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      McDreamy's MILD-1 Workbook

      Hello from Canada everybody,
      looking forward to the class eh

    2. #2
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      Okay so this is my first entry after the MILD lecture last night

      0220 Bed time
      I think were supposed to mention our feelings etc before bed. I was Feeling a bit stressed out about school tomorrow (today), and my mind had been wrestling with existential thoughts all day..been doing a lot of those kindof readings in my program..left me feeling less than par at the end of the day.

      I was on the path towards Mordor, through the dead marsh or whatever it is called in Lord of the Rings. I was seeing it as a scaled down version with puzzle pieces from one end to the other. I'm trying to fit some of them together but can't manage to do it. I'm toying around with one puzzle piece in particular, and while I'm doing that, Samwise Gamgee is turning back and forth kindof mimmicking what Im trying to do with the puzzle piece. He can't seem to figure out what to do. Samwise falls into one of the marshy pools of water, and it starts to bubble and fizz up. He swims to an opening and gets out before the giant octopus-like crawling creature gets him.

      I am in an open area that is a flat rock. There is a low rock ceiling at one point. I have a spear and shield, my partner has a bow. There's two others on the opposing side, One of them is a bird-human with the body of a human and wings. She has strange elongated legs. She has a spear and shield as well. We exchange words, something like "I'm ready for this, ud better be too!". I think I mention that we dont have to fight. I raise my shield in front of me and point my spear towards her. I think about throwing my other spear, but decide not to. She attacks, but I block, and I thrust my spear at her and she shrieks like some demon bird. As we were moving toward eachother under the rock roof, couldn't really see her cuz was so dark.

      False Awakening. Woke up in area with lots of lazy boy leather chairs in a dark room, my prof from school and young girl behind a counter.There were other students sleeping in the chairs. I got up to go upstairs and write out my dreams. (I slept on the couch last night). I kept saying a key word from each of the 3 dreams I had so I wouldn't forget them: Mordor, Kamy Damos, and Kados Mitts? didnt make much sense..My prof said "Its tough enough just getting them to stay in the course" as I was leaving. I grab my ereader which looks oversized and go upstairs where I wake up for real.

      0550 Wake up (unintentional)
      0610 Back to bed
      There's a Christmas party at my house, I'm in what looks like my parents room. I am wrestling with a couple of guys I know, and one of them gets me in full mount. He puts his arms near my sides and they are incredibly painful, I ask him to stop. I wrap my legs around him and squeeze and realize that I'm hurting him too, or can hurt him too. Someone comes from behind him and puts him in some kindof lock/hold. Me and my friend see someone bring in a firehose and think "oh sh*t", so we run and hide in the closet. He is hugging his knees in the corner behind all of the clothes. I can see the door is buckling and starting to break from the water, and looks like its getting moldy. He asks if we can jump out the window, its kinda high. We undo the latches and step outside..wasn't it just too high a second ago?? I say "whoever brought that firehose is an idiot!".

      An oldish woman in a really old fashioned dress offers something as condolance for the flood because the fire dept couldnt stop the water.She asks if we'd like another $150, and my sister replies that "we'd really rather if you'd stay for a bit." She looks really uncomfortable and like she doesn't want to, but my sister grabs her. The old woman pulls away, my sister tries to grab her or the child in her arms..Pushing and shoving between them and some random other people, I step in. I clap really loudly and shout "no more!" A fat 80's dressed italian mafioso comes up and shakes my hand and says "we thot you were retarded, but I guess youre a genius or smart afterall". His daughter says "I thought you were an intercourse accident!"
      He shakes my hand again and says in gest that I should come live with Uncle ______ and his wife (old fashioned woman).

      Im standing outside still, the party has picked up. I see family there now, but only specifically remember my cousin. I see a stack of pennies on the driveway. I hear someone say "The kittens beard vibrates with the music!" I see a deformed alien-like looking bald kitten with the face of a girl I know from school. I hear a beat start to play..Its a base that is playing really fast..I think to myself "I think these are Binaural beats!!" as I see the stack of pennies start to move because of the vibrations.

      I see my cousin in the doorway in a conversation with people, but feel too shy to join in. I step inside, nod to someone on the driveway i dont know, and see a bunch of people drinking caesars. I ask someone about the drinks, he says I can get a labatt blue from the garage. I head that way and see my grandpa sitting alone in a chair looking sad and thoughtful. I imagine he's thinking "this is my last christmas". I have shoes on and I jump on tables to get to the garage, hoping my grandpa doesnt see me, because its his house were in now. The garage isnt really a normal garage, I can see people from the porch. I grab a drink and head back but I guy I sortof know from school drunkily thanks me for the party near an opened toblerone bar. I take a drink and stop, realizing I am at that level of drunkiness where I shouldn't drink anymore or Ill be sick.

      0730/0740 ish wake up.

    3. #3
      USA <span class='glow_FF4500'>JP</span> is offline
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      Hahaha, great dreams. I laughed at Samwise falling in the marsh

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      Next class we will work on the Chest Technique... that will help to clear your thoughts.

      I love false awakenings They are a good door to lucidity if used right If you get a lot of FA's, you must RC EVERY time you wake up, even if your alarm wakes you up in the morning. Get used to RC every-time you open your eyes... you will have more than one surprise.
      Click the door... and welcome to my dream world!

      Lucid Dreaming: Natural - Lucid Dreamer since I was a kid.
      Astral Projection ~ Farthest reached: The Pleiades Star System.

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      23:45 bed time

      Pre sleep
      Feeling pretty good today, not as stressed as last night. During the day I was imagining recieving advice from a friend, but think that Im going to imagine something like flying or breathing undewater tonight because Ill be a lot more likely to realize Im dreaming! I sat in bed and meditated for 10-12 minutes but it didn't really relax me at all. I turned out the light and lay down and continued to focus on my breathing and it was so much more relaxing. I repeated to myself "tonight I will have a lucid dream, or very soon". I started visualizing a beach scene, because beaches are awesome. For some reason trying to visualize the scene started to stress me out..I was falling asleep, and was aware of my thoughts, and they became incredibly strange..I was 'thinking' things but seeing them come out of someone elses mouth or something. Its weird how that happens. When Im near sleep, the thoughts just fly out in all sorts of crazy random directions.

      For some reason I'm trying to run and hide. It's a parc with a lot of woods, and my sister says she'll count to 12 and she'll come get me. I run as fast as I can but can't seem to move very quickly. The time is up, I lie down behind a dip/little hill but she walks around it and sees me easily. I think I was chasing other people earlier.

      I'm going down the street in some sort of open topped bus or moving platform. Two people I vaguely know from school are there, I say bye to them. They ask me if Im going to the thing tonight and I say no. He sais okay. I get to a movie theatre with two other people I vaguely know from school. The seats are the same ones as from school, and they are basically on a conveyor belt moving forward towards the screen, then folding under and starting again.I sit in an empty seat beside a seat with a jacket on it, and someone behind me says thats fine. Two people I know fairly well come back and sit near the empty jacket.

      I'm in my house, and my friend is in the hall with me asking me If I want to help him with some construction. I say probably not, but how long will it take? He says 3 hours. I ask who is going, and my mom sitting on a barstool chair in the kitchen interjects that she is the only one not going.

      0600 wake up
      1930 Nap
      I'm in a parking lot, someone I sortof know from highschool and someone I don't know are with me. One of them is talking about going to St. Catherines to go and surf. He asks us if we want to get a ride down there, but I'm really hesitant to go on any kindof road trip with them because itd probably be very awkward. I ask where St. Catherines is, and he says Nova Scotia.
      A black SUV pulls up and my old best friend and some other guy are talking with me. My friend asks the other guy if he has his pilots licence yet, and he replies not yet. The other guy says he loves football, and may watch a lot of it this summer. It may be a summer of football he says. My friend says "well, you'll just have to decide what you want more."

      I am grinding with a girl, someone else comes up but I forget what happens

      I have a massive pimple on my nose that engulfs the entire tip of it.

      2300 wake up
      Last edited by McDreamy; 01-22-2011 at 08:02 AM.

    6. #6
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      Okay I had a very good night for recall and my dreams took up a total of 4 pages. Only in one of those school notebooks with the really huge margins, but still it was a good night of dreaming for me. Anyway I am too lazy to re-write out all of them, so I will type out the lucid ones!!

      Pre Sleep 0515
      No meditation tonight, but repeated Percy's mantra "Tonight I will have a lucid dream, or very soon." Didn't say it over too much, but really MEANT it. I was thinking a lot about girls before I went to bed, and visualized as such.

      *warning: Explicit sexual content*
      Nah I'll tone it down. I haven't read the rules on this site about this stuff Im at my friends house In a room with an attractive older woman. There are 2 other guys here too. One of them starts to take her clothes off, me and the other guy leave the room to the stairwell. We say to eachother "We are men! Let's go back in there!" He says "Yeah!" I hesitate and want him to make the first move, but I just start massaging her very tattood back. Her clothes come off, and there is hair where there should be no hair on a woman. But that doesn't seem to matter and we proceed as normal. I notice that my form is much different that normal..

      In a room with a bunch of different people. My friend is making out with this really hot girl. She's the one I like, but she likes my friend. This attractive blond from my program grabs me close and tells me "Let her go, she likes him," as she kisses me. Its pretty good, but I tense up, so just let myself relax letting it flow much better. I was thinking too far ahead about what I wanted to do with her and that was detracting from the making out, so I just returned myself to the moment and it was better. We're on the floor now, and somehow she has become asian. Some other guy starts spooning with her on the ground. The guy says "just let lie me with her for about 30 seconds" Im like "well okay then!" My friend spanks the girl in short shorts he is with.

      A guy dressed like a gangster comes through the door and asks us if we want to play paintball. He goes down the hall and spreads the word, tons of people are leaving now to go play. My other friend asks me if I want to play as well, I say maybe. I shit my bathing suit, and then say no I don't want to play paintball. I get my shoes on and try to leave without saying bye to the girl because of the shit in pants. As I leave, the gangster says "I hope nobody ever shits themselves in my house or I'm gonna get pissed!" I get outside the house, and the girls come out. I decide to say bye, because there is a breeze that kindof hides the smell. The girl is blond again, but this time she has very short hair, and looks more masculin. Someone says "U didn't realize that it was a guy!?" I say no, but don't react too much.

      There is a bunch of people coming outside now, I start to run home. There are loads of cute girls at a bustop that Im happy to avoid cuz of my pants. I run down path to my house and there is another bustop on the bike path, with one girl who is tanning. I dodge her and keep running trying to stay ahead of the pack. I am a peice of brocceli? Im on my street sprinting hard, there are announcers commentating on the run. There is a small vegetable about 3 inches high about to overtake me. The announcers say i have no chance. I accedentely step on him and drop my onion which helps me run faster. I get to my house.

      The door is unlocked and I step inside, there is nobody there, completely silent. I walk into the living room and see my dog on the floor. It doesn't make sense that my parents would take only one for a walk. I look back and see the other now, but she is in a cooked turkey pose, something is odd about her arms..they look shortened. I decide to do a RC. I look at my watch and the time is 119:09! I am dreaming! I think about it again for a second because it felt so real but decide that I really am dreaming. Things suddenly change, and in a flash the dogs are sitting at the table. It was like a veil had been removed, revealing reality, but I know dogs don't sit in chairs at the table so am even more sure than ever that this is a dream. I float in the air and laugh, trying not to forget the dreamstate. I wake up.
      0820 wake up

      WBTB preparations
      Wrote down the dream, and began repeating the mantra "I will have an LD this morning, or very soon". Tried to mean it again. Began visualizing about girls again. I was very excited after having an LD.

      I am at a girls house from my program. We're on the couch nice and close. She seems really into me, and we are about to kiss. I have a huge internal debate of whether or not I should, because I don't want to toy with her emotions if she actually has strong feelings. We do, but I say Ill BRB, because I have a stuffy nose that is making a disgusting sound, and I put my shirt on. Someone is coming downstairs and I hide in a crawlspace little room with lots of wires for cable/internet. I break the wires and the tv goes out, and the little boy sees me and comes inside. The girl tells me I should entertain him/keep him busy because he just called his mom about the tv. I hand him a jar of wallnuts and tell him to hold it theere and not move until his mom gets down. Gives me and girl time to hide me. She runs me over to this tiny door underneath a sink or soemthing really cramped. She lies with me and looks different than normal. She is naked now, although when she first layed down with me she had clothes. She tells me that if Im near her house in the night during march break, she can't think of any better reward for putting up with all this than sex.

      I'm listening to the mom and kid talking, the kid says another guy is down here. The girl says that he was playing video games and thats what hes confused about. The room is bigger now, I hide but am not hidden well enough, and 2 ppl come in the room. I think im busted. It is 2 other girls and a guy from school! I ask what they are doing here and they say its a staff party. I think Im dreaming, I look at my watch, and the time is like 112:17 or something. "Im dreaming!" the girl says "Yes!" I try and hover but it doesn't work, I do have SOME doubts.

      1100 wake up

    7. #7
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      Nice job on the lucids!!!

      When your recall spikes, it makes once lazy to write them all out! Keep up the good work and focus!
      Click the door... and welcome to my dream world!

      Lucid Dreaming: Natural - Lucid Dreamer since I was a kid.
      Astral Projection ~ Farthest reached: The Pleiades Star System.

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      I fell asleep pretty fast last night and kindof unintentionally, so I didn't really do any preparation like meditation, visualization, or a mantra. I had a pretty decent night, so I was in a positive mood before falling asleep at least. During the day I was at times thinking about dreaming about a girl I kindof like, but I didn't do as much as I should have.

      I woke up and really felt like I needed a break from writing out my dreams. Yesterday morning took SOOO long to do, I just felt exhausted even thinking about doing more this morning. So I only remember a bit of it now. In one of my dreams I was writing an exam in a big gymnasium, and really had to go to the washroom. I think I crapped myself a bit, and asked If I was allowed to go to the washroom. (why has this been a recurring theme in my dreams the past couple of nights? ) Of course they said no I wasn't allowed, and I had to sit down and finish my exam like everyone else. I was debating going to the washroom without permission and taking a zero on the exam but decided to sit down and write it, feeling very trapped into the bad situation. It was multiple choice on mythology, and the layout of the exam was confusing. I was flipping through the pages trying to find question #1, but it wasn't at the very beginning like it was supposed to be. I think I had a conversation with another student behind me, but I don't remember what it was about. I was seated near a window...

      Today I forgot to think about what I would like to dream about, but will do some visualization and a mantra...Meditation does not seem to be relaxing me very much, I might be doing it wrong..looking forward to hearing about it during tomorrow's class.

    9. #9
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      I haven't had a chance to get on Dreamviews the past couple days, so here's 2 days worth. I haven't had a chance to look at the log for class#2 cuz I missed it and have been busy, so ive been doing my best without.

      Pre Sleep
      Was thinking about some personal problems I've been having, and was really worrying about a discussion group I had to attend the next day. Mood was decent though. No day visualization. Repeated the mantra "tonight I will lucid dream, or very soon". Visualized a concert. Tried to feel excited about already completing the task, and imagined getting a pair of wings for achieving the task. Thought a lot about fighting, because I tried a krav maga class that day.

      A bbq at a park near my house. People from my program and not from my program there, which is odd. A girl I know feels my abs and says "feel his abs". I go home to change or something, try and do laundry, but it takes like an hour to do and i start stressing out. The pants Im washing have paint stains on the inside and out.
      Im in a hallway at school, theres some ppl from my program and that girl from the bbq. She holds a meter stick vertically on a chair. Im in my backyard and there are bugs everywhere. Tried to dig a spot where there werent any, but theyre everywhere. My dad tells me as I go inside to take the ___? I say I dont need it or want it. It is spring, and my dad is sitting in a white chair near the fence. I am about to bring a cd to the bbq, but I hear my friends Ipod playing good music.

      Im only going to write out the lucids I think. Please tell me if I should be typing out all of them. Maybe a few snippits of others. I slept from 8-11pm and woke up, and couldnt sleep until 430 again. The last time I had lucids, the same thing happened. May be kindof like WBTB but unintentionally.

      Pre sleep
      I was very upset that night after things didn't go well today at school. I was dwelling on it and ruminating, and then thinking about alot of other bad things in a bad kindof spiral. Only fell asleep again by 430ish.
      I used a muscle tense/relax technique with mindful breathing, and repeated the mantra "tonight I will have a lucid dream, or very soon." I dont remember if I visualized.

      After trying to get into a building from school that was locked and dark, I went to the parking lot and hid behind a snow bank. I thought I saw someone I knew, and decided not to wait for them, and just go back to the building and try to get to my lecture. I was jogging, and realized I didn't have my coat. "am I dreaming, or am I awake? It almost feels as If I am dreaming. Hey, this is a dream!" I wake up.

      False awakening. I am in my bed, there are some other ppl there, and there are lots of minature models on my bed. I am talking to my mom, who says "It is generally accepted that you should listen to dream characters." An old friend stole my liver that was in a bag, and ran away. My mom didnt think it was important. I say that I will take his liver instead.

      I am on a couch, with Mr.Burns from the Simpsons in cartoon form beside me. There are 2 Mr. Burns, one on each side now. I say to the second mr. burns "You are the mr burns from the OTHER dream!" They both say yes. It seemed like they were doing everything I DIDNT want them to do, and I told my mom "I can't lucid dream anymore, I need to quit."
      Wake up

      Sleep2 WBTB
      Im at a friends party. Some girls from my program are there. One of them sits on my lap while singing to me, and there are a bunch of other girls around me. I decide to go downstairs and get another beer, I jog down past a girl from school while buttoning my shirt. She says "no, I dont think hes drunk." I grab 2 beers and on way back up, and give thumbs up to a friend. Now a girl comes down the stairs, shes attractive. She mentions she has a husband. We make chit chat as she sits on the stairs, and she leans on a table and I lean in too. Her appearance starts to change. She tells me a story of when she was trapped in an elevator with a guy, drank lots of alcoholic Dr. Pepper and Energy drinks, and was at the perfect level of drunk before they had great elevator sex. I say that sounds great. She mentions all we need is an elevator.

      I think Im dreaming. We kiss, and I taste metal and feel protruding metal, like Im french kissing a robot. Yeah this is a dream I realize. I closed my eyes during the kiss only for a second, because I read that losing visual is bad in a lucid dream. I make sure to look around so I keep my senses engaged. She says we can go and get a room, and we are on the way upstairs when I think "a change of scenery is prolly tough for a new LD'er," so I try and get her to have sex right tehre in the corner. I go to the corner and try and use the force to pull her to me. She walks over unmagically, and complains. I feel bad for trying to force her to stay here, even though she's just a dream character.
      I wake up

      Post Sleep
      I did a reality check to make sure it wasn't another false awakening, and found I was really awake. I was surprised that when I realized I was lucid, it wasn't a eureka moment. I was just unemotionally realizing "yes..this is indeed a dream..". I will try and look over the logs tonight to see what I've missed and try to catch up.

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      You should have forced her one more time to have sex. DC usually never opposed of having sex with you, pulling her pants down and pushing her to the corner will help. Sometimes you might encounter surprises when pulling her pants down.

      Please, read ASAP the logs for class #2. They are very important.
      Click the door... and welcome to my dream world!

      Lucid Dreaming: Natural - Lucid Dreamer since I was a kid.
      Astral Projection ~ Farthest reached: The Pleiades Star System.

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      Alrighty, will do for next time.


      Pre Sleep
      Preparation= absolutely none. I was pretty much sleep deprived during the day because I only slept sporadically for a short time the night before. I just got into bed and fell asleep. I didn't want to have a lucid dream tonight, because I didn't want to wake up in the middle of the night and lose sleep..rlly needed to catch up on sleep..go figure

      Sleep 2300
      I'm in a car with my mom and sister driving to my elementary school I went to when I was young. We are driving here because my sister wants to go directly to our grandparents house afterwords. I ask why, and get a strange answer. There are some cars blocking the way to the doors, and she says that she accidently parked in the way, which is weird because she is driving. She says she needs to pick up my grandmother's algebra...

      My grandmother is in the car now...Mom and sister leave to go get it, and I have the suspicion that I am dreaming. To make chit chat, I ask "so, you're doing algebra?" She gives a strange answer..."I asked me to get my algebra, and then me wanted me to..." or something like that. I really started paying attention to the conversation and how strange it was. I realize that I'm dreaming, and think "You're not my Grandma!" (as in ur not real), but I freeak myself out because thats something someone would say in a horror movie where the demon is disguised as someone you know. I step out of the car a bit scared and wake up.

      Post sleep 0330
      I wake up at 330 in the morning and write out this dream and some other ones, and try to go back to bed, but am not tired anymore. I don't fall back asleep and only got like 4 hours again..Thats the problem im having lately, everytime I have a lucid I wake up and then find it hard to get back to sleep.
      Oh, right..my thoughts just wouldn't stop and thats probably a big reason why i couldnt get back to sleep. I eventually tried the chest method, and it helped a bit, but was still just not tired enough. I can't visually imagine a chest though..I just close my eyes and see blackness. Im really good at imagining sounds though, so maybe ill try and work that in somehow??
      Last edited by McDreamy; 01-27-2011 at 02:57 PM.

    12. #12
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      Just needed to be a little more grounded in that dream and your "grandma" could have driven you to the concert!

      How is your incubation going?
      Click the door... and welcome to my dream world!

      Lucid Dreaming: Natural - Lucid Dreamer since I was a kid.
      Astral Projection ~ Farthest reached: The Pleiades Star System.

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    13. #13
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      I think Im having trouble with the incubation. I actually haven't had much practice with it yet though. Let me know if Im forgetting some things..minus Meditation and WBTB, ill try those tonight.

      Pre Sleep
      I was lying in bed for a while thinking about what I had been reading about Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi..Ive been looking into some of his books..I turned out the light after a while and I was starting to relax a bit and felt a bit of pressure in the middle of my forehead. It didn't hurt or anything, it just felt like somenoe was lightly touching it. I started thinking maybe this is something to do with a third eye or something, or maybe there was a ghost touching my forehead It didn't go away so I rolled over hoping that it would.

      My mind was playing tricks on my and thinking too much, so tried to chest technique. I thought about my day and all of the things i was thinking about, and tried putting them in a bubble then into a chest etc..I can't visually visualize though. Just see blackness. So i tried to imagine the sounds haha..I don't think its as effective though. Kept having some 'bad' thoughts, and turned on music for a bit to distract myself. Turned it off and continued with incubation.

      I tried visualizing a concert. I tried to picture the stage and crowd and band, but I am terrible at the visual part, all I see is blackness. So I imagined the sounds and the feel of the ground, and the smell of grass for an outdoor concert. Tried to imagine the taste of beer as well from a cup. I was having a lot of difficulty with this so I stopped and went onto the mantra, because I can't 'visualize' and repeat the mantra at the same time. "I will have a lucid dream tonight, or very soon" I think I only repeated it for a few minutes (less than 5) and fell asleep.

      I only remember a bit from last night, I ran out of room in my dream journal so ill need a new one. Plus Ive been busy, and lazy in mornings so my recall is slipping a bit

      I was on a beach, and I was Forest Gump. I was a shrimp fisherman, and I was going to catch some shrimp and crabs from the shore. There was giant 4 story sized octopus running along the beach, and I had to grab onto one of its tentacles that was dragging along the sand. The goal was to hold onto it while it went underneath the water so I could catch some crabs. It did, but it didn't go as deep as I expected. There were thick rows of small black squids parallel to the beach that I tried to jump over because they were really gross. I was on the sand again, and the octopus was going away, but it was about the size of a medium sized dog now..It kept jumping at me and biting my arm. I shook it off, then it went away. I think I provoked it and it bit onto my arm again.

      Post Sleep
      Reality Checked to make sure I was awake, and i was. I didn't write this one out because no more room in journal and I was probably too lazy to do it even if there was room.

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      Pre Sleep
      -After class I started thinking about the concert before I got into bed.
      -Got into bed and did the chest technique. Visualizing chest was bit better tonight.
      -Repeated mantra "I will have a lucid dream tonight, or very soon" For about 5 minutes while trying to really mean it.
      -Started trying to feel excited about it, and pictured myself getting the DV wings. I had my red pen ready beside my bed to record lucids.
      -Started trying to visualize the concert. Tried visually by remembering other concerts, and imagined the sounds of the band and people, and the feel of the ground. Don't remember how long I did this for. I imagined myself turning lucid and jumping in the air, but now HOW i turned lucid.

      PPl @ my house like a party. Was playing mario kart, then I played against a girl I know. I won with dirty tactics by standing on a bridge and not letting her pass. I was actually standing on the bridge with my controller I think. She was pissed but didnt show it much. Someone else comes in and he has 2 girls hugging him.

      Im upstairs, a friend's wardrobe is in my room. There is a clothes rack that is not normally there. I put on a cooky shirt I bought a long time ago. An indian girl from school keeps peeking in while im changing. Wait, now she's more asian. Kinda cute. We hug on the stairs outside, and I tell her to stop so I can change.

      On the street corner near my house, a disabled person is riding his bike with his head down and resting on something. A priest comes across the street. My sister mentions that her brother (the girl from the stairs) has cancer, and I should have let her just watch me change. I walk down the road to the grocery store for food, and a couple of people I know who don't work there are working there outside. They grab me and bring me to the first day on the job counter, and get me a nametag. The girl from the stairs is there, but now shes white and red hair,with LOTS of acne. "Youwork here too!?" I ask. I don't want to get close to her, but shes kindof aggressive. I am torn between being nice and please f off. She says "Its because I look different than last night, right!?" I am in the employees area with her and a manager is looking at us, so I go outside. I say i've got to go, and thank her for being so accomodating by letting me change. She says "See you tonight!". I walk away looking for another place to get food.

      I'm with my dad in a car, going down an unpaved road between forests on each side. There are some cleared areas, and its because there are berries that are not ripe, that are eaten by deer. They hang from branches and are dark redish purplish. My dad says he is a supporter of the environment. We're still driving along, but its getting pretty dense along the road now. Bushes and brush and its hard to see the road at all. I ask my dad if he can see it, and he says barely. My dad tells me to get rid of the grass etc around the side mirrors, and I do, then roll up the window. We get to the end of the road, which is now a smaller path that ends at a large puddle of water. There is a very large clearing with treeline to the left, and maybe some water behind it. In the clearing there are very arge hills with cottages/buildings on them. It doesn't seem completely real, like a painting maybe. There are hills upon the hills, or maybe just larger hills behind the hills in front. Either way, the hills are very steep and look difficult to climb. The grass in the clearing and hills is very short, probably well taken care of. Dad mentions the name of this area, and we jump over the puddle and head up a hill. Wake up.

      Post Sleep
      Reality Check, and I am awake. I remember waking up during the night, but I was really groggy and forgot what I was supposed to do during a wake back to bed, So I just repeated the mantra a bit and fell back to sleep..Kinda dissapointed I didn't have a lucid or dream of the concert, had a good feeling I would. Tonight I probably will though!

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      My sister mentions that her brother (the girl from the stairs)

      Mario Kart!!!!111one!!!:yumdumdoodledum:

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      Oh lol. The girl's brother. I wrote it down really quick and messy so I could jot down everything, and just typed it up like that too

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      Your third eye chakra popped open, congratulations!!! I am sure you felt at least, a slightly improvement on your dreams and daily awareness and intuition.

      Do not get disappointed... progress might be slow, but steady. Do not be stubborn, if visualizing does not work, try to think a sounds or a taste. Just thinking about the concert (without seeing it) it also helps a lot... recall a song and add some crowd noise on the back ground.
      Click the door... and welcome to my dream world!

      Lucid Dreaming: Natural - Lucid Dreamer since I was a kid.
      Astral Projection ~ Farthest reached: The Pleiades Star System.

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      Im gonna keep writing my incubations for a bit, because for a while I didn't while I was supposed to. I haven't done any meditation yet, Ill look back at the logs for class#3.

      Pre Sleep
      -Chest Technique. I didn't so much visualize a chest, but this time I did a narration, and listened to the sounds of chest open/close, and vanishing. I narrated to myself all the things of the day, thoughts, worries just going into a bubble and into the chest.

      -Mantra: "Tonight I will have a lucid dream, or very soon." Repeated for maybe 5 minutes ish.

      -'Visualization': Tried bringing up memory of concert for visual, but mostly thought of songs playing, and the sounds and feel of ground and other people etc. Tried holding onto the sounds and stuff as I feel asleep, but it was tough and I don't think I held onto it for as long as I should have.

      -Im on the bus and there are some cute girls. Im making some converstation with one of them, she says she'll get off with me. We get off at a mall by my house, although the parking lot looks slightly different than normal. I struggle with my boots and all the things I have with me, and two girls get off with me. Going towards my place, I call a friend and ask if I can go to his place with the girls if I need to. We get into a convo of whether or not his parents will freak out if they walk in on a threesome. I think my parents are gone as well, so my house is good too. I meet the friend at a restaurant of what seems to be a hotel or large building, along with another close friend and some random people, and some people I vaguely know. "Help urself to some drinks, the bartender says". A very beautiful brunette who is a lot prettier and less whoreish than the girl I want to have sex with offers me a glass filled with ice and a clear drink, probably vodka, which I take. "Thanks".

      We are sitting in a large booth, with cushioned benches facing eachother. We are discussing a party at J's house, but the girl I want to have sex with is on the other side of the booth, and we're not talking. Things seem kinda cold.."why do things always get like this with girls?" I wonder. I debate going and sitting with her, but it'll feel awkward after not talking for a while, and I can't think of anything to talk about. J hangs up his phone and says "yep, looks like my house it is. Just got to say bye to my ex-girlfriend." "she's coming back?" "Yeah.." He hugs people and the scene changes

      Im in what seems like a highschool, and some people from my old highschool are there although I can't remember who. I go out through some glass doors, or I'm outside and about to go in some glass doors, its pretty vague. The girl I want to have sex with is nearby, there's some comotion, party time? I am excited to have sex.

      -I'm in a very large bed that can probably hold like 20 people. Everybody is clothed and its nothing sexual. There are some people from my program at uni that I recognize. I have 2 very small holes in my throat that a couple people are putting a small white (maybe 3cm long) tubelike thing into them. They take it out, I have trouble breaking, I take it from them because I want to do it myself, but I can't find the holes. They help me. I think this was some kindof expirement...

      -Im in a backyard, there is a half broken down leaning fence running diagonally from one corner, 3/4 of the way to the other one. Some guy is coming, I hide behind the fence. he runs around and tries to jump into a blow up kiddy pool, but it is half deflated and folded. I have a conversation with some woman on the other side of the fence.

      -There is a kid who thought back to his childhood (huh? kinda weird looking back at what I wrote) and remembered an image of aids children marching in the street, with boils covering all of their body..It is strange image..he wants to help them, but he wants to create order first in order for the help to actually be effective. Im at the table with my family and my ereader is open. Im flipping with the power switch, and there is a 3d popout image of fruit that looks pretty real. (really its black and grey, but detail is good)

      -Im at an intersection near my house in the car with my mom, and someone I know from highschool waves to me from his car as we are turning left.

      -False awakening. Im lying in bed the wrong direction, and I hear people in my sisters room. I hear "someone is getting a text, and there be bird cages in here!" Wake up (kinda funny cuz in real life as I was falling asleep last night, I heard that static kindof noise that happens whenever ur celll phone is near electronics, and ur getting a text.)

      I write down the dreams, and forget what Im supposed to do for a WBTB..I just haven't reread the logs which I plan to do tonight..anyway, after writing out the dreams I repeated my mantra and started incubating a concert and trying to really beleive that I would become lucid this morning.

      Dreams round #2
      -Im on campus, near a boiler in one of the tunnels. There really is no boiler IRL. I want to open the hatch and crawl through it to get to this amazing study place that is like a secluded alcove with nice seats and windows with a nice view. The technician comes and tries to open it for me, but some toxic gas comes out and there is a sign that pops up saying "fumigating". I walk away and see my ex-girlfriend. I keep walking and see her again. Wait, thats really odd I start to think. I follow her to a table with a girl I had a crush on in highschool who doesn't go to the same school as me anymore, and ask "are you real?" or "was that really you just a minute ago?" The other girl I had a crush on is looking REALLY good.

      -I am at walmart, and me and my mom sneak into the garden center/warehouse. Some people there ask me to work in the toy department.

      -False awakening. I am in my bed and my sis and mom are in the room too. They are talking about an autistic child my mom works with, and say that he always says "I see 2". They say that he is going to see an eye doctor soon, and the problem may just be with his vision. They say they always thought the problems were much worse than that though.

      -False awakening. I 'wake up', and write out my dream. Then I wake up for real

      Post Sleep
      I see that I havnt actually written out my dreams yet and am pretty dissapointed. I do a reality Check, and confirms I am awake. Its kinda funny that I had 3 false awakenings last night. Before bed, I resolved to do a reality check every time I woke up or was in bed etc.
      Last edited by McDreamy; 02-04-2011 at 02:16 AM.

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      Pre Sleep
      -Meditated during the day for about 10 minutes, focussing on my breathing
      -Felt VERY stressed out before sleep. Midterms and essays are piling up, and on my mind in bed..also a bit stressed about lucid dreaming, just feeling like its a lot of effort and not enough results kinda thing. I know im improving though and it takes time.
      -Chest Technique, relaxed me much more
      -Mantra for about 5 mins
      -Visualized some girls I know and an erotic scene. Imagined myself becoming lucid. Then I visualized a concert and becoming lucid. Held onto the incubation for a while.
      -Thought about getting those wings, and really felt confident I'd have a lucid dream.

      -I couldn't sleep after doing this, felt kindof excited I guess, and couldn't STOP thinking about lucid dreaming...eventually stoppeed thinking about it cuz it was keeping me awake, and my mind really wandered.

      On a train heading to war, its open topped and there are compost containers filled to the brim, but no troops or anybody but me and my family. Get to the train stop, and some people from my program are there..like one..and bunch of rednecks. On the train again, Im watching this family in a booth that I attacked once before. (not in real life of course, just earlier in the dream) I hit the fathers and sons balls, and hit their heads together and they were very injured. This time I am caught, and I run outside as the marshalls are after me. One tries to fight me but I am too skilled. Why did I do this twice I wonder.

      In a large building, theres a conflict between university staff and students. The students are protesting, but in a very odd way. There is a large large room with a 2nd floor walkway encircling it. Around the walls in a circle and on the second floor as well, students are dancing like their are in a trance. They are convulsing and jerking and it is like voodoo. I am watching from the second floor, and I run into a room where I see a girl I knew from Highschool dancing like that on a chair. I am very scared because this stuff freaks me out. She gives me a massage to calm me down and it feels very very good.

      Im standing on a hill overlooking some tennis courts, and a hilly field that resembles a place in my town. There are people converging on the people in the courts/area below. Its a western massacre, like the old west. I am seeing things from the western town where the courts were, and the exits are blocked. I see my friends mom who is dead in real life, but she is dressed in old west clothing. I am on the hill, and Im running away as fast as I can hoping not to get shot, but I realize that whatever I DON'T want to happen probably will happen. (I am not lucid though)

      Im in a building with some people from school, there is a large fake dragon with a very long neck stretched out along the floor with its mouth open. There is a rugby game inside this small gym that turns into a pool. Two people are trying to kick and knee eachother in the water.

      I woke up, and I wrote out the dreams. I repeated my mantra "I will lucid dream this morning, or very soon". I incubated the concert scene again and went back to sleep.

      Dreams round #2
      Im with my friend jesse and another guy at a recruiting centre. He goes outside to the back to speak with a recruiter. Scene changes and now Harry Potter is outside, about to walk through a marsh. Harry decides not to put on his invisibility cloak, because this is about his inner strength, so using his cloak is besides the point. There are vampires that lying down underneath the mud, and they get up. They chase me (I am now harry?) to my house and I am in the kitchen. The vampires are now my dogs, and I throw listerine at them thinking it will help.

      I have a small birthday celebration with my family, and I am being spoiled like crazy. I get a check for $781? something like that, and lots more. It is my sister's birthday party in like 20 minutes after mine, and she does not have as many presents.

      I am at a club with ryan and it is packed. Some others I sortof know. They have no skittles shots or swedish berry shots at the bar. Most people are gone, and some girl on a microphone asks abour her cat. There has been a cat hit by a car recently and she wants to know if it was hers. Some money drops near my grandmother, and my grandfather asks me when Im going to pick it up because she could trip on it.

      Not much to say really..I bought some Lapis Lazuli today so Ill put that under my pillow tonight

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      Awesome workbook man, love all the detail.

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      Thanks man! why is ur Ld count -10??

      @percy - thats pretty cool about the chakra thing, kindof a relief that it wasn't a ghost :p hahaha..I don't really know much about this kindof stuff, chakras can open and close quite often im guessing? because I haven't felt the pressure on my forehead since..or would I even feel it still if it were open?
      Last edited by McDreamy; 02-04-2011 at 11:46 PM.

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      Quote Originally Posted by McDreamy View Post
      Thanks man! why is ur Ld count -10??

      @percy - thats pretty cool about the chakra thing, kindof a relief that it wasn't a ghost :p hahaha..I don't really know much about this kindof stuff, chakras can open and close quite often im guessing? because I haven't felt the pressure on my forehead since..or would I even feel it still if it were open?
      I was bored so I thought I would switch it up

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      I drank quite a bit last night so just crashed when I got home, so not much preparation..I dreamt all about lapis lazuli though, which is maybe a good sign.
      I dreamt that I was in the store buying it, but they tried to get me to do all kinds of other things with the lapis. They had these sea shells with water in them where I put the Lapis Lazuli. There were 3 or 4 small Lapis stones in the shell, but they were white instead of blue. The woman would recall a memory or think of something, then breathe it to me, and I would breathe it over the water with the stones in it. I looked into the small pool of water in the shell, and everything started to get white around me and I started to see images of something happening. The woman told me it was important to do this, because "Maybe you're being called down into someone else's dream..how else would you know?"
      I ended up dropping the shells over and over again and cringing because they were prolly expensive.
      Also, I dreamt that I put the lapis lazuli under my pillow last night, but woke up surprised to see that it was still on my bedside..
      Dreamt about a meat related IQ test, and about seeing one of my friends, both of which happened during the night before bed..only talked about iq tests tho
      Last edited by McDreamy; 02-06-2011 at 01:50 AM.

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      I told you a few days ago your third eye popped open and today I am reading you have lapis lazuli stones. Those help and send a lot of energy to your third eye. Good to have them!
      Click the door... and welcome to my dream world!

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      -Meditated for about 10-12 minutes today, just focussing on my breathing. Then started to incubate a concert dream
      -Waited 30 minutes after movie to go to bed, started mantra while watching
      -Chest Technique
      -Mantra for 5 mins
      *Tried to incubate concert, bringing up memory of concert for visual..Imagined sounds like the song and crowd..feel of ground..This is one of the most important parts but I have a lot of trouble with it. I have a lot of difficulty imagining how it is for my senses, and hard to hold onto it for any decent amount of time because its such a weak incubation. Tried to imagine success as well.
      -Put the lapis to my head then under the pillow, kindof nervous about it though for some reason.
      -I felt something like I did a few nights ago, but it wasnt really a pressure, it was just this feeling like my head was a focal point, and had increased bloodflow to my head or something..its hard to describe the feeling but I definetely felt like I had an increased awareness and my heart started beating a little faster.

      Dreams round 1
      Im at school, and trying to run through the tunnels to get to this building for someone. I have a scarf, or toilet paper around my neck I cant tell which. I used to live in this building so I feel confident in my ability to get there. Im running with a girl, and were going in some different directions to get there. I think I take a bad turn and end up at a dead end, or at least really behind her which is bad because its like a mario kart race. I run really fast up this ramp in a long hallway to get to the door where she is.

      Now Im actually playing mario kart with some people from school. Im playing some girl in a 1v1. I was bowser, then after the game she clicked to play again and just started without me being able to change characters. After this I picked a Wookie from starwars on a motorcycle. I was trying to take the inside track and was trying to ram her and make her spin out. I went to the right, and there were a series of jumps with boosters on the end of the ramps, but I just kinda slid down one of them. I saw there was a random platform island to the right against some kindof wall?

      We start talking about the big bang, and keith says that we learned about it in class. I explain some effort that we did not, and that we learn about that in 4th year only. I say we only talked about it breifly in relation to something else, and that I couldnt tell you anything about it based on what we learnt in class. I am frustrated. I WAS saying it to keith, but now I am talking about it to this really attractive brunette with glasses and curly longish hair. She is wearing only a bra and panties. To be polite I intentionally try not to check her out, but she says "don't even think about it", like she just read my mind. I end up checking her out. Im kindof freaked out a bit and think she can actually read my mind, so I try and tell her in my thoughts that I wouldn't etc. She continues to look at me sternly without too much reaction from my new thoughts. I wake up kindof energized with a bit of adrenaline.

      I reality check because think maybe dreamin, but not. I write out the dreams then go to the washroom. I come back and write out a bit more. I repeat my mantra and then try and incubate the concert, although my mind is mostly more interested in that girl again. Im hoping to dream about her again.

      Dreams round 2
      -Im on a boat, Im a pirate. Me and this other guy have been exiled or will be killed or something, so we have to think of a new place to live. We can't go back to England and civilized society, so we think maybe we'll have to go to France. I think we're in a room with a big fight going on.

      -Im trying to get out of a building, and search and rescue is needed to come. I was in the basement, trying to find the keys to something, maybe a plane. I think the pilot comes down but we need the keys so he goes to look. A girl finds them and throws them to me. I get attached to this wench or w/e its called where the helicopter pulls you up. The next thing I remember Im in a building that is floating above the water. Im not sure how this is possible, but we're in the air in a house and its kindof tilted. I see a man and a woman playing cards at the table in old fashioned clothing, I think one of them was me and Im just in 3rd person now. I look out the window and it is really quite beautiful. There is a large lake or body of water with some larger islands, and many small islands. I remember how somebody said you could walk on the smaller islands to the other side and not get your feet wet, but I doubt that its true. Very blue water, sunny day, with the sun pouring into the house.
      Last edited by McDreamy; 02-06-2011 at 06:34 PM.

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