;t read my scribbling regarding this dream atm))

      3- The Endless Field/Airplanes

      I walked through a grassy field that I felt was endless. I also was searching for something but can&#39;t remember what it was now.
      A lowflying passenger plane roared over head. It left a grey exhaust trail right down the middle of the sky. As I watched the plane turn into a small spec on the horizon I happened to catch a glimpse of another aircraft high in the sky. It looked like a space shuttle racing across the sky high up in the atomsphere.
      The passenger plane came back and the two aircraft began zig zagging and spiraling as if they were putting on a crazy air show.
      The space shuttle began spinning and it looked as if it were growing in size. After a few seconds I realized it was plumetting to earth and I was standing directly below it. I ran hoping to get out of the impact zone but no matter how fast or far I got I was always under the shuttle.
      I reasoned that if I didn&#39;t look at the crashing shuttle that it wouldn&#39;t land on me, so I ran and refused to look back. I found an old skinny tree to hide behind. I hid behind it and could hear the deepening whistle of the shuttle falling closer to earth. I closed my eyes and waited for it to crash.

      4- I, Gertrude

      Was in a gothic type setting. I sat at the head of a massive table upon which a lavish feast was laid out. People, no one particularly familiar, lined each side of the table and had a grand old time eating and conversing. I didn&#39;t like it. I wanted them all out. I said nothing and only watched them all.
      Someone appeared at my side. He sat down on the floor at the side of my seat and laid his head on my outer thigh. I reached down and ran my fingers through his hair and offered him my seat instead of having to sit on the floor.
      The guy declined and said that the only thing he wanted for his uncle-father to die. At this point I realized who I was and who he was. The guy on the floor was Hamlet and I was his mother Gertrude. We slipped right into the dialogue of the scene where Hamlet confronted his mother... right before he discovers the eave dropping Polonius.
      At this point I recited the lines as if I were an actor in a play... yet at the same time I really was Gertrude. The scene went on forever and both he and I were weeping like fools while the feast went on all around us... the guest all seemingly oblivious to our suffering.

      5- The One Room House & The Bloody Moon

      Was in a tiny house, it was only one room. The place was mostly windows except for the one door. I kept looking for stuff to drape over the windows as it was getting dark and I didn&#39;t want anyone to be able to see inside.
      Once I felt sure the windows were covered sufficently I peeked out the front door. It was really dark and quiet outside. I stepped out and looked up at the stars. There were none. The blackness of the sky seemed to have swallowed them up. I didn&#39;t like that darkness, it seemed alive.
      Turned to retreat to the house when I saw the moon quickly rise. It was surrounded by huge fluffy dark clouds and seemed to be rising out of the midst of the clouds instead of from behind them. When the moon got up high enough the edges of the clouds nearly glowed silver. I ran inside and retrieved my camera.
      When I got back outside the moon looked as if it had been drenched in blood. A thick red color spilled across it&#39;s surface and turned it a deep crimson. The clouds surrounding it were also highlighted this un natural red color. I took several photos but feared none would turn out because I had no tripod to steady my camera.

      6- Joining the Force/Buckskin Dress

      Got out of a vehicle and was escorted toward a police station. A woman thrust a neatly folded uniform at me and hurridly informed me that I&#39;d been promoted to the police services. I didn&#39;t know how this had come about so I followed mostly out of curiosity.
      Got inside the station and there was a party like atmosphere as I was welcomed as the newest member of the force. I only nodded at the welcomes and asked where I could change into my uniform. I was escorted through the mass of partying police and before I could get into the washroom a woman cut me off.
      She told me that her buckskin dress had been stolen and that I was the one she wanted to find it. I told her I couldn&#39;t, I wasn&#39;t officially an officer yet. The woman pleaded for me to find her dress.
      "Fine, I&#39;ll find your dress. Describe it to me and tell me the last time you saw it."
      "I don&#39;t have to describe it, I can show you." she told me as she produced a plastic box out from nowhere. Inside was a neatly folded brown and fringed buckskin dress. Atop of it was a card that read &#036;125.
      "Is that the dress you were looking for?" I asked her
      "Why, yes. Yes it is." the woman said happily. "Thank you... Thank you... i knew you&#39;d find it for me." She gave me a really painful hug and then left.
      I watched her leave, bewildered at the stupidness of what had just happened. Afterward I changed into my officer uniform and joined the party.

    14. #14
      DV's Vexiest Vex Kitten's Avatar
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      Sunday Jan 7th

      > Bed 3:45ish
      > Head North
      > Side

      1- Flower Hill

      Walked down a road at night. It was dark and I don&#39;t remember seeing any moon or stars but the mostly flat landscape was draped in a frail silverish glow.
      Came to a hill and decided to climb to the top of it to get a better look at my surroundings. About halfway up this hill I noticed It was covered in carpets of violets. Whenever I brushed past them they shed a delicate yellowish white bioluminecent glow. The glow spread from blossom to blossom until the entire hill was alight.
      I pulled out my camera to take a photo but the flowers all blinked out. As soon as I put the camera away the flowers glowed again. Pulled out the camera and they winked out. Realizing that I wasn&#39;t going to be able to capture the flowers on film I simply laid in the midst of them and basked in their glow.

      2- T-Rex & Flood

      Stood atop a hill and looked down at a plaza that looked alot like the Zehrs plaza on Colbourne St. As if someone had turned on a gigantic, invisible spray hose, water came rushing into the parking lot. It swept away vehicles and people. Some escaped. I remember seeing someone on a unicyle go peddaling by only to be swept away by another gush of water.
      A T-Rex appeared and started picking people out of the water and devoured each in one gulp. When it ran out of drownnig victims it started ripping the plaza apart and digging out the people sheltered inside. I simply sat on the hill watching this. Wasn&#39;t afraid because somehow I knew the T-Rex wouldn&#39;t come after me and that I was too high up for the water to touch me.

      3- The Filthy House/The Fallen Baby

      Cleaned out the upper level of a two story house. Got all the garbage picked up and bagged. The remaining thing to clean was the tinfoil that was plastered to the top of the walls as if it were border paper. It took a lot of time and effort to scrape it all off.
      Under the tinfoil was mold and rot. I&#39;d fix that when I had the time. I moved on to the sheer white curtains. I took them off the curtain rods only to find that the rods were crusted in mold too. I was going to clean them but my nephew K kept pestering me. I told him to go to bed.
      I didn&#39;t want to clean anymore so sat by the window and looked down at the street below. An old black woman was pushing a toddler along in a shopping cart. She stopped and turned from the little kid for a moment. That&#39;s all it took for the kid to stand up. As he did the seat part of the shopping cart folded in again. This caused the kid to fall. Even from where I was sitting I could hear the dull thud of his head slamming onto the pavement. The woman turned back around and freaked out. I felt a slight urge to help her but didn&#39;t. I simply sat there watching her crying and flipping out.

      4- To Brantford

      Walked alone up Townline. Caught up to an old man who was &#39;military&#39; marching up the side of the road. I asked where he was going as I strode alongside him. He said he was headed to town. I told him I was too and it would take about 4-5 hours to get to town. Marching that way for so long couldn&#39;t be good for the body. The guy said he&#39;d be fine and that someone would probably pick him up before he got to town anyway. So I sped up and passed him.

      Rounded the corner onto Cockshutt Road. At this point a little boy who looked and sounded like Bobby Hill from King of the Hill was walking with me. We chatted idly as we walked and eventually he started complaining that he needed a drink.

      My cousin TH was suddenly with us too. She and Bobby whined for water. I told them to wait till we got to the store, it was only a couple of blocks away (country blocks away). We walked on and I calmly tolerated the constant wimpering and whining till we got to the store.

      It was on the wrong side of the road. I was going to go in and purchase water but then remembered I had a bottle of water in my back pack. I rummaged through it and gave a small bottle of water to Bobby to share with TH. I told them I&#39;d pick up a bigger one when we came to the next store.

      About half way to Brantford we came to a church. It was on the other side of the road and I didn&#39;t remember seeing a church there before. We crossed over to check it out. There were, for lack of a better term at the moment, monks outside the church. There was also a life size nativity scene beside the church. We all approached and were welcomed by the monks.

      I was fascinated by the nativity scene. Upon closer inspection it was the typical type scene...except in Joseph&#39;s place was a stout pale guy with a ceaser type haircut. He wore a robe that draped a little off each shoulder. The shirt under the robe was white and on it was painted some kind of mural.

      The other difference was there was no baby Jesus in the manger. It was an odd looking creature that seemed to be half monkey and half human. I couldn&#39;t look away from that creature as I tried to figure out what it was and what it meant.

      Eventually the sound of laughter stole my attention. Somehow my niece and nephew had appeared. The were on the church porch. There were 3 or 4 small porch swings dangling there and each child was swinging wildly on a swing and slamming backward into the church when they swug back. I ran to retrieve them before they broke something.

      S and K saw me running toward them and they leapt off the porch. They saw the nativity scene and started bowing before it as if worshiping it. The monks picked them up off the ground and told them that it was wrong to worship such things.

      Don&#39;t recall what happened immediately after that but next thing I remember is walking down the Cockshutt road by myself. It was a relief to be alone at last.

      I was halfway between the church and Brantford when I realized my back pack was missing. Frustrated, I turned and headed back toward the church hoping i&#39;d find the bag somewhere along the way. I eventually met up with TH and Bobby again. TH had my backpack and I thanked her heartily for bringing it. I dug through it to check if everything was there... only to find out my wallet was missing.

      This pissed me off all over again and I tried to remember the last time I&#39;d taken my wallet out of the back pack. It occured to me that the last time I&#39;d seen it was when I&#39;d taken it out of the backpack to buy something at the church. (somthing I don&#39;t recall doing at all actually) but it made sense in the dream. We all turned back and headed for the church.

      When we got to the church Bobby and I went inside. TH stayed outside and waited. I asked for my wallet and the head monk returned it to me. He then stared at me for a very long time and made some sort of judgemental comment about the wrongness of me dressing in black all the time. I only said... "To each her own."

      The monk then looked at my shoes. He stared at them for so long that out of annoyance I asked..."WHAT?" He said something about my shoes being worn because I&#39;m a traveller. "Don&#39;t stay stuck on one place for too long." He offered. I sort of shrugged and said, "Okay."

      Bobby left out the front door. As soon as he exited another monk came and changed the door into a long narrow window. He placed a thick sheet of stained glass into it.

      The head monk took me to the west door. It was a small square door set about 4 feet off the floor. I wondered how the hell I was supposed to get out through it. As if to answer my internal question the monk placed his hands on the wall beside the door and pushed the wall. The entire wall swung outward like a massive door. He escorted me outside.

      Outdoors it was brilliantly green and hilly. I looked at the surrounding landscape and then back to the monk. As I looked back the door closed and became camoflagued into the grassy hill. I simply left. Made my way to the road.

      Once along the road I walked across and peered over the cliff. The river below was flooded and roaring with raging rapids. The water was thick, black and oily looking. I suddenly knew that the river was rapidly eroding the cliff away so I hurried to find my way back to the main road, Cockshutt.
      Got to the corner and there were TH and Bobby again. Just around the bend was Brantford. It would only take about half an hour to get there.

      I looked toward the city. It seemed pristine and perfect. A low hanging sun cast a beautiful glow onto the buildings and gave the ragged clouds above an orange tint.

      I pulled out my camera to take a photo. However I couldn&#39;t fit the entire city into view. I decided to take a series of 3-4 photos and make a panorama shot.

      As I took the 1st and 2nd photos, TH and Bobby nagged me to hurry. They wanted to get to the city. I told them to shut up and wait, just had a couple more shots to go. As I tried to line up the 3rd shot little water droplets splattered across my lense. They threw the scene out of focus and my camera shut down by itself. I stuffed it back in my backpack just as rain started pelting us all.

      I suddenly remembered a letter I had at home that I&#39;d wanted to read, a correspondence from JF that I suddenly wanted more than anything. I told TH and Bobby I was going home. They were angry for having made it that far only to have to turn back. I told them that the c ity would still be there tomorrow. A cab happened by. I flagged it down and we all got into it.

      We travelled up Newport road towards the Reserve. Bobby and TH complained but I barely heard because the only thing I could think about was the letter.

      (phew.. finally done.)

    15. #15
      DV's Vexiest Vex Kitten's Avatar
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      Monday Jan 8th

      > Bed 2:50am -7:30am
      > South
      > Rightside

      1- GUA Forum

      Dream started out with me online at a forum. I tried to get to a different part of the forum but was informed by a screen prompt that I had to go to a different building to access each forum. So everytime I wanted to switch I had to physically move from building to building.
      It wasn&#39;t as annoying as it sounds because in the process of switching buildings I&#39;d happen across and meet members of the forum who were switching too.

      2- Missed Busses

      Only recall a little girl kept missing her school busses. She&#39;d start crying everytime the bus drove off without her.

      3- Army Games

      There were two huge domed battle grounds that were connected by a tunnel. In each battle ground there were 4 army guys. They were all supposed be fighting but each group refused to move out of their ground.
      Eventually two guys said, "what the hell... lets go." they charged through the tunnel and into the enemy battle ground. Over walkie talkies they informed the remaining two partners that they had made it through. They gave a detailed report of the area and in mid report gunshots and screaming could be heard... then nothing.
      The side I was in was suddenly filled with guys. They all were digging a place to sleep. I felt like telling them to get off their asses and go rescue the captured men. I didn&#39;t. It wasn&#39;t my place to order anyone around.
      Later in the night one of the army guys came over and woke me up. Together we tried to sneak through the tunnel. The guy made it through but I heard the enemy coming so I fell to the ground and pretended to be alseep. The enemy inspected me and then picked me up and carried me back into the tunnel. They tossed me inside and left me there.

      4- Fans, Forcefields & Flying Squirrel
      LUCID - WILD, HIT tech.
      (napped at 11 intending to LD. Success)

      >Left light on to see if it would affect the LD.
      >Slept on stomach with arms crossed & pinned under my chest

      &#39;Woke up&#39; in bed in same position I was sleeping in. Tried to roll off the bed but I couldn&#39;t seem to get over the edge. So I imgined myself a standing postion and was automatically standing beside the bed. Wondered why I couldn&#39;t roll out of bed so I willed myself into a lying postion again and attemtped to roll off the bed again. Did it this time, the sheet was still wrapped around me and it slid to the floor. I stared at the intricate pattern on it and was amazed at how vivid and realistic it was. This reminded me to check everything else in the room.

      All else was in perfect order. The room wasn&#39;t dark at all as it usually is when I wake up in a LD. It was lit by a brilliant light that filtered in through the curtain. At the thought of light I looked up at the ceiling fan lights. There was only one big lightbulb instead of the normal three small. I tried to will the bulb to illuminate but it wouldn&#39;t. I then noticed there were 3 more smaller cieling fans on the southwest part of the ceiling. I tried to will these to turn on too but they wouldn&#39;t.

      Reached back to feel for the light switch but to my surprise it was gone. This made me smile. I decided to make the fans turn on instead of the lights. At that thought the little fans whirled to life. The big fan wasn&#39;t moving. I pointed at it and slightly swirled my finger in the air. The blades of the fan started spinning silently. A few moments later the motor kicked in and it started running on it&#39;s own.

      The light shining in the window caught my attention again. I wanted outside. I then wondered if It had snowed out, suddenly remembering that the lucid task was to bring a snow man to life. I charged for the wall, intending to ghost through it to the outside but I hit an elastic and invisible force field that caused me to bounce back to where I&#39;d started from. I found this mildly amusing and annoying at the same time.

      Looked down at both my hands and stared at them for a while to stabalize my control. Looked around the room and everything was super sharp and clear. I ran for the wall again and leapt, right shoulder first, through the wall. I landed gently outside. Outdoors was super bright and crisp. I seemed to be the only one around. I didn&#39;t mind at all. Just for the hell of it I stared backflipping and front flipping up the sidewalk. Did a one handed hand stand in front of the neighbors house and a beep startled me. The neighbor was waiting for me to get out of her way so she could pull into her driveway.

      I leapt to my feet and realized I&#39;d almost lost lucidity as I was preforming those stupid acrobat tricks. Decided to get the lucid task done before I lost lucidity. Looked at the ground. There were styrofoam type snowflakes sprinkled loosely across the ground. Looked up at the sky. Huge puffy looking clouds soared overhead. I then ran down the sidewalk as fast as I could. I decided that I would fly up into the clouds and make them snow.

      As I leapt from the ground a little grey squirrel bounded up the sidewalk towards me. It jumped at me and latched onto my right arm. I tried to shake the little rodent off me as I slowly ascended but it bit down on my sweater sleeve and latched on tight. I couldn&#39;t shake it off. I grabbed it with my free hand and pried it from my sweater. The squirrel then bit down on my other sleeve and held on. As I continually rose into the sky, I ripped the squirrel free and was going to toss it back to the ground but it ran up my arm and into the neck of my shirt. It nestled inbetween my breasts and stayed there. Felt nice having it there, it reminded me of Waffles (a ferret), so I left it curled on my chest as I spiralled higher up.

      Looked down into my back yard and saw two tiny kitten faces peering at me from behind a gnarled tree root. One was orange and one was grey. I began to wonder how they had gotten there but then suddenly realized that I was losing lucidity again. Upon that realization I felt the dream slipping away. If went black and I woke up immediately after.

      ((was beginning to worry I"d lost the ability to WILD))

    16. #16
      Haunted by entropy. Achievements:
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      Deep in the woods
      You&#39;re VEXXY&#33;

    17. #17
      DV's Vexiest Vex Kitten's Avatar
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      Nov 2005
      Tuesday Jan 9th

      > Bed 2:45am - 8:00am
      > South
      > Left Side

      1- Bleeding
      (haven&#39;t had one of these in a while))

      Was cleaning out my sister&#39;s bedroom and stopped suddenly. Wondered why she wasn&#39;t cleaning it herself. I finished folding up her baby&#39;s clothes and put them in the dresser. The bed, freshly made, looked inviting so I sprawled out on it and relaxed deciding to let my sister clean up her own mess from now on.
      I almost fell asleep. My body stiffened suddenly and for a split second thought I was in sleep paralysis. The feeling fell away and I got off the bed. Walked down the hallway to the bathroom. It was then that I noticed a feeling of clingy dampness down my inner thighs. Looked down to see that I was bleeding, my white pants were bloodied from my crotch down to my knees on the insides of my thighs.
      "Fuck, when did I start wearing white pants anyway." I said as I stripped out of the ruined clothes right there in the hall. I, naked from the waist down, finished my trek to the bathroom. Tossed the pants and underwear into the garbage and cleaned myself up. It was quite the nasty affair. I swiped a pair of my sister&#39;s pants (a slight payment for me cleaning her room)

      2- Alien Airport

      Was at an airport, in a hangar. Remember people either scattering out of fear of moving forward with curious fearlessness. I, being incredibly curious, moved forward with the nosy folks.
      What came through the doors of the hangar was a huge elephant upon which rode 2 aliens of the &#39;grey&#39; sort. The rode the thing as if they were royalty.
      A lot more people became afraid and left. I stayed and couldn&#39;t keep my eyes off the aliens, followed along wishing I&#39;d had brought my camera.

      3- Dog, Cat & Kid Invasion

      Made my way through the house from my bedroom. Came out into the kitchen and saw that there were kittens running around playing. As I stepped into the dining room I was startled by a big beige-ish colored dog. I want to say it was a pit bull but I don&#39;t think it was.
      Anyway, the dog started chasing the kittens around and tried to bite them on the head. I ran around after them trying to keep them from fighting.
      Noticed there was a keyboard where my computer normally is. I moved to it and started pecking out tunes. I broke one of the keys off. D appeared and gave me another key to put in it&#39;s place. It didn&#39;t fit but I attatched it anyway. Tried playing the keyboard and it was way out of tune. Since the keyboard didn&#39;t work I went back to protecting the kittens.
      There came a knock at the door. I answered, it was my cousin AG. She had a couple of kids with her and told me to look after them. The kids came in and made themselves at home before I could say no.

      4- The Half Built Porch, Pink Snow

      Had a porch stretch from the back of my house around to the south side. The railings weren&#39;t completely finished.
      There was snow covering the ground. The sky above me was varying shades of sunset pink. When I looked back at the snow it too was pink. There was a couple of inches of this pink snow on the finished railing. I pressed my hands, palm down into the snow. At first it was cold and stung but then it felt as if my hands were burning. I closed my eyes and muttered, "Damn that feels good." I moved along the railing, continually placeing my hands into the snow to feel that cold burn. I had the idea to walk barefoot in the snow too but I don&#39;t think I got around to it.

    18. #18
      Member ezekiel7's Avatar
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      Hah, Nice&#33; Twisted as usual =P haha
      *to the tune of Mickey Mouse Club*

      M-O-N-D-A-Y S-U-C-K-S&#33;

    19. #19
      DV's Vexiest Vex Kitten's Avatar
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      Twisted, you say, Zeek?

      Nah. Perhaps a little on the bent side but not out right twisted. Where you been at lately?

      Wednesday Jan 10th

      > Couch 2:30am
      > back
      > West

      *** Severe personal problems the past couple of days most likely effecting dream recall. Know I had more than this, they&#39;re just not coming back to me.

      1- Hotel/Reba

      Just remember a couple of fragments of being in a lavish motel room. I remember thinking the room was all mine but some other chick turned up and claimed the other bed.
      Rushed around the room gathering up my stuff, clothes & personal items. Stuffed my wallet under the mattress to hide it.
      A woman who looked alot like Reba McIntyre was in the room too. She told me to make coffee. I told her to make it herself.. I don&#39;t even drink coffee and the smell makes my stomach turn. In a prissy huff Reba started preparing her own coffee.
      Eventually I left, wondered why and how I got stuck sharing a room when I was supposed to have had my own. Just wandered the motel.

    20. #20
      Member Placebo's Avatar
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      Around the bend
      Hehe @ aliens on an elephant. Odd stuff.
      BTW, dunno if you noticed my new DJ: http://www.dreamviews.com/forum/inde...howtopic=41557

      Sloth : You only noticed now?
      Tips For Newbies | What to do in an LD

      Unless otherwise stated, views expressed in this post are not necessarily representative of the official Dream Views stance. Hell, it's probably not even representative of me.

    21. #21
      DV's Vexiest Vex Kitten's Avatar
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      The sloth has returned? Where&#39;d you sneak off to for so long? Did you find a better bunch of geeks to hang out with or something. Welcome back.

      Hey Placebo. Yeah, noticed your new dream journal. I was wondering when you&#39;d get around to starting a new one. It&#39;s about time&#33;&#33;&#33; Now I can start psycho analysing you... with an emphasis on the psycho.
      Like your new avatar too, btw.

      Thursday Jan 11th

      > couch 2:30am - 7:30 am
      > east
      > side

      ***still with the bad stuff going on here

      1- Waterford Cash Drop & Shaping JF

      Drove a truck/van. It kept switching from one to the other. Travelled down several dirtroads to Waterford. Pulled in a long driveway that had junk and old cars lining it. Got up to the house and D got out, paid money to the woman who lived there. It was one of his ex&#39;s.
      It suddenly clicked in that he shouldn&#39;t be paying her money. I hopped out of the truck and started yelling at her for being such a blood sucker and him for being gullible enough to give the cash to her in the first place.
      Frustrated, I left, walking.
      As I got near the end of the drive I saw a guy clearing away huge bent panels of rusty scrap metal. I stood and watched him for a while, thinking he looked very familiar. When the guy saw me he smiled.
      At this point he nearly looked like JF.
      The dream suddenly felt pliable or something and I sort of suspected I was dreaming. I stared at the guy and willed him to totally become JF. After the transformation I ran up to him and wrapped my arms around him tightly. Had this underlying feeling that I was going to lose him if I let go.

      2- Enraged River

      Only remember a raging and bright blue river. I think I was in the midst of it or standing atop of it because it roared straght for me. Felt incredibly sad and angry at the same time.


      ***Napped about 8pm-ish intending to complete the snowman task.
      Attemtped HIT while on my stomach with arms crossed under my chest
      Earlier today posted about using Mozart as a possible way to become lucid (WAMILD -Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Induced Lucid Dream) It worked... sort of.


      It took several slipping off to sleep and awakenings before I finally started dreaming. Don&#39;t know if I dreamed anything before this point... but recall the dream from the point where I was walking along. Faintly heard the beginning of Mozart&#39;s Eine Kleine Nachtmusik. I started humming along and after a few seconds I, almost reflexively, reality checked. I placed the palm of my hand over my mouth and nose and pressed it tight to my face. I then tried to inhale, and to my surprise, I could still breath. Inhaled in a few more times before I actually believed I was dreaming.

      Now, knowing I was in a dream I looked around me. There was nothing, no dream scene. Lucidity was very delicate and I felt no inkling of control whatso ever.The music, now playing a little louder, made me hum with it again, then like a boot to the brain, the thought &#39;SNOWMAN&#39; dominated my thoughts.
      I spent the rest of this little lucid dream trying to figure out what Mozart and Snowman had to do with each other. I knew something important was there. It was like I was trying to wrap my brain around a concept it wasn&#39;t meant to understand. Woke up not too long after and felt like an idiot for wasting the dream trying to ferret out the connection beween the LD trigger and a snowman.

      ***10:23 pm, just checked the radio station&#39;s playlist... the only Mozart they played was at 08:49 pm and that was the MARRIAGE OF FIGARO OVERTURE by W.A. Mozart, which sounds nothing like Nachtmusik. So... now I wonder if the Mozart Technique worked. Did I hear the overature in my sleep and my brain switch it over to a piece of music universally attributed to Mozart? Or did I simply dream the Nachtmusik on my own because I&#39;d mentioned attempting the WAMILD earlier today? Or was it just dumb luck?

    22. #22
      "O" will suffice. Achievements:
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      Haha @ the Aliens-on-an-elephant, too.

      ...And what is it with airplane hangars, lately? They&#39;ve been popping up in my dreams a lot, too.

      And welcome back, Sloth.
      (Or see the very best of my journal entries @ dreamwalkerchronicles.blogspot)

    23. #23
      DV's Vexiest Vex Kitten's Avatar
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      Hm. Don&#39;t know what&#39;s up with the hangars. I should try to remember to look for you next time I find myself in one. Or... if I can remember to next time I&#39;m in a comic type dream, try hook up with you or Placebo. No telling what would happen then.

      Friday Jan 12th

      > bed 2:50 am - 7:45am
      > back
      > south

      1- Catering

      Just recall a fragment of me in a massive industrial type kitchen preparing tons of little finger sandwiches. Got sick of it and scrounged up some very long flat pieces of bread. Kind of looked like elongated pita breads. Used some spicey meat and cheese and made several big sandwiches.
      Ran out of bread and started rolling up the cheese into the spicy meat. Arranged them nicely on a tray and left.
      The diners were all packed onto some bleachers. I climbed halfway up, leaned against the rail and watched as the food was passed out. People really liked the big sandwiches and rolls of meat.

      2- Saved by the Bell/Forgotten Locker Combo

      Was in an unfamiliar highschool where in I ran into the cast of the old show Saved by the Bell. They all looked different but I could tell it was still them. Zack had long shaggy, greasy looking hair. Screech had a HUGE afro that haloed out from his head, it was thin in the middle and puffed out on the ends. Slater was scrawney and sickly looking. Can&#39;t remember what they talked about but I couldn&#39;t take my eyes off them, they all looked so odd.
      Left, walked down the hall and ran into two of the girls from the show. They pretty much looked the same. I continued on to my locker, it was a small square locker about 3 rows up from the floor. Mine was the only locker with a lock on it. I tried verious lock combos to try to get the locker open. None worked. I remembered that each number in the combonation had a 5 in it. Turns out the combo was 45, 65, 5. I had a hard time trying to figure out how many turns between each number. Got the locker open and it was empty. Slammed it closed again and punched a few times then left, bookless, to find my class.

      (saved by the bell thing... read a thread about that show last night)

      3- Mosque & Cathedral

      Walked up Darling Street and came to the spot where Wellington Towers was supposed to be. In the two buildings&#39; places now stood a Mosqe that was several stories high. It towered into the cloudless blue sky. I walked around the building, when I got to the side of it, the building looked impossibly narrow. As I rounded to the back the building, like an optical illusion, it spread and filled out to it&#39;s normal size.
      Looked behind me and there, where the other Wellington Tower was supposed to be, stood a huge cathedral. It too was several stories high. I walked back down to the street, crossed it and stood back to look at the two buildings next to each other. Both had become incredibly narrow and stretched like sky scrapers up into the clear blue sky. I wished I&#39;d had my camera so I could take a pic of them together, the two beautiful buildings crammed into the same lot and set against the pure blue backdrop was a lovely sight. I left, telling myself I&#39;d return and take photos of the buildings.

      4- Cat Dog & the Monkey Smoker

      (may be continuation of above dream)

      I was really cold as I walked down an unknown street. Night settled quickly and I wanted shelter. Saw a driveway that slanted upward. There wasn&#39;t a vehicle in the driveway but a huge smooth oval rock that was perched atop the hill that the driveway was carved into. As the driveway dropped away the rock somehow managed to balance and create a shelter over the angled drive. I climbed under the rock and there felt safe even though the massive boulder could have dropped onto me at any moment.
      As I warmed up I looked across the street at a mansion type house. It had round stained glass windows and carvings of angels it the wood surrounding. A long narrow concrete rain gutter stretched down from the 6 or 7th floor of the house to the ground.
      I saw a bit of movement by one of the windows. A moment later a fluffy form rolled out from under a window ledge and fell into the rain gutter. It slid down the gutter like it was a slide. The creature looked like a cat, rolled and clawed akwardly as it fell down the gutter. I couldn&#39;t help but laugh at the flailing animal.
      When it got to the bottom it reasserted it&#39;s graceful poise and strolled across the street to where I was. To my surprise the animal wasn&#39;t a cat but a little fluffy dog. As it got by the boulder it stood up on it&#39;s hind legs. There was a slit from it&#39;s neck down to it&#39;s lower belly. Out from that slit an orange tabby cat squeezed. The dog skin fell limply to the side as the cat yawned and stretched.
      Heard a female voice. The cat climbed back into the dog skin and pretended it was a dog. It ran up the a woman who came outside and let itself be scooped up by her.
      The woman was yapping on the phone, "Where the hell am I supposed to get more monkeys? I smoked the last batch up already. Need more. Need more monkeys..."
      Stayed hidden under the boulder and listened to the odd convo while wondering why the hell a cat was masquerading as a dog.

      5- Santa & the Mounties

      Camera in hand I was taking photos in a vaguely familiar city. Got to a hill and saw a crowd gathered. I pushed my way through to see a guy dressed like Santa Clause lying in the street, apparently waiting for the bus to come and run him over.
      There were also Xmas decorations strewn about the place, wreaths, giant cheesy looking plastic figures, holly, tinsel, etc.
      I turned away to adjust my camera to take some photos. When I turned back There was a RCMP lying on the street a couple of feet away from the Santa. He was chatting calmly with surrounding citizens. I move to him and squatted down to talk. I asked why he didn&#39;t just peel santa from the street. The mountie said he wasn&#39;t allowed to touch santa... some sort of legal agreement struck decades ago. It&#39;s against the law to lay a hand on him.
      I sort of snorted in disbelief and told both Santa and the Mountie to smile as I aimed my camera at them. I took a few photos and when I was done, saw that there was another RCMP on the other side of Santa. I readjusted my Fstop and took more pictures of all three men lying in the middle of the street.

      6- Rooftop Rescue & Politics

      A little girl and I were on a rotting rooftop, actually, we walked along the eaves trough at the very edge of the roof.
      A huge tree was growing out of the trough. The little girl carefully hugged the tree and tried to manover around it but she got scared and wouldn&#39;t move no matter how much I tried to coax her back.
      The lead singer from the Red Hot Chili Peppers happened along. I called him over and asked him to catch the girl. He agreed, stood under where she was as I pried her from the tree. I carefully lowered her down in to the guy&#39;s arms.
      I then tried to move around the tree. Felt the trunk shift as if it was going to dislodge from the trough. I sort of yelped and decided I was going to jump for it so I didn&#39;t pull the tree down on top of me. I looked down, however, and became afraid. It was only a one story drop. I eased down and dangled from the roof but was still to afraid to drop. I called the singer to help me. He came over but didn&#39;t make it in time. I fell from the roof, landed on my side and started laughing though my ribs hurt.
      The singer helped me up and laughed with me. He then said.."I know what will make the pain go away." He got a big ol pervy grin on his face and I started laughing again. I&#39;ll admit I was tempted to let him doctor me up but I eventually got up on my own and we all walked along. He carried the little girl and I walked beside them, still holding my ribs as the guy continually made veiled sexual remarks.
      Ended up alone. I walked up to a row of limos in a gas station. Noticed I had little green clingy seeds stuck all over my arms from when I&#39;d fallen into the unkempt lawn at the &#39;tree house&#39;. I brushed them off just as a bunch of guys emerged from the store. One grabbed me and crammed me into his car. We drove off, arguing about some sort of political topic I can&#39;t recall now. I only remember being quite pissed off at his view of things.

      7- Cafeteria Fragment

      Just recall being in a massive caf.

    24. #24
      Member The Blue Meanie's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Vex View Post
      The woman was yapping on the phone, "Where the hell am I supposed to get more monkeys? I smoked the last batch up already. Need more. Need more monkeys..."[/b]

      Single funniest thing in that entry.

    25. #25
      Haunted by entropy. Achievements:
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      Hey, guys.
      I&#39;m back. I tripped on an escalator and fell down the stairs for a month.
      ---o--- my DCs say I'm dreamy.

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