I think I'm either stuck at a plateau, or I'm maxed out on how good dream recall can be.

I really feel like I should be able to get better, but I don't know if it ever will.

I've been keeping a dream journal since 2004 (7 years!!!). I stopped for a couple while recently, but have started it back up about 2 months ago, and I'm back to where I was...probably a little better actually.

I wake up through the night, and I write out all I can remember. I average around 2-4 pages, with probably about 4-6 separate dreams each night.

Is this about the max that anyone ever gets to? I constantly feel like I have to just sit there, and let the forgotten dreams come to me. I know there's a TON that I'm forgetting every night. I know there's many dreams that I'm forgetting every night as well. There are some nights though, that I have no problems, and I'll get an easy 5 pages, and probably 10 separate dreams. I want every night to be like that.

So my question is, how good can dream recall get (on a consistent basis)? And does it just take more time to develop? What can someone in my situation do to get better, since it's not like I don't remember any, or very little.