Is it better to write your dreams by longhand vs. on computer?

Aside from personal preferences ("computer takes less time," "longhand is a more aesthetically pleasing experience," etc.), is there an objective answer here? I mean in terms of recall.

Is there a certain power that using your hand (to write longhand) has (in terms of unlocking memory)? Or doesn't it matter whether you do longhand or computer typing or etc.?

What are your thoughts?

I'm thinking of switching over to computer, if I can get a good mp3 to txt software. That would be a lot less time and work. I do prefer longhand, in terms of aesthetically/emotionally. But I would still write a bit of longhand (highlights, summaries, reflections or what have you). Anyway, my concern is recall. What's the best approach (for the purposes of recall)? Longhand or typing on computer?