Thanks for the feedback, and yes, I am now doing an RC after every WILD attempt, just a note here I do believe I almost successfully WILDed once, only I had a short lapse in consciousness when I transitioned, and remembered to be aware about 10-20 secs in the dream. I don't consider it a WILD, but it was a WILD caused DILD. Also, in Wisconsin (not during the drive) I tried to WILD once, after about an hour I felt SP, only, I felt it all in my leg. I was sleeping sideways, I kept having the ability to move my dream body, I would move my dream arms, imagine that I was jumping (worked very well, and I try it when I'm WILDing sometimes. Seems the motion helps with the transition just like it helps with HH) and I kept trying to visualize myself in the room, jumping, but my attention would keep being brought back to my leg for some reason. Turned out, my knee was on a vein in my leg, and I didn't notice till three hours later. I decided to quit because I thought it wasn't healthy xD.

I tried to WILD this morning, but I was a bit... out of it. I woke up a couple times, I fell asleep at 3:45ish and woke up at 6:30. I decided that wasn't long enough, and fell back asleep. Woke up at 8:00 or so, and tried to WILD (I got up to go to the bathroom, but that was it), but my bro came down at 8:30 or so and asked me for something (turning on the lights like always...) Too much movement, and I was so tired, I decided to try to MILD instead. Failed the MILD, but that's not what this course is about is it?

I woke back up at 11:00 to go to the doc's for a blood test, and between 6:30-8:00 and 8:30 to 11:00 I had some very vivid... odd dreams, but not so much as a DILD. I didn't get much sleep, so I'm going to nap and try to WILD some time today.