• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #1
      LD Pharmacist Alprazolam's Avatar
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      Mar 2007
      Bay, CA
      My background/Introduction:
      Hi. I'm Alprazolam I heard about Lucid Dreaming through a friend of a friend one random night at work. It intrigued me instantly, but I was hesitant at the same time. I ended up going home that night (March 23rd, 07) and researched the topic. I stumbled across dream views where I instantly decided it would become my home.

      That night I went to be more intrigued, but still hesitant and decided to not try anything. Later that night was a different story ;p I had just awoken out of a regular rem period (I am a Psych major and have some basic info about sleep and such) and half awake decided I would simply try and tell myself over and over again that I would know I was dreaming as I fell back asleep. And I did. To keep it short I flew around, checked the dream world out, and woke up out of my own free will. I was amazed, and scared for the next 30-45 minutes in bed. Visiting this other world was unreal. I went back to sleep regularly, and woke up estatic at what had taken place.

      I havn't looked back since. I am now trying to soak up any knowledge I can and become a devoted student. I've been a member for about a week and a half now and have already had a good amount of LD's, including 4 that where controlled (2 last night!, which is where my first dream journal entry begins) And am excited to make progress with the help of you all!

      Thanks for visiting my DJ, and happy reading! (I appreciate any input/help anyone is willing to offer about ANYTHING)

      (P.S. Don't be afraid of my dreams...they are mine, and they are just dreams! )

      Anything in THIS COLOR signifies a dream or a part of my dream where I am Lucid.
      Anything in THIS COLOR simply means it is the beginning of a dream, Lucid or regular.
      Lucid Dream Count: N/A (3-7 a week average)

      Current Goal(s): Master dream control/length, Master WILD'ing

      Have no fear; For the power behind you is greater than any problem ahead of you.

      Lucid Pills:

    2. #2
      LD Pharmacist Alprazolam's Avatar
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      Mar 2007
      Bay, CA
      <div align="center"> Long Night, Lots of Fights

      Went to sleep around 1:00AM- Usual time range for me. Had my phone alarm set for 3 hours later, and another 3 after that in hopes to attempt to WBTB/MILD.

      Dream 1: I was in the movie theatres with my best real life friend. We were looking for a seat, from what I believe. Some DC decided to say something stupid to us, I don&#39;t recall what it was. I told the man that he&#39;d better calm down. My friend hit him twice and he fell. I repeated that I had warned him and that he better leave before I join in and it gets worse. That dream faded away.....

      Dream 2: I was in Target (One of the places I work). I was shopping around, looking at easter candy I think. I walked up to the front lanes/checkout area and was talking to one of my co-workers that I&#39;m friends with. I&#39;m really not sure why but I decided to throw a left hook at his head, my arm was moving very slow and totally missed. (This almost ALWAYS happens in my dreams) but this time for some reason I seemed to have more controll and willed myself to then throw a right which landed clean. I just remember it hitting, seeing his head jerk, and then I followed up with another right that missed. Dream ended, I believe my alarm went off.

      Dream 3: I was in some store...it was some new store that was sort of like target. I noticed a food area inside of it, and it had a Chili&#39;s logo (My second job) so I went over to check it out. I talked to one of the employees, told him I worked at the one in my home town. He asked me if I wanted to work monday, and I was like "Here?" and he said "Yeah". And I just told him no because I started training at my own one in a week or two (Which is true) Then some DC kid around my age walked up. Instantly I got the feeling he looked familiar (Which as I&#39;m awake now, I realize he doesn&#39;t look like anyone I know). He then looked at me and said "You look really familiar" and I told him "Yeah, I thought the same thing" My boss from Target was coming over and the kid sort of just looked at me weird and left, like he didn&#39;t want to talk anymore. I then decided to go check out the electronics part of this store (Where I work at in Target). I noticed it was small and really simple, only TV&#39;s and I noticed some computer games.

      I saw my friend Alex getting "fake" beat up by two of my other friends. They were just messing around or so it seemed. So I jumped in and I was like "No one messes with my friend" and through the other two kids away. At first I was kidding and then I was serious. Then the dream ended (I believe my second alarm went off)

      Dream 4: It was morning time. I had just woken up from my last regular dream....I wasn&#39;t trying any techniques or anything I don&#39;t believe, just sort of thinking about it. I then thought about something my ex-girlfriend said to me and noticed my body was going into SP. This usually freaks me out. Then the SP got intense fast, but so fast I didn&#39;t have time to re-act and I was thrown into a dream. I was laying in my bed just as I was. I instantly became Lucid. I didn&#39;t even need to do an RC, I was just aware of it right away, especially because my body ALWAYS tingles when I LD. So I sat up in my bed. I saw my brothers little friend sitting in the corner. I then felt my Lucidness slipping as I had the fear/thought he was turning into some monstor or horror, but then realized I was in control and stopped that from happening. I got up and out of my bed and he turned into my brother. He was on the phone, I just gave him a kiss on the head and turned to the door. There was a door and a hallway which didn&#39;t look like my house at all. I started walking out of the room to see what I could try and do, and after a few steps I felt my dream slipping FAST. My vision went all retarded, almost like another scene was coming in from the bottom (Like when film snaps on an old movie) and I decided to quickly try and rub my hands together for clarity, except I didn&#39;t even get that far, I woke up. For a second it was an FA, but I recognized it after 2 seconds laying in my "dream bed" and after I realized it I then really woke up. I did an RC to make sure.

      I was excited I had an LD, but somewhat upset I didn&#39;t really get to do anything.

      Dream 5: (This dream was very strange, and went in and out of Lucidity) I was with my ex-girlfriend riding around in the backseat of her car. I was asking her if her best friend cared that her boyfriend calls some girl I know (Real life experience). She said no....I then was about to ask if she cared that they hung out, but quickly stopped because as I looked up the friend was in the front with us now. We went to someones garage, we were sitting down talking. <span style="color:#008080">I then fell backwards out of nowhere, thinking that I was really drunk for some reason and somewhat emberassed. I then realized, "Hey I didn&#39;t even drink anything, wtf?&#33;&#33;?" and I became semi lucid, but I ended up instantly back in a house. I was looking in the mirror of a bathroom and noticed I had hives on my body and I was thinking "Ok thinking about this will make me fall alseep and realize im dreaming if I focus" It was weird...I then realized, Hey I don&#39;t have hives&#33; and I&#39;m already dreaming&#33;~ and became Lucid. I decided that I need to slow down and calm down to keep this one going. So I slowly turned out of the bathroom and began walking down the hall. I felt like the dream was slipping somewhat, so I decided to quickly close my eyes and spin and think of a beach and see if I would be there. I spun and everything went dark, and I felt like I was about right on the tip of appearing at the beach, but sadly I woke up again, somehwat excited I had my first double LD night so quick but somewhat bummed that I once again didn&#39;t have great control and didn&#39;t do much as the dreams were both so short.

      I looked at the clock, it was sometime after Noon. I decided it was time to wake up I usually wake up around Noon-ish.

      It had been a long night of dreaming, and a good night for progress. But I was somewhat dissapointed because I didn&#39;t really use ANY technique to have these happen, and they were really short. We will see what tonight brings, now that I am more focused and have decided to start a dream journal &#33;&#33;

      -Happy dreams
      Lucid Dream Count: N/A (3-7 a week average)

      Current Goal(s): Master dream control/length, Master WILD'ing

      Have no fear; For the power behind you is greater than any problem ahead of you.

      Lucid Pills:

    3. #3
      LD Pharmacist Alprazolam's Avatar
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      Bay, CA
      <div align="center">Alcohal Sucks

      Night Recap: Had about half of a 40oz Bud Light just hanging out with my friend, watching training day. So I would guess roughly 1-2beers max. I went to bed at about 2AM, a little later than usual, about 3-4 hours after I had the drink. I feel like it really did screw up my dreaming, my recall was horrible and what I could recall the dreams were hardly deep and vivid. And, no LDs. I also didn&#39;t take any Melatonin as I usually do.....

      <span style="color:#800080">Dream 1:
      Actually, this night was so horrible I went from recalling about 3 dreams a night to now that I think about it, I can&#39;t remember anything.

      Lucid Dream Count: N/A (3-7 a week average)

      Current Goal(s): Master dream control/length, Master WILD'ing

      Have no fear; For the power behind you is greater than any problem ahead of you.

      Lucid Pills:

    4. #4
      Jesus of DV Achievements:
      1 year registered Made lots of Friends on DV Referrer Bronze Veteran First Class 25000 Hall Points 10000 Hall Points Tagger First Class Huge Dream Journal
      <span class='glow_0000FF'>Man of Shred</span>'s Avatar
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      DJ Entries
      sorry i didn&#39;t check in earlier. you are doing better than me right now. That one night i noticed you dreamt of a movie theatre, shopping, center, and a store. Maybe start doing RC&#39;s at these common places

      Good job on the lucids so far
      The Best of my dream journal
      MoSh: How about you stop trying to define everything, and just accept what you experience, and explore it.
      - From the DJ of Waking Nomad!
      Quote Originally Posted by The Cusp View Post
      I'm guessing those intergalactic storm cloud monster bugs come out of sacred energy vortex angel gate medicine wheels.

    5. #5
      LD Pharmacist Alprazolam's Avatar
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      Bay, CA
      <div align="center">Bits and Pieces

      Night Recap: Strange night....had my friend over again. Didn&#39;t go to sleep till about one. My sleeping pattern is a bit off right now over the last few days. My recall was defineatly up from last night, I took my melatonin and b6 + and had my alarm(s) set.

      Thx for the input Ran, as simple as it was I never thought of it. Will defineatly start doing this.

      Dream 1: I don&#39;t know exactly what happened in this dream....Very hazy and I only remember the "summary" of it. I was once again in a store, this time with my Ex for some reason. That is pretty much all I remember.

      Dream 2: I was playing softball&#33; Haha....wtf....I could not hit the ball for my life.(In my dreams, like many other peoples, what I want to do usually doesn&#39;t happen. Things just don&#39;t work.) One of my girl - friends that I havn&#39;t seen or spoken too in a long time was pitching to me. I started going through the different bats to try out. Some were to long and some were too small. Eventually she started underhanding me small mini tennis balls. I made contact once, it went foul. I sloppily made contact again and it barely made it out of the infield. Dream end.

      <span style="color:#800080">Dream 3/4/5:
      The next two bits and pieces of dreams were all jumbled. I just remember seeing my friend who has been trying to loose weight, show me his six pack. I then had a few more dreams in the morning that I couldn&#39;t really hold on to, just vague memories.

      My recall should start to go up again and I will hopefully be back on track for LD&#39;ing. I have been slacking on practicing RCs and techniques at night. I will also be getting my sleep patterns back in line, and I begin a cleaner diet and my workout regimen again today.

      Happy dreams&#33;
      Lucid Dream Count: N/A (3-7 a week average)

      Current Goal(s): Master dream control/length, Master WILD'ing

      Have no fear; For the power behind you is greater than any problem ahead of you.

      Lucid Pills:

    6. #6
      LD Pharmacist Alprazolam's Avatar
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      <div align="center">Add one to the list

      Night Recap: Wen&#39;t to bed at a more normal time. Worked out earlier that day real hard for the first time in a LONG time. Seemed to affect my sleep, I almost didn&#39;t even wake up when my alarm(s) went off. This seemed to help.

      Dream 1: Was at my ex girlfriends house....I felt akward cause her and her mom were there. Her mom still treated me like we were dating. She told me how my ex still loved me. My ex just sort of smiled. Her mom was doing something with balloons. Dream end (I don&#39;t know why I dream about my ex, I truly despise her lol)

      Dream 2: I had my shirt off during the summer. I was walking through the streets of my old dirty neighborhood. I was walking a long ways to a small highschool that was in a different town for some reason. I arrived. All this kids were on lunch or something, and everyone was looking at me like the outsider. I saw one of my friends who went to this school, but I didn&#39;t really say anything to him. I was walking to the bathroom when I saw a group of hispanic kids, I mugged one of them pretty hard for no reason. As I walked in the bathroom I heard one of them say "Did he just look at you?" to the other one. I went to the bathroom, and as I turned around there was 2 children with some blades (box cutters) in their hands. One sliced at me throat but only knicked my chin once or twice. One of my other friends who I saw earlier that day came in and grabbed a cutter from one of them and tossed it to me telling me to get my work done. I walked outside and cut the kids throat 3 or 4 times. They told me to stop because a teacher was coming or something. I then must have felt bad for the kid because we were walking to the offic or something and I had put a bandage around his throat and was thinking to myself how it was only skin deep and wouldn&#39;t kill him. Dream end

      Dream 3/4/5: Alot of vague 1 second memories of dreams. One was where I was with a primordial dwarf I had seen on TV. Can&#39;t recally too much of the others.

      Last Dream: <span style="color:#008080">Had woken up in the morning naturally...VERY groggy and tired. I believe I started finger tapping as I fell asleep. Next thing I know I opened my "dream eyes" and I was looking down at my feet. Immediatly Lucid. I looked up and I was on stage at my old highschool with an array of DCs and my friends in the crowd. I decided to try and fly for them so I jumped off the stage and I fell, but I bounced off and started floating around. I decided to turn around and fly fast back to the back of the stage. I rubbed my hands together like every 20 seconds to keep the dream clear/going. I decided to try and convince myself there would be a girl around the corner of something that I could "hangout" with. She wasn&#39;t there. I rubbed my hands together and realized I needed to *Believe* what I thought. So I went back towards the crowd and saw a girl I know. I grabbed her out of the line that everyone was in leaving the hall and started to kiss her up against a chair. Dream faded, I believe because I needed to urinate...bummer.

      I didn&#39;t get to do a whole lot in this LD or anything new, but I was once again happy to get one within my first 2-ish weeks. I was also happy because this one was more clear than the last two, more like my first one, and seemed to last longer and I had a bit more control. Progress is progress, untill next time&#33;

      Happy dreams.
      Lucid Dream Count: N/A (3-7 a week average)

      Current Goal(s): Master dream control/length, Master WILD'ing

      Have no fear; For the power behind you is greater than any problem ahead of you.

      Lucid Pills:

    7. #7
      LD Pharmacist Alprazolam's Avatar
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      Bay, CA
      <div align="center">Welcome Back

      Night Recap: It&#39;s been a while since I updated my dream journal, busy, partying, but last night got me back on track. Whats strange is I drank a fair amount last night, but had 2 LDs this morning without trying&#33;

      Dream 1: I was up on stage at my old highschool with my good friend Anthony and my Drama teacher. He was showing us some of his head kicks. I told him they were pretty good, me and my friend tried some and he said ours weren&#39;t that great. I was then down on the ground in front of the stage, doing some sort of play for everyone with my friend, when I saw one of my good friends who moved to LA walk in out of nowhere. We had to stop and talk to him. We all sat down in the front row. There was a good looking teacher with double D chest. Someone asked something and I just heard my friend making a joke saying "I like C&#39;s and D&#39;s". The teacher then walked up to him and chewed him out. My other friend and I were trying to be serious and not laugh. She then pointed at us and said something good, i forget, and then walked around the corner.

      Dream 2:
      Was at my friends house, walking down the hall. Became lucid out of nowhere. Rubbed my hands together. Thought about walking down the hall and imagining a girl, but decided to try something else. Walked down the hall into the doorway of a room. Pulled a pill out of my pocket that I told myself would make me fly over pink clouds. (Just testing the idea) and what do you know, I flew across the room and saw small pink clowds gathering beneath me. I then woke up.

      Dream 3: <span style="color:#008080">Was walking down my stairs, became Lucid again out of nowhere it seems. Focused on some pill in my pocket for a while, the details and letters. Rubbed my hands together. Started walking down the stairs, then decided to levitate off of them and land. Started thinking of a girl around the corner, but then thought "Man what if I wake up? When am I going to wake up??" and started rubbing my hands together, my vision of the dream faded away but I remember the feeling of rubbing my hands together still for another 10 seconds and it felt really good....like I was on E or something. I think FA&#39;d, looked at my clock, and then really woke up.
      Lucid Dream Count: N/A (3-7 a week average)

      Current Goal(s): Master dream control/length, Master WILD'ing

      Have no fear; For the power behind you is greater than any problem ahead of you.

      Lucid Pills:


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