14/5/09 went to sleep at 21.40 - wrote down dreams at 04.34 15/5/09

(1) I was driving my work truck with an old workmate S.E (who now lives abroad). I was trying to drive through the gate into the yard, but for some reason I couldn't drive properly, I was ripping up the turf on the grass verge to the side of the gate.
It was a saturday and we hade been doing a side job (a job for personal cash, a sackable offence). I thought that when our boss saw the track marks in the grass he would know what we had been doing.
Eventually I got the truck through the gates and onto the track leading to the yard. But the track was really slippery like it had been raining. The track was sliding all over the place, and I couldn't control it. S.E got ou and was pushing the truck from the side while I tried to steer. I was worried that if the truck got stuck the boss would know and we would be in trouble!
After much struggle we eventually got the truck back to its parking spot.
weebt into the office area but the layout was different, there were more rroms than usual and extra buildings. My friend P was there, we were about to go to a party and I was trying to find some clothes to wear.

(2) I was with someone (I don't recall who), we were in a room which was filled with papers and folders and pile up top the ceiling and scattered everywhere. We were doing some kind of school homework answering questions about a science article from a magazine like "New Scientist" but it was called "Ecological Science"
Later I was at a dinner table with some of my mum's friends (but not one I know from WL). One of them lead me back into the room I was in before when doing the homework. She produced the answer sheet I had done earlier and asked "Now where is this from?"
"Its my answers from the New Scientist", I replied
"No, not the new scientist"
"Oh yes, sorry, Ecological Science,
"So you're not as intelligent as you pretend to be" she said condescendingly.
"I know I'm not that intelligent, and I don't pretend to be" I replied.

Action - the sliding truck, the way it was moving was totally not following the laws of physics.
Inner awareness - One of my personal dreamsigns is the feeling that I have done something wrong and am about to get caught or found out. This appears again here with the feeling that I was going to get in trouble for doing the side job.
Context - S.E is a person from my past, no longer in my daily WL. I often see people from my past in dreams, another personal dreamsign.
- Layout of my workplace was altered, this often happens in dreams.
- The room with all the papers everywhere, it was unlike any room you're likely to find yourself in in WL.
-The bizarre questioning by my mum's friend. Again unlikely in WL.