Quote Originally Posted by Awakening View Post
(I didn't slept well but here it goes)

If you can call the Nordic countries such as Finland by capitalism then I agree you.

In the capitalism the private property is shackled by the rich.

First the person have to pay for a private education so it fits some private enterprise needs (which means, generally, no focus in philosophy, history and geography).

Second is the need to get a job and work a tiring 40 hours a week (but here's the law of supply and demand, the more workers available, the less they have to pay to someone, so do not expect much money if you are luck enough to get one).

Third need is to get a home. But buying a house is like 6 years of work without eating food. And one must be a robot to do this. One's must now resort to banks.

Fourth, luck is necessary for a crisis doesn't explode when you are paying your bills to banks. And crisis is something normal, because ethics isn't something taught in capitalism...

@about socialism =/= communism: I talked about Marx definition of socialism and communism. The exchange of socialism for communism sounds like calling capitalism by feudalism, in my opinion. Communism is the ultimate evolution of socialism, it's when everyone agrees everyone and everyone knows how to exert full individuals potentials and freedoms while not disturbing others rights and disturbing equilibrium of ecosystem/industry . An utopia that I don't have much hope to see while I'm alive.

On the other hand, the socialism don't preach taking away private property, on the contrary, it means delivering everyone their own private property. Of course the super rich are abolished in this course, but so are super poor. Everyone have right to have food and furniture equally to their work (on the proportion they aid, like you said of capitalism) along with free education and health care. And here's the deal: factories and banks works for workers and not for profiters. So workers have to work less, and don't feel the need to overconsumption that is impregnated on capitalism propaganda. And all this is contemplated by democracy, a real one.
So can I take it you don't believe in, "From each according to their ability, to each according to their need?"