"My god, it's beautiful." "," No," It's terrible." "I Knew the world would never be the same again." -Dorthy Mckibben

I.I. Rabi:
"I realized what this meant for the future of humanity. Up until then, humanity was, after all, a limited factor in the evolution and process of nature. The vast oceans, lakes and rivers, the atmosphere, were not very much effected by the existence of mankind. The new powers represented a threat not only to mankind but to all forms of life: The seas and the air. One could foresee that nothing was immune from the tremendous powers of these new forces.
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On Monday, July 16, 1945, at 5:29:45 A.M., mountain War Time, the bomb ignited. The explosion created a brilliant flash that was seen in three states. It lit up the sky like the sun, throwing out a multicolored cloud that surged 38,000 feet into the atmosphere within about seven minutes.
The heat at the center of the blast approximated that at the center of the sun, and the light created equaled almost twenty suns!
The blast of heat was felt ten miles away.
The crater was a half mile across, fusing the sand into glass.
Everything living within the radius of a mile was annihilated - plants, animals, everything. The stench of death lingered about the area for three weeks.

This excerpt taken from a book I just completed reading: The day The Sun Rose Twice - Ferenc Morton Szasz

Thoughts on Nuclear - weapons, arsenals, power, etc, etc.