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    Thread: Raven Knight's Dream Travels

    1. #576
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      01/21/10 A and P attack, Healling MoSh and Allison

      Note: Just before I fell asleep I got a message on Skype from MoSh indicating that A and P had both attacked him. So my first WILD was devoted to going to his inner world and making sure everything was ok and also doing some healing on MoSh in case A and P did any harm. I also figured I would telepathically contact Nomad and get him to meet me there. I used my light / sound machine and slipped into a WILD…

      I found myself already in MoSh's inner world. I saw a portal open behind me and Nomad came through. He said he had heard my telepathic call… what was going on? I told him A and P had attacked MoSh again… and they might still be around. Nomad said he was going to check around for trouble. I saw was standing right outside the house that now looked quite familiar. I went over to the door and was about to knock on it when the door opened quickly. Asuka was inside. She looked quite panicked. She also seemed very glad to see me. She hurried me inside. She was having problems making coherent sentences, sometimes rambling off in Japanese. I got the main point… A and P were upstairs with MoSh right now… and there was a barrier keeping Asuka out… and probably keeping MoSh in with them… She said she didn't want to think what they might be doing in there…

      I hurried past Asuka and up the stairs. I reached a barrier. I hit the barrier with a bolt of lightning and was able to break through it. I continued up the stairs and into the bedroom where I knew MoSh was. When I entered the room I found A standing over a sleeping MoSh. She was giving him a really nasty look even though he wasn't awake to see the look. She was so focused on MoSh that she hadn't even noticed me.

      "I... I came here by day, but I left here in darkness, and found you, found you on the way," I started straight into the song. She looked up, surprised to see me there. "And now, it is silver and silent, it is silver and cold, you, in somber resplendence, I hold. Your sins into me, oh, my beautiful one, your sins into me, as a rapturous voice escapes, I will tremble a prayer, and I'll beg for forgiveness, your sins into, your sins into me, oh, my beautiful one!" A seemed to want to leave now. But I wouldn't allow that. She couldn't just walk out when I'm using my song! I grabbed onto her with a tendril of Witchblade and continued my song. She was getting pissed at me. MoSh woke up and looked at the two of us fighting in his room. When the song was over I let go of her and she disappeared through the wall… Asuka came running up the stairs and ran directly to MoSh, putting her arms around him. I said I was going to make sure A kept going and didn't stick around to cause more trouble.

      I flew through the wall to see what was going on outside. Nomad was facing off against P. P broke away from Nomad and blasted A with a wave of dark energy. She absorbed all of that dark energy. Great. There went the benefits of my healing spell… I was feeling quite pissed off at P. What was with that asshole? P came over near me and got in my face. He looked like Draco Malfoy except he had black hair.

      He said I should mind my own business. I told him that when he attacks my friend that makes it my business. I told him if he doesn't want trouble from me then he and A need to BACK THE FUCK OFF! Back off and leave MoSh alone! He didn't respond to that… he just attacked me, but was immediately nailed by Nomad, who was apparently tired of being ignored. I focused on the song Crush 'Em by Megadeth and used gravity attacks on both A and P.

      " Heads I win, tails you lose," the song went, "out of my way I'm coming through! Roll the dice don't think twice, and we crush, crush 'em! Now we lay you down to rest, you'll never be more than second best! Step inside you're in for a ride and we crush, crush 'em!" They seemed to be getting worn out a bit… I thought I would try a healing spell on P again… Devour by Disturbed. "I will devour you, take all the pain away! I cannot stay my hand, from reaching out so that I can empower you, for all eternity!" Near the end of the song, as I had mostly expected, P wanted to leave. The song continued, "Run, to where the smallest ray of light will never find you! Run, to where you will not need to shield your eyes! Run, away from all the soulless, heartless fiends who hound you! Run, away and let your memories go blind!" Then just to make sure the point got across, "Go! Run back into the dark and hide, you coward!"

      Calling him a coward was clearly the fastest way to piss P off. He stopped in his tracks and turned around and came straight back up to me. He had murder in his eyes. I felt no fear and held his gaze with a glare of my own which I hoped displayed the anger and hate I was feeling towards him at the time.

      "I am no coward, you worthless half-breed piece of shit!" P snarled at me, "No matter how hard you try you'll never equal half of me!"

      I noticed Nomad was starting a spiral… a dual Hyru Shouten Ha? Why not? I started slowly leading P into a spiral as well, and also aimed to piss him off even more. "Really?" I asked with a smirk, "The how come I'm always kicking your ass?" I paused, then answered my own question, "Because you're weak! That's why! You're so weak you think you're strong, and you're such a coward you don't even want to admit you're hiding! You are the most pathetic excuse for a…"

      That was apparently all it took to bring him to a boiling point. And that was the time. Both Nomad and I activated a Hyru Shouten Ha at the same time. There was a huge whirlwind of fire and ice alternating.

      P was right in the center of it, and A, who had been a bit to the side, also got pulled into it. The whirlwind launched P and A out beyond the shield I had put up around MoSh's inner world to keep them out… which doesn't seem to be doing that… and then they were gone. Nomad came over to me and said those two were really starting to piss him off.

      "MoSh!" I said, "When I got here A was doing something to him… he probably needs healing…" I hurried back into the house and up to the bedroom where Asuka was still holding MoSh and looking very worried. MoSh was holding his chest.

      "There's something in there!" Asuka said as she gently touched MoSh's chest, "He said A put it in there… But I can't get it out!"

      "We'll get it out," I told Asuka, "We just need to get him to the Healing Glen…" I opened a portal focusing on getting to a place of healing. A portal opened and we all went through. Asuka was helping MoSh… or she was just refusing to let go of him…

      On the other side of the portal we were in the healing glen in the biodome. Allison was there staring off into space. Yes… that was another goal for the night, to heal Allison's negative energy. How dare A and P delay me on that! Basara was also there strumming on his guitar. Golden energy was coming from his guitar and surrounding Allison. Apparently he had started without me. Asuka helped MoSh lie down in the grass and then had to be pulled back a bit. Allison and Basara came over to us, wanting to know what happened. I told them A and P had attacked MoSh. Allison asked what is wrong with those fucking assholes? She said she'd be happy to kill them… Basara was watching us all with a concerned look on his face. He asked if MoSh was ok.

      "They put something inside him!" Asuka said, "And I couldn't get it out!" She seemed quite upset by the fact she had been unable to get it out on her own.

      Asuka was pointing at MoSh's chest. I moved his shirt so I could see better… There was what appeared to be a puncture wound… and something moving around under his skin! That looked really disturbing! Something about it felt insectile… Maybe I could control it? I focused on ordering it to come back out the same way it had come in. It came back out through the puncture wound… causing MoSh to wince in pain… I was regretting doing it that way… I found myself apologizing repeatedly although MoSh said to just get that thing out any way necessary. And then it was out completely. It was a disgusting black bug type thing.

      Normally bugs don't bother me, but that one completely revolted me. I threw it on the ground and stomped on it, crushing it into the ground. Then I burned what was left and stomped on the ashes.

      "Uh… Raven?" Nomad said, "I think it's dead…"

      "Not dead enough," I said, but I turned my attention back to MoSh and healed the puncture wound with Voices. We then did a group healing. Nomad was playing a didgeridoo, Basara played his guitar, Asuka was creating a healing energy that looked like a rain of flower petals, and I was using Touch My Heart. The entire area filled with golden energy which flowed through all of us, including MoSh and Allison. The energy was very relaxing and eased away the anger I was feeling. Allison seemed to feel good. MoSh was clearly feeling better.

      MoSh got up. He said he was about to wake up. Asuka said she would be right there with him. He immediately said no to that. Asuka was a bit taken aback. She said she was certainly not going to have him going back alone! He said he wasn't alone, Q was there with him. She got annoyed and said she hadn't seen Q around when A and P were attacking. I wondered where Q had been… The two of them talked for a bit off to the side before Asuka came over to me looking quite unhappy. Without a word she opened a portal, went through it (I could see MoSh's inner world on the other side) and came back shortly later with a baby in her arms. The portal closed and she came over and stood silently next to me looking quite depressed. I asked her what was wrong. She said she understood why, and would do as MoSh asked if it would put him more at ease, but she still didn't like it. I put the pieces together that MoSh had insisted she come back to my inner world for her and the baby's safety. I told her not to worry… we would make sure MoSh remains safe. I opened a portal back to my own inner world and went through it with a depressed Asuka holding a baby. We emerged outside Serena and Vegeta's home. Serena came out to meet us. She looked concerned. Before I could explain anything, everything around me faded to black and I woke.
      Last edited by Raven Knight; 01-23-2010 at 10:36 PM.
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      "Anything you can imagine is real." - Pablo Picasso.
      "Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake." - Henry David Thoreau

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    2. #577
      Night Stalker <span class='glow_000000'>Baron Samedi</span>'s Avatar
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      Thank you so much for taking the time to write all these dreams down, and for flying into my slimy nose. HAHAHAA

      Anyway, as I read this, I cycle through so many emotions... I relive the dream emotions that I felt in those dreams. Unfortunately, I only have time for notes.

      You rock. I am so grateful to have friends like you and MoSh who have my bacK!
      Man of Shred likes this.
      ya gwan fok wid de Baron? ye gotta nodda ting comin. (Formerly known as Baking Nomad.)

    3. #578
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      Quote Originally Posted by WakingNomad View Post

      You rock. I am so grateful to have friends like you and MoSh who have my bacK!
      and now you can show gratitude with this new "Thanks" button!
      Raven Knight and Robo like this.
      The Best of my dream journal
      MoSh: How about you stop trying to define everything, and just accept what you experience, and explore it.
      - From the DJ of Waking Nomad!
      Quote Originally Posted by The Cusp View Post
      I'm guessing those intergalactic storm cloud monster bugs come out of sacred energy vortex angel gate medicine wheels.

    4. #579
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      01/23/10 Karaoke

      Note: I was a bit depressed when I fell asleep. Myy initial plan was to meet up with Allison, SilverWolf, and Basara to just go out and have some fun for a change… assuming no one interferes. With that in mind I fell asleep and slipped into a WILD…

      I was beside the koi pond in the biodome. I looked around to see if I was alone there. I wasn't anywhere near alone. There was a small group of people around me. Allison, Basara, Nomad, MoSh, Asuka, and Angel were all standing around as if they had been waiting for something. I was surprised to see Nomad, MoSh, Asuka, and Angel. I hadn't been expecting to see them. I was not surprised to see Allison and Basara. Allison asked how I was feeling. I said ok. She said that she was glad to hear I wasn't depressed any more. Basara said he'd thought I needed some healing to get rid of my negative energy. I shot Basara a dirty look. He responded with a perplexed look. I pointed at MoSh. Basara still looked perplexed. I finally just told Basara that some people have better things to do than waste their time and energy healing me! I became the target of a pair of Gibbses. I looked to see who had pulled a Gibbs on me. Nomad and MoSh were the people closest to me. Nomad said I had earned those. We did a healing in the healing glen area of the biodome. Golden energy filled the area, flowing through everyone. It was a very relaxing energy. When it was done it looked like I could fall asleep right there in the dream…

      The next thing I knew Allison was trying to get my attention. She said we needed to go pick up SilverWolf at the cottage. I opened a portal to the cottage and went through followed by Allison and Basara. The portal closed behind us. We were now outside of a cottage. Allison went to the door. She motioned to me and I went over. The door opened and Pixie there. We went inside. Pixie asked if we wanted some lucidi-tea. She gave Allison some lucidi-tea. I asked if she had anything that might be called positivi-tea? That would be a tea that infuses positive energy in whoever drinks it. She said that was a good idea, though. She disappeared into the next room and soon returned with a cup of tea. She handed me the tea and said to try that. I took a sip and reflexively spat it out. It tasted like bad cough syrup! Pixie just took the rest of the cup and left the room again. I was afraid I had offended her. I called after her that I was sorry but she was already gone. I felt bad. It was a bit awkward for a couple of minutes when Pixie came back. I told her again that I was sorry about my reaction to the tea. She didn't seem to be listening to me. She handed me another cup of tea and said to try that. I tasted it. It was good. And it felt good. A nice feeling spread through me. I thanked Pixie and she smiled. We finished our tea and then it was time to go. So the decided destination was a karaoke bar… I used Through the Never and opened a portal to an appropriate location…

      We went through to a bar. There was someone on a stage singing badly. People were laughing at her, and she was laughing at herself. In spite of sucking at the singing she seemed to be having fun. Since she was laughing at herself I didn't feel bad about laughing at her lousy attempt at singing. I didn't recognize the song at all, and it finally completely broke down into laughter. The woman came off the stage, apparently unable to stop the waves of laughter. Some friends greeted her and they disappeared into the crowd. We ordered some drinks. I ordered a Coke and rum. I think Allison had a beer… I'm not sure what the other two ordered.

      We took turns singing… I did Touch My Heart, even though the song is primarily in Japanese. I can sing the words, I just couldn't possibly tell you what they mean! Basara sang Love Will Save Your Heart. The song Allison sang was vaguely familiar… I don't remember what SilverWolf sang… I also remember doing a duet with Basara of Holy Lonely Light. We enjoyed ourselves.

      The only odd thing that happened was when I was drinking my Coke and rum some clumsy waitress fell right into me and made me spill it all over myself and Allison… Basara was on the stage at that point. I found that to be annoying. She somehow looked vaguely familiar. I told her to watch what she was doing. She asked if I was looking to get her fired again. I told her I just wanted my drink replaced. She left in a huff of anger. Another waitress brought me my replacement drink and said it was on the house… not that the cost really mattered since I was using dream money.

      We had all finished our turns singing and were just drinking, talking, and listening to the music when I happened to look up at the stage. I saw a man up there with a guitar. He was familiar… I wasn't as lucid as I usually am, maybe because I'd had a couple Coke and rum drinks already… but I would have sworn it was MoSh… He was playing the guitar and it sounded awesome. I saw the clumsy waitress pushing past people and heading for the stage. She was muttering something under her breath.

      "Hey!" she finally yelled, hardly audible over the music. I only heard her because she was almost right next to me. She was glaring at MoSh, acting like she was going to rudely interrupt. "Get your worthless ass off…" I tripped her as she went past our table and she sprawled into another table, making a couple people there spill their drinks. They got mad at her and cursed fluently at her. I figured she was clumsy… no one would know what happened. I was laughing to myself. Allison and SilverWolf were laughing at the clumsy waitress. I don't think they saw me trip her. I finished my drink just before everything around me faded to black and I woke.

      "Anything you can imagine is real." - Pablo Picasso.
      "Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake." - Henry David Thoreau

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    5. #580
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      01/23/10 Healing A... again...

      Note: I fell asleep after my previous dream with the intention of locating A in her inner world, or wherever she may be, and using a healing spell on her again. I am also wanting to know where she is getting the dark energy. I think it is all from P, but that might not be true. I listened to my music again, without the aid of the lights, and tried to slip into a second WILD. I lost part of my lucidity and slipped into a WILD with only partial lucidity…

      I was in a dark place. My intent had gotten me to where I needed to be. I looked around the area. I seemed to be alone. There was a dark mist hanging over a ground that was almost too dark to see. It was almost like I was walking in a void of infinite space. I walked for a while. I could remember who I was looking for, and I could remember what I wanted to do. I didn't think about which direction I went in, I just let my instinct guide me. I peered into the darkness as far ahead as I could see. I soon spotted who I was looking for. There was a woman dressed entirely in black walking amongst the dead trees. I had found A.

      At least she was here and not off bothering MoSh… I hesitated just a second, and I decided the healing spell should come first… if it helped any then it would be easier to find out what I needed to know…

      "I... I came here by day, but I left here in darkness, and found you, found you on the way," I started right in on the song Silver and Cold by AFI… I have tried it before, but it still felt like the right choice. "And now, it is silver and silent, it is silver and cold. You, in somber resplendence, I hold… Your sins into me, oh, my beautiful one, your sins into me. As a rapturous voice escapes, I will tremble a prayer, and I'll beg for forgiveness. Your sins into, your sins into me, oh, my beautiful one…"

      The song played through as I usually use it, and it had the effect of pulling dark energy off of A and focusing that energy into the dark shard on my Witchblade. When I tried to approach her, however, A didn't seem to behave any differently than if I hadn't bothered with the healing spell at all. She turned a glare at me and hissed at me to get out of her domain. I told her it wasn't going to happen. She said I don't have permission to dream with her. I commented that the permission rule obviously means a lot to her (dripping with sarcasm). She didn't respond to that, she just hissed again, sounding like a cross between an angry cat arguing with a snake. The image made me want to laugh. A said I had one more chance to leave or else. I asked or else what… she's got nothing on me. She glared at me. I teleported directly in front of her. Her eyes were creepy… solid black like the picture here.

      They looked like holes into a bottomless abyss. I didn't like looking into those eyes… no light there… but I had been getting somewhere before P had gone and fucked things up…

      So I telepathically focused on reading A's thoughts. The result was a rush of cold… like having liquid nitrogen injected into my veins. I reflexively shivered… and she laughed. I asked her where she was getting the dark energy. An image of P flashed through her mind… an image of her and P screwing and cycling dark energy between them. Yuck… an image I hadn't especially wanted to see… I asked her what she wanted with Sydney. More images. Disturbing ones… images of Sydney filled with dark energy and opening a portal that lead somewhere horrible… I couldn't see what was on the other side of the portal and I didn't think I wanted to. But I saw Sydney's eyes… they were solid black like A's eyes were. I reflexively shivered again. A said if I didn't want to see the truth then I should stay out of her mind. She laughed an evil laugh. I broke eye contact and looked away from A, still feeling cold inside. She laughed and said there's more where that came from.

      Q appeared from nowhere. He said he could take care of things from here. He snapped his fingers and A was sealed into a white energy sphere. At first she was surprised, then pissed. She was firing dark energy blasts at the energy sphere, but the sphere held. Q said it was fine with him if she wanted to waste her energy, but that sphere was created specifically for her, so she wouldn't be getting out. She started cursing fluently at both Q and me. Asked what the fuck we thought we were doing. I said it is clear to me she is addicted to dark energy, so this would be called an intervention. Have fun in rehab. Q snapped his fingers and both of them disappeared. I heard Q telepathically tell me that A was secured safely in a containment area, so this part was done.

      I still felt so cold inside. A song by Linkin Park came to mind… called What I've Done. It would work to cleanse myself… "In this farewell, there’s no blood, there’s no alibi," I focused on the song, "‘Cause I’ve drawn regret from the truth of a thousand lies. So let mercy come and wash away what I’ve done! I'll face myself to cross out what I’ve become! Erase myself, and let go of what I’ve done!" White light came from above me and washed over me like a waterfall. It felt warm and cleansing. When the song was done I felt a lot better. Only a memory of the chill I had felt just a short time ago. Everything around me faded to black and I woke.
      Last edited by Raven Knight; 01-25-2010 at 11:04 PM.
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      "Anything you can imagine is real." - Pablo Picasso.
      "Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake." - Henry David Thoreau

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      yeah that's what i forgot to add in my Great Diverge dream. I probed their minds and saw them screwing. P feeding her dark energy. In a demonic voice she was saying "YES!!! MORE MORE I LOOOVE DARK ENERGY".
      The Best of my dream journal
      MoSh: How about you stop trying to define everything, and just accept what you experience, and explore it.
      - From the DJ of Waking Nomad!
      Quote Originally Posted by The Cusp View Post
      I'm guessing those intergalactic storm cloud monster bugs come out of sacred energy vortex angel gate medicine wheels.

    7. #582
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      01/23/10 Healing P

      Note: I had one more goal for the night. I wanted to try to heal P now… or at least I was feeling that I should try to heal him. Sometimes it is a pain in the ass to feel drawn to heal someone when I'd rather just kick the shit out of that person repeatedly! I fell asleep while focusing on my goal.

      I was in the same dark garden as I had been in during the first dream. I thought that was odd sine I had been focusing on finding P this time. I looked around to see if there was anyone there. I saw someone a short distance off. I got closer to that someone. I got close enough to see it was a man who looked like Draco Malfoy with black hair. I had found P… in A's inner world? That seemed a bit odd. Maybe he had come here to give more dark energy to A… maybe they had been planning on going to attack MoSh again… I felt angry at the idea that they would do that again. I tried to not focus on that anger… it would only hinder my attempts at healing. I got quite close to P before he noticed me. He finally did.

      P turned around and saw me. He was not pleased to see me. He demanded to know what I was doing there and also where A was. I told him A was being taken care of, not that he gives a shit what happens to her. He was glaring at me with death in his eyes. His eyes were solid black like A's eyes had been. I focused on the song Devour by Disturbed. Better do that quickly before I got too angry at P to be able to focus on the healing spell.

      "Still enough, although I know you're not begging," I focused on the song, "Still as the thoughts running through your mind. Still enough, although I know you're not begging. Give me a reason to make you mine! I will devour you, take all the pain away, I cannot stay my hand from reaching out so that I can empower you for all eternity! It seems to ease my mind, to know that you've brought meaning to my life." The song played through and seemed to be having the desired effect… for a bit. But when I finished the song P seemed even more pissed off than when I had started it. I thought that might be an indication that it was definitely working, and P didn't like the fact it was draining some of his dark energy away. I teleported directly in front of P and focused on reading his thoughts… I had a moment of hesitation when I saw that P seemed pleased with that choice of action… did he have something planned? Too late now…

      I was looking into the solid black holes of P's eyes. He had one hand on each of my arms and was holding them very tightly. Painfully tight. His hands were digging into my shoulders. I ignored that (Now that I'm recording I wonder why didn't Witchblade activate?) as I focused on reading P's thoughts… Another wave of cold washed through me. More liquid nitrogen in my veins. So very cold that I thought I might not be able to move. I tried to ignore the cold and focus on reading P's thoughts. I asked where he was getting the dark energy. Images of horrible atrocities that I don't want to recall and I don't want to record it here… just suffice to say it was a horrible thing to see… and it didn't include where P has been getting his dark energy. I asked him again where he got the dark energy. He was laughing at me. He said he could block me out all night. There was no way I would find out his secrets. More power would be needed. The psychic song I was thinking of is Master of Puppets by Metallica.

      "Master of Puppets I'm pulling your strings, twisting your mind and smashing your dreams!" I did the song, "Blinded by me, you can't see a thing! Just call my name, 'cause I'll hear you scream! Master! Master! Just call my name, 'cause I'll hear you scream! Master! Master!" P got a strange look on his face. Surprise, effort, and then just anger. I got an image now… it was P's heart… and it was disgusting! It was like it was covered in a black mold… And it was surrounded with an eerie black fire.

      It appeared to be actually emanating dark energy. The image suddenly disappeared and was replaced with a wall of the black flames. I wasn't sure what I had seen so I asked one more time where he was getting the dark energy. I once again got an image of a black heart surrounded by black flames. So was the source of dark energy inside of P? Figure that out later. My entire body was starting to feel like I was in deep freeze. I couldn't feel P's hands on my shoulders any more… I was numb. Something else I wanted to know. I asked P what he was trying to get to Sydney for. More stuff that I don't want to recall or post… Suffice it to say that the images I got weren't pretty. I saw an image of what I knew was Sydney corrupted by dark energy even though it didn't even resemble her any more…

      It was a very disturbing and horrible thing to see. That was all I wanted to see… more than I wanted to see… I tried to turn my head away from P, but the cold had me frozen. So I just closed my eyes and focused on some more Master of Puppets. The extra psychic energy broke me free and the images faded from my mind.

      I stepped away from P, who was mocking me now… He was saying I'd never had a chance against him in the first place, so I shouldn't have even tried. I was feeiling a bit disoriented. I drew energy from my white shard in my Witchblade and turned around and glared at P. I told him I am not the one who doesn't have a chance, he is. The dark energy makes him weak. And as long as he surrenders to that dark energy all he is ever going to be is weak. He was getting pissed off at me again. He moved to attack me but never got it off. Q appeared and sealed him in an energy field. P's attack of black flames hit the inside of the force field and did nothing. Q said we had a nasty one here. He said it would be taken care of. He disappeared, and so did P. I focused again on the song What I've Done by Linkin Park. The wave of light energy flowed over me again, feeling very warm. I only felt slightly chilled as everything around me faded to black and I woke hoping I had found something useful at least...
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      "Anything you can imagine is real." - Pablo Picasso.
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    8. #583
      Zoe is offline
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      It's good of you to try to heal others, but it is not your responsibility. You've said that you suffer from depression and have issues with dark energy yourself. I think ordeals like the two you've just been through tonight might exacerbate your problems. Don't you feel crappy the day after something like this happens? Maybe it's time to think of yourself.

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      Quote Originally Posted by Zoe View Post
      It's good of you to try to heal others, but it is not your responsibility. You've said that you suffer from depression and have issues with dark energy yourself. I think ordeals like the two you've just been through tonight might exacerbate your problems. Don't you feel crappy the day after something like this happens? Maybe it's time to think of yourself.
      Actually I start feeling crappy if I don't use my abilities as a healer... like it is a skill going to waste. I usually feel quite a bit better after attempting or completing a healing on someone. And second, it is a need I feel... I am drawn to heal those who need it. Resisting that guide makes me feel like crap.
      "Anything you can imagine is real." - Pablo Picasso.
      "Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake." - Henry David Thoreau

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    10. #585
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      01/24/10 Healing MoSh

      Note: My first goal for the night was to meet up with MoSh and find out if there was any dark energy crap left behind by that parasite that A put inside him. So I fell asleep with my light / sound machine on and slipped into a WILD…

      I was in MoSh's inner world. I could tell that for sure. I recognized the house. The door opened and Asuka came out. She seemed happy to see me. She had a baby in her arms. I asked if I could hold it and she said yes, handing the baby to me. It was cute. I carried the baby back inside. MoSh was inside sitting on a couch and drinking a beer. I went right over to him. I took the beer away and set it down on the table and then handed him the baby. I told him he should remember the baby. He looked at me and then he looked at the baby. I said he should remember the baby. Remember this dream. MoSh looked at the baby a bit more. He then looked at me and said he could feel something inside left by that bug thing… He gave me a dirty look. I wondered why. Then the look was gone. I wondered if it had actually been there… I opened a portal to the healing glen portion of the biodome and both of us went through…

      On the other side I looked around. There was a bed of grass where it usually is. I told MoSh I would look for anything left behind by that bug. He gave me a dirty look again… and then again it was gone. He lied down on the bed of grass. I was focusing on seeing if there was anything there. I wasn't sure if I could see something… I had to look a bit closer. At the spot where the bug had gone in. I was looking closely at that spot, and I thought I could see something there, and the next thing I knew I was flying backwards. I landed on my ass in the grass. I looked up and saw MoSh getting up and glaring at me. WTF? He said that wasn't going to work on him twice and called me a fucking bitch. I told him to quit it. He shot astral tendrils that wrapped around me and lifted me were squeezing awfully tight. I told him again to stop it. I was getting pissed off. I moved my hand around enough to extend my hidden blade through the tendrils and sever them. I dropped to the ground. I had already formed Witchblade into a sword and I was extremely close to finding out if there was another bug in MoSh by slicing him open… but that was just negative energy… and negative energy was why he had attacked me… Negative energy multiplies when shared… so don't share it!

      "What the matter, bitch?" MoSh was taunting, "Don't know what to do when I fight back?"

      I didn't respond to the statement. I was focused on The Curse by Disturbed in an attempt to control the rising anger and hate inside me. "Marked for demolition, I'm just a time bomb ticking inside," I was singing the lyrics. Apparently MoSh thought I was talking to him because he got a bit closer. I closed my eyes and heard only the song. "No hope for the hopeless, I can see the pieces all laid out in front of me. No point even asking why, couldn't help even if you tried." Those astral tendrils were wrapped around me again… I paid them no attention this time. I focused on the song and sang the words louder, now there was no question MoSh could hear me. "Step aside or you might just be the next contestant to feel the Brutality!"

      "What the…" MoSh looked confused now, looking at me strangely. He rubbed his eyes and looked back at me, still looking confused.

      "Devastation, Obliteration are all to the point of exacerbation! There's no explaining my situation now, why does this shit keep happening to me? I've held on too long just to let it go now! Will my inner strength get me through it somehow? Defying the curse that has taken hold! Never surrender, I'll never be overcome!"

      "That song…" MoSh said in a distracted manner… I just continued with the song. I telepathically focused on the title of the song… if it was making him question, maybe he could block the dark energy, too. It's called The Curse by Disturbed. It's how I resist negative energy… and there is a shit load of it in here now thanks to you, you fucking ASSHOLE! No… I'm supposed to be fighting that stuff… not indulging it…

      "I've held on too long just to let it go now!" I was near the end of the song now. The astral tendrils released me and I dropped back to the ground. I continued with the song, not even getting up from the crouching position I had landed in. "Will my inner strength get me through it somehow? Defying the curse that has taken hold! Never surrender, I'll never be overcome!" After the song was done I still felt a lot of negative energy inside me… but it wasn't at the surface ready to burst out. I got up carefully and looked over at MoSh. He didn't look angry at me any more. He looked more concerned than angry.

      "Raven?" he asked, "That's you, isn't it? You're Raven! Ah, shit!"

      "Yeah, I'm Raven," I said in a not too friendly voice, "Glad you finally figured that one out."

      "Damn it!" MoSh said, "I thought you were…" then he stopped.

      "You thought I was what?" I asked, "A giant mutant heart bug on steroids?" I'm not sure where that term came from…

      "I thought you were A!" he finally blurted out.

      I just stood there for a minute trying to decide if I should be seriously offended by that statement. I decided to ignore it as to stop the escalation of negative energy. At least he hadn't said he'd thought I was P! "Well I'm not," I said, "And I've got a nice blast of… um… healing spell with your name on it." I'd almost said a blast of fire. I closed my eyes and focused for a bit and then I focused on Touch My Heart. The song played loudly in the healing glen. A spiral of healing energy surrounded MoSh and pulled out some disgusting looking black crap. I almost slipped an "Eeewww…" into my song when I saw it. The song finished and there was still golden energy floating in the air. I absorbed some of it and felt a lot better… The healing spell itself had felt good flowing through me. I looked over at MoSh. I wasn't angry any more. I asked if he was feeling ok. He was saying he was sorry he had attacked me. I said not to worry about it… if I had a dollar for every time someone I was trying to heal attacked me I'd be a millionaire by now… and even chuckled. I asked if he remembered holding his baby. He looked at me strangely. I took that as a 'no.' I was about to say something else (I forget what) when everything around me faded to black and I woke.
      Last edited by Raven Knight; 01-26-2010 at 12:10 AM.
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      "Anything you can imagine is real." - Pablo Picasso.
      "Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake." - Henry David Thoreau

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    11. #586
      Night Stalker <span class='glow_000000'>Baron Samedi</span>'s Avatar
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      Damn. That's intense.
      ya gwan fok wid de Baron? ye gotta nodda ting comin. (Formerly known as Baking Nomad.)

    12. #587
      Dormant. Long live Q! rose_red's Avatar
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      Quite an interesting collection of dreams you have here. They're all (the ones that I've managed to read at least, you've got a lot) rather enjoyable to look through. I would like to say that I'm impressed at the control you have over your dreams (and at your musical vocabulary), though through one section my father was looking over my shoulder and asked "does she call everyone templars?" XD.

      In any case, I do have one question for you. How do you distinguish between whether you're really seeing the dreamer or if you're just having a dream about them?

      All the best,

    13. #588
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      Quote Originally Posted by rose_red View Post
      Quite an interesting collection of dreams you have here. They're all (the ones that I've managed to read at least, you've got a lot) rather enjoyable to look through. I would like to say that I'm impressed at the control you have over your dreams (and at your musical vocabulary), though through one section my father was looking over my shoulder and asked "does she call everyone templars?" XD.
      Thanks! Glad you like this DJ. No, not everyone is a Templar... they just seem to stick their noses into every place they don't belong.

      Quote Originally Posted by rose_red View Post
      In any case, I do have one question for you. How do you distinguish between whether you're really seeing the dreamer or if you're just having a dream about them?

      All the best,
      The key difference between another dreamer and a DC of them is the energy. Since a DC is an illusion created by the mind, there's no real energy there. But a real dreamer has definite energy, unique to that person. Like a finger print. So once you can see energy you can tell it is a dreamer and who it is (if you are familiar with that person's energy).
      "Anything you can imagine is real." - Pablo Picasso.
      "Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake." - Henry David Thoreau

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    14. #589
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      Quote Originally Posted by Raven Knight View Post
      Thanks! Glad you like this DJ. No, not everyone is a Templar... they just seem to stick their noses into every place they don't belong.
      lol, I can understand that, but luckily In don't have any similar problems. Admittedly, I don't have as much control over my dreams (or guests in my dreams) as you, but I have two things to keep those few guests in line. First, a DC that appears to as my wife (not that I have one IRL) who I've had to help loading the bodies of her victims before, and second, a pack of wolves that ripped apart the last DC/guest that bugged me.

      Quote Originally Posted by Raven Knight View Post
      The key difference between another dreamer and a DC of them is the energy. Since a DC is an illusion created by the mind, there's no real energy there. But a real dreamer has definite energy, unique to that person. Like a finger print. So once you can see energy you can tell it is a dreamer and who it is (if you are familiar with that person's energy).
      I guess you might have a point there. I do have DC that feel like they're something more than just figures created by my mind because it feels there should be someone there.

    15. #590
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      I just wanted to say "Thank you" For always coming to my Rescue. I hope i get to return the favor someday.
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      MoSh: How about you stop trying to define everything, and just accept what you experience, and explore it.
      - From the DJ of Waking Nomad!
      Quote Originally Posted by The Cusp View Post
      I'm guessing those intergalactic storm cloud monster bugs come out of sacred energy vortex angel gate medicine wheels.

    16. #591
      Night Stalker <span class='glow_000000'>Baron Samedi</span>'s Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Man of Shred View Post
      I just wanted to say "Thank you" For always coming to my Rescue. I hope i get to return the favor someday.
      You saved my dream ass many times in dream battles, brother!
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      ya gwan fok wid de Baron? ye gotta nodda ting comin. (Formerly known as Baking Nomad.)

    17. #592
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      Quote Originally Posted by Man of Shred View Post
      I just wanted to say "Thank you" For always coming to my Rescue. I hope i get to return the favor someday.
      But you have! The most recent incident I believe involved me trapped in a dark energy web when you and Nomad came...
      "Anything you can imagine is real." - Pablo Picasso.
      "Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake." - Henry David Thoreau

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    18. #593
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      These dreams look awesome. I wish I could hang with you guys sometime.
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      Things are not as they seem

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      Quote Originally Posted by Jeff777 View Post
      These dreams look awesome. I wish I could hang with you guys sometime.
      Meet us on the moon sometime if you want! You're welcome to drop by!
      "Anything you can imagine is real." - Pablo Picasso.
      "Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake." - Henry David Thoreau

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    20. #595
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      01/25/10 Escort to McDonald's

      Note: I was really upset when I went to bed tonight. I was so upset that I had trouble falling asleep. I tried using my light / sound machine to fall asleep and slip into a WILD… but I wasn't even able to fall asleep. I was finally able to fall asleep… but I was not able to have a WILD. I did finally manage to get to sleep, but I remembered only this non-lucid.

      I was with someone. That someone was a man, but I don't remember who it was. There was someone we were supposed to help. I think the someone was male. I was wondering if he was safe. I was thinking that he was in danger. Enemies were coming for him. I told the man I was with that we had to get to the person we were protecting fast. My partner said that was impossible, the man was on the other side of the block. I said we had to hurry.

      We ran out of the building and onto the street. It would take way too long to get to the other side of the block. There was an alley there. It was dark out, so we had to be careful. We hurried down the alley. There was a fence in the way. We'd have to go over. I didn't hesitate, I climbed it, and so did my partner. We were almost to the fence on the other side of the alley, and thus almost to the man we were protecting, when I saw a dog coming.

      The dog was huge! I couldn't see it well. Could've been a large dog, could've been a wolf… but considering the setting I was thinking dog. The dog launched itself through a fence that separated me and it and then jumped on me, snarling and growling. I was thinking I didn't want to fight the dog. I thought if I kept a calm energy that the dog might calm down. I held the dog's head away from my body as it snapped and growled. I was knocked over. The dog was on top of me, still going for biting me. Quite vicious. My partner got behind the dog and pulled it a bit off of me so I could get up. That dog was strong. The dog turned on him. I grabbed the dog from behind, wrapping my arms around its neck in a hug… and now I was riding a bucking dog! My partner went to the fence and climbed halfway up. He reached back for me and pulled me quickly to the fence before the dog could grab me. We were both over the fence in a flash.

      The man we were protecting wasn't there. My partner said there was a meeting place where the man was supposed to go if he was in danger. I hoped the man would be there. We walked down the street to a McDonald's. It was actually a large area with several restaurants. There was some burger place I'd never heard of next to McDonald's. The line there was endless. I went to the McDonald's. There were three people in line. I wondered who would wait in the endless line next door. Somewhere in here I lost my partner and forgot to look for the man we were protecting.

      I wanted a Big Mac. I got to the window to order. A man behind the counter told me to go away and come back later. I said I wasn't going to leave and have to wait in line again. He said he had to take care of some things. Go away and come back later. I said he could go ahead and take care of his things, I would wait, and then I wanted a Big Mac. He was annoyed. He threw together a sloppy Big Mac. I remembered something about needing extra lettuce? I asked for that. He threw a handful of lettuce in the box and then threw the box to me with a snarl. I took the box. I went to find a table… and I was also looking for my partner again… and the person we were supposed to protect. I also thought Alicia and Allison might be there… But before I could look for them I woke up.
      Last edited by Raven Knight; 01-28-2010 at 05:32 AM.
      "Anything you can imagine is real." - Pablo Picasso.
      "Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake." - Henry David Thoreau

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    21. #596
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      01/26/10 Pest Removal

      Note: I fell asleep with a couple of plans. My first plan was to remove the parasitic bug from Allison… the second part was to heal Asuka… and the third part was to clean the dark energy out of MoSh's inner world. I fell asleep with the first of these tasks in mind, I used my light / sound machine and slipped into a WILD…

      I was on the moon in the tower. It looked like a medical bay off of Star Trek. Q appeared. He said everything was set and ready to go. He said he had located Janet and brought her here from just before she would have died. He said due to that Janet would be sticking around for a while. I looked and I saw Janet Frasier from Stargate SG1.

      She was talking to Washu. Q went over to Janet and Washu. I remembered what we were doing. Janet and Washu were going to remove a parasitic bug thing from Allison. I looked around, wondering where Allison was. She was in the room with us. I wondered if anyone else was going to show up. I looked around the room. Q asked what I was looking for. I told him I was looking for one of the others. Q said Allison had wanted Janet to remove the parasite, and Washu would be assisting.

      He said I could make sure everything was healed up nicely. I went over to where Allison was waiting.

      "Gee…" Allison said, "Look who didn't show up." She chuckled as she looked around the room. She then directed her attention to Janet. She was staring at Janet with a smile on her face. Janet got a strange look on her face as she saw Allison looking at her. Finally Janet asked if we were ready to get down to business.

      I'm not a doctor, so I didn't understand most of what was going on. Janet proceeded with obvious curiosity and confidence. She clearly knew what she was doing, although the goa'uld is significantly different. I heard her talking to Washu about how the parasite was similar to and different from a goa'uld. Everything went smoothly. Washu said she would find out what the thing was… She looked like a kid with a new toy. She said something about setting it up in her new moon lab and disappeared through a door. I used the healing spell Touch My Heart to clean out any remaining dark energy and Voices to seal the incision Janet had made. Janet just stared at that. She said she would never cease to be amazed by what a skilled healer can do.

      Allison seemed to feel ok now. She sat up and looked around. She smiled at Janet. Janet smiled back. I was thinking I might wake up. Apparently Q could tell. He told me to go ahead, he would make sure that Allison got to see Xena. In this dream or the next one if she happened to wake up. He said he just hoped she would remember it and not try to say she never got her time with Xena. He smiled. Everything around me faded to black and I woke.
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      "Anything you can imagine is real." - Pablo Picasso.
      "Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake." - Henry David Thoreau

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    22. #597
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      01/26/10 Heal Asuka, Clean House

      Note: I woke up from the previous dream, jotted down a couple notes, and rolled over to go back to sleep. I put my iPod on to play isochronic tone so I could focus on them and attempt to slip into a second WILD. My next goal was to find and heal Asuka… I focused on the sounds and slipped into a semi-lucid WILD…

      I found myself outside a house that looked familiar. I recognized that I was at a friend's house. My mind wasn't clear… whose house? Alicia? No. Allison? No… MoSh! I was at MoSh's house! That seemed normal to me even though MoSh lives in a different country from me…

      I looked at my surroundings a bit closer. Something was off. It was kind of run down. Weird… I remembered it being very nice before. I went to the door. I knocked on the door and it opened. MoSh was there. He asked if I had found Asuka. He said he'd been out looking but hadn't seen her. I told him I would find her. Let's go. MoSh followed me out of the house. I paid no more attention to the state of the place. I focused on Through the Never by Metallica and on locating Asuka. The song played and a portal opened. MoSh and I both went through…

      On the other side I found that we were in a small cave. I didn't know where we were. I looked around to see if I had somehow ended up in the wrong place. I spotted someone hiding in the cave. I went into the cave, MoSh was behind me. I could see better now. Asuka was in the back of the cave huddled on the floor shivering. MoSh tried to get her attention. She looked up and she was very pale. She looked like she might throw up… and then she did. Disgusting black slimy stuff. MoSh helped her stand up and they came towards me. He said she felt awfully cold… I told him not to worry, she would be better in no time. I opened a portal to the Healing Glen. I went through and MoSh helped Asuka.

      On the other side we were in the Healing Glen. There were other people there. The frost giant was there, I also saw Basara, Nomad, and Angel. I saw that MoSh was carrying Asuka now. She was either asleep or unconscious. The frost giant gently took Asuka from MoSh and carried her into the cave. We took her to the back of the cave and lied her on the bed there. We did healing spells now. I used the song Touch My Heart to clean out dark energy out of Asuka and heal her. Other people were using their own healing spells but they all worked in harmony. Golden energy filled the cave and flowed through Asuka. When the spells were complete Asuka woke up.

      Asuka seemed to be waking up from a long sleep. She looked around the room and saw all of us there. She yawned and seemed a bit tired. MoSh asked her how she felt. She looked over at MoSh and then quickly looked away. She looked upset about something.

      "I didn't mean it…" She said, she appeared about to cry, "Those things I said… I can't believe I said it… I didn't mean it…"

      MoSh went over to Asuka and helped her up and they were hugging. He told her not to worry about anything she said or did, it wasn't her fault… it was the dark energy… and she would be safe now. Asuka said she wanted to go home and just be alone with MoSh. He said it wasn't safe yet… there was still dark energy there. Nomad said there wouldn't be dark energy there for long… let's go get it cleaned up. I opened a portal back to MoSh's inner world. MoSh, Nomad, and I went through…

      On the other side we were just outside MoSh's house again. I looked around at the area again. It looked dark, rundown, and actually a bit creepy. Looked a bit like a house in Silent Hill. I went inside. The inside of the house was also creepy. It looked run down and abandoned, and there was strange crap growing on the walls. I went upstairs to MoSh's room. I figured that would be the center of what needed to be cleansed… since that was where the bug had been. Nomad went off somewhere. I wasn't sure where, but I thought I remembered him saying something about positioning dark energy detectors. Now to start cleaning this place up.

      I focused on the song Full Moonlight for this job. The song started playing loudly. A small spiral formed in my hands and appeared to be pulling in dark energy from around it. It formed a small black ball that was floating between my hands. And that continued to pull in more dark energy… until the ball was about the size of a softball. It continued absorbing dark energy but it didn't get any larger. It was quite interesting to see… the orb seemed to be absorbing the creepy from the room… pulling the rot from the walls and leaving them clean, dispersing shadows from the corners of the room… When the room looked clean I moved to other areas of the house and the orb absorbed dark energy. It was absorbing it faster now. I took it outside and it was absorbing dark energy from everywhere.

      When the spell was done I was left with a ball of dark energy. I wasn't sure what to do with it. The dark shard of my Witchblade absorbed it and it was gone. Well I guess that was one thing to do with it… I looked around. Everything was much nicer now. The sun was shining, trees were green, the house looked nice again. I didn't see any sign of the dark energy. A portal opened and Asuka came through. She looked very happy to see the place looking nice again. I was glad to see she was looking well. I was wondering where MoSh had gone off to… and then I found myself getting hugged… by MoSh. He was thanking me for helping to heal Asuka and clean the dark energy from his inner world. I must've disappeared right from his arms because it was then that everything around me faded to black and I woke.
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      "Anything you can imagine is real." - Pablo Picasso.
      "Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake." - Henry David Thoreau

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    23. #598
      Night Stalker <span class='glow_000000'>Baron Samedi</span>'s Avatar
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      You're a good soul, Raven Knight.
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      ya gwan fok wid de Baron? ye gotta nodda ting comin. (Formerly known as Baking Nomad.)

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      01/27/10 MoSh's Delta Flyer

      Note: I fell asleep with my light / sound machine on and the goal of meeting MoSh to build a brand new Delta Flyer. I was thinking about that when I slipped into my WILD…

      I was in MoSh's inner world. I was standing outside the house. I knocked on the door. Asuka answered it… with cookies! She handed me a cookie. I ate the cookie. It was fresh and warm and delicious. Dream cookies… She said MoSh was inside. I went inside to look around. I spotted MoSh. MoSh looked over at me. I told him there's a Delta Flyer with his name on it… it's just waiting to be built. MoSh seemed to like that. I asked him if he was lucid. He said not really. I said maybe he would want to do a reality check before we go. He said no, he was good. I told him he was dreaming. He said he knew… well that would make him lucid! I opened a portal to the landing bay in the tower on the moon. MoSh and I went through…

      On the other side we were in the landing bay. My Fire Valkyre, Nomad's Flight of the Navigator ship, and Allison's ship were each on their own landing pad. MoSh and I walked to an empty landing pad. The computer generated a 3d hologram of a Delta Flyer modeled exactly after the Star Trek model. I told MoSh he could look at that and change whatever he wanted to customize. The holograms responded to touch. MoSh went over to the ship and started moving stuff around. He altered some things and left others. He was doing that for a while until he seemed happy with the results.

      I went over to the computer console. I told MoSh his ship would have an AI… and he could select the AI's personality. The terminal accessed a penticon chip and loaded the basic AI system onto it. There were then a large number of options available to choose from. I called MoSh over and said he could select the AI's personality. And if the option he wanted wasn't there just say it, the computer would understand him. I saw someone moving over by the hologram of the ship. I looked and saw Mary. She was poking around the ship and adding things. I asked what she was doing. She said adding weapons, of course. She said she was sure I wanted MoSh to be safe out there… and for that he needs weapons. Guns. And lots of them. MoSh saw her and asked what she was doing. She asked if she really needed to say everything twice. She told MoSh she was adding guns, and lots of them. So if he was attacked in his ship the enemies wouldn't stand a chance. She smiled. She said that ship could take out a large planet now. MoSh looked like he didn't believe her, but he didn't argue.

      "Ok," I said, "If you're happy with the ship as it is, the construction can be done."
      <a href="http://media.photobucket.com/image/star trek delta flyer/apostrophe_jesus/Ship requests/ap_sternbach_gallery_15.gif?o=1" target="_blank"><img src="http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b221/apostrophe_jesus/Ship%20requests/ap_sternbach_gallery_15.gif" border="0"></a>
      MoSh went over and looked over the ship a bit more. He seemed surprised by something. He commented that Mary hadn't been kidding when she'd said she had added a lot of weapons. He said it looked good. The only thing left was to construct the ship itself. The parts were replicated by the computer and all put together. The result looked cool. Soon it was all ready to go. I asked if MoSh wanted to take it for a spin. I would have been extremely shocked if he'd said no… and he said he definitely did. So both of us went to the ship and got in. Mary came, too. She said she wanted to see a weapons test on it. MoSh said he wasn't looking to get in a fight. Mary said that was boring, but ok. An asteroid belt would do.

      We launched out of the moon tower and flew into deep space. We flew out into space, went to warp drive between a couple of places, and flew into the middle of an asteroid field for the weapons test. Mary was seeming happy. She was pointing at a large red button. The words below it read, EAR DIRT EVERYONE IN THE VACINITY! She kept saying she wanted MoSh to push that one. Push that one! MoSh finally pushed it… and every weapon on the ship fired at once! There was a massive explosion radiating outward from the ship in all directions. When the explosion cleared it no longer looked like we were in an asteroid field. There weren't any asteroids visible now. Mary was very happy. She said she never gets tired of that. MoSh was a bit stunned at the display of firepower. Mary said it works good if MoSh ever gets surrounded. We flew back to the moon tower. We had just landed when everything around me faded to black and I woke.
      Man of Shred likes this.
      "Anything you can imagine is real." - Pablo Picasso.
      "Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake." - Henry David Thoreau

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    25. #600
      Night Stalker <span class='glow_000000'>Baron Samedi</span>'s Avatar
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      Now the four of us need to space race!

      Mary's funny. Every time I see her, she is doing an attack like that with guns on her hovercycle shooting out in every direction.
      ya gwan fok wid de Baron? ye gotta nodda ting comin. (Formerly known as Baking Nomad.)

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