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    Thread: Is this how USA police work?

    1. #176
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      Quote Originally Posted by Raspberry View Post
      I see how it is. I pick out stuff you've done and things you've said to people and you reply by telling me to get lost. Looks like you can't admit you're wrong.
      Yup that's pretty much how it works. Besides I don't even like arguing with you Raspberry I rather steer clear of you. Also for what it's worth. If what I mentioned about the R/S conversation we had previously caused any kind of grief or hurt toward you in any way. I would like to extend my apologies and let you know that it was not my intentions. I wasn't mocking you at all. I think you're a great person.

      Quote Originally Posted by ninja9578 View Post
      Okay, then say that "I think you are lying" you presented it as fact even half the members here know me, my police record, my drug use, my political ideals, my NCAA credentials, and my karate expertise. You might want to think hard about how you are coming off here.
      Dude for the millionth time would you please, please, please stop giving me your resume. You shouldn't even care what I think, what is wrong with you???

      Quote Originally Posted by ninja9578
      You claim that a master instructor such as myself doesn't respect or know "real" martial arts simply because I believe in science and not ki. You're implying that you know more than I do, and I am by all definitions of the word, an expert. If you think you have a "little training" what makes you think you are qualified to talk down to someone of my experience or Unelias's experience? You don't have to say the words "I am an expert" you are presenting yourself as such.
      You failed to bring fourth that fallacious statement you've made, in your previous post. You said that I made the claim that I was a Wushu expert. I asked you specifically to bring fourth the quote where I made that statement. You have failed to do so. So you already know what that means.

      Also for the record. I believe Unelias is legit and sincere, He's a cool guy. You on the other hand, you're suspect. :p

    2. #177
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      Like I said you're a fraud. Wushu is not about how to properly throw someone. You have no respect whatsoever for the arts of Wushu.

      If you're sincere about the true elements of Wushu then it should have a lot to do with you. It's a union of body and spirit and focusing your ki.
      You implied you know more than I do about the subject, implying you know more than a master instructor, implies that you think you are a master yourself. And at that time, you were not talking about wushu as a specific chinese kung fu, you were incorrectly using it as a blanket term for all martial arts.

      Do pictures lie too? The host of trophies and blackbelt with three stripes fraud too? You are pathetic. You're in a corner, I'll stop giving you my resume and telling you how little you know about martial arts if you admit you were wrong.
      Last edited by ninja9578; 06-04-2011 at 11:33 PM.

    3. #178
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      Ah now we go from "I claimed" that I was something to "I implied". Why are you switching up all of a sudden? Dude, if you're going to lie at least stick to your lie. Pathetic. :p

    4. #179
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      You claimed I have no respect for martial arts. You claimed union of body and spirit and focusing your ki has to do with the style of self defense I teach. If you imply it and mean to imply it, you might as well claim it.

      You shouldn't even care what I think, what is wrong with you???
      I don't, but people come to me for advice on martial arts and running, you are spreading lies that I don't know about them. I care about protecting my reputation, because if they don't trust me, they might go to someone else who isn't as knowledgable and might give bad advice, such as yourself.

      Admit you purposefully distorted thing to make my karate expertise look questionable, and I'll stop pulling apart your bullshit. You are only digging your hole deeper the further you go.
      Last edited by ninja9578; 06-05-2011 at 12:34 AM.

    5. #180
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      And now we are back to claim. In which, you have yet to produce that lie you told where I "claim to be a Wushu expert". The only reason why you keep going forward is because you were caught up in the many lies that you've told throughout our discussion and now you're trying to save face. Don't you have some new people to tell your bogus lies to? Go dream guide someone already because it's pathetic seeing you get served up like wii tennis.

    6. #181
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      I've not said any lies, most people know that you are full of shit. Maybe instead of going after people that are well known and have lots of friends who know them in person, and know everything I said was true, you might have more luck spreading bullshit against someone new.

      I still say that implying you know more than a karate master about karate, is claiming you are an expert. Say you purposefully implied I lied even though everyone knows I didn't and I'll stop asking you to. You're caught, stop digging your hole deeper.

    7. #182
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      There is some truth I believe about you, which is, I believe that you're a Union Worker.

      Because you sure do a lot of complaining.

    8. #183
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      I can back up ninja on his knowledge and teaching skills in martial arts. I have been around this site for a while now and have known ninja ever since I joined. I have watched many of his fights/videos and witnessed his teaching skills on the forums. Not only helping other with dreaming, but with their martial arts practice as well. Ninja also has been a very respectable member and I will vouch for his honesty as well.

    9. #184
      Hungry Dannon Oneironaut's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Ne-yo View Post
      Yes, this is true and if prescribed by a "Doctor" it can be used for the treatment of glaucoma as well as chemotherapy treatments to relieve stress and stimulate the patients appetite and from what I understand it also reduces pain in people with multiple sclerosis
      Not only that, but it actually reverses cancer growth, especially lung cancer. It relieves fevers also. and many many other things.

      This claim is unsubstantiated. Taking a look at WebMD there are some possible health perks to drinking coffee.
      Just because coffee MAY POSSIBLY have a few health benefits doesn't mean that it is better for you than marijuana. The bad side effects of coffee outweigh any of its benefits. It does taste good though. It actually is one of the greatest contributors to heart disease. Also, marijuana has only one negative side effect that I can think of, that is with prolonged use it taxes the adrenals, which you are right that it is not good for chi cultivation.

      Although Bruce Lee's death is quite controversial one cannot factor out the possibility that he may have died from an allergic reaction to the use of marijuana. It is well confirmed that the coroner did find traces of the substance during his autopsy and Bruce Lee's brain had swollen considerably by at least 14%.
      Yes, it is true that Bruce Lee died, and it is true that he smoked marijuana often. But these two are not related. NObody has ever died from smoking marijuana. There are NO allergic reactions to marijuana. In fact, our biology is made to use marijuana.

      That's the confusion that you're making. Ne-yo is stating that a true athlete should be at the top of his game without the use of any outside influence.
      I doubt any athlete uses marijuana in order to be a better athlete. they probably use it to relax and feel good and have a good time. There are plenty of outside influences a true athlete uses, like food, protein powders, etc.

      Another lie, wow you're full of them huh? Dannon where did I say a person who practice martial arts should follow the Chinese martial arts style? Quote where I made this statement or yet once again, consider yourself a liar.
      You said that Ninja is a fraud because he claims to teach martial arts and that wushu IS martial arts and therefore he is a fraud because he doesn't teach Wushu. Anyway, whatever, not relevant.

      Yea we know quite a bit in todays time. One thing we know is that marijuana has no practical use in energy cultivation. However, If you like Marijuana, study qigong with a recognized energy teacher and I will guarantee that you will never want to smoke weed again. Smoking weed burns up your ki. Now before you start twisting my words as you so eloquently have been doing. I'm not saying that people shouldn't smoke weed. If they like it then they should have at it.
      I do study Qi Gong and am very involved in Chi/Qi/Ki studies. And I do not smoke marijuana. But I have lucid dreaming to thank for that because lucid dreaming makes me not want to smoke weed. I do grow it though for patients, legally of course under state laws. And I advocate for it and its legalization.

      If your avatar is a picture of you then yea, I would bust you up just on G.P.

      Dude, I'm kidding. but looking at your photo you do look like you spark that dro pretty frequently. I'd cut back a bit if I were you.
      I know you are kidding, but only slightly. I bet you have assumed that I am a stoner. I just advocate for its use for people who need it or want it. I can't think of any reason why it ever has been illegal except for control. Even though you you pretend to be kidding, this is the typical cop mentality. Don't you know that people from all walks of life including cops smoke pot regularly? It is against the law to profile people like that and arrest them or even pull them over. Reasonable cause does not include the length of someone's hair or if they have a beard or not. If what the cops did in the video was them doing their job and handling everything properly then yes, America is a police state. If they fucked up and is an isolated incident, then America is not necessarily a police state but cops are badly trained.

      Now I want to clarify that not all cops are bad people. I generalize when I say that cops are stupid, insecure in their manhood, etc. But on an individual basis I have met some cool cops. In fact I know a cop who grows marijuana illegally, for his own use of course. He does not sell it. I know another cop who is not insecure in his manhood. I know a woman cop who really walks the talk regarding to protect and serve. But out of the hundreds of cops I have met, only 3-4 actually have a decent intelligence. This is the problem of America, that the qualifications and the training for being a cop are deficient. They act like school-yard bullies and that is why nobody respects them. That is why nobody goes to their softball games while the firemen have no problem selling tickets to their games. Cops should be more like firemen. Firemen protect and serve and then mind their own business. Part of the problem is that cops need to fulfill a quota of how many tickets they write, etc. They don't really know how to think for themselves, generally. I had to deal with a lot of cops when I was an EMT and the cops treated the people horribly who needed emergency care.

      What are you talking about "nicely put" He lied about more than half the crap he put in there. Most of the previous convo he couldn't even remember thoroughly And didn't even take the time to look at what was 'actually' stated. It was like he was lazy or something.
      Not lies, but quick paraphrases, because yes I was lazy after spending hours reading this thread, I didn't feel like rereading it all again and quoting things. It was already dawn and I lost a night of dreaming because of this thread.

    10. #185
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      Quote Originally Posted by Ne-yo View Post
      There is some truth I believe about you, which is, I believe that you're a Union Worker.

      Because you sure do a lot of complaining.
      Nope, engineers don't need a union, we have negotiating skills on our own because our skills are in very high demand.

      You still haven't admitted your fault. Admit you fucked up by insinuating I am a fraud and I'll stop asking you to.

    11. #186
      Hungry Dannon Oneironaut's Avatar
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      Who cares? It isn't such a big deal if some guy on the internet accuses you of being a fraud. It is like your identity is at stake here, it isn't. Let people judge for themselves by reading these posts. I for one believe that you teach martial arts, but I think that you can be defeated easier than you let on. I bet you could kick my ass though, if you could catch me or not be intimidated by my potassium. But you wouldn't be able to not love me.

    12. #187
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      Just apologize for calling ninja a fraud and then leave it at that. I have seen tons of videos and pictures of him doing martial arts.

      There is no point arguing about this anymore.
      Raspberry likes this.

    13. #188
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      Quote Originally Posted by Dannon Oneironaut View Post
      Who cares? It isn't such a big deal if some guy on the internet accuses you of being a fraud. It is like your identity is at stake here, it isn't. Let people judge for themselves by reading these posts. I for one believe that you teach martial arts, but I think that you can be defeated easier than you let on. I bet you could kick my ass though, if you could catch me or not be intimidated by my potassium. But you wouldn't be able to not love me.
      I was an 800/400 meter specialist in college, I could probably catch you, but I'm sure I'd only run you down to offer you a toke Like I said, I don't care what he thinks, I care what everyone else knows. If people don't have confidence that I an really a martial arts master, they will ask other people about it, and possibly get bad advice. I get tons of PMs with martial arts questions. Granted there are 2 other teachers here, but 3 teachers that people have confidence in is better than just 2.

      I'm confused with the potassium comment. That would intimidate me, I wouldn't go near someone holding potassium, that shit is so volatile it can explode from just the moisture in your skin

    14. #189
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      Quote Originally Posted by Dannon Oneironaut View Post
      Just because coffee MAY POSSIBLY have a few health benefits doesn't mean that it is better for you than marijuana. The bad side effects of coffee outweigh any of its benefits. It does taste good though. It actually is one of the greatest contributors to heart disease. Also, marijuana has only one negative side effect that I can think of, that is with prolonged use it taxes the adrenals, which you are right that it is not good for chi cultivation.
      Dannon are you trying to blow smoke up my arse? That's something I haven't heard before. Where did you get this information from? As far as I remember, A poor diet, overweight / obesity and it's correlated health problems are the greatest contributors to heart disease.

      Quote Originally Posted by Dannon Oneironaut View Post
      Yes, it is true that Bruce Lee died, and it is true that he smoked marijuana often. But these two are not related. NObody has ever died from smoking marijuana. There are NO allergic reactions to marijuana. In fact, our biology is made to use marijuana.
      Perhaps not, but it could be indirectly you know. Like let's say you smoke a little and then you smoke a lot right. So what happens next? You get the munchies right? So you need to satisfy this craving so what do you do? You start to get your grub on. However, what if one eats so much that they choke on their food? Didn't think of that one huh? ..lol

      Quote Originally Posted by Dannon Oneironaut View Post
      I doubt any athlete uses marijuana in order to be a better athlete.
      I was talking about drugs as a whole but I doubt athletes use marijuana also to be become a better athlete considering using marijuana does just the opposite. It essentially downgrades your athletic abilities.

      Quote Originally Posted by Dannon Oneironaut View Post
      I do study Qi Gong and am very involved in Chi/Qi/Ki studies. And I do not smoke marijuana.
      That's nice keep it up.

      Now since we are here. Here's a good bed-time story for you, since we are on this subject.

      I think we should take a look at what Law Enforcement have to say about Marijuana. Particularly the agency that deals directly with it. The U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (aka D.E.A.)

      @ ninja btw. The D.E.A. has a faction called FAST.

      Quote Originally Posted by U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency
      Q: Does marijuana pose health risks to users?

      • Marijuana is an addictive drug with significant health consequences to its users and others.
      • Many harmful short-term and long-term problems have been documented with its use:

      The short term effects of marijuana use include:
      • memory loss, distorted perception, trouble with thinking and problem solving, loss of motor skills, decrease in muscle strength, increased heart rate, and anxiety.

      • In recent years there has been a dramatic increase in the number of emergency room mentions of marijuana use. From 1993-2000, the number of emergency room marijuana mentions more than tripled.
      • There are also many long-term health consequences of marijuana use. According to the National Institutes of Health, studies show that someone who smokes five joints per week may be taking in as many cancer-causing chemicals as someone who smokes a full pack of cigarettes every day.

      • Marijuana contains more than 400 chemicals, including most of the harmful substances found in tobacco smoke. Smoking one marijuana cigarette deposits about four times more tar into the lungs than a filtered tobacco cigarette.

      You can get the rest including long-term effects at the link if you like to read it.

      Exposing the Myth of Smoked Medical Marijuana

      Quote Originally Posted by Dannon Oneironaut View Post
      Who cares? It isn't such a big deal if some guy on the internet accuses you of being a fraud. It is like your identity is at stake here, it isn't.
      Well put, rather or not he heeds this information is a different story.

      Quote Originally Posted by Zebrah View Post
      Just apologize for calling ninja a fraud and then leave it at that. I have seen tons of videos and pictures of him doing martial arts.
      ninja told ALL the dreamguides to come to his aid and rescue him from big bad Ne-yo. Whats really freaky is that he's been letting me do it and he's been taking all of this seriously. Anyway I'm done it's getting depressing now considering a grown man needs people to come run to his aid. I bet ninja PM'd you guys and was like "Hey I need you guys to come in here and vouch for me"..ROFL.

      And I know, I know, one of you are going to come back and say. "No he didn't we came on our own accord" then I'm going to say. "....Whatever" So let's just cut to the chase here.

      I'll officially close this in the infamous words of Raspberry.

      Rant Over

    15. #190
      Once again. Raspberry's Avatar
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      I'm... purple.


    16. #191
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      Purple, fuchsia either way, you gotta admit it looks like all cutesy and stuff. :p

    17. #192
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      Quote Originally Posted by KingYoshi View Post
      his honesty

    18. #193
      Hungry Dannon Oneironaut's Avatar
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      Yes, marijuana impairs short-term memory. Not really a problem. It actually improves long term memory, bonus.
      Yes it can be a trigger factor for anxiety, but so can coffee. The real cause of anxiety is psychological. The real biological factor of anxiety is magnesium deficiency.
      It is not physically addictive. And if someone is mentally addicted you cannot blame the plant, but the mentality.
      Distorted perception is not harmful. In fact the word "distorted" is a judgement. It causes "different" perception, but hardly.
      I don't know what "emergency room mentions" means. Does that mean that the patient mentioned marijuana?
      The thing about herbs in general (I am an herbalist) is that they are all full of tons of chemicals, some chemicals by themselves can be harmful, some can be beneficial, and some inert by themselves but offset the negative effects of other chemicals. This is found all the time when pharmacists isolate a chemical from a plant that is medicinal but has a bad side-effect that for some reason the plant doesn't have. Yes, marijuana has lots of chemicals in it, but the way the whole plant works synergistically with the human biology is beneficial, besides the depletion of the adrenals, which can be remedied by supplementing with an adrenal booster like Macha or an adaptogen. Incidentally, Marijuana is traditionally smoked with calamus root as this forms a synergistic whole complete medicine. The tar that is in marijuana smoke does not stick to the lungs like tobacco smoke does. That being said, many users do not like to smoke it. Many users vaporize it so there is no smoke, just the vaporized THC molecules. There is also eating it as an option.

      Much of what the DEA claims is from old studies from the 50s and 60s and 70s that have been discredited as biased and not objective with results fudged in order to justify prohibition. I would not consider the DEA and objective source for knowledge of marijuana.

      I will see if I can dig up a source about the coffee overdosing of America and all the health problems it causes. One last thing, something again about herbs and substances in general is this: while a small dose can have an effect, a large dose can have the opposite effect. So since coffee can have a stimulating effect on the heart and be good for it (which I never heard, but it doesn't sound too crazy) a large dose of coffee definitely causes temporary a-rhythmia which can feel like a heart attack, triggering an anxiety attack. Mixing marijuana with coffee can enhance the effects of the coffee. Mixing marijuana with alcohol likewise can enhance the effects of alcohol.
      Last edited by Dannon Oneironaut; 06-05-2011 at 04:30 AM.

    19. #194
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      Thousands are in mental institutions because of caffeine
      “Thousands are in mental institutions today because of no greater matter than that of the use of caffeine. Psychiatrists are now publishing articles indicating that there are numerous cases of depression and anxiety in mental institutions who need no other treatment than to be taken off caffeine. It would seem that with such a simple remedy available, many thousands of people could be returned to their full usefulness promptly.

      “However, the use of caffeine is so traditional and firmly entrenched that it is almost impossible to remove caffeinated drinks from the diet of patients in the mental institutions. Soft drink machines, coffee dispensers, and the traditional coffee break are common pastimes in mental institutions, and with those who are mentally ill at home.”
      Toxicologists: Caffeine poisoning masquerades as anxiety, manic depression, schizophrenia
      “Caffeine-induced psychosis, whether it be delirium, manic depression, schizophrenia, or merely an anxiety syndrome, in most cases will be hard to differentiate from organic or non-organic psychoses….

      The treatment for caffeine-induced psychosis is to withhold further caffeine.”
      The Caffeine Web

    20. #195
      not so sure.. Achievements:
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      Quote Originally Posted by GMoney View Post
      The reason that the police were justified in their actions was because the couple was acting inappropriately in public. There could have been children there, and they do not need to see public displays of affection. The couple was disturbing the peace by embracing in the vicinity of children. There are some acts that are inappropriate to perform in public. It's important to understand that it's not because of a social construct, but that what they were doing is something that could disturb others around them.
      Quote Originally Posted by GMoney View Post
      If they were making out, they definitely should have been arrested.
      You serious? Damn, America...

    21. #196
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      Quoting the DEA = hilarious. I seriously PMSL.

      Nice one bro.

      Also, there is no way Bruce Lee died from Cannabis use, I think you pretty much admitted that with your horrible munchies gone wrong scheme.
      He died from a pain killer which has a rare side effect of swelling your brain. I don't think there's any controversy over it, but there is a few lies.

      Honestly, ninja, just stop talking to this idiot.
      He is purposely aggravating you to get a response.
      You don't need to defend yourself anymore, you've shown you are not a liar.
      You don't need to convince him, just anyone who happens to come upon this thread (which you've done).

      Also, small dogs do not bark the loudest, they just have a higher pitched bark than large dogs.

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      Quote Originally Posted by Ne-yo View Post
      I bet ninja PM'd you guys and was like "Hey I need you guys to come in here and vouch for me"..ROFL.

      And I know, I know, one of you are going to come back and say. "No he didn't we came on our own accord" then I'm going to say. "....Whatever" So let's just cut to the chase here.
      Nah, more like supporting a friend. You know, having your brothers back when someone is trying to degrade them. It is what friends are for and I'll stand by ninja on this matter through and through. I expect he would do the same for me as well. The Dream Guides are very active. We know what is going on in these forums and we all support each other...like a family. That is how it should always be. Call it how you wish.

    23. #198
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      Alcohol has much worse detrimental affects that pot, and nicotine actually will kill you with a high degree of certainty. On the addiction scale, it's at the same level as caffeine. I've been without pot for a month now, I'm not in any hurry to get more. Pot smokers can stop whenever they want.

      Quote Originally Posted by Ne-yo View Post
      ninja told ALL the dreamguides to come to his aid and rescue him from big bad Ne-yo. Whats really freaky is that he's been letting me do it and he's been taking all of this seriously. Anyway I'm done it's getting depressing now considering a grown man needs people to come run to his aid. I bet ninja PM'd you guys and was like "Hey I need you guys to come in here and vouch for me"..ROFL.
      No, just the people who know me personally. You weren't listening to reality, or accepting picture proof of my credentials, so yeah, I asked friends of mine who actually know me to back me up. That's what people with friends do when stupid people start attacking them. Of course, cops rarely have friends so you wouldn't know that.

      So now you are claiming... oh, forgive me... implying that you weren't serious about any of it?

      Ne-yo: Ninja is a fraud
      Ne-yo: Ninja dosen't know what he's talking about
      Ne-yo: Ninja doesn't teach martial arts because he doesn't accept ki
      Person who knows me: Actually, I know ninja quiet well, and he's very legit
      Person who knows me: I concur, seen him teach
      Ne-yo: *is backed in a corner, knows he was wrong*
      Ne-yo: *nervous laugh* come on guys, I was kidding, wasn't it obvious

      Small dogs don't bark the loudest, dogs being attacked do. All you need to do is admit you were wrong to distort things to make me look like I didn't know what I was talking about and it's over.

      What's pathetic is a grown man who won't admit when he's been caught spreading bullshit. You are acting like a five year old who's been telling his parents he hasn't been sneaking cookie, then gets caught with with his hand in the jar and still tries to maintain his innocence. I don't think anyone in this thread agrees that protecting a reputation is pathetic, I think they will agree that not admitting you were wrong is. You've dug your hole so deep, can you even still see light? Admit you fucked up and we'll give you a ladder.
      Last edited by ninja9578; 06-05-2011 at 02:17 PM.

    24. #199
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      Quote Originally Posted by dajo View Post
      You serious? Damn, America...
      Sexually explicit acts should not be allowed in public. No one wants their kids to see that on the sidewalk on their way to school in the morning.

      However, as ninjanumbers accurately pointed out, what this couple was doing wasn't explicit; they were just dancing. That's why it was wrong to arrest them, because they hadn't yet crossed that line.

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      This thread took an odd turn while I was out. Most of the legal things considering pot smoking and other things are beyond my pay grade and I will not comment most of them, but because I have condemned my life to art of fighting I will reply to those things I find odd.

      Quote Originally Posted by Ne-yo View Post

      I know a little. I've practiced the art of Changquan Wushu since I was 5 years of age. I also practice Wu/Hao Taijiquan as well as Yang style. My Ojisan was also my sensei who has taught me Ryukyu Kobujutsu which training was focused primarily on styles of bo efficiency. I do not use Wushu for fighting I use it to encompass and focus the 3 internal and external harmonies and ki o awasu.
      I have also studied Taijiquan a bit ( just for the short 24 movements) and stolen few things from Wing Chuan to our own style. If I recall right, Kobujutsu is a japanese style of using weapons like bo, tonfa and such? Or am I completely wrong?

      Chinese martial arts ( which are referred as wushu as whole, if I am right.) span for thousands of years and I can give them a credit from that. Sadly, there are many hundreds of individual styles which I cannot keep clear track how they operate. One thing I can tell for certain is that I have never lost a fight to a wushu/kung fu practicioner and they never fight as they train. This is the main thing that leads me to believe their training is more spiritually aligned instead of functioning techniques. It is also the reason why I don't see any need to train them much or have a same amount of respect as I have for other styles. Only thing that chinese martial arts have developed above all else is the handwork on the close distance which is referred as sticky hands by westerners. I am not aware what is the real, chinese name for that. For wushu competitions, it seems that appearances are respected more than strength. Nice shows they do, but that is all about it. Circus shows are better in that respect.

      Quote Originally Posted by Ne-yo View Post
      True Wushu incorporates focus on self-control and self-discipline. You're not a true martial artist. I think you're a fraud to be honest.
      This is the common argument with budo/wushu practicioners. I can understand this in its way, because nowadays many jutsu's have become do's and have embraced the philosophy of peace. I, however, see no reason why you couldn't do something else if your goal is a peace of mind and inner tranquility. You could paint, jog, play volleyball or play guitar. These are true arts of peace. I accept many of budos ideas like conquering yourself, because it is pretty much true. We are own worst enemies in a fight. We make it hard for ourselves. But I am also something you'd like to call perhaps a pure martial artist. I revere and respect the ability, not intention. I have been sickened many times before by people who defile ( in my point of view) martial arts by teaching non-functioning, self-dangering unrealistic shit as martial arts. They just exploit peoples inner fear of conflict and uncertainty to either make money or just influence them and get respect. How I teach is the sensible approach for my students. I don't promote violence, but I show them ways to do violent things if there ever arises a need to in order to protect the things you seem worth it. Without any mystical terms or concepts/stories. Only stories I tell them are about real life and situations there are out there.

      As general note, I don't want to construct a true view from a persons martial art skills via internet. Only way I know how is to fight them and see their fighting potential myself. Here it is all talk. Of course, I try also to bring points that likely minded martial artists understand to promote my own view of the arts I practice and share my experience. For the record, based of what I have discussed with ninja in the past I would like to visit and spar him sometime. I am just pretty much stuck here at the moment, but if I come near where he lives, I would like that very much.

      Quote Originally Posted by Ne-yo View Post
      Doing drugs and true arts of Wushu does not mix. Like I said I believe you are fraud. True athletes do not take part in the use of marijuana. How can you call yourself an instructor of Martial Arts and you're smoking weed? What is wrong with you???
      For most of the people martial arts are just a small fraction of life. I, of course, have made the mistake of letting it to become pretty much my life, but that doesn't bother me. I see no reason why a martial artist couldn't smoke drugs if he wanted. I don't have to, but I see no reason why not to. As long as you don't do drugs during training and depend them to increase your output, it is fine with me. Also, you shouldn't promote view of drugs to children. For adults, they are perfectly responsible of their own selves. I know that common argument here is that of a restrain and self-discipline. I do not see why a martial artist could not be hedonistic. Why there is a high respect of restrain is because they are taught how to efficently kill and maim other human beings. My body is considered as lethal weapon in the views of Finnish law. Another point is that I do not consider martial arts as sport. Or fighters as athletes.

      Just a curiosity, do you think a wushu practicioner should not drink alcohol or is it fine?

      Quote Originally Posted by Ne-yo View Post
      Like I said you're a fraud. Wushu is not about how to properly throw someone. You have no respect whatsoever for the arts of Wushu.
      I will not say that either of you is a fraud via internet. You both might have completely good training it is own way ( refer to my point about internet and martial arts from before). Vastly different viewpoints and my view is more that of ninja has. A realistic, working art comes always first, the possible spirtual aspects after that. You can never achieve inner tranquility if you cannot trust your own ability to protect yourself and others around you.The skill in martial arts is to survive in a conflict, inner or physical. Prevail over anything that would destroy one. Pretty words, but often it is about destroying your attackers will to continue his assault.

      Quote Originally Posted by Ne-yo View Post
      If you're sincere about the true elements of Wushu then it should have a lot to do with you. It's a union of body and spirit and focusing your ki.
      Wushu is a term for chinese martial arts. It is not same as martial arts as whole. The concepts you throw in the air are pretty much the old eastern tradition. What I understand with union of body, spirit and ki is simply that you are able to use your body fully in a fight, casting aside your doubt, honing your fighter instict ( which means to be willing to hurt your opponent) and trust yourself. For the record, yes I have trained arts that embrace the ki term very closely. ( ie. kyoshojutsu, taijiquan). My experiences of ki come more from medical world that in martial one. I have never seen anyone use any of those so-promoted chi techniques in a real fight.

      Only techniques the eastern world explains with chi that works for me in fighting are nerve strikes. But they are explained with western medicine as well and I find it easier to understand it with muscles, nerves and joints than with points of fire and water and such. It is just the matter on viewpoints and ways of explaining. If you can tell me any other chi based concept in martial arts I would like to discuss it. The concept of dim mak I won't even discuss.

      In short, chi for me is just a concept the eastern world developed in the ancient times to explain things, because they were very advanced in their medical arts, but didn't have the equipment and methods of a modern scientific world to see the real functions within the body. So that you know I also know pretty much about it like in breathing ki, directing ki, rooting yourself with ki, healing with ki, balance of ki

      Quote Originally Posted by ninja9578 View Post
      And stop talking about ki, only chinese martial arts have any concept of it.
      Refer my point on this : http://www.dreamviews.com/f80/martia...51/index3.html
      Also ninja, while showing your trophies over internet or your black belt might sound a good idea, it essentially proves nothing.

      Pretty much the rest in this post is about Ne-Yo and Ninja grasping each others throats with variety of methods, I won't take part of that. That is personal between you. These points I presented I will gladly discuss in depth.
      Last edited by Unelias; 06-05-2011 at 08:08 PM.
      Dannon Oneironaut likes this.
      Jujutsu is the gentle art. It's the art where a small man is going to prove to you, no matter how strong you are, no matter how mad you get, that you're going to have to accept defeat. That's what jujutsu is.

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