Class One - 13%
  • Definition
  • Dream Content (from the DV Tutorial)
  • Day Residue
  • Schemas
  • Faulty Logic
  • False Memories
  • Attention

Extra Materials

Homework - 13%
Part One
Read through your dream journals and write a paragraph on how your dreams are created! Do you dream about work/home/school a lot? Old neighbourhoods or your current ones? Do the plots resemble real life (as in people, places, etc), or are they often very far-fetched? Can you think of something they resemble?

Part Two
Write a brief paragraph on your understanding of what a schema is and how you could potentially use it to accomplish something you’ve never done before (ex. flight).

Class Two - 13%
  • The Importance of Stabilizing before controlling
  • Control, Part 1
  • Passive
  • Active
  • Confidence of results

Homework - 13%
Read the basic task of the month and come up with a way to actively and passively complete the task. Describe how you became lucid (WILD Dream sign RC ect) and then stabilized the dream. Then walk me through how you completed the task in each manner.

You may use one of your dreams from your dream journal, if you like. It does not have to be a lucid dream, but to complete the assignment; you would have to turn it into one!

Class Three - 13%
  • Control, Part 2
  • Dream incubation/Visualization
  • Manifestation
  • Using your dream senses to aid in control
  • Attention – It requires you to be there!
  • Scene Changing
  • Techniques (spinning, portals, doors, blinking)

Extra Materials
The DV Tutorial for Control and suggested links.

Homework - 13%
Think of something you have not yet accomplished in a dream, but would like to (example, flying, shooting a fireball from your hands, etc). Using what you know about control, how would now attempt to accomplish your goal? Every night before you go to sleep, remind yourself of the task and visualize yourself completing that goal. At the end of the week, suggest an alternative way of completing that task.

Class Four - 13%
Dream goals – open, guided discussion

Homework - 13%
Think of a simple personal task to do and write it here. Every night before you go to sleep, remind yourself of the task and visualize yourself completing that goal. At the end of the week, suggest an alternative way of completing that task.

Homework is to be completed by creating a workbook in the Student Workbooks forum.

Live Chats take place on Wednesdays at 4:00pm PDT, or Wednesdays at 11:00pm UTC (Note: That is the same time, there is only one class a week). Please use a time zone converter to ensure you don't miss the class.
The chats take place in Dreamviews' IRC chats, DVA chatroom. The chatroom may be accessed by typing
/join #dva pancakes
The password is pancakes. Anyone seen giving the password out in the general chat will be automatically dismissed from the course. The private chatroom is designed to be held away from general chat so that we may teach and learn in peace.

To earn a successful completion of this course:
As with any academy or school course, there is a certain pass margin to earn a successful completion of this course! Currently, the pass margin is 75%. This can be earned very easily by attending all live chats and completing some of the homework assignments. If the live chats are hard to attend (due to time constraints or time zone issues) then you CAN do all homework assignments in trade of the live chats, and we will work out something via PM to make up any missing marks to get you passed that 75% percentage.