• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #1
      Zerg Lurker Delilah's Avatar
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      May 2008

      "In Theory, Nobody Gets Hurt"

      I told myself last night that I'd make a dream journal on here, because I usually have dreams to write down every day. Typically enough, this morning I couldn't recall anything... at all. But screw that, I'm going to make a dream journal on here anyway and start by writing down my tasks and experiments, what I've done and what I have to do. I need this list because sometimes I'm in a lucid dream and I don't know what I should be doing.


      Read text and recognise and remember it [x]
      Talk to dream characters [x]
      Fly [x]
      Run fast [x]
      Run on walls [x]
      Spawn weapons / ammo [x]
      Control light [x]
      Change sky colour [x]
      Control dream characters [x]
      Hear dream characters speaking and recognise/remember words [x]

      Re-learn how to make objects and people explode [attempted... too many times]
      Walk through walls [attempted]
      Run through walls [attempted]

      Have a shared dream by finding someone while lucid [attempted]
      Pyrokinesis []
      Telekinesis []
      Fly at super-speed []
      Fly into space []
      Teleport []
      Jump through walls [x]
      Spawn visible dream characters [x]
      Pull a full-sized guitar out of my pocket []
      Summon dream guide []
      Talk to dream guide properly []
      Take full posession of dream characters []
      Pause time []
      Fast-forward time []
      Re-wind time []
      Freeze dream characters []
      Breathe underwater []
      Transform into something []
      Travel through a mirror []
      Draw a door somewhere, open it and travel through it []
      Draw a door somewhere, and summon someone with it [x]
      Clone myself []
      Have a dream that continues after I wake up and fall back to sleep again after a couple of hours or longer []
      Visit another planet []
      Do something really cruel to Alex []
      Kill more stuff []
      Take different types of mind-altering drugs []
      Find that talking clock again []
      Change genders []
      Make things die by command []
      Access my "dream option" interface []
      Learn more verbal controls, like "lucidity 100%" []
      Fall from outer space and destroy Earth to the song "Past Present" by Skinny Puppy []
      Animate an object []
      Revive something that's dead []
      Make some visible psi-balls []
      Pull a meteor down from the sky and make it smash into the ground, preferably on top of something []
      Last edited by Delilah; 07-27-2008 at 03:40 PM.
      Cowards Die In Shame

    2. #2
      Zerg Lurker Delilah's Avatar
      Join Date
      May 2008

      Getting too close

      Last night I had a dream that I was in class watching some movie on a projecter, the room was really dark and I was standing up while most people were sitting, some other people walked past me to sit down, and I realised that I wasn't wearing anything all of a sudden. Nobody seemed really bothered about that, and neither was I. I lazily thought about how this often happens in my dreams and how it only bothered me in dreams, "not in real life, such as right now".
      Then all of a sudden I was wearing a shirt, but still nothing else. I wasn't greatful nor ungreatful for this.
      Usually in other dreams where I end up naked, I develop a lot of fear, but something was different in this dream.

      Later on I had a dream that I was outside my grandparents house, and some guy resembling Alex was talking to me about how he was getting bullied by some other guy. I was giving Alex tips on how to kick his ass, and then the person who was bullying Alex came onto the front lawn with of my grandparent's house with another person, and insinuated that Alex give him and his friend money, otherwise they'd bash him or shove him around. To make matters worse, some girl that Alex liked was watching the whole situation. She was blonde and had long hair that stuck out a bit, and wasn't saying anything yet.
      Alex was fairly big in this dream (much bigger than me, of course), but the bully was a couple of inches taller than him, and much more built, but he was wearing a suit, so it could have been his clothes just making him look bigger. While he had a beefy sort of face, his friend's face was more boney and chiseled. Even though he was shorter and thinner this his friend, he looked a lot more battle-hardened. He also wore a suit. They both looked British for some reason, and both looked under eighteen, but the main bully was still physically the size of an adult male.

      I was quickly beginning to doubt Alex would have any chance fighting these guys, because they looked tough and there were two of them (and for some reason I didn't take into account that I could have helped him). But I didn't want Alex to just give in either, because the idea today was to stop them from bullying him, and most importantly, Alex's girl was watching, so he couldn't be a pansy in front of her.
      Both the option to fight and the option to wait another day until Alex was more capable seemed like bad ideas. Suddenly Alex's girl decided to start telling the main bully off for harassing him, and threatened to hurt him. She then threw a punch at him, but it was the most slow, weak punch ever witnessed in the history of my dreams. It was basically her placing her hand gently on his jaw and pushing very lightly, then moving her hand away.
      The bully turned to her and just laughed. I started to wonder whether she was suffering from sleep paralysis but it didn't occur to me that this was a dream... maybe because I wasn't in it (yet). I decided to do a reality test and started throwing punches, but really relaxed. At first they were slow and weak, but then I gently built up speed and power until they were like real punches. I concluded that I wasn't dreaming and that's all I remember.

      Those were both dreams where I was literally on the verge of lucidity... and from previous dreams this week, this has been happening more and more. I think I should write down recurring dream themes and start training myself to realise to not only recognise these things and dream signs in my dream, but to act on them.

      Personal dream signs:

      Lights are not working properly
      Alex is near me (he lives an entire state away)
      Clothes disappear or are changed
      The presence of large bodies of water
      Gigantic rooms
      Gigantic shelves and having to climb them
      The presence of anything female
      Inability to move fast
      Inability to fight fast / with strength
      Teeth falling out or not straight
      Last edited by Delilah; 07-27-2008 at 03:41 PM.
      Cowards Die In Shame

    3. #3
      Zerg Lurker Delilah's Avatar
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      May 2008


      Last night I was in a dream where I was in my room and discovered two tubs of butter (without lids) and some old toast that I had forgotten to put away or eat. I started eating the toast anyway, but I was paranoid I'd give my family food poisoning if I put the butter back in the fridge. I tested the temperature of the tub and it was still relatively cold (in my dream I guessed that it was because of Winter), but I still wasn't sure, so I looked in the fridge and saw more butter in there anyway, so decided nobody would be too pissed at me for throwing the butter I had left out. I also realised that the toast I was eating tasted awful... I can't remember the taste properly to describe it enough, but probably like off-cheese or something would be my best bet.

      I was in my living room when I remembered that Australia was still trying to resolve its Xenomorph crisis (from previous dreams). Apparently the Xenomorphs had been nearly exterminated, which was why I was back at home standing around in my living room with relative calmness. But they weren't all gone, being the sneaky critters they were, there was a guarentee that they were still lurking around in sewers and subways underground, occassionally coming up for a meal. I thought about how this was one of those situations where you would want to be in a densely populated area, so the Xenomorph-police could reach you if an alien just happened to burst through your window in the middle of the night and start tearing the residents of your house to pieces.

      Later on I was at a family-friend's party at their house. These people are Sue and Arthur, and they live in a more upper-class suburb than I do, where you don't have to fight off muggers if you choose to walk home at night (this actually gets quite ironic later on). I was pretty bored at this party, and was sitting in this egg-cup-like chair, resting my head on the cushioned edges of it when one of the people sitting next to me decided to turn around and tell me "You look pretty hollow inside."
      This person was a very blonde girl that was probably a couple of years older than me. She didn't look like anyone I know, but I'm sure I could find a picture of a look-alike somewhere. She was definitely pretty, but a bit tired looking. I happened to be wearing the dorky brown, turtle-neck wollen jumper-thing that I wore to sleep, but I was also wearing my red flannelette. I decided to be smartass and responded to her comment by saying "That's because I am hollow inside."
      She seemed to pick up that I was trying to be funny rather than serious, like I had realised that she was joking about how bored I looked when she called me "hollow inside". We talked to each other in near-nonsensical metaphors that we could translate into proper conversation, and I found out that she was an art-student somewhere (who other kind of student could be more retarded than an art student? A perfect match). I asked her name and she responded with some really weird foreign name that I couldn't remember in the dream, later on in the dream (which I'll get to) she said "just call me Ash."
      Suddenly it was time to have dinner, and we were all eating on this long table with a white tablecloth. I had a dinner plate with beef or lamb or some sort of red meat, and vegetables like potatoes, coliflower and carrot. I was seated between Ash and this younger Mauri guy who was her boyfriend.
      I introduced myself and said was trying to tell him how I had met Ash earlier, but at this point I couldn't remember her weird foreign name, so told me to just call her "Ash". While we were eating and talking, Ash, probably provoked by my own desires, started coming onto me in front of her boyfriend. I ignored her and kept eating, until she started tugging at my flannelette playfully or affectionately, while I wondered what would make her do something stupid like this. I knew this was going to end badly, but I was being polite and just ignoring her instead of telling her off.
      The Mauri guy next to me started speaking in weird metaphors that I can't remember, but from the tone of his voice I knew he was pissed off. I didn't turn away from him while he talked to me, but instead stared right at him, locking into his eyes as he spoke. He turned away at the final part of his speech and just started yelling these metaphors about how his girlfriend had betrayed him. I thought to myself "fuck this", put my knife and fork on my plate loudly, and walked out of the room, not wanting a part in this drama. I sat down in the television room on the other side of the house and ate my dinner with my family, probably hoping I could just go home to avoid the awkwardness that would ensue if I stuck around.

      Later on I was at home, and I recieved a heap of mail; All of them were over-sized letters, but only two were addressed to me, so I took them, knowing they were from Ash, and went outside into the backyard to read them in my shed, in privacy. My sister was hanging around there for some reason, and I told her to go away. I opened one of the envelopes, which was decorated with scribbles in pink texter. I tried to read the letter, but the lighting in the shed was really dark, so I went back into the house to read them in there.

      I must have been invited to go out somewhere with her, because I found myself back in the suburb where Sue and Arthur live, entering a small restaurant for lunch. Ash was there, along with a couple of mixed friends who were hers and mine, including Katherine.
      We sat down and there was discussion about how Ash's boyfriend had been really pissed off lately, and had somehow found out I was coming to this restaurant, and would be here to beat me up. I was unphased about this and continued to stay seated with everyone, until they started urging me in very panicked voices to just hide, either upstairs until he left, or leave the restaurant through the back door. I decided, reluctantly, to avoid conflict again and just go up stairs, but there stairs were made out of large wooden blocks that had to be activated to rise out of each other in order to climb them. They also looked too large to climb even if I did work out how to activate them, so I left through the back door.
      I was going to go back to Sue and Arthur's house, and was walking around the side of the building to the main road at the front, when I saw Ash's boyfriend tying his bike up to a rack. I quickly went to other way, going to the back of the building, and it even crossed my mind that walking around in an area like this alone could lead to immediate gang pwnage, or I could get eaten by a hungry Xenomorph (yes I actually thought this).
      As I'm walking, more and more caucasian male teenagers appear. They actually look quite upper-class as well. Not that rough, and not really any kind of stereotypical teenager either. I ignored them and kept walking, but soon I realised that I had walked into more of them, about eight in total, I counted. It looked like a trap; some of them started grabbing at my sleeves (I was wearing my green hooded jacket, which was unzipped). I walked over to the closest door to some building which looked like a childcare facility, and tried to get through the door, but one of the last guys grabbed me firmly by the jacket as I was trying to get through the door.
      In my head I almost laughed at the irony of how I was about to get bashed by eight people because I had tried to escape confronting one. I actually told the eight guys to give me a break because of this, but they didn't relent - luckily by this time, a woman was walking past to enter one of the buildings. I quickly asked her if I could follow her inside, and she let me. I broke free of the grip on my jacket (which had weakened over time) and went inside a laundry-esque room with her. I told her to call the police immediately, but she said there was no phone in here. I gave her my mobile phone, as the guys started to kick the door.
      I looked at the door and suddenly it was made of glass. They first guy kicked it one more time and then burst through it, but he tripped or something and fell over on his side. I decided to try and hit him now while he was down, but he got up and started grappling with me. At first he picked me up as I struggled and moved away from the door as everyone else rushed in, but I managed to lift his legs and flip him onto his back. I was still really close to him, but didn't bother punching him because I knew that even if I was big enough to hurt him, at this range it would be ineffective. Instead I decided to go full-extreme and gouge his left eye out with my thumb. I dug it right in there, almost slowly, and could feel the bits of eye getting caught underneath my fingernail as I forced through his eye-lid until he was in so much pain that he realised me.
      I said "don't get back up" and stood up straight to take on the next guy, who I knocked down with two punches to the jaw. After such a vicious attack on the first guy, and effective attack on the second, the other six people in the room were reluctant to attack me. I yelled at them with all the anger I had in me "Do you want some of this?" and didn't wait for them to answer - I just attacked the second guy, and so on. At this point, the room was suddenly full of women who looked like they worked here. I remember one woman in particular who was Mauri. They didn't fight, but they distracted the other six guys so that I could take them out one by one. Eventually I had knocked all of them to the ground where they gave up the struggle, except the first guy, who was trying to get back up. I rammed my finger into his right eye this time, but not as hard like the first one. Still, I saw his iris deform into an oval-shape, I then backhanded him in the eye for good measure, and the iris deformed in the opposite way.

      The girls in the room looked horrified at this, but I stood up and thanked them, saying "there was no way I could have survived that if you guys weren't here to help." I then left while the first woman who had entered went off to get police. I left the room went over to the main road outside again, where I found my friend Tony (who's Asian) and some other guy. I told "I'm in trouble. I got into a fight with eight guys", deliberately mentioning that there were eight guys just to impress them. They started calling people and got a group together just incase more people came to attack me. Ash turned up, and I started yelling at her for being somewhat responsible for me nearly getting bashed by eight guys.

      Later on I also had this dream where I was walking around the city with random friends and we were trying to get somewhere, but security and random people kept trying to stop us, so I had to fight them off with this metal pole or crowbar. At one point we were crossing a road in the city and this Asian guy wouldn't stop driving toward me. Apparently he had to stop him, so my friends got a car and started driving into his car to stop it. I was almost sandwiched in the middle, but I jumped onto the Asian guy's bonnet as the stared at me furiously, smashed the from windscreen, and then his face.
      Cowards Die In Shame

    4. #4
      Zerg Lurker Delilah's Avatar
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      May 2008


      I had some dream that seemed to last for ages, where I was playing Dawn of War with James and Markus, and was desperately working my way toward getting stronger units. I think I was originally chaos and then "upgraded" to space marines, or the other way around. All I know is it lasted for ages, with me waking up between periods of the dream.

      Later on I dreamt I was at home and got into some epic argument with my mother. She went psycho-spastic and I lost it at her and, despite my father warning me that I would only make the situation worse by yelling at her, because she would then supposedly over-react to me and do something stupid, I yelled at her anyway. Actually, I went totally Dimitri on her punk ass and started smashing things, effectively terrifying the shit out of my mother. Then I stormed off into the shed to avoid everybody. My father followed me and told me to calm down, but eventually went away. I started punching the wall of the shed, intent on destroying it, but sleep paralysis took hold. I thought of sleep paralysis at the time, but immediately dismissed it as me just being incredibly weak, and got even angrier. But I stopped hitting the wall because I knew how feeble it was.
      Instead I paced up and down in the shed over and over again, dodging cardboard boxes with models of cars on them and weights, all which had one spider the size of twenty- or fiddy- cent coins on each of them. The spiders weren't all the exact same spider, but looked like the same species.

      After a while I lost track of the spiders and some guy who I think was a friend from real life entered the shed. He started asking about the weights lying around, so I told him to just try them if he was that curious, as long as he didn't throw them at me, because there might be spiders on them. Of course he thought it would be funny to throw my dumbells at me, and of course I reacted retardedly at the thought of having massive, aggrivated spiders land on me, and yelled at him, eventually threatening to beat him up with a bench-press-bar-thing, whatever they're called, which was surprisingly light because I held it in one hand and waved it around angrily like a staff.

      After that I decided to go inside, I had been informed that there were guests coming over, but I was in such a foul mood that I didn't bother to greet them. I walked into the house and saw a massive picture of my aunt Helen in the living room, only it was mounted in one of those boxes used to advertise stuff in the city, and had the crap airbrushed out of it to make her look model-esque. In all honesty it looked quite impressive. I knew it was there for them to show off to everyone else.
      I ignored it and walked to the front of the house, where I could see cars outside, and walked back into the living room. Out of nowhere, Steph sort of spawned and I looked at her wondering if she was about to go ape-shit at me, but the environment changed to the backseat of a car that was being driven by Quinny - and it was suddenly night time. He pulled over and got out of the car to knock on someone's door (presumably to collect them so we could all go driving around aimlessly). Steph turned to me and said "are you going to start talking to me again?" I agreed and the car started moving again. We saw some people and decided to get out and jump them or something, when my dad and I (I don't know... he just spawned at some point) got out of the car, we were back in the front yard of my house, and it was daylight again. This time there were heaps of people crowding the street, like there was some epic party. Apparently we were now street vigilantes, but we were fucking around with people's locks on their letterboxes in our street in order to "test" them. Two guys who I knew were trouble started arguing with us about what we were doing. I made some attempt at arguing back logically, but eventually just told them to "fuck off" with this somewhat-uncharacteristic attitude, and they left. We accidentally broke the lock and I asked my father why we were even doing this, because we were making things worse for everyone.

      Later on I was dreaming that all these students who may not have been my year 12 class from last year were angry about having some camp cancelled by teachers, but one of them decided to be a rebel and organise the camp by herself. The entire student-population of the school, it seemed, thought this was an awesome idea, and we all started marching along a country-side road. The students formed the words "RESISTANCE" with their marching formations, with the dot on the "i" being an arrow facing the direction of the text, like this >
      Cowards Die In Shame

    5. #5
      Zerg Lurker Delilah's Avatar
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      May 2008

      First WILD Evar.

      Okay, this morning, only about a couple of minutes ago, I had my first Wake-Initiated-Lucid-Dream! I was having a nightmare about my teeth falling out and when looking in the mirror thought "this could be a dream!" but was too preoccupied with my teeth to actually do anything.
      Basically Markus and James kept asking me if I had to see the dentist today, which I was confident the answer was no, but they kept insisting, and then started talking about how my teeth sucked and how I should see a dentist like they did.
      Later on I "woke up" still with James and Markus, and went over to my bathroom. In the mirror I saw my front teeth were absolutely butt-fucked, and freaked out. I tried to put them back into place with my fingers, which made a bloody mess of things. I got upset because my teeth were even worse, after all this time with braces. Some emo girl appeared and looked at herself in the mirror while this was going on, then disappeared, ignoring me.

      Before that, I had this cool dream where everyone in my TAFE course were in some large church-like building, and our teacher Ben had come up with a little "exercise" for us to do, which involved tying one of our classmates down to this intricately designed rack (that made me jealous, because it was so well designed by someone else, haha!) Three other students, including myself, were at three seperate but identical controllers with about four or five tiny, round buttons on them. The teacher told us to muck around with the buttons and see how long it took until he told us to stop. Immediately, the two other students on each side of me, Nathan and Melissa, started pressing away at buttons like little sadists, which made the wooden rack move in weird ways that twisted and contorted the person in the racks. I mucked around with that for a while, but the person seemed to be enjoying it, which was creepy... He had volunteered at the start for this "class exercise" though.
      After that most of the students went off on their own to find more torture devices that they could hurt each other with, flocking to this other metallic bed-like thing in an excited crowd.
      Another part of this dream involved my programming teacher zooming along in some flying simulation (that was just a straight pipe), singing a song by Thrice, which I think was The Artist In The Ambulance. He was really getting into it, and I was laughing. Then James appeared with a massive pile of lego that he was carrying, but in real life probably wouldn't have been able to carry, and stated that this was what he and I would be doing for two weeks straight.
      My programming teacher looked at the both of us, horrified.
      Then somewhere after this point I had the tooth dream I mentioned at the start.

      I woke up and cursed myself for failing to get lucid from the tooth dream, and decided I was going to get lucid, damn it! So I lay down on my back and and started imagining random images, and then focussed on imagininng myself running out into my back living room.
      I could feel myself actually slipping into a dream at this point - and decided to take control of my imaginary self and take a running leap through the living room window, into my back yard and fly. As my feet left the ground, the dream solidified and I was immediately more lucid than I think I've ever been.
      I passed through the living room window like a ghost, without even breaking it. In my mind it wasn't even a realised obstacle - I was so intent on just getting outside and flying. I flew out into the middle of my backyard, and then upwards, and thought to myself "what was I supposed to do?"
      I realised I was supposed to try making chalk-drawing doors. As if I was an expert at flying, I landed on my feet and walked over the my shed. I held my index finger and thumb a bit apart and tried to summon chalk, at first it failed, but then I tried harder the second time and a little bit of white chalk appeared in my hand.
      I took the chalk and drew a shabby rectangle on the wall about two feet high and one foot across, slightly elevated from the ground, then added the door handle on the right side (from my viewpoint). I tried to get it to turn into a door, but nothing happened.
      I decided my door wasn't big enough anyway, and drew a bigger one next to it, which was still small, but at least people could fit through it if they squeezed... maybe. I tried to make the drawing of the door real again, and it failed the first time. Then I did something I don't like to do usuallyin dreams incase it wakes me up, I blinked, and when I opened my eyes, this white door started to form a few centimetres out of the shed wall, handle and all. It was like a cupboard door, though I sort of wanted a proper front-door for a house (my fault for making it so small and only drawing circles for the door handles).
      Inside was really cramped and only a couple of inches deep. Althrough no person could fit in there, I tried to summon someone anyway, like I had talked about doing in real life. I concentrated on a particular person and opened the door again, but they didn't appear.
      I stopped and looked over through the cages at the back of my shed, noticing that everything looked as real as it could get; from here my vision was probably better than real life! I could see the individual pieces of grass growing over the dog kennel, but it all looked more alive than in real life.
      At some point here the time of day became night.
      I stood up and decided I would summon someone, so I called them, but they didn't appear. I decided on a different approach; I called my dream guide. At first nobody appeared, but then I noticed someone hidden in the shadowy darkness in front of my house, where all the concrete is under the veranda. They looked rather sinister from here because I couldn't make out who they were, but since I was lucid, I just changed the light settings to make it brighter. It was still night time, but now I could see who it was: Andrew!
      My first thought was "Andrew's my dream guide!?" I didn't believe this, so I just asked him, "Are you my dream guide?" Andrew immediately replied "no", chuckling in amusement. Knowing he was a dream-character, I asked him "can you help me find my dream guide?" He said "Sure!" and began walking off to the drive-way behind the shed, but I suddenly wasn't keen on following him because I assumed he was talking nonsensical crap like I hear dream characters are supposed to.
      Instead I walked onto the grass again and decided I would try and complete July's lucid task of the month: shoot fireworks out of one's hands! I had already summoned chalk, so I wasn't feeling unconfident about this. I basically used my palms to build up energy and release it: The result was this orange cloud that floated up into the air like a helium baloon, and then exploded into heaps and heaps of colourful balloons in the sky, thirty metres above me.
      I tried this two or three more times, trying to get the "fireworks" to actually act as sparks instead of balloons and clouds, but was interrupted by some short, fat woman.
      She walked up to me and asked me what I was doing, and I told her I was making fireworks, but then she decided to get all playful and start poking me. Suddenly I was afraid that when her fingers made contact with my stomach, something bad was going to happen, like me getting impaled, so I grabbed her arms and told her to stop it. She stopped, but when I went back to trying to shoot fireworks, she tried to poke me again. I told her, "look, you're pregnant, how would you like it if I started poking you like that?" indicating to her bulging stomach. She decided to relent at that point, and went away.
      I gave up on fireworks and decided I would check on my doors. Both of them worked now, and inside were brown, wooden walls (the wood was that type of wood that has a lot of splinters, I forget what it's called). While they only went a few inches deep, I assumed their "ceilings" stretched forever, and tried to summon someone again, hoping they would just pop their head through the ceiling, because I knew nobody's body would fit through there.
      Nothing happened. I thought to myself "what if I try summoning a Xenomorph instead?" So I focussed on creating a xenomorph, but made sure my face wasn't very close to the cupboard, because I suspected the thing would lash out at me immediately if I stuck my nose into there like a moron to look for it.
      Eventually its head appeared from the gap in the ceiling of the cupboard, hanging upside down with the skin on the side of its head wrinkled and its mouth open, revealing inch-long needle-sharp teeth, like it was grinning at me. I thought that was awesome, and contemplated fighting it, but it was stuck in the cupboard, and there was no way I was going to try to get it out with my hands (I didn't think of telekinesis which is ironic because...) I decided to fly away instead. From where I was, I leapt up into the air for my third time flying ever, and glided around to the back of the shed, where there was some sort of frame-work for a contruction going on around it. I flew up this framework and then ducked into this small gap between my shed roof and more wooden frames above me. The gap was probably a foot tall, but even so, I was impressed that I could control my flight so well and go through it without smashing into anything, or simply losing confidence. On the roof, I flew out into the open and landed on my feet, then propelled myself onto the next roof belonging to my neighbours, which I landed on in a running motion and quickly leapt off again, propelling myself upward. I decided I should try to fly to space, but then the dream ended.

      I had a false awakening immediately, but was so excited about writing down this lucid dream that I didn't care, I just wanted to be properly awake. I went to my bedroom door and the lighting was really poor again, but when I opened it I found my sister on the other side, in the kitchen, looking at me and standing only a metre away. Nothing clicked, and she said that we only had an hour to get ready because we were going out. This pissed me off, of course, because I wanted to write down every detail of this WILD! After that I woke up properly, and here I am... breakfast time now.
      Cowards Die In Shame

    6. #6
      Zerg Lurker Delilah's Avatar
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      May 2008

      I'm such a fucking geek >.>

      Okay, so last night I had heaps of dreams, but most of them I probably can't remember, and despite my efforts, none of them were lucid. I couldn't concentrate enough to have a WILD last night... I might lay off it because I wake up feeling arse-raped the next day from not sleeping properly.

      The first dream involved this large desert-like battlefield and heaps of Space Marines controlled my James, Markus and I. My marine-dudes were chillin' with James's marine-dudes, and I noticed that a squad of our guys only had two units left, which were constantly getting demoralised for no apparent reason. Eventually I thought to myself "SNIPERS!" because, of course, Markus loves to use those bastard scout marines... I think we ended up offing those scout marines and James and I decided to collaborate in order to take Markus out, because he had some impenetrable defence on the other side of the desert. I was thinking about how I was going to backstab James once all of this was over in hopes of winning the game.

      Things changed, and all of a sudden this weird new bio-weapon creature was released onto the battlefield that resembled a gigantic bug like a fat wasp or a black moth with purple wings. To me, they were about the size of a sparrow. They flew at me and I grabbed at them - when I touched this weird "leaf" shell on their backs, my fingers would stick to them and I would nearly get dragged along by the amount of force behind their wings. I mucked around with these bugs, seeing if I could grab onto them and pull them any way I wanted, but I could only make them swerve in the sky certain ways, if I moved with their movements. Despite their small size, if I pulled directly against the way they were going, I would barely impede their movement.

      I was in the same setting, but the dream changed again: a toddler who seemed to be my cousin, MacKenzie who is only a few years old. He was being a real cunter, but I think I gave him a book or something, or took it away... I can't remember, but I did something involving books, then the dream ended.

      Later on I had a dream that we were going to try out a new game at TAFE, because that's what we do in my course... play games. Anyway, this was some sort of zombie simulation - naturally it was a virtual reality game - a very, very convincing one! I started off in some dingy kitchen in the city resembling that kitchen pie-bitch owns in Sweeny Todd, only possibly more filthy. I had a sniper rifle-like gun and a hatchet. My sister was also here, and she had some guns too. Almost immediately, zombies barged into the kitchen from different doors. I made my way up stairs and fired at a few with my rifle, killing them, but ran out of ammunition pretty much immediately. Looking down stairs, I noticed we had left our stockpile of guns on a table in the kitchen. I felt like a total n00b at this game, and rushed downstairs to get them, underestimating the awesome of these zombies. They weren't runners, but they were damn tough. I managed to dodge a few and make it to the table, grabbing a hand gun and firing about six rounds into the closest zombie - I'm not even sure it killed him. I went to grab some more ammo, but one of the other zombies gripped me from behind. I gave up on trying to get ammo and tried to swing my axe, but the zombie was holding my arm and was much stronger than me. The room had about twenty zombies in here, which were all now closing in on me. I felt like an absolute n00b, but I managed to break free and run for the stairs. I ran to the third floor of this building and hid in some bedroom I've never seen before in the waking life.
      My sister was somewhere on the second floor, and I think she got eaten. I stayed up on the third floor, being as quiet as possible. Occassionally I would open the door and glance around, but I felt the presence of zombies really close by, freaked out, and closed the door again, not daring to leave the room.
      Eventually things quietened down, and I went outside into the city streets.

      Apparently the simulation was over, as there were students from my class walking around and no more zombies. I felt this great sense of disappointment come over me. It was time to go home, so I was waiting at the station with this guy called Argurius.
      I decided it would be cool to press some button on a post resembling those buttons you press to change street lights, and the timetables for the trains went all spastic. I kept walking and police officers and connex staff called me over. They told me that by pressing that button, I'd set off "the alarm" and caused a bit of trouble for staff, and I was at risk of being fined $310. Some guy who was working there decided to be an asshole and kept saying "come on, he deserves the fine, let's fine him already". I felt like decking him -.-
      My dad was around too, but I was trying to keep what happened a secret from him, because I was supposed to know that you only press that button in case of emergencies. I just felt this massive amount of guilt.
      Not only did my dad and I have to wait around for ages to get this fine, but once the officers had sorted out their paperwork, we had to wait forever for our next train. There was then an announcement that all the trains would be stopped for an hour because the staff were having a lunch break. I got really frustrated and punched a sign.
      Then I saw Argurius lurking around on the platform with a white fluffy dog. He was asking me if I could mind it for him for a while, or something, and I was going to, but then a train arrived, so I jumped on it without telling Argurius or getting his dog. I was later in Big W and thought I had the dog in this school bag I was carrying around. I checked the bag, scared that I had left the dog in there too long and it had suffocated, but there was no dog in there. I remembered that I had left before taking the dog with me.

      In the next dream, I was at my grandparents house where there was some party with all these people I didn't know, most of whom were younger than me. I walked around bored and decided to read books. I grabbed all these blue books off a shelf and organised them so that they'd be easy to find. I also remember this year-10 girl bitching at my grandmother to "get some vodka" every now and then. She looked pretty but seemed like a bit of an annoying whore.

      I was walking around in the streets and had a tiny model of my XVIII mechanical spider, and a video camera. I was using it to communicate with Katherine A, even though I was setting up the spider and camera in the middle of the road. Eventually people in their cars started acting suspicious by stopping in the middle of the road, so I picked up my spider and stuff, and legged it home.

      Somehow I ended up back at the train station, only this time it was night time and there was a massive glass dome around the station, encircling a proper-sized version of my mechanical spider. I can't remember what else happened here.

      Next I had a dream that I was on a team of people who were trying to raid some Starcraft base with Starcraft units. I used Dragoons because "they did more damage" (some guy said), but I also had a horde of Zealots that I managed to build up. I was trying to be really careful with them, because they were melee units and would be more likely to die - but I did have a lot of them, so it was pretty cool.
      Cowards Die In Shame

    7. #7
      Zerg Lurker Delilah's Avatar
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      This morning I had a dream where some guy volunteered to be tied to a table in this weird, dark, wire-frame maze thing while a woman tortured him to see if he could take it. She began by shooting and grazing various parts of his naked body with a shotgun full of salt, leaving really, really painful wounds everywhere. People watched in horror as the guy screamed in agony, quickly changing his mind about what he was doing and beginning to be released, some just stared in morbid curiousity. Nobody helped him. Eventually the woman started pouring water all over the man's face in a continuous flow, so he couldn't breathe and began to choke. This went on for a while too, with few breaks in between, while the man continuously begged the woman to stop.
      Parts of the crowd occassionally wandered around, and some woman sensed the presence of angry spirits, and warned everyone. Suddenly they all began to leave in the hurry, out the front door of the building, which now resembled my grandparents' house.

      In the next dream, I was commanding even moar warhammer fags (Imperial guardsmen) against this epic tide of orcs that probably numbered in the thousands. My army was stationed in a mildly fortified base on a cliff overlooking the horde, so we could rain fire down on them. The orcs would go around the cliff and make their way up a path, which was heavily guarded by my soldiers so they couldn't reach the guys shooting from the edges of the cliff. The battle seemed monumental... like... nothing I've ever played in the actual game. This dream would have contained the most dream characters out of any of my dreams. On the attacking side, the enemies had tanks and this giant orange rock-man who looked like that guy from Fantastic Four. Luckily I had about four rock-dudes, but they were different colours, like dark red, and were armed with massive guns.
      I also had heaps of psionic dudes that would massacre squads of the hordes below with psychic lightning-arcs. What I didn't have, though, were tanks. Evntually my camp was bombarded with shells from enemy tanks and destroyed. The rest of my army had been at least halfed from casualties. Meanwhile, the orcs below still seemed as numerous as ever.

      I was now in a shopping centre and was annoying some girl at the cash register, when Katherine O and Sam said it was time to go. I didn't have shoes on and hoped that Katherine had my shoes, 'cause I had to rush to some van that they and some other friends were driving in. I hopped in the back seat and we drove off to... wherever.

      I had another dream where I was in a really fancy building that looked like it belonged to royalty. It was painted all golden and there were paintings mounted on the walls, as well as just kickass architecture. There too many large rooms, and once I left a room and turned back to go into it, only to find that people were now having a ball dance in there. I found out where I was supposed to go eventually, which was a massive dinner table filled with people. I remember Sue and Arthur's family being there, and I remember telling Arthur, "fuck, you're tall."
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    8. #8
      Zerg Lurker Delilah's Avatar
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      Last night I had a dream about some sort of virtual simulation, like the Matrix. I was watching an interface that displayed nine or so square windows against a white background, and each window showed a different part of this virtual world. I think you could just into it. I was aware that I was dreaming, but it was almost like between imagination and dreams... I had control over characters I saw in third person, sometimes.

      Later on I had some dream where two girls I've never seen before were climbing a ladder. This ladder stretched a very long distance and took five minutes and something seconds to climb. It was engulfed by shadows most of the way up, but once one of the girls reached the end of the ladder, she entered this bright "room". It was very long, but very narrow, and had no floor, so you could fall to your death into the darkness below, but you could stay up there by pressing your legs against one wall, and your back against the other, because they were so close together. There were also heaps of little light-blue rooms that these girls could climb into. Each room contained a "project" that whoever entered the room could build. Most were devices of some sort. There were also other people in this room's sub-rooms; male scientists, presumably people working on other projects and devices.

      Later on I dreamt I was buying armour-piercing rounds for an AK-47 that I had. People watching me were criticising me because normal rounds were, in their opinion, sufficient.

      I beg to differ.
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    9. #9
      Zerg Lurker Delilah's Avatar
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      Last night's dreams...

      In the first dream I was at some student gathering that I think was a re-enactment of my year 12 formal, except not much happened at all. I remember sitting at a massive table with students like Katherine, Ilkhan, Ashley and some other chick who was probably Sarah.

      Later on I had a dream that it was twilight and Dez was driving me and Zeynep to some place in Sunshine to have dinner, and asked if I knew where parking was. I made some mistake and we had to park a bit further away, and walk through some empty shop where security alarms kept going off. We were sort of paranoid we'd get arrested now or later if we were caught on camera, but I told everyone to just chill and keep walking like we weren't doing anything wrong.
      We left there and walked into some weird representation of Sunshine plaza, which was this huge open space like the food court, only bigger and emptier. We went over to KFC and saw where we should have parked: a ramp lead to underground parking, but the gap between it and the floor of the ground level was so small that I doubt any car could have driven through it. When I thought that in the dream, it subtley expanded so that cars would have been able to fit through it.

      In the next dream, I was at a swimming pool (my local swimming pool, to be precise) where my mother and sister were competing in races. In a seperate racing isle or whatever you'd call them, I noticed Jana was also competing. After three or four races, I climbed into the pool and swam around in the shallow end. I stopped to talk to Jana about nonsensical crap I can't remember, and some really creepy, middle-aged guy climbed into the pool and greeted her. Jana introduced me to this person and we said hello to each other. I noticed he spoke with a heavy accent and broken English. I think he was the same nationality as Jana.
      I asked how they knew each other, and Jana mentioned this person was a very close family friend and they had known each other for years. We climbed out of the pool and were hanging around on the other side. Things started to glow bright orange and in weird rectangular shapes. That had no proper source, except maybe when the lights were glowing on my phone, but other times the lights would glow on people, and on objects that I can't really describe anymore because they only seemed connected to reality in the dream.
      It was obvious that Jana and this guy were going out, and I asked what happened to her other boyfriend, Mitch. She said they broke up over the weekend just and really kicked it off with this old, foreign guy who had been her 'close friend' for years.
      I was angry and generally disturbed at the idea of someone that old and creepy and with eyebrows that thick screwing Jana, and was going to ask her what the hell posessed her to leave Mitch for this guy, but he was standing next to us the whole time, so I walked off and climbed back into the swimming pool.

      I was trying to find a lane that didn't have five year olds swimming as slow as glaciers flowing down a cliff, but there was someone taking up every lane. Eventually I climbed into one anyway and started swimming. I noticed I couldn't keep my head above water, and was alarmed at how I had somehow forgotten how to swim. I developed some weird technique on the spot where I'd propell myself deep into the water and then upward with enough force to push my head above the water so I had time to breathe. I wasn't breathing in proper time, so I exhaled as I dove lower - only to realise that I wouldn't float back up without any air in my lungs, which is sort of true, I guess, and I tried to swim up, but kept sinking. I was holidng my breath and blacked out.

      Suddenly I was in my house, reading a book about swimming that said "that would suck if it actually happened to you" and offered tips on how to swim without being a n00b. Jana and her 55-year-old creep-buddy were at my house too, and were just about to leave. Again I became extremely disturbed and angry at the thought of someone like him screwing someone like her, and planned to yell at Jana later. I walked into the front yard and waited for them to come out with me, and noticed the "lyrics" to Sunshine the Werewolf written on the green fence around my veranda, only again there was a physical impossibility that I won't be able to describe properly, where the lyrics were on some yellow piece of wood that didn't exist, because the fence was there. I only read the so-called "lyrics" where Greg is supposed to yell "Destroyer!" etc. but they were written in another language that I hoped was latin. I read the words and couldn't understand them, but tried to imagine where they'd go in the song (in the dream, I know it was after the mellow part, but forgot what it sounded like).
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    10. #10
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      Nice Lucid you had there. I had one this month where I went through glass like that. I just stepped through it and it was like it wasn't even there. Because I didn't even really think about it being there. I just wanted to get through.

      I got a kick out of the balloons for fireworks, that was good. It's funny how dreams can act like that.

      A "Xenomorph!" Isn't that some type of creature that gestates within a living human host?

      Nice recall.

    11. #11
      Zerg Lurker Delilah's Avatar
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      Lately my dream recall has been horrible. I'm having a lot of trouble falling asleep even when I feel tired.
      Internet wasn't working yesterday, didn't get to post anything. Dreams weren't that interesting. Same old: Random women, women I know, rooms, more rooms, streets... I've been less conscious of my dreams as well - less aware of my dream-self, if that makes sense...
      Had a dream that Jana and her boyfriend Mitch had indentical moles on the left side of their chins. No idea what that's supposed to mean...

      Last night's dreams were a bit fuzzy, but they at least still form a story.

      I was outside some restaurant with some other guy. Both of us were armed with guns. I had some sort of Uzi. We weren't allowed into the restaurant because we were armed. Oddly enough, the guy I was with took the ammunition clip out of his gun and was allowed in because he had nothing to shoot out of his gun anymore. I thought to myself, sweet, I can do that too. I took the ammo clips out of my Uzi. One "ammo clip" was a block with holes where batteries should have gone on four faces. The second "ammo clip" were four AA batteries stuck together in a rubber coating with three or four wires sticking out that I was supposed to connect to something else to "work" as ammunition, but didn't have the talent nor the tools to attach the wires correctly. Also, the "Uzi" that I had held two seperate clips of ammunition at once. One in front of the trigger like an AK-47 or similar rifle would have. The second clip fit into the handle of the gun.
      I went into the restaurant anyway and for some reason had the ammunition with me, trying to get it to "work" while sitting at a table. I talked to the owner of the restaurant at some point and he said he was going to cook me something.
      I think I left before that though, because I ran into an old primary school friend, Son, and got a lift to his house to hang out. Strange, the house he lived in was Katherine A's house in real life.

      Later on I was sitting around on a pier with friends and Jarred C was standing around. In real life, he's a mutual enemy with most of my friends, but I'm on somewhat neutral terms with him. I said something to stir him because I was with my friends, and he got really upset and had some sort of seizure. I told him I was joking but his fit didn't stop. He was on his back and his eyes kept changing, the iris of each eye would dilate and then shrink, and sometimes his entire iris would become black - or his entire eyeball would become shiny black. His iris would sometimes turn red around the edges, and other colours.
      I knew whatever his body was going through, it couldn't be good if his eyes were doing that - it was really creeping me out.
      I tried to "will" him back to normal, with some success, but eventually I had to give up. It was very disturbing.

      I guess in general, eyes have that effect on you. "The windows to the soul". They can convey a lot of things.
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    12. #12
      Zerg Lurker Delilah's Avatar
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      Skinhead! Skinhead!

      " Pulling on the boots and tightening up the laces?
      Shaving their heads and strapping on the braces
      There you are a skinhead, looking for a fight
      Skinhead, skinhead, running through the night

      Skinhead, skinhead, running through the night
      Making lots of trouble, starting lots of fights
      Skinhead, skinhead, getting really pissed
      Skinhead, skinhead, tatted on my wrist!

      waiting in the lane way, waiting for the scum
      Smash their yellow faces, kick their fucking bums
      When they plee for mercy, we will show them none
      Skinhead, skinhead, 'til the job is done

      Skinhead, skinhead, putting on the boots
      Looking for a streetfight, looking for a route
      Skinhead, skinhead, running through the fights
      Skinhead, skinhead, stompin' on your face!

      When the coppers see us, at first they pull the gun
      But when they see us come towards, then they start to run
      When we wear our badges it make us feel proud
      Skinhead, skinhead, shout it out loud!

      Skinhead, skinhead, skinhead, skinhead... "

      Last night I dreamt I was walking around McIntyre Road after I had dropped my sister off at Albion station so she could travel to Sydney for some educational thing. I was trying to get home, but while I was walking, I saw an angry skinhead dressed in leather and spikey stuff walking around and stomping the ground with his boots in an over-exaggerated stereotypical fashion. I turned and walked the other way because people in Sunshine know as a general rule, when you see that shit on the streets, you don't stick around.
      I had only walked a few steps in the other direction when I saw another skinhead walking toward me from the opposite end of the footpath. I walked down the side-street I usually take to get to my house but there was a third one down there too, also coming my way. I started to panic, thinking this was a trap (like in that previous dream where I fought eight teenagers), and started running. I was wearing my red, rediculously over-sized flannellete in this dream (I seem to wear this a lot in dreams for some reason, probably to piss Madeline off), and couldn't run very fast

      I thought to myself, for the billionth time, that this was JUST LIKE HOW I COULDN'T MOVE FAST IN A DREAM but I didn't realise I was dreaming (read on, it gets worse). I think I managed to get home after jumping some fences, but I was feeling so lethargic I was panicking, because part of me just wanted to give up, or wait for them to come and ... that just wouldn't be a good idea, considering the size ratio, and being outnumbered.

      I must have gotten away, because in the next part of my dream, I was walking down McIntyre road with James (and probably Mitchell and Nicholas), when some car full of skinheads drove past, one of them yelling "faggots!"
      I was all grr-lets-beat-skinheads-up-for-insulting-our-masculinity, and they stopped their car on the other side of the road. I knew the next stage was going to be a brawl, and none of my friends were the same size as them so things were looking shit. Then, of all things, I saw two ex-year-12 students, Ilkhan and Steve, in one of their fully sick cars parked next to us. I thought to myself "stereotypical wogs! Just what we need in a situation like this!" Basing my thoughts on skinhead's "white supremacy" bullshit, and how most fully sicks like to think of their race "taking ova" Australia. Basically, I didn't even have to ask Ilkhan and Steve to take my side. They asked "what's up?" and I immediately cut to the chase, saying "those guys over there are starting shit with us."
      Steve and Ilkhan got out of their car and started threatening the skinheads, who also got out of their car.
      Then my dad showed up, which is awesome because of his pwnsome mixed martial arts skillz.
      Of course, no fight is settled just like that; Ilkhan and Steve called as many of their friends and friends' friends' friends as they could, and the skinheads did the same. I thought to myself 'this could be a matter of who shows up first'.
      Seconds later a van full of jeering skinheads drove past at high speed. When I say full, I mean absolutely packed - full of angry, massive, probably drunk, screaming skinheads. I'd estimate around 18.
      That meant the total number would be over 20 full-grown, battle-hardened skinheads against a bunch of 6 teenagers and my 40-something-year-old father. It didn't take any second thoughts when my dad said calmly and logically to everyone, "Run for it!"
      Everyone bailed. I don't know where my dad went, and now I'd assume Ilkhan and Steve would have bailed in their car. My original group and I legged it across the street and jumped a fence into someone's backyard.
      They skinheads in the first car got out and followed us over the fence. We jumped another fence but they had caught up with us. There was this epic brawl where the entire group and I were fighting off skinheads that kept coming from all directions. I found myself cut off at the side of the house with a narrow one metre space between the wall on my right and the fence on my left. Three skinheads ran at me in disrupted linear order; I seemed to be aware that I was dreaming without actually being aware... my dream-self was acting according to the physics of my dreams: it knew that punches were impeded in dreams, so I didn't even bother once and went straight for the first guy's eye with my thumb.
      Like in the last fight, it felt very real; I could feel their scrunched up eyelids struggling against my fingers, and my thumbnail breaching the gap and slipping into their eye; the wetness under my nail and the pressure I was applying.
      I methodically took down the other two skinheads with the same technique, dodging their slopping blows and gouging their eyes one after the other. I then ran around the corner of the house to help my friends.
      We must have kicked their arses, because next thing I knew, we were burning down their house (the house we were in suddenly changed to their house) like the Asians in Romper Stomper. I don't know what happened to the other 18-or-so skinheads that we were supposed to be running from.

      After the dream, I woke up with "Skinhead" by Skrewdriver in my head.
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    13. #13
      Zerg Lurker Delilah's Avatar
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      Stupid interruptions...

      Last night I had a dream that I was at Crown Casino; I was in some room that lead to a multi-storey parking lot and the rest of my family had gone off to the car. I had stayed behind for some reason. I called them on my phone and realised I was dreaming for no reason in particular. It was low-level lucidity, because I felt obligued to talk to my family on the phone before I began doing anything fun.
      My father said something like "I'm going to stab someone down here", urging me to get to the car so everyone could leave.
      Then my mother came into the room and woke me up >.<

      I had other dreams, but lately I've been that sick that I really don't call whatever I'm getting "sleep". It's more like drifting in an out of consciousness with nonsensical excuses for dreams that don't bear awesome storylines like my other dreams...
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    14. #14
      Zerg Lurker Delilah's Avatar
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      Eh... die

      I woke up at 8:30 this morning while everyone else was asleep, and it was raining like a necrophile storm outside. Here's the dream I remembered:

      I was controlling a Mudokon in a two-dimensional environment similar to the early games - he could either run left or right. He started on the right side and there were a couple of bee hives that he'd alerted somehow, so now he had to run like a maniac to the left. After running past more bee hives, jumping over holes and dodging other obstacles, the Mudokon made it to the left side, but was trapped by a gigantic wall. There was also a fresh set of bee hives here, so the Mudokon had to run in the right direction again.

      Suddenly the view shifted to three dimensions and I was running in the same direction, which was now "straight forward" down a footpath on the right side of on a road in a straight I was unfamiliar with.
      Suddenly the street changed and I realised I was in my old street (from almost a decade ago) before I had moved to this house. Stella and Katherine and James were waiting for me at my old house with what appeared to be either Katherine or Stella's car. Everyone greeted me and then we went inside the house, which was full of small, cramped rooms. Stella and Katherine were seated at some round table in what might have been a kitchen. James and I were standing, and James was leaning against a wall.
      While Stella and Katherine were talking about nothing I can remember, I noticed James was nearly on the verge of tears, so I called him out of the room, asked him what was wrong, and the dream ended.

      When I went back to sleep, I had another dream that I had been travelling or something, and was making my way home. I was on a train at some point, which may have transformed into a bus. I also remembered that I had a lot of luggage to organise. Someone thought it would be hilarious to add heaps and heaps of gadgets and mops to my umbrella, which I didn't approve of, so I took all the gadgets off and stored them in my back. In its original state, my umbrella still opened in two seperate parts, like a "double" umbrella. The practicality of this? I don't know.
      I grabbed the last of my junk and leftover gadgets and climbed off the bus at my stop. I was now walking around with Liana and Kristin in the streets around my house. It was the afternoon, but it was cloudy. Liana went up to a house and started tearing a brick-and-metal fence out of the ground like some sort of hulk-woman. I watched her do that for a while, nervous that she might get caught but not particularly phased by the incredible amount of strength she was displaying.
      Suddenly I realised I didn't have my umbrella. For a moment I thought I had left it on the bus, but then I realised I had put it down to watch Liana destroy the fence.
      For a moment in the dream I wondered what Liana and Kristin were doing anywhere near here, but I think they came up with some weird explanation like Liana's boyfriend lived around here (in some orange, brick house, to be precise... I saw it).
      Kristin and Liana went their own ways to their houses or... whatever they'd come here for, and I was walking to the roundabout with my umbrella, playing with the two different switches on it; one controlled a small umbrella right at the end, which was folded to rapidly expand into a huge black umbrella, and then back again. The umbrella now worked in segments, sort of like double-jointed nunchuku - only with MORE joints!!!!
      For some reason I assumed then and there that "umbrella tricks" was some kind of olympic sport, and all of a sudden I was cheering on some Asian girl trying to balance this umbrella and all of its segments, while keeping it working and whatnot.
      Next, I had finally arrived home, and was unpacking my stuff, while Jana was telling me off for trying to put dirty blankets on my bed (she said I'd dragged them through mud and everything on my trip, and they needed to be washed). Typical women, needing stuff to be clean >.>
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    15. #15
      Oneirotron 8.0 WritersCube's Avatar
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      LOLZ the dream that had Warhammer and the annoying register girl had me laughing for some reason XD

      I love how you write out all the details to your dreams, it makes for a great read and helps us see what you see in your dreams. ^_^

    16. #16
      Zerg Lurker Delilah's Avatar
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      Last night I dreamt Gorkay, Tony, Andrew and I were driving to Highpoint Shopping Centre. We on some exaggerated level of the multi-storey-parking-lot thing, and all of a sudden I was looking for some place to hide my "bench", which I had been carrying around for some reason (I think earlier on I had to balance on it, and now I just still had it with me). I didn't want to hide it in Gorkay's car (probably because it would get broken into), so I hide it underneath some stairs and hoped that nobody would see it.
      We started running to the front entrace of Highpoint, and there were people standing around in small groups here and there. One of the started yelling things at us as we ran past, and everyone was like "yeah, we totally got each other's backs if we get into a fight!" We ran past two girls who looked like Katherine, only taller and skinnier and dressed in pink, who were also yelling at us just because the other group was. As we ran past her she stopped.
      Someone yelled at us, screaming something aggressive that I can't remember, but it was along the lines of "he's mine!" (something to get me to turn around and realise we were being pursued, anyway) I turned around and saw some guy in a dark-green hooded jacket with a white face and freckles, who generally looked rough, running at me. I turned around and noticed Gorkay, Andrew and Tony hadn't noticed and had run inside the shopping centre.
      I thought to myself "God dammit!" and legged it after them, but the other guy was too close now, so I turned around to fight him with my back literally against the wall, and the dream ended.
      Cowards Die In Shame

    17. #17
      Zerg Lurker Delilah's Avatar
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      Freedom and ...

      I vaguely remember a dream last night that was probably a lucid dream. I seemed to be aware the whole way through that I was dreaming, but my reasoning and general "awareness" was impaired, not to mention I just have to worst recall for it. I was wielding some sort of sword like a katana, and I remember slashing at things because I knew I was dreaming and could get away with it.

      In the next dream, it was daytime and I was running at superhuman speed in an attempt to win some sort of race that a bunch of people and I were participating in. I thought I was going to win with ease because I could run so fast, and I got careless; I ran out from inbetween these houses/sheds, and nearly trapped myself by running into this really claustrophobic area that was fenced off (with barbed wire at the top) from all sides except the way I came in, and it was a long way to run back and choose a different path. For whatever reason, I felt really "in control" in this dream and assumed that there'd be a way out; suddenly there was a hole that had been cut in the fence with wirecutters. I ducked through it and continued running, but now I was on dirt road in plain view of lots of people; I knew they'd easily be able to see me running and super-speed and would accuse me of cheating - or maybe I just wanted to keep it secret... anyway, the point was I had to find somewhere under cover to run to the finish, like behind trees or behind buildings, but there was nothing but this dirt road.

      Suddenly Matthew Archer was running nearby and said he was going to summon a car to use to get to the finish-line faster (so this was legal in the race...) He pressed some weird button on his arm with a pen, and after a few attempts that got me feeling impatient and uncertain about waiting around for a lift, this silver, lamborgne-esque car just spawned out of the air, or was just suddenly with us, so we climbed in and I let him drive us to the finish line. When we got there, there were already a couple of people at the finish line, and they cheered even though we were far from first.
      We had ended up in Sunvale Primary school, at the sandpit near the canteen, and I saw Matthew stomp this smaller sandpit with his feet to signify him completing the race. I realised I had to do the same thing, otherwise technically the race would be unfinished for me, so I stomped the sandpit as well.
      All the while, this felt less like a race and more like the completion of a milestone. More people arrived and all of a sudden there was a "party" and "my" house, and this whole race had been the lead up to some celebration primarily involving me. Except we were still at the sandpits, so... this was where I lived in the dream, and I went with the story without thinking about it.
      Apparently my friends had tried to gather all these random people I wanted to see so we could spend the night together, but some had to leave early; some slept over.
      I "woke up" on the ground, next to the sandpit and noticed this small child on the edge of a large bed full of people who had been sleeping over. He looked sick, so as a joke but with warning in my tone, I told him not to throw up. I thought he pretended to throw up just to get on my nerves at first, but then realised that he was actually being sick when a small amount of vomit poured out of his mouth and into a puddle all over one of my blankets. I yelled at him, and he quickly found a glass plate/lid and threw up into that.
      I wondered what was wrong with him, and then suddenly I had the urge to throw up. So I did. I threw up all over this sink that had materialized near the sandpit, and really made a mess of things. I could feel the ancient-yet-familiar sensation of liquid running up my throat instead of down, a pleasant warmth, in fact, instead of a pleasant cool.
      I wondered why I was sick, but wasn't really that phased, and concluded that my body and its organs were all pussies.
      Now I get up and wander around to talk to people and see who's awake. At some time I looked at a digital clock and saw that it was two in the afternoon. I saw Glen from TAFE hanging around and looking pretty hung over, and there were probably other people from my class like Michael around as well, 'cause they're always talking about getting smashed or fucked up in one way or another.
      I remember Katherine and Gabrielle had slept over, but their parents were outside beeping their horn and waiting for them to leave. I went looking for more people and discovered them in this extremely long bunk bed that held lots of people on the top bunk. Two of them were cousins Ellen and Jessica, who were also just about to leave.
      I also remember that Vicky who is in year 12 also made an appearance the previous night but didn't sleep.
      I saw the digital clock again, and it was acting weird; the numbers were constantly changing. The numbers would change faster and faster, and the clock would make increasingly more spastic, frightening noises. Glen and I left it alone, fearing it would explode or something if we stuck around, but later we came back and someone had turned it off.
      More people leaving now.
      I'm in my front living room with Glen who is about to leave, and we see the clock. I try to turn it on, and it starts playing a song like a radio - but it's a really out-dated, bad song, and I want to stop it immediately. The clock won't turn off so I unplug it, then it stops.

      All of a sudden I'm walking into this theatre that's connected to my house. It's a large, old "traditional"-looking theatre, and there are students rehearsing some sort of play with Petra, a former teacher. I grab some sort of woollen doll-thing, and a hat, which I place over the doll. I walk across from the entrance to these stairs left of the stage and sit down with the students. Most, if not all of them are female, and a lot younger than I am. A girl with brown hair talks to me and takes the doll, but lets me keep the hat. I feel like I have nothing better to do - in fact, I feel like I have nowhere else to go, and nothing to get done, no deadlines or anything. I'm seperated from the concept of days and deadlines in this place, and decide I won't go home, but I will stay here for a while and "help with rehearsals", just because I could, and because staying here would postpone my return to a regulated life.

      In my next dream, I was in my room as a prisoner of some sort. There was a computer crudely drawn on my door that asked my name; I was a prisoner resembling Vin Diesel, and I didn't know my character's name. I called myself "ex soldier" and typed in random letters for my name on the computer-drawing on the wall. The computer asked for a few other details, which I made up, now knowing the real answers to any of them, and hoping to break out of this "prison" (my unlocked room?) and kick some arse. Unfrotunately the computer asked me to repeat my name, and I had entered a random jumble of letters the first time. I tried again and got it wrong, obviously. An alarm sounded, and some fat, middle-aged blonde guy barged into my room and tried to beat me, but I beat him up quite easily. I pulled out a "gun" which was invisible, but it still registered as a gun to me, so I grabbed his wrist, pulled it out of the way and attacked his throat with my other hand to disarm him. Then I woke up.
      Cowards Die In Shame

    18. #18
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      I've had a few dreams like that recently too. where you sort of know it's a dream but it just doesn't fully click.

      I had the same thing last night. I was actually flying and showing off tumbling through the air and stuff.

    19. #19
      Zerg Lurker Delilah's Avatar
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      Curses and Prophecies of the Sub-Conscious Mind

      "One day you will regret ever being beautiful."

      Last night's dream took place in my backyard, which was very long and took a while to travel across. At some point I said that bitter and ironic quote. The events that took place mirrored the real world, and sometimes I wonder what I could possibly gain from a dream that reminds me of what I already know, hate and accept.
      Cowards Die In Shame

    20. #20
      Zerg Lurker Delilah's Avatar
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      Considering I'd bee up until 2 playing DoW with James and Markus, I'm absolutely fucking amazed I didn't have any more dreams about Orks and Space Marines.

      In my first dream, I was wandering around with friends, and decided to go into some cafe that was all warm yellow colours from its varnished wood and nice lighting. I was chilling in there for a while when Shannyn walked over from somewhere and greeted me, looking more pink-haired and anorexic than ever; we had this stare down and then I greeted her by side kicking her in the stomach, sending her flying backwards. With all that done I went back to drinking hot chocolate or some similar drink with friends at the counter.

      The dream shifted and I was now in my bedroom. My mother was yelling at me about God, and I was being a smartass and telling her that God sucked. Eventually she left me alone to yell at my father, and I suddenly heard them arguing. I turned the light off and pulled the blanket over my head, but it couldn't block out the sound, and the light still shone brighter than ever. My father was yelling at my mother for becoming less human. My mother replied with:
      "At least the sex was good!"
      To which my father argued, "the sex doesn't need to be good!" then said something about how it (sex, and genreally everything else) was better when my mother had a human side. The argument grew more intense and I ended up waking up.

      When I fell back to sleep, I had a dream that I was at my grandparent's house, in the spare bedroom with a laptop. I was there chilling and minding my own business when some girl that was apparently my friend came into the room. She got two other friends to appear, another girl, this one half-Asian, and a guy with a tan and a rat-tail (haircut, he didn't actually have a rat tail, though it probably would have looked better on him).
      Suddenly we decided to go somewhere, so I find myself walking down St Alban's road in the afternoon, as the sun is about to set, I'm talking to rat-tail man about things, and then we have to cross Gilmore road. There are people everywhere here, and some cars trying to turn through, but nobody is obeying any sort of road rules, and my group of four just cross the road with some other people and cut off some guy trying to make a turn.
      We appeared at some club resembling Bang, except it was brighter and more classy. I found a pair of glasses and decided to put them on, just as Jack the Stripper came on, playing some mellow song. They abruptly got angry, which led me to flail around psychotically near the tables until I realised I was the only person in the room doing it (aside from those on the floor closer to the stage, presumably). Somehow I'd flailed my way back up to where my "friends" were, and found Katherine at a table, sitting by herself because nobody else she knew was doing anything she could join in with. I started talking to her, and one of the girls, I think it was the semi-Asian one, said "hey, check this out", and then "accidentally" tripped forward and spilled boiling hot alcohol on me arms and chest. I realised I was wearing a white shirt at this point. Someone handed me a white napkin or something to clean myself up, which disintegrated as I saturated it with water. For the fuck of it, I fell down to my knees and started screaming "I'm meeeeeelllltttttinggg!!!!!" with all the remnants of the napkin flaking off me, as if I was actually melting. People started laughing and then I sensed people conspiring against me.
      Someone was throwing tiny bits of crunched up paper over the table in front of me. I stood up and saw Smitty with a hand full of paper balls - instinctively I snatched them out of his hand before he could react, and simultaneously recieved a face-full of paper balls from his other hand. I started throwing the paper balls I had collected back at him.
      I told Smitty I didn't expect to be able to snatch paper out of his hand like that - so easily. And some how we came to the agreement that we'd have a friendly fight.
      So now Smitty and I were standing in front of Katherine's table, facing each other. I threw a few kicks at him, and then he managed to land one of his own kicks. We stopped for a second and I said something like "nice kick".
      The fighting got more intense, as we started having a wing-chun-esque match, throwing punches and kicks at each other while blocking and deflecting attacks.
      I saw someone sneaking behind me out of the corner of my eye, and jumped out of the way as they rushed at me. It was one of Smitty's friends. The three of us now started duking it out in an over-dramatic style (I think we were deliberately putting on a show for people watching). Smitty and his friend did some weird move where they grabbed each other and then swung themselves into me. They grabbed hold of my shirt and threw me, but I managed to roll before I hit the floor.
      Smitty grabbed hold of my shirt again and we both threw ourselves onto the dance floor, where we would have had an epic showdown, but then Katherine texted me and woke me up, asking if I was doing anything tonight where she could hang around.
      Cowards Die In Shame

    21. #21
      Zerg Lurker Delilah's Avatar
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      A Clockwork Orange

      I fell asleep before and had this dream that I was in the back living room of my house and decided to watch A Clockwork Orange. (I've only seen about the first quarter of this movie).

      The "film" featured so-called drug-addicts being "rehabilitated" through extremely brutal torture. The first part of this film that I saw involved some sort of grey (and slightly dark green) room like a sewer with pipes running across the roof. Parallel to the pipes was a type of "railing" that transported men and women who were restrained. The women were only wearing their underwear while the men had patient's gowns on. I remember seeing one of the restraining devices holding a baby on the top, and a woman with short, red hair at the bottom who looked like a famous person. In my dream I "remembered" seeing this image before; a painting of a woman bound below some mechanical device, with a baby seated on top of it, but in the painting the woman was distorted because she was just as short as the baby, while remaining the same width and normal. Her head also retained its proper dimensions. Apparently this picture was really famous, and had been re-created a lot, such as in this movie. A majority of the people passing through this "sewer"-esque room were female, and were sent into some machine that shocked them with electricity. None were very happy about this at all; they all had this 1970's-stereotypica-helpless-woman expression about them. The music being played was also from Bruce Lee's "Enter the Dragon".

      After watching that and seeing the half-naked ladies being tortured with a freaky array of mechanical and automated devices, I was hooked and decided to stay and watch the movie. The next scene involved a woman being tied down or placed onto some sort of conveyer belt that lead into a massive machine. She was sent through and then a man in a gown appeared, tied onto some sort of portable metal bed that the "doctors" lifted onto the conveyer belt. He was sent through into the machine as well.
      When he came back, his body was covered in blood, and even though he was still in one piece, there was so much blood that he must have been cut up a lot. He was looking somewhat pleased about this, but he was "insane" after all. Meanwhile, the Bruce Lee soundtrack is still playing, sounding all 1970s and sinister.
      A woman who has dark brown-red hair is placed on the conveyer belt and sent into the machine. I don't see what happens to her, but she comes out all bloody and very unwilling to let that happen to her again. She is un-restrained and made to wait at an office counter. She hands the woman working there some paper documents that are saturated in blood. Ar some point I've become the woman who had just been brutalized by machinery, and I'm seeing from her point of view. Apparently the woman at the office can't staple the documents together because they were that saturated in blood that the paper just falls apart every time a staple goes through it. She said "usually the paper needs more blood on it than this before it starts falling apart".
      I - or the woman - was suddenly afraid that the whole torture process would have to repeat because the documents couldn't be stapled, but that didn't happen. Instead the office-woman just asked if I could smear some of the blonde coming from underneath my fingernails onto the counter for her, so I did. Suddenly "friends" or co-patients of this woman appeared. A doctor came in and asked us where one of the other patients that was supposed to be here were. Apparently one was missing, and the four of us were supposed to have assembled here because we were in trouble and being "re-educated" for whatever trouble we'd caused in the hospital.
      Someone complained that it was that person's fault for not turning up him/herself and that the rest of us shouldn't be punished for it because we actually turned up, but the doctor (who was female) was a real bitch, and wanted to see us punished anyway.
      One of the other women freaked out and said this four-line-long speech about how she was "rehabilitated" and "no longer drug-addicted scum". What she actually called herself and compared herself to, I forget, but the speech sounded cool as hell in the dream - like she had learnt it from some sort of cult-like text, and I wish I remembered it.
      The woman next to her, who was blonde, said "sorry, I have to do this" and backed away from the counter we were all standing at. My view shifted to third person, and I watched her stumble backwards in a disorientated fashion. She ran into a large trolley full of clothes or blankets and knocked it over as she made her way to the wall, where there was a door on her right side, and a long, light-blue curtain-on-railing on her left side. One of the other women-patients followed her over there, also looking terrified. That famous music from the murder scene in Psycho started to play. For a second I thought "I can't believe this movie ripped this song from Psycho!" but then the music started to change again, adding deeper stringed instruments to intensify the drama. The blonde patient reached over to somewhere and pulled this massive pole out that looked like it belonged to part of the building. She held it out and started swinging it at people who were trying to stop and restrain her.
      The other women started to put up a fight as well, running to grab make-shift weapons of her own. Meanwhile the blonde cornered the doctor in front of the double-doors and lead to the torture-machines and whacked her in the side with the pole. It made a weird chainsaw noise, but didn't do anything to her. But the blonde was so angry that she thrust the metal pole at the doctor in an arc - that flew up into the air, smashed the ceiling of the room and bent from the force of that to come down and impaled the doctor in her throat.
      The other female patients were acting just as strong and angry, and I came to realise I was back in my living room, watching the show on television. I saw my sister was sitting at the table, doing something like homework, and couldn't believe this didn't interest her at all.

      If there's mistakes and stuff, please excuse them... I just woke up. I need to see the rest of A Clockwork Orange...
      Cowards Die In Shame

    22. #22
      Zerg Lurker Delilah's Avatar
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      Hello, Moon.

      My first dream just so happened to be a lucid one. I don't know what happened before hand, but I think I might have been shopping with Katherine A and her sister Gabrielle. Then I was in a multi-storey carpark and just seemed to realise I was dreaming for whatever reason. Naturally, the first thing I did to verify this was fly, so I kicked off the ground and flew to this little outside area that happened to be in the middle of the carpark (like a cut-out square in the middle of the carpark). I hovered there for a moment and concentrated on increasing the vividness of my dream, so I didn't wake up too quickly. When I'd done that about twice, I tried flying around some more from where I was hovering. Below me was a roof that looked like it was made of concrete. I did my best not to use it; I wanted to stay flying. I tried to do a backflip of some sort, and lost balance and started to fall. I ended up saving myself before hitting the ground, but the sensation of doing a backflip in mid air and then accidentally throwing yourself toward the ground was awesome.
      I wandered what I was going to do now, I wasn't completely lucid in this dream so I couldn't remember the tasks I'd set myself in real life - except one: I wanted to try flying into space. So with all the energy I could concentrate, I propelled myself into the sky superman-style, until the sky started disintegrating and everything went black.

      I found myself on McIntyre Road, at the back of the gym where Sunshine Marketplace is. It was extremely dark and empty. I was with someone who said I was going to speak with an angel. I felt very intimidated, and was trying to prepare myself to ask the appropriate questions. Then the moon came down down the sky, really clouse and really large; perhaps eight times its size if it was a very large full moon, and yellow. It grew a face and spoke to me; for some reason, I was terrified, thinking that I was going to get owned by this "angel" by not acting like a saint. I felt horns growing out the top of my head. The Moon then asked me if there was anything I wanted to know.
      I asked heaps of questions about life and lucid dreaming; almost none of which I can remember now because I'm horrible at remembering speech and text in real life as well as in dreams.
      When I asked "Is it bad to have horns growing out of my head every time I lucid dream?" the Moon said that was fine, and suddenly I felt more relaxed. I asked more questions and wrote the answers down in hopes of remembering them. The Moon started to imply that it had spent too much time talking to me, and had to go. I thanked the Moon for its wise information and told it I'd "just go over what you said, so hopefully I'll remember it when I wake up."
      The Moon dissappeared and I stayed on the middle of the road reading the notes I had written; at the time all the details made sense and I could remember the questions I asked, now I can barely remember anything, except one of them had to do with driving vehicles. All my written notes were on an orange piece of paper and were in Times New Roman font.

      I "woke up" in my parents car, and was seated next to Mel from TAFE. I was extremely hyped up about the dream I had just had, and was telling Mel I'd discovered some very insightful information about myself. The two of us got out of the car and were hanging outside the sports oval, while I contemplated where we should go so I could write down all the details of my lucid dream. It was sunset... a bit cloudy. I can't remember what happened after that, but when I woke up, I could hardly remember any of what the Moon had told me, despite making a conscious effort to in my lucid dream.
      Maybe I lost the information somewhere in the false awakening that I had. Or "wrote it down" somewhere in that dream, letting myself forget it.
      On another interesting note, last night before going to sleep, I'd told myself "I want to have a lucid dream tonight", but thought that wouldn't work, so I gave myself a more specific command: "I want to meet my dream guide". That could have been the moon, because I don't think I've ever had long meaningful conversations with anything in my dreams, let alone my lucid ones. Also, the moon was refered to as an "angel", and acted as a guide of sorts, so it probably does represent some powerful part of my sub-conscious.
      I also told myself before going to sleep "I know I'll have a false awakening, I will be able to tell this time." Obviously that didn't work. I was too hyped up about my lucid dream to question why I had woken up in car, and what the hell Mel was doing there.
      I also remember that Nicholas had warned me not to travel to the moon in my lucid dreams. I said I wouldn't. Of all things to accidentally happen -.-.

      This dream was somewhat a continuation of the last one, because I was still hanging around with Mel, except now we were wearing costumes. Mel had some weird animal thing she wore over her head, and I was in a bamboo cage that I carried over me with my arms., which, for some reason, I thought was the greatest costume ever. We were in this huge crowd of people that were standing around, facing this massive, wide-set, silver stage or building, like there was going to be an epic concert. This was also outside; we were standing on grass and it was - yet again - sunset, or nearing it. I followed Mel through the crowd of people, because we were supposed to be going somewhere or meeting other people. We ended up going inside the building, where there were people supposedly from "school", but I didn't recognise anyone. Some of the students were also dressed up as two cartoon characters resembling cows, that had similar names. I can't remember the names, though. We were in a room with black walls and such, which looked like a theatre. One of the costumes for the male cartoon cow had gone missing, and apparently they needed both because the cows were always a pair; that was how the television show went.
      I was waiting at the front of the group to start... whatever we were starting, feeling really smug in my bamboo cage, when someone approached me and told me something bad had happened involving my mother. I think she had died, or at least they were implying it.

      Now I was in this modified version of my grandparents house; it was more mansion-like, and darker, because I had closed all the blinds and curtains on every window. Someone came into the room I was in (I think it was the guest bedroom again), and asked why I had all the curtains and blinds shut. I was acting all depressed, but when they suggested opening the blinds, I did. The bright daylight from outside bothered my eyes for a moment, and then I heard the ambience from outside; cars, birds and other animals, getting magnified to disturbing proportions: It sounded as if the birds were massive and viscious, and very, very close, but for some reason I knew they weren't. I know it was the "ambience" of the world outside, and had shut out the light outside in order to shut out the noise that grew intolerably loud every time light got into my house.
      At some point I held up a piece of old string that had a blot of blue paint or something at the bottom of it.

      In the next dream, I had "gone back in time", but only partially. As in, some people had gone back in time with me, while others hadn't. Some parts of the world had gone back in time, while others remained in the same state that they are presently in. It was like how I had described time dilation to friends in my class, where time works and different paces, and from some perspectives, can seem like infinity.
      I had been transported back into year 11, and was going around telling people who would end up going out with who, and trivial crap like that. I kept trying to remember things that had happened, so I could tell people about them, especially important things that might save lives and whatnot. I saw Markus, and he also knew everything that was going to happen in the future. Other people I knew were completely oblivious. I went to Sunshine Station and saw Megan, James, Ashley and some other old classmates hanging around in the tunnel down there, and was telling them about the future.
      Later on I decided I'd go home, but couldn't be bothered waiting for a train. As I started to walk, I noticed a train leaving the station and heading back toward my house. Reluctantly, I continued walking down the streets where most of the small shops are, and a car was following me. I kept walking and ended up running into Sara's younger brother, who was hanging around all these muzza / "tough" kids. He said hi and I asked him how Sara was, while trying to remember his own name, which I forgot in the dream. Of course now I remember it as Daniel, but whatever.
      Eventually I arrived at Albion Station, which was incorrectly located in the middle of Sunshine. As I walked past, I looked into a bin and saw a watch on top of clothes; the time was nearing seven o' clock. I said something like "The bomb's going to explode at seven, right?" And seconds later there was a loud explosion that shook everything. People started accusing me of planting the bomb, because somehow I had known about it when I saw the watch (it was a silver, analogue watch), and even predicted the time of the explosion.
      The explosion was pretty minor, though, and eventually people left me alone while I waited at the platform for my train. It was extremely crowded on the platform, especially for seven at night.
      There was a large "control room"-esque building on the other side of the rails, and someone in there announced that the next train to leave the platform would be delayed. Some blonde, muscley guy yelled something smart at the unseen announcer, along the lines of "what's new?" and the annoucer laughed in agreement that the trains were always being delayed.
      Cowards Die In Shame

    23. #23
      Zerg Lurker Delilah's Avatar
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      Dream Juice

      In my first dream, I was in some sort of "Victorian estate" in the middle of a very dark forrest. The lighting was pretty much as unnatural and creepy as lighting could get; I didn't notice any shadows, there wasn't any light source - so the sun seemed completely blocked off (it may have been night) so it was "dark", yet I could see everything very clearly. There were dead or leafless trees surrounding the estate, and brown leaves and sticks covering the ground completely. There were yellow and brown leaves everywhere.
      I was with James and Jimmy, and we were gathering ingredients to make some sort of hallucinagenic drug, probably LSD. We were going to mix the ingredients together in this cauldren, which was housed in an old, wooden shed with open windows and doors (like a gardener's shed?), across from the Victorian mansion.
      I was walking around with Jimmy, looking for ingredients, when we took a look at this filled-in well that was placed between the shed and the mansion. The walls of the well were made out of black stones, and inside the well were heaps and heaps of pink and purple flower petals; the brightest, most colourful things in this entre dream scene. Apparently these flowers were either magical or just plain harboured hallucinagetic properties, and we could distill those properties out of them if we filled the well with boiling hot water, which would be easy because the well was only about a foot deep (presumably it had been sealed off beyond that point).
      From somewhere (perhaps the cauldren), we got boiling water and poured it into the well. I was really starting to feel like I was delving into serious witchcraft or something, and before long the flower-juice we had made was ready for consumption. I suddenly realised that all this was a bit sus - the flowers were placed there so conveniently, I started to suspect that there was poison or someting to contaminate our concoction underneath the flowers, but it was too late to check now, because everything was all mixed together, and whatever was under there (like rat poison) had probably dissolved.
      I didn't want to abandon our concoction based on a silly little suspicion I had, so I scooped some of the clear juice up in a tiny little phial and put it in my mouth without swallowing it, seeing if anything was strange.

      All of a sudden, I find myself walking with Jimmy around the corner of some grey, brick building resembling my old primary school, and as I turn to corner, I realise I'm dreaming, stop walking, put my hands in the air like I do whenever I have some brilliant thought cross my mind and said aloud: "I'm lucid", but I said it as if I'd been expecting it. Jimmy looked at me with these weird expression on his face, which I get a lot in real life, because I act weird around him for lulz.
      I said to him "we're dreaming, Jimmy", because I wasn't being logical, like in that lucid dream where I was temporarily convinced Alex was really in my dream. I tried to get "Jimmy" to realise he was dreaming with me, but then suddenly the dream collapsed and I woke up. Pissed off I was.

      This was most likely a dream, but I thought I was awake in bed, when my body started vibrating insanely, or at least felt like it. These vibrations were extremely powerful, but I wasn't panicking - I was rather excited, because I thought I was witnessing sleep paralysis and would soon be able to try a WILD. What was weird was that my body was shaking so much that I ended up turning sideways in my bed, with my legs falling off the side. The vibrations eventually stopped, and I was lying in bed waiting for something interesting to happen, but nothing else happened. I'm pretty sure this was a dream, but I'll ask people if you do move during "sleep paralysis", just to be sure.

      In recurring dream that I have, I dreamt that I ran into Steph in some public place, and like in every other dream, we stopped to talk, she asked me why I'd completely shut her out of my life, I explained myself, apologised, and we were friends again.
      There's definitely a part of me that feels guilty about kicking her out of my life like that after we broke up, like it was an over-the-top thing to do to someone who had only been an ass for one or two weeks of a several-month-long friendship.
      Part of me still thinks if I'm nice or considerate like that, I'll get screwed over. That part is what I believe, so I take extreme measures to protect myself.

      In another dream, I arrived at Footscray station, and it was really hot. The surrounding area had a large dirt road with heaps of wooden buildings, and was looking very Wild West. I ran into some Asian guy resembling Jacky Chan, and he said that we couldn't travel to where I wanted to go for a week, because the weather wouldn't permit it. I don't know where I was actually supposed to be going, but I couldn't wait a week before travelling, because I had school work to do or something. I harassed the Asian guy, telling him we'd travel by night if the days were too hot.
      He agreed, and he and his friend walked me to the border of this town to show me the land we would have to travel across. From a high vantage point, I saw this massive valley that was dessert, but then grassy plains, until it eventually started to get snowy, right before a wall of mountains. The Asian guy told me that the most dangerous part would be the snow, because even the sound of someone closing their cabin door too loudly could cause an avalanche.
      All of a sudden I was viewing the scene from third person, and followed this snowball that was falling from the sky, falling down until it hit me - except I looked like Frodo from Lord of the Rings, and was holding two vanilla ice-creams. My character copped most of the snowball in the face, but another hit the ice-cream out of his left hand, and knocked a bit of ice-cream off the cone in his right hand.

      In the next dream, I was at my friend Katherine A's house again, except the house was all warped and retarded. It may been some distorted continuation of the last dream, because I was "travelling through", except I had a group of people with me, two of which were Bender and Leela from Futurama. I was staying here for the night, but Bender was going around harassing all of the women. Suddenly I was in my kitchen and two women were talking like woman talk on the Oprah show, saying they were going to literally rape Bender for assaulting them in the first place. They said it really enthusiastically like Oprah, and the word "fuck" was filtered for some reason, with a weird yellow balloon appearing with a beeping noise.
      Back in some movie theatre, more women were talking about Bender being with them in a hot-tub, and one woman described the scene, sayig "he said he'd turn on his virbrator if he threw his cup away, then he did." But the woman wasn't really upset about it, but by the sounds of things it was like she went along with it.
      Later on I found out that Bender, although a robot could not be controlled, because he was the only robot without a "Servitor". In my dream, Servitors were assigned a robot who they were a master of, so each robot had a master who could control them.
      Then all of a sudden he and Leela were about to have sex while I was in the same room. I wondered if I could join them, since I was already in the same room.

      All of a sudden, in this final dream, I was almost home. It was night and I had decided to get off at Sunshine Station, and immediately regretted my decision, because now I'd have to walk about three kilometres to my house in the middle of the night. I ran down the ramp that led away from the platform and to the tunnel, and some guy with a massive, black fluffy dog was walking up the platform. As I neared the dog, I slowed down to a walk, because it was already excited. The dog followed me for a bit, until I reached the tunnel and climbed the stairs to outside the station.
      Out here, there were heaps of people in groups, and they all sort of looked dodgy. I walked over the the bus stop because I'd decided I'd rather take the bus home than walk, and as I crossed this group of people, I noticed this guy wearing a white beanie. We looked at each other but nothing happened. Then as I reached the bus stop, one of them yelled my name. Temporarily relieved because I thought I knew these people, I stopped and turned around. Three or four massive guys walked toward me, none of whom I recognised. I asked them what they wanted, and glanced behind me to make sure nobody was sneaking up from behind. Apparently I knew these people, but I wasn't on good terms with them. Once of them said straight out he wanted to see if I could fight him, and started throwing punches and kicks at me, but none of them hurt because he was teasing. He threw a roundhouse kick, but he was so tall that it went over my head without me having to duck - I saw that his testicles were very exposed at this point, and moved in to punch them, just as I was woken up by my mother.
      Cowards Die In Shame

    24. #24
      Zerg Lurker Delilah's Avatar
      Join Date
      May 2008

      Reality Check

      It's been raining again... I'm kind of crushed that Winter will be ending soon.

      I don't remember that much of last night's dreams, except that time passed really slowly. I must have had a hell of a lot of dreams, and became lucid for a bit, but it's mostly forgotten. Closer to 6 am, I had a dream that I was in some strange building where all the rooms were connected through transparent walls. There was a massive blackboard, and my 3D teacher, Christian, was being philosophical and explaining why people could be so cruel as to murder and torture each other. Christian has this habit of dumbing things down and exaggerating things deliberately to hold his class's attention, so he was immitating gangs of people to emphasis and clarify his argument, saying " 'I'm tough, I'm in a gang now, so I'm going to go around hurting people!' "
      He kept going on like that for a while, and I told him that he didn't need to dumb things down for me. After that, he simply concluded his argument with "When people have something to do, they're happy. When people are bored, they start to hurt other people."
      To me the quote translates to people who are happy and full of purpose are less likely to want to hurt their surroundings. Those who are less fulfilled with life are going to take desperate measures to fill that gap that they have.

      Later on I "woke up" and was in bed. I was thinking about all the dreams I'd had tonight, and wondered if I'd be able to get lucid. I was thinking about reality checks and decided to try one, even though I thought I was awake. I looked at my hands in the dark and could just make them out, like normal. They appeared normal, so I looked away and looked back. All of a sudden I realised my two middle fingers were shorter than my index finger and little finger - so I was dreaming. I decided I may as well try something cool, so I made a lightsabre beam shoot out of my middle finger. It was effortless, and the lightsabre appeared as a blue, 75-or-so percent opaque beam, approximately 30 centimetres long.
      I was like, "Holy shit! This is awesome!" and leapt out of bed with my lightsabre-fingers and into the kitchen. Then I realised I was still naked, because I had gone to sleep that way. My blanket seemed to have followed me out of bed, so I wrapped it around me. I was slightly worried that I was sleep-walking and actually jumping around the house naked, which was a huge blow to my lucidity; I examined my hand, and the lightsabre had faded to something barely visible. Perhaps 90% transparent. Then I woke up.

      It was a short dream, but it's the first time a reality check has induced lucidity, so I'm progressing into practising reality checks in dreams as well as while I'm awake, which is great - reality checks have actually become useful to me!
      Cowards Die In Shame

    25. #25
      Zerg Lurker Delilah's Avatar
      Join Date
      May 2008


      Last night I had some really fucked up dreams...
      Cowards Die In Shame

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