Clarity: Good
Sleep: Good
Lucidity: Varied
Kayaking Lucid
I was swimming around, either following or being followed by a helicopter. I think it was following me, but it was a mini-helicopter and I could shoot it down with a hose.

I was now above the water and in a kayak. I needed to know why I was being chased by the mini-helicopter, but I wasn't sure about kidnapping the pilot. I circled a post and thought about it.
I entered a very low level of lucidity as the kayak floated above the water, not on it. I was a few feet in the air and flew around in my kayak.

I had a kind of a Wonder Years narration for the dream, it was my voice in my head. It went something like this:

"I had never kidnapped anyone before. Sure, I had smuggled things for people, drugs and such. I had even smuggled people, but I had never had to do the kidnapping before. Could I even do it?

I thought about it as the ripples reflected the sunlight, the way that they danced over the water made me appreciate the beauty of the moment and the lake, but my mind was dark and dirty like the silt at the bottom that I could see in the refracting waves."

I noticed a small waterfall that I had never seen before and thought that I should explore it later. It was only a few feet tall, but was beautiful and I wondered where the water came from, there was no stream up there.

I then woke up. I liked the waterfall and now that I was fully awake I wanted to check it out, and go down a big one. It's one of my things on the to-do list.

I reentered the dream and there was now a massive waterfall in front of my kayak. It was the width of the Niagara Falls, but several thousand feet high.

From the water it looked almost exactly like this:

I went over the edge and felt like I was falling. "Oh my god!" I yelled out-loud as I realized the size of it. I well for a good thirty seconds, in the middle I stopped as the water below got fuzzy and my brain re-rendered it.

I landed on my back in the kayak with a huge splash and woke up.